as strange as it sounds, I've always said that if I were a woman I'd learn Raks Sharqi(belly dancing)
1. it is the single most amazing form of dance, as well as being really cool
2. it is hot
3. está muy calinte
4. es ist sehr heiss
5.[insert "it is very hot" in french]
I would also like to learn some exotic martial art and jewelry making....maybe
Amateur carpentry. Just enough that I can fix things around the house/apartment or make my own shelves. I can build almost anything out of foamcore; anything involving power tools is a different story entirely.
I'd like to start painting miniatures again.
1) I'd like to be able to play my 3 (yes, three, two electric and one semi acoustic) guitars in a way that doesn't make people cry (as much fun as that was in uni when I wanted sleep)
2) Calligraphy.
3) Sculpture (25/28mm miniatures).
4) Bowery.
5) Iron Working (I would *love* to be a farrier/blacksmith).
6) Macro photography.
Bronze casting
Seconded on the Iron Working Nevynxx
Painting (canvas, not houses)
Hang Gliding (some measure of a fear of heights is kind of inhibiting this one)
Sky Diving (see Hang Gliding)
Scuba Diving
Learning a new language, for starters...
Getting back into playing my viola.
Canning/pickling/making jams.
I'm sure there are others.
There's probably more things I wish I could do than things I can do.
As for the patience aspect of this thread, learning a musical instrument has always been at the top of the list. I've dabbled with a half a dozen instruments, but never gave them the time they deserved.
I'd like to learn few more languages. French and Romanian in addition to the paltry 3 that I already speak.
Thirded on the Blacksmithing.
Seconded on scuba-diving (nothing under 40' or so though).
Seconded on sculpting minis.
Juggling. As dexterous as I am I just can't seem to learn on my own...
I'd like to learn Spanish.
And I never have enough time to write as much as I would like.
1)Learn Portugese
2)Learn German
3)Learn to play the violin
4)Learn to play bass guitar
5)Learn a couple of combat sports
Draw (decently).
Speak and read Latin.
Write stories with a beginning, middle, and end.
(I'm good at starting stories, not so good at concluding them.)
Some form of martial arts, preferably one that mixes armed and unarmed forms.
Paint miniatures.
Learn a trade.
(Belly dancing is hot.)
Wolf Munroe wrote:
Some form of martial arts, preferably one that mixes armed and unarmed forms
Ju-Jitsu is great fun (and should probably be added into my list, been wanting to get into that again for years) and starts off a basic unarmed self defence, and raises up into staffs, those three pronged hand held things , and even swords....
I'd like to play the guitar.
Blacksmithing as well
How to make a character that would rival Pun-Pun.
-Play an instrument, violin, trumpet or saxophone
-Get back into jiu jitsu
-get back into bike riding
-photography and film development
-raise my chess game beyond "passable"
-become a (much) better dancer. I have been promising my wife for years that I would
-learn to cook food that is not incredibly bland
Adandoned hobbies that I'd like to pick up:
-Painting minis
-Scale models (military)
Wish I could:
-Learn French
-Cook (seriously)
In that order
I year ago drawing would be on top of the list... :P
Exotic Dance
Hugo Solis wrote:
I year ago drawing would be on top of the list... :P
Now there's a shocker. If there's anything that could give me hope that I can still pick up drawing to at least a decent level, it's that. One year?! Seriously?
I also want to learn Arabic and Icelandic
learn Accupuncture
and sculpt
Mikaze wrote: Now there's a shocker. If there's anything that could give me hope that I can still pick up drawing to at least a decent level, it's that. One year?! Seriously? I used to draw when I was 18, mostly when my RPG group was playing. I quit when I joined college around 21-22 I think. It always were my players PCs and some of my campaign personas. Always sketches, never finished anything. Back then I readed lots of comics, so I pretty much learned from those.
I started drawing again by the end of august last year, promising myself that this time I would finish all drawings I started, and so I started drawing the PCs you see me doing today.
I'm quite glad my life took a turn on this way :D
Cooking isn't so bad. The big secret is experiment and try everything (safely) raw. If you like eating, you'll be a great cook. Oh and don't cook everything on the highest setting on your stove, and you really can't be a microwave gourmet. I've always said I will teach anyone who wants to learn cooking. If I get out to PaizoCon next year, I will try to rent a room with a kitchenette and up the vegetarian cuisine. Who ever wants to come out is welcome to.
Myself, I'd like to learn:
1) The fireman's carry
2) To drive a standard vehicle at highway speed
3) Swiftwater canoeing
4) EMT-related skills
5) How to properly fold fitted sheets
6) Hebrew
7) Rappelling
Interestingly enough, most of these I can learn free of cost.
Never trust a skinny chef.
Mikaze wrote:
Oh, this too....
I'd really like to learn how to draw well and play guitar.
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote: I'd really like to learn how to draw well and play guitar. No fair! You already have those skills. ;)
Daigle wrote: The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote: I'd really like to learn how to draw well and play guitar. No fair! You already have those skills. ;) Meh...
1)Martial arts(staffs and glaive)
3)Scuba Diving(I love the water and underwater life)
4)Rock climbing(I've done it before, and want to do it again)
5)Throwing my voice
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
I'd really like to learn to play violin and didgeridoo
1) Draw even halfway decently. My head is filled with images and scenes, and they are stuck in there.
I can write them out, but I'm always frustrated by not being able to show them to other people.
2) I'd love to be able to do math. Numbers just move around on the page for me, mocking me with their impenetrability.
3) Run for more than 30 ft. without collapsing in a breathless heap. :)
Hebrew (I've a block on languages for some reason)
Krav Maga. (If I want a marital art, I'll skip finesse)
Fiendish Dire Weasel wrote: -Cello
good luck with German, it was a very fun language for me to learn
Azhagal wrote:
5.[insert "it is very hot" in french]
"C'est très chaud".
At your service ;)
Seldriss wrote: Azhagal wrote:
5.[insert "it is very hot" in french]
"C'est très chaud".
At your service ;) thanks...and Omelette de Fromage to you sir
monk by many names wrote: thanks...and Omelette de Fromage to you sir Omelette au fromage.
To throw a pair of six sided dice and determine what the roll would be before I commited to the throw.
To do push ups, with my tounge.
To stop looking at girls under 20, er... 19.
Playing guitar.
Auto racing.
Lion taming.
houstonderek wrote: Playing guitar.
Auto racing.
Lion taming.
Of those three, playing guitar is the one that won't kill you if you critically fail a skill check. I'd recommend starting there. :)
I've played piano and trumpet a number of years ago, I would like to get back into that groove. I don't have a lot of musical aptitude, but I do have a love of the medium.
I would LOVE to learn Fencing...enrolled for an extracirricular class of it in college, but it ended up conflicting with something I needed and then the prof didn't offer it again.
I would like to play the guitar, but I've tried a bit on my own and that's just f-ing hopeless (for me).
I would like to learn Russian.
If I ever go back to college, I want to get a degree in chemistry, just because I enjoyed so much in high school.
I would love to learn to play lead guitar. I suspect I'd actually have to get real lessons for that though.
I'd love to learn another language. German is attractive as it'd allow me to get back to my roots.
I'd like to learn a martial art such as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
I'd enjoy learning some kind of dance.
Really, I'd love to do it all, but that's impossible. This is why I play RPGs, where I can pretend to do all these things! :)
Here's a serious one:
I would like to learn how to play the bouzouki, a la Richard Shindell or Tommy Makem. Cool sounding instrument.
I would like to get back into:
Calligraphy (way back in high school, I used to make all the certificates and awards)
Music composition
I would like to learn:
Gardening/Hortoculture/Botany (I don't know whether I would like doing it, but I like the idea of it)
First Aid
Putting together MG and PG UC Gundam models.
Playing a musical instrument(either getting back into low brass or learning the guitar).
I wish I lived closer to the coast so I could get some use out of my surfboard again. Even if it was the Gulf Coast.
I was an art major back in college, but I haven't done anything artistically in years. I would definitely want to get back in to that.
OOOHH! And what Daigle said. I live in San Diego and I've been surfing once and had a blast. I gotta do that again.
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote: Here's a serious one:
I would like to learn how to play the bouzouki... Cool sounding instrument.
Would you play it in a Cheese Shop?
Azhagal wrote: I also want to learn Arabic and Icelandic
learn Accupuncture
and sculpt
Hey! I can help you with that man. Ég er nú íslenskur :) , that is, I'm Icelandic.