The Twice-Damned Prince (GM Reference)

Council of Thieves

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Dark Archive

What was the final verdict on the FAME nonsense? And what if we've been counting fame "normally" already. As in, using the book to grant additional fame for things like double crits and such? Should I just keep an AVERAGE FAME for the party? Or should I take the HIGHEST FAME? I have one "ginsu" character that is a crit fiend and has already earned 3 extra fame from double crits alone. Much less solo fights or the like against things APL or higher.

The "party fame" thing is something I didn't quite get, as fame is particular to each person based on CHA and actions...

Just wondering if I should just scrap the nonsense in the book regarding it all and presume that if they roll decently they'll have enough for the "best" ending. Which for this group isn't (bunch of NG do gooders that hate this town!).

Sovereign Court

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

You have to distinguish between the Fame points (and Popularity) throughout the campaign and the Fame (and Prestige i think) from the Faction book (which was released one year later than the AP).

The Fame points from the AP are for the complete group and will determine the overall success for the campaign after the showdown with the main antagonists. These Fame points are also used in the last part of the AP for Fame checks and can be converted into Popularity points (that also count into the final aggregation for the overall success of the campaign).

What you can do, is to calculate in advance, how the group has fared in the first five parts. This together with a measure about how many of the subquests they have solved in the final adventure (i.e. this one), can give you a hint, which kind of success/failure the overall campaign will have for the city and the PCs. You can handwave the final Fame check and describe the outcome after General Vourne has surveyed the situation after the attempted takeover of the antagonists.

Just do whatever you feel is best for your campaign and play style.

I think there is a forum thread in this sub-forum where all the different sources for Fame points throughout the campaign are summarized.

My players are about to clean up Walcourt and (hopefully) save Eirtein Oberigo. How on earth would they look for other noble families' support since Oberigo owe them so much? I think they would simply ask him to put in a good word among other nobles instead of risking their neck with Ciucci and Marthis. They have the tendency to skip parts of the AP with no regrets even when they could take advantage of the the outcome.
Did I miss some tips in the book? Has anyone any suggestion about this issue?

Sovereign Court

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

As soon as the chaos starts the Oberigo family will vanish in fear of further assassination attempts.

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