Free Monster PDF's


Hi, I worked on some 3.5 monster pdf's a long time ago and would like to give them away for free! There are 6:

  • Ruins of the Pale Jungle
  • Beyond the Campfire
  • Tulenjord: Land of the Fallen One
  • Along the Banks of the River Vaal
  • Interlopers from the Blasted Realm
  • Berk's Wasteland

If you're interested email me at Below is a link to a site selling them, that has previews and reviews.

Don't buy them! Email me for free pdf's

ghettowedge wrote:

Hi, I worked on some 3.5 monster pdf's a long time ago and would like to give them away for free! There are 6:

  • Ruins of the Pale Jungle
  • Beyond the Campfire
  • Tulenjord: Land of the Fallen One
  • Along the Banks of the River Vaal
  • Interlopers from the Blasted Realm
  • Berk's Wasteland

If you're interested email me at Below is a link to a site selling them, that has previews and reviews.

Don't buy them! Email me for free pdf's

Sending you an e-mail now, really hope your not going to send me a bunch of spam...

The Shadow wrote:
Sending you an e-mail now, really hope your not going to send me a bunch of spam...

I sent them, but if you ever need bedroom muscle enhancements...

And sent



Scarab Sages

The Shadow wrote:
Sending you an e-mail now, really hope your not going to send me a bunch of spam...
ghettowedge wrote:
I sent them, but if you ever need bedroom muscle enhancements...

For me, or for her?


Snorter wrote:
The Shadow wrote:
Sending you an e-mail now, really hope your not going to send me a bunch of spam...
ghettowedge wrote:
I sent them, but if you ever need bedroom muscle enhancements...

For me, or for her?


Maybe the spammers know I'm a dude, but I haven't seen too many spams to help her out (unless it's her satisfaction).

Scarab Sages

Jumping on the bandwagon. 8^)

Scarab Sages

Following everyone else off the cliff...

Shadow Lodge

yes please...and thank you

GW, I perused your PDFs, thanks again for sending them. They have a lot of good ideas, and I'm going to be putting some of them to good use soon!


Scarab Sages

Thank you for these books; I didn't realise how large they were!
I was expecting half a dozen critters per document.

I've only skimmed the first one, but there are some good ideas there.

The inclusion of counter sheets is a wonderfully useful touch. One that I wish other publishers would follow.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

ghettowedge wrote:

Hi, I worked on some 3.5 monster pdf's a long time ago and would like to give them away for free! There are 6:

  • Ruins of the Pale Jungle
  • Beyond the Campfire
  • Tulenjord: Land of the Fallen One
  • Along the Banks of the River Vaal
  • Interlopers from the Blasted Realm
  • Berk's Wasteland

If you're interested email me at Below is a link to a site selling them, that has previews and reviews.

Don't buy them! Email me for free pdf's


Does your publisher agree with what you are doing? Because if the publisher legally owns the IP then what you are doing is illegal.

My reasoning is that if this was your product you could have just reduced the price to $0.

Darkjoy wrote:


Does your publisher agree with what you are doing? Because if the publisher legally owns the IP then what you are doing is illegal.

My reasoning is that if this was your product you could have just reduced the price to $0.

I checked with the product manager when I decided to post this and it should be cool. Basically, all the monster are open content, and our contract allowed us to keep ownership of the art. All I'm doing is distributing open content and the art we own.

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I bought copies of these way back when so I can attest that these are some sweet collections of nasties! Everyone out there really should jump on this.

Liberty's Edge

Jonathan_Shade wrote:
Following everyone else off the cliff...

As am I, but I brought a base jumping pack.

DitheringFool wrote:
I bought copies of these way back when so I can attest that these are some sweet collections of nasties! Everyone out there really should jump on this.

Thanks DF, my only worry is making the people that bought them, like you, feel ripped off. Your endorsement makes me feel better.

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