GregH |

I'm serious. Big bull tears. Look at these eyes.
Sorry, I know this probably doesn't help, but if you don't mind driving for a bit, try Valet D'Coeur on St-Denis in Montreal. (Near the Mont-Royal metro stop on the orange line.) Best gaming store that I've ever seen. Got my first Pathfinder product there. They still list Paizo products on their website:
Make it a day-trip out of it.

GregH |

I visited Le Griffon today. The only Paizo products I could find were a copy of the campaign setting (in English) and a copy of Hook Mountain Massacre (in French -- 'Le Massacre de la montagne Crochue'). I thought about picking up Hook Mountain for the language lesson but $31 was a bit steep.
Then I definitely suggest Le Valet. HUGE anglophone section...

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Tarren Dei wrote:Then I definitely suggest Le Valet. HUGE anglophone section...I visited Le Griffon today. The only Paizo products I could find were a copy of the campaign setting (in English) and a copy of Hook Mountain Massacre (in French -- 'Le Massacre de la montagne Crochue'). I thought about picking up Hook Mountain for the language lesson but $31 was a bit steep.
Thanks Greg. I'll check it out when I'm in Montreal next.

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Tarren Dei wrote:I'm serious. Big bull tears. Look at these eyes.Sorry, I know this probably doesn't help, but if you don't mind driving for a bit, try Valet D'Coeur on St-Denis in Montreal. (Near the Mont-Royal metro stop on the orange line.) Best gaming store that I've ever seen. Got my first Pathfinder product there. They still list Paizo products on their website:
Make it a day-trip out of it.
Hey, Mairkurion, you're going to Montreal, right? This place isn't that far from your conference. You should check it out.
I'm heading up on Friday the 13th. I don't suppose there's any chance of a Pathfinder Society game happening at that time ...

Mairkurion {tm} |

Hey, TD. I'm staying at Le Centre Sheraton. I'm totally unprepared for my first trip to Canada, and to a francophonic area. I hope to eat poutine. It looks like Le Valet is only a six minute drive away, but I'm uncertain what my time is going to be like. Thanks for the heads up. Should I leave a note at the Sheraton for you to pick up next week, or is it out of your way?

Qunnessaa |

I just happened to come across this thread when it came up in the list of the active - I'm afraid I don't know about gaming stores in Sherbrooke, since it's not quite my part of Quebec. Like GregH, though, I'd recommend Le Valet de Coeur when you get up to Montreal, or Donjon near the Henri-Bourassa metro (it's just across the street from the northern bus quays). The latter stocks more miniature game material, but the owner (I think, I'm not entirely sure who's the person in charge there) is a huge fan of Pathfinder; I remember how enthusiastic he was when the Beta came out, and how eager to hook the 3.5 players into the PFRPG. The only problem with either is that, Paizo fans being the assiduously acquisitive people we are, sometimes what you're looking for in particular isn't on the shelf when you get there.
As an aside, Mairkurion, if you're in Montreal and hope to eat poutine, might I be so bold as to recommend La Banquise? It specializes in poutine, and does it very well. It even made it into the guide for non-local students in the agenda handed out by my faculty at uni, where it's lauded as the "Best way to clog your heart, Quebecois style." To quote further, "... the finest heart attack in a box anywhere around ... if you want to put a rest to that annoying heart palpitation once and for all." It's on the first block of Rachel west of Parc Lafontaine.

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Hey, TD. I'm staying at Le Centre Sheraton. I'm totally unprepared for my first trip to Canada, and to a francophonic area. I hope to eat poutine. It looks like Le Valet is only a six minute drive away, but I'm uncertain what my time is going to be like. Thanks for the heads up. Should I leave a note at the Sheraton for you to pick up next week, or is it out of your way?
If you make it Le Valet, leave a note there. They probably have a bulletin board. ;-) If you leave one at the Sheraton, I'll make it in.
Yeah, don't worry about the French. Montreal is very bilingual, leaning towards anglo in some areas.
You should also try some smoked meat while you're there.
That will help with the whole 'heart attack' thing.

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I agree with Hogarth. Don't sweat the language issue in the least, unless you're driving, in which case make certain to get a good GPS or set of directions. And remember you can't turn right on a red light in the city.
Since you're going to be in the downtown core, might I recommend an hour or 2 at Chez Paree. It might not be the gaming center you're hoping to find, but as my old stomping ground, I never regretted a single visit.

Mairkurion {tm} |

Okay, was just a bit confused. I met a guy from Shebrooke in the Religion dept. Marc somebody. Hon-hon-hon! (I know, but I'm having a good time with the francophones.)
Haven't asked the desk yet if they will hold something for you, but I assume they will.
Kind of hoping I can find time to go to the Waterhouse exhibit, but by the time I got back today, the museum had already been closed for an hour.

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Okay, was just a bit confused. I met a guy from Shebrooke in the Religion dept. Marc somebody. Hon-hon-hon! (I know, but I'm having a good time with the francophones.)
Haven't asked the desk yet if they will hold something for you, but I assume they will.
Kind of hoping I can find time to go to the Waterhouse exhibit, but by the time I got back today, the museum had already been closed for an hour.
Waterhouse exhibit?
There's a lot of Marcs in Sherbrooke. ;-)

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Mairkurion {tm} wrote:Hey, TD. I'm staying at Le Centre Sheraton. I'm totally unprepared for my first trip to Canada, and to a francophonic area. I hope to eat poutine. It looks like Le Valet is only a six minute drive away, but I'm uncertain what my time is going to be like. Thanks for the heads up. Should I leave a note at the Sheraton for you to pick up next week, or is it out of your way?If you make it Le Valet, leave a note there. They probably have a bulletin board. ;-) If you leave one at the Sheraton, I'll make it in.
Yeah, don't worry about the French. Montreal is very bilingual, leaning towards anglo in some areas.
You should also try some smoked meat while you're there.
That will help with the whole 'heart attack' thing.
Schwartz is awesome.

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Does anyone know of gamers in Sherbrooke Quebec? How about gaming stores? The only one I can find is Le Griffon and I don't know if they carry Paizo products.
Where can I get my Paizo fix in Sherbrooke?
The best place to find gamers in Sherbrooke is at the Université de Sherbrooke:
CJRSS (building E-1)
(Club de jeux de rôles et de stratégies de Sherbrooke)
Sous-sol, Pavillon de la vie étudiante
819 821-8000 poste 63956 cjrss at usherbrooke dot ca
When I was there, you could find people on most evenings during the week! The club was very active! The phone is shared for various university groups, so if u call there just ask for the 'Club de Jeux'
And by the way, if some of you may travel to Montreal during he week-end, please drop us a line on
We play essentially only during the week-end, and upcoming games are listed in the database section of this group.
And, while in Montreal, you maybe wanting to make a stop by the Gamer's World www.gamersworld.ca
They host a RPG meet-up on some Saturdays. They do have some Pathfinder stuff in-store too.

Mairkurion {tm} |

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:Okay, was just a bit confused. I met a guy from Shebrooke in the Religion dept. Marc somebody. Hon-hon-hon! (I know, but I'm having a good time with the francophones.)
Haven't asked the desk yet if they will hold something for you, but I assume they will.
Kind of hoping I can find time to go to the Waterhouse exhibit, but by the time I got back today, the museum had already been closed for an hour.
Waterhouse exhibit?
There's a lot of Marcs in Sherbrooke. ;-)
What, you don't instantly know him? It doesn't help that Marc was not hyphenated with anything? Well, let's see...he was kind of an old dude with glasses and a scarf, silver-grey hair...maybe balding? ;P
Yeah, awesome Waterhouse exhibit. No reproductions I have ever seen come close to giving you the glory of Waterhouse, especially when it comes to Circe Invidiosa. At the Musee des Beaux-Arts, called Jardin de Waterhouse or something like that.

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Tarren Dei wrote:Mairkurion {tm} wrote:Okay, was just a bit confused. I met a guy from Shebrooke in the Religion dept. Marc somebody. Hon-hon-hon! (I know, but I'm having a good time with the francophones.)
Haven't asked the desk yet if they will hold something for you, but I assume they will.
Kind of hoping I can find time to go to the Waterhouse exhibit, but by the time I got back today, the museum had already been closed for an hour.
Waterhouse exhibit?
There's a lot of Marcs in Sherbrooke. ;-)
What, you don't instantly know him? It doesn't help that Marc was not hyphenated with anything? Well, let's see...he was kind of an old dude with glasses and a scarf, silver-grey hair...maybe balding? ;P
Yeah, awesome Waterhouse exhibit. No reproductions I have ever seen come close to giving you the glory of Waterhouse, especially when it comes to Circe Invidiosa. At the Musee des Beaux-Arts, called Jardin de Waterhouse or something like that.
** spoiler omitted **
Ummm, during the time you were here, was the weather like 20 degrees Celsius? Did you just get an unnaturally easy introduction to November in Canada?

Mairkurion {tm} |

Ummm, during the time you were here, was the weather like 20 degrees Celsius? Did you just get an unnaturally easy introduction to November in Canada?
Heh-heh. I shore did. I was hot almost the whole time I was in Canada. Canadians seems to be like old Texans who run their heaters at about 80 all winter long. :-P

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Tarren Dei wrote:Ummm, during the time you were here, was the weather like 20 degrees Celsius? Did you just get an unnaturally easy introduction to November in Canada?Heh-heh. I shore did. I was hot almost the whole time I was in Canada. Canadians seems to be like old Texans who run their heaters at about 80 all winter long. :-P
Just so you know, that nice weather has kind of freaked us out. It certainly wasn't a normal week in November. ;-D

hogarth |

One of my favorite
Montreal conversations:
(with a waiter)M: Excuse me, could I get some ketchup?
W: (look of horrified, snooty indignance) You want ketchup vis your mus-cells?
M: No, I want ketchup with my FRENCH FRIES!I felt like my return of attitude won me a new frenchie friend.
Hey, it goes both ways -- I was in a burger joint in D.C. once and I asked for vinegar for my fries. I got a bottle of malt vinegar (not white vinegar like in the good ol' United Provinces of Canada).

Mairkurion {tm} |

What's your problem, Hogarth? There's white vinegar in ketchup! ;P
Were you at Five Guys in DC?
Ooo--another disgusting US food story: I ordered fish and chips. When it came, I asked for the vinegar, and they brought me white vinegar they had poured into little cups in the kitchen instead of a shaker of malt vinegar.
Well, to Canada's credit, I should have mentioned that the mussels were awesome. And the waitress was mind-numbingly hot. I have no idea what I would have said if it were her instead of the waiter at that point.

Mairkurion {tm} |

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:Just so you know, that nice weather has kind of freaked us out. It certainly wasn't a normal week in November. ;-DTarren Dei wrote:Ummm, during the time you were here, was the weather like 20 degrees Celsius? Did you just get an unnaturally easy introduction to November in Canada?Heh-heh. I shore did. I was hot almost the whole time I was in Canada. Canadians seems to be like old Texans who run their heaters at about 80 all winter long. :-P
TD, did you make it to the Sheraton?

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Tarren Dei wrote:TD, did you make it to the Sheraton?Mairkurion {tm} wrote:Just so you know, that nice weather has kind of freaked us out. It certainly wasn't a normal week in November. ;-DTarren Dei wrote:Ummm, during the time you were here, was the weather like 20 degrees Celsius? Did you just get an unnaturally easy introduction to November in Canada?Heh-heh. I shore did. I was hot almost the whole time I was in Canada. Canadians seems to be like old Texans who run their heaters at about 80 all winter long. :-P
Hehe, Yes. Just was looking for this thread!
Hilarious and thank you. I actually predicted the Texas longhorn postcard but the bullhorned mini came as a surprise. (I think the bellboys looked in the envelope because they gave me the funniest of looks.)
Thanks for the kick. I will treasure the mini. I'm thinking of doing up an Oracle with a Bones foci to represent him.