I'm looking for 3.5 modules that contain dragons at various levels:


We ran the Sunless Citidel. - baby white dragon
The Forge of Fury - juvenile black dragon.

Any other suggestions? WE NEED TO FIGHT DRAGONS.

I'm looking for either indie modules or Wizard modules. Doesn't matter.

Dark Archive

If you're willing to invest some money I would suggest the Draconomicon. It has stats for dragons at almost any level in any color.

Add Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil to that list.

I have the Draconomicon :) I'm looking for 3.5 adventures that contain dragons. As many adventures as possible!

Return to the Temple. We have not played yet. That's a good one to add. Any others?

curtcleancut wrote:

I have the Draconomicon :) I'm looking for 3.5 adventures that contain dragons. As many adventures as possible!

Return to the Temple. We have not played yet. That's a good one to add. Any others?

Well, when you're really high level, add Bastion of Broken Souls.

Note about the Return: there are a few dragons in it, they're not the only critters nor the worst, just to warn you.

Out of curiosity, what's up that you need to find adventures with dragons specifically?

Lathiira wrote:
curtcleancut wrote:

I have the Draconomicon :) I'm looking for 3.5 adventures that contain dragons. As many adventures as possible!

Return to the Temple. We have not played yet. That's a good one to add. Any others?

Well, when you're really high level, add Bastion of Broken Souls.

Note about the Return: there are a few dragons in it, they're not the only critters nor the worst, just to warn you.

Out of curiosity, what's up that you need to find adventures with dragons specifically?

My group has an itch for dragons. We've been playing for 7 years and the only dragons we've encounterd are the baby white dragon and the black dragon.

I'd like to created a series of adventures where they can encounter at least one dragon per module.

Also I've never had the opportunity to really play a full dragon either. So I'm looking for independent or wizard label adventures to review and play.

(as for the temple - how many dragons - what level does the adventure take you to?)

I see. Do you have access to any 3.X era Dungeon magazines? You'll find dragons in there from time to time; at least one in the later parts of the Shackled City arc, several others as well. I don't remember which issues and mine are mostly stored away just now. Your challenge may be that finding dragons to fight at all levels isn't easy, but I don't know for sure.

curtcleancut wrote:

We ran the Sunless Citidel. - baby white dragon

The Forge of Fury - juvenile black dragon.

Any other suggestions? WE NEED TO FIGHT DRAGONS.

I'm looking for either indie modules or Wizard modules. Doesn't matter.

Red hand of Doom has dragons in it. And from all accounts, it is an excellent module. I own it but have not run it, and it reads well.


Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

You could try Blood of Dragonscar.

Silver Crusade

Some possibilities:

From Goodman Games- Dungeon Crawl Classics #6: Temple of the Dragon Cult(Levels 8-10); Dungeon Crawl Classics #26: The Scaly God (Levels 4-6); and Dungeon Crawl Classics #30: Vault of the Dragon Kings (10th Level).

From Alderac Entertainment The Harbinger (Levels 9-11). This one is a Side-Trek type adventure.

Liberty's Edge

Before they lost the d20 Dragonlance license back to Wizards, Margaret Weis company did the ENTIRE 1st edition DL series over in 3.5 compatible stuff. There's a different type of dragon in each of those, IIRC. Makes for a memorable campaign that starts at mid-level. :)

Get the Slayer's Guide to Dragons for an adventure written by Gary Gygax himself. I'm told it's ridiculously awesome, although my copy hasn't made it to me yet.

Old Embers Never Die from a Paizo-era Dungeon was pretty awesome, and a sequel to two classic first-edition modules.

Hope this helps, at least some!

Silver Crusade

As mentioned above, Red Hand of Doom. Played in and ran. Excellent module that covers levels 5 to 10, if I recall. It's a mini-campaign that centers on fighting various dragons and their minions.

Written by James Jacobs and Richard Baker, it's good stuff.

The Black Egg, also from Dungeon has several half-dragon monsters to fight, a hydra, and I think it has a true dragon as well, but I can't find my copy. I never played it since it never interested me.

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

If you have run The Sunless Citadel, you almost have to end with Bastion of Broken Souls as they tie in quite nicely as Ashardalon (the dragon) is mentioned and is the BBEG at the end. I think his cult is also linked to Heart of Nightfang Spire.

sowhereaminow wrote:
As mentioned above, Red Hand of Doom. Played in and ran. Excellent module that covers levels 5 to 10, if I recall. It's a mini-campaign that centers on fighting various dragons and their minions.


I ran this mini-campaign for my group a while back and it's still one of the best-received and remembered modules we've done in a while.

It's got every evil dragon (except white, but I added one anyway as a side mission) and some very cool combat scenes and terrain.

An excellent and epic ending battle, too. If you really want Dragons in all their forms and glory, you definitely cannot go wrong with Red Hand of Doom.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Also check out the Pathfinder APs ... don't read the following if you don't want info on Crimson Throne

I know for a fact that you get to face an Umbral Dragon in Skeletons of Scarwall, and in Crown of Fangs a Dragon is reforming from his fangs and the party will have to face the full-blown nastiness of him if they fail to stop the regeneration.

I have good reason to believe you get to face a White Dragon in one of the Runelords adventures, and throughout Legacy of Fire, there are good places to bump into any of the desert dwelling dragons shown in Dragons Revisited :)

Hope that helps!

Silver Crusade

Age of Worms has quiet afew in it as well.

Yeah, age of worms features a couple of dragons as major NPCs, one of them being a Dracolich. Also, one of the adventures in the path features a war between dragons and giants with the players being a third party. It's a pretty high-level adventure, but you could snatch it out of the path for use as a stand-alone.

Dark Archive

Blood of dragonskar is a good 15th lvl module with a dragon in it.

Age of Worms has great dragons in it!

Check out Dungeon issues:

*most reccomended

You won't be disappointed!

Might face a few TPKs though.

The Exchange

Build an adventure from this:


Franz looked at the eggs that lay before him in the vast cavern. They were a sea that went on forever.
A tremor shook the closest egg. Its leathery form pulsed with a heartbeat as its treasure awoke with life, Then another, and another. The great hatchery echoed the sound of a million beating hearts.
"By all that is holy! Flee!" Franz's Companions turned from their suffering at being dumped down gravel ridge and drove weapons into potential footholds looking for an escape.

DM Briefing: The PCs encounter a hatchery of a million dragon Eggs while exploring a network of Caves. The Eggs sense the body-heat of the PCs and begin to Hatch from their period of Hibernation. A Million baby dragons hunting the PCs and each other through the network of caves (and possibly discover a way to the surface). They are the beginning of the end for a world that has not known Dragons for a million years.

If someone's converted old Dungeon's Into the Fire (#1). Out of the Ashes (#17), and Old Embers Never Die (#?... index is far away)... I'd recommend them as well. You get a recurring bad guy, Flame.

Old embers never die was in issue 100. I think it is already 3.5.

All three adventures are great. I especially have fond memories of Out of the ashes.

Dark Archive

My next campaign is going to be Sunless Citadel, then Forge of Fury, then Red Hand of Doom then Guardians of Dragonfall.

Lots of dragons in that lot.

curtcleancut wrote:
Any other suggestions? WE NEED TO FIGHT DRAGONS.

I think Paizo really leaned aware from the "fight a dragon" trope in their run of Dungeon magazine during the 3.0/3.5 era, but here are a few suggestions that you can use or adapt:


Issue - Title - Party Level - Description

87 - Glacier Season - 18 (?) - A “demon” is terrorizing the remote villages of south Latona, but so far has injured no one and stolen nothing. Find out what this draconian demon-man is doing, and the greater danger of a gathering army to the north led by the great, white, winged “Coldheart” himself.

093 - Sadie & Her Lair - 8 - Invade the lair of a drider, created as punishment for her failure to forge an alliance with a white dragon, hopefully with the knowledge that she has become the surrogate mother of the now-slain dragons six hatchlings in hopes of restoring herself to the Spider Queen.

100 - Old Embers Never Die - 12 - Two part adventure. In Part 1, a dragon-cult of powerful kobolds has animated the skeleton of a slain red dragon in their lair. In Part 2, that same dragon has been cloned by a githyanki wizard, and must be found and slain in his new lair.

102 - Red Dragon’s Lair - Map of Mystery - Cave / volcano lair of a red dragon or other fire / heat dwelling creature. Includes geyser cave, magma lake, and nest / lair without direct foot access.

106 - Black Egg, The - 12 - An artifact capable of spawning half-fiend dragons has fallen to earth like a meteor, laying waste to the surrounding landscape. Race through the devastation to reach the artifact before it is claimed by the several evil factions seeking it, including an evil cult of half-dragons and a descendant of the wizard who last possessed the “Egg” and formerly put it aloft.

113 - Foundation of Flame - 15 - Shackled City Adventure Path: Things go from bad to worse. Lord Orbius Vhalantru is dead as is the Lord Mayor, so the churches, nobles and important organizations meet to figure out what to do. A surprise attack by an insane derro at the meeting forces the Cagewrights to commense their ritual, which causes earthquakes and awakens Cauldron’s volcano. PCs must help evacuate the city section by section and save inhabitants, but the earthquake also awoke a dragon.

118 - Larsa Essinel: Dragon Assassin - 11 - Beautiful but psychotic dragonslayer.

129 - Gathering of Winds, A - 11 - The party returns to Diamond Lake to discover Allustan missing and a dragon rampaging through the area. Defeat the dragon and gain entry back into the Whispering Cairn to follow the trail of Allustan into a newly uncovered section of the tomb and the treasure that await, including a minor artifact.

133 - Ill Made Graves - 7 - One of the northern barbarian tribes has defeated a great dragon, but suffered terrible losses in the process. With their king slain many neighbors have begun eyeing their lands covetously, but a greater threat arises when, at the king’s funeral, the pyre awaken the dragon’s spirit still residing in a tooth lodged in his corpse. Return the tooth to the dragon’s lair and destroy it in the flames of elemental fire found there.

133 - Kings of the Rift - 18 - Age of Worms pt. 10: Dragotha’s draconic minions assault a city of giants built into the side of the Rift Canyon, seeking to recover the draco-lich’s phylactory. Survive the conflict and politics among several giantish factions to gain the phylactory from an order of giants who have long forgotten what they protect, but wish no others to have it.

134 - Into the Wormcrawl Fissure - 19 - Age of Worms pt. 11: Journey into the Wormcrawl Fissure and destroy the dracolich Dragotha and the Tabernacle of Worms with the aid of the spirit of a long-dead arch-mage.

141 - Drakebourn Sanctum, The - Map of Mystery - A twin-level cliffside capital for a community of dragonriders.

141 - Vlindarian’s Vault - 18 - A beholder mage operates an extra-planar “vault” and stores all manner of items for his clients. One of these just happens to be a silver dragon feebleminded and trapped in human form, and her mate wants her returned.

147 - Demodragon - 17 - A unique, twin-headed dragon created using a drop of ichor from Demogorgon.

147 - Kharadad: Dwarven Cliff City - Map of Mystery - Dwarven city and fortress complex built into the face of a cliff, perhaps in a fast subterranean chamber. includes landing platforms suitable for dragons.



Cormyr: The Tearing of the Weave has:

a variant Large Black Dragon in it, and is written in such a way that the party may end-up having multiple encounters with him. He's variant because he lacks the normal breath weapon and has a unique breath weapon instead, and I don't think he has spell-like abilities either. It's explained in the plot but there's a design sidebar the says it's to lower his CR since a standard large black dragon would have been too tough for the expected party level. The book also features an undead half-dragon lizardfolk cleric, a lot of undead lizardfolk, and a trip to the Shadow Plane, among other stuff.

Edit: Can't find the sidebar now that said it was to lower his CR. Maybe I imagined it.

I'm running C:TotW now but the party has only seen the dragon as it flew by at great distance overhead.

The GameMastery module Blood of Dragonscar has:

Colossal Red Dragon, and a lair for her (him, maybe, but I want to think it's female) using the GameMastery Dragon's Lair flipmat. It also has a lot of undead.

Blood of Dragonscar also seems to be a really great module. I haven't ran or played it yet, just read it, but maybe some day I'll get the chance to run it.

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