Homeplay and Getting More Folks into It

Pathfinder Society

The Exchange

I recently ran my first homeplay game at our club. We play a wide variety of games each week (Warmachine, Mordheim, French-Indian War and Alexander vs Indians in 6mm last week) so I ended up with two keen Pathfinder players with their own PCs and 4 people using generics.

My question is how can I get more people using numbered PC's instead of generics without them going on these messageboards? They have no real interest yet. In time I reckon a few more will sign up too, but one for instance, doesn't even go online...

Frankly I'm not sure if its possible, but I can see that way in the future I won't be able to include the "outsiders" because the first level generics would mess up the APLs. But then we are only going to play once a month at most.

I've like to move away from the generics.


On a side issue why does the chronicle for Silent Tide have Gold Spent and Items Bought boxes when the latter includes Conditions Cleared?


Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Wolf, First of all what is there lack of interest? Are they not interested in the game? Or not interested in joining the Society?..

I am confused here?

If they are not interested in the game then why are they playing it?

If they are not interested in the society and just want to play, I see no problem there, hopefully through playing you can convince them.

If they are just lazy and don't want to register, I am not sympathetic to that. Laziness is not an excuse, especially for something that will take less then 5 minutes to do.

Paizo makes it simple as hell to join the society, nothing like the RPGA which can be a Pain to join.

For the one without an connection to the Internet *Really? no Internet connection I find that hard to believe* He can use a friend Internet or a public one to go to the site to join, like i said it takes less then 5 minutes.

As far as I know there is no other way to join at this time.

If you are having problems describing the Society to them and the world it is in I am going to suggest 2 sights if they can read English.

The Pathfinder Wiki http://pathfinder.wikia.com/
and my Site
Pathfinder Society Grand Lodge http://psgrandlodge.com/, which supports the Society and is meant to help those new to the society.

Good luck!

Lantern Lodge 4/5

I understand your situation. If they're casual gamers, they just don't "get" the need to register. You don't need to "register" to play monopoly, so why not just play the damn game?

And what benefit do players get for registering anyway? Nothing as far as I can tell. It's really just book-keeping so Paizo have an idea how popular their campaign is which helps them with marketing, planning future products etc.

Encourage your players to join, and make it as easy as possible for them - if they won't register themselves, if you have a laptop and mobile access, then bring the registration to them when they turn up for their next game session.

Pregens are great for players new to the game, or casual players who just turn up without a character ready. The only problem arises if new players don't know how to level themselves up after every three games. If your players are in this situation, I'd suggest taking a break after their third game and dedicating a session to open the rulebooks and help them discover new options for their characters.

Let them know they can get a PDF version of the Pathfinder RPG in August for only $9.99, that might help sweeten the deal.

Liberty's Edge 3/5

DarkWhite wrote:

Let them know they can get a PDF version of the Pathfinder RPG in August for only $9.99, that might help sweeten the deal.

$9.99 for the pdf in August is amazing. I'll probably buy the print edition, but I can easily promote Pathfinder as an option for my friends to try with such a great price. It very well might be able to help you generate interest as well.

The Exchange

Dragnmoon wrote:

Wolf, First of all what is there lack of interest? Are they not interested in the game? Or not interested in joining the Society?..

I am confused here?

If they are not interested in the game then why are they playing it?

If they are not interested in the society and just want to play, I see no problem there, hopefully through playing you can convince them.

If they are just lazy and don't want to register.......Good luck!

Its not laziness, because most of the guys who played generics run games in different periods and themes. It's more a case of them having their own interests and DnD is small potatoes. Like me their time and real lives are busy, but unlike myself, this sort of game doesn't tick all the boxes.

I could simply tell them to pull their socks up and like you say, the Society couldn't be easier to join, characters are a doddle to set up. But it would take a fair amount of hand holding by me and even more checking to ensure that they all have decent characters. Even the two guys who built their PCs special (and are coming to PaizoconUK with me are not au fait with creating PCs alone) involved lengthy conversations.

I like the idea of holding a club night when we just pull the books out, but it would go down like a lead balloon when everyone else in the pub is rolling dice and even then the PCs need to be ratified online.

I hope there is a way round this since I could build four PCs in an evening and just hand out character sheets at first. Eventually they will bite and take over but not at first. And believe me I have converted plenty of people to DnD in the past so I know how far I can push these people without alienating them.

But the fact that one person can only play a scenario once is stopping me from finding a solution alone. So any ideas.

Plus can someone answer point two too!


P.S. The guy who isn't online, lives at home, looks after his elderly mother and spends his evenings making terrain etc. If he was [i]already[/] into Pathfinder Soc then perhaps I could convince to visit the local library but he is fairly well entrenched.

Liberty's Edge 3/5

What was the second question you had? Is it your point about the Chronicle Sheet? If so maybe this will help. I read through the PF Society guide and it detailed what those sections of the Chronicle Sheet are for.

Conditions Gained refers to any condition the PC may have been afflicted with during the adventure that has not been resolved by the end. The condition would be noted in the section.

Conditions Cleared refers to when the PC gets a previous condition taken care of.

For reference I found this on page 27 of the Guid to Pathfinder Society Organized Play.

The Exchange

Its the Gold Spent box that is the issue. What am I spending gold on? When I have already filled in the Items Bought/Conditions Cleared section.

That box is not mentioned separately in the OP Guide. Maybe it is for spending money on clearing someone else's condition. I'm just guessing.

For the two first level chronicles I have left that at 0 so its not important, I'd just like someone to explain it to me.


Sczarni 4/5

I have used this for thing bought and used in the adventure, for instance Silken caravan

The Andoran bonus prestige point can be obtained by purchasing a slave and setting him free, you don't get to keep the slave, but your Gold is still gone, its not an item or a condition....

The Exchange

Cpt_kirstov wrote:
I have used this for thing bought and used in the adventure, for instance Silken caravan ** spoiler omitted **

Thanks Cpt.

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