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Off-Topic Discussions

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David Fryer wrote:
My favorite was a customer complaint letter I read in book one time. It went something like "Well I know that your motto is th customer is always right, but as a customer, I think you are wrong. The customer is not always right, and since we are always right, we are not always right, but if we are not always right then I could be wrong about the customer not alwys being right. Go sit on a tack." Amazingly the person even signed their name to the letter.

Isn't that a variation on one of those old Greek paradoxes? =)

Silver Crusade

David Fryer wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
I had somebody try that "customer is always right" approach when I worked at a bank. If it wouldn't have gotten me in trouble, I would have laughed at him. Instead I was like, "No, we're a bank, and your balance is what we say it is."
I hate to say it, but I dislike that attitude. I used to have an acc!&# with a local bank and after about ayear with them the decided to close my account, "due to inactivity" according to them. The did not notify me that my account had been closed, and they continued to accept my direct deposits, but they started sending back the checks I as writing. I didn't know what had happened until I started getting collection letters for bounced checks. It took me another six months and a lawsuit for them to finally give me my money back and pay the debts and collection fees that had incured in the meantime. Luckly a lawyer who is a member of my church offered to hadle the case pro bono or I would have been completely screwed. They still officially claim tht it was a computer error. I've had a hard time trusting banks since.

Fair enough. There are enough horror stories out there that I should know better than to make blanket statements. When I worked there, I was big on sorting things like your situation - fighting to get fees reversed, or get people the money they had coming to them. I also had a reputation as the "go to guy" for customers who were victims of fraud, so I would never hold that against somebody either.

Needless to say, however, in the instance to which I was referring there was no ambiguity. The guy had either forgotten about some transactions he had made, or was lying about them, I forget the details.

David Fryer wrote:
I hate to say it, but I dislike that attitude. I used to have an acc~*~ with a local bank and after about ayear with them the decided to close my account, "due to inactivity" according to them. The did not notify me that my account had been closed, and they continued to accept my direct deposits, but they started sending back the checks I as writing. I didn't know what had happened until I started getting collection letters for bounced checks.

Ah, yes, banks.

I have plenty of horror stories about banks to share, and I agree with you that I have a hard time trusting them. About 3 years back, my bank removed $182 per week from my account, and claimed that they didn't -- and charged me their exorbitant overdraft fees. Naturally, they didn't notify me about the overdraft, either, so I racked up a good solid fee the first time it happened.

I went in, went over my checkbook with them, went over the bank statement, and basically showed them that $182 was missing from my account that should have been in there, because there was no transaction on which it could have been spent.

Their response was to print out a page showing my current balance, and saying "Well, we show this as your current balance, and so that's your current balance. We're not sure how it got there, but that's what you've got now, so it's correct as far as we're concerned."

About 4 months later, I got a note saying, "whoops, ha ha, we did make an error, so we redeposited the money in your account."

So, last year, I was in the bank and some other guy came storming in, saying, "There's $182 missing from my account!!!" ....

Needless to say, I'm currently banking with another bank .... and keeping a couple week's groceries worth of cash on hand so that I can't just be wiped out by a computer glitch ....

Dark Archive

I actually switched over to the local credit union, and got a savings only account. Now the only money that comes out happens when I physically go and take it out.

Dark Archive

Thanks to Monte Cook for tipping me off to this. Turns out that Raiders of the Lost Ark was a remake.

Dark Archive

Erik Mona is a bastard. I'll be having nightmares for weeks after he posted this on Facebook.

Also check out the other monsters among us on that page as well.


*fumbles around in search of coffee...soda...some sort of caffine*

David Fryer wrote:
Erik Mona is a bastard. I'll be having nightmares for weeks after he posted this on Facebook.

Ok, that serioulsy needs a warning label. OMG! UGH!

David Fryer wrote:
Thanks to Monte Cook for tipping me off to this. Turns out that Raiders of the Lost Ark was a remake.

Charlton sexy, so debonair...*sigh*

Carnivorous_Bean wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
I hate to say it, but I dislike that attitude. I used to have an acc~*~ with a local bank and after about ayear with them the decided to close my account, "due to inactivity" according to them. The did not notify me that my account had been closed, and they continued to accept my direct deposits, but they started sending back the checks I as writing. I didn't know what had happened until I started getting collection letters for bounced checks.

Ah, yes, banks.

I have plenty of horror stories about banks to share, and I agree with you that I have a hard time trusting them. About 3 years back, my bank removed $182 per week from my account, and claimed that they didn't -- and charged me their exorbitant overdraft fees. Naturally, they didn't notify me about the overdraft, either, so I racked up a good solid fee the first time it happened.

I went in, went over my checkbook with them, went over the bank statement, and basically showed them that $182 was missing from my account that should have been in there, because there was no transaction on which it could have been spent.

Their response was to print out a page showing my current balance, and saying "Well, we show this as your current balance, and so that's your current balance. We're not sure how it got there, but that's what you've got now, so it's correct as far as we're concerned."

About 4 months later, I got a note saying, "whoops, ha ha, we did make an error, so we redeposited the money in your account."

So, last year, I was in the bank and some other guy came storming in, saying, "There's $182 missing from my account!!!" ....

Needless to say, I'm currently banking with another bank .... and keeping a couple week's groceries worth of cash on hand so that I can't just be wiped out by a computer glitch ....

We had an issue similar to that with the man's acount back when we were dating. Never did get our money back out of it. Def switched banks.

Emperor7 wrote:
Mouthy Upstart wrote:
Customerz iz da crrrrrrrrrrrrraziest pepulz!
Probably why I prefer to game. I get to kill imaginary buttheads.

Def a stress reliever for when you have had a bad day at the office!!

Dark Archive

Solnes wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Erik Mona is a bastard. I'll be having nightmares for weeks after he posted this on Facebook.
Ok, that serioulsy needs a warning label. OMG! UGH!

The warning should have been that Erik posted it. :) Oh, and that it would give me nightmares.

Did I chase everyone away?

David Fryer wrote:
The warning should have been that Erik posted it. :)

I'm not one of his FB friends....never really talked with am I supposed to know how bad that was going to be?!!?!?!

Dark Archive

Solnes wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
The warning should have been that Erik posted it. :)
I'm not one of his FB friends....never really talked with am I supposed to know how bad that was going to be?!!?!?!

I see a new creature for the Bestiary in our future. :) Or at least an AP.

Well, I have a bit of school work that needs attending to, and a nap is in order soon. Not to ention I have yet to eat and my tummy is starting to growl.

David Fryer wrote:
Solnes wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
The warning should have been that Erik posted it. :)
I'm not one of his FB friends....never really talked with am I supposed to know how bad that was going to be?!!?!?!
I see a new creature for the Bestiary in our future. :) Or at least an AP.

I think if Moorluck ever ran an adventure with one of those I would probably not only have nitemares, but be sick. That thing was scary!! I would rather deal with.....well... ANYTHING else.

Scarab Sages

Solnes wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
The warning should have been that Erik posted it. :)
I'm not one of his FB friends....never really talked with am I supposed to know how bad that was going to be?!!?!?!

I friended the Mona on Facebook, and he never responded. Hence, I am convinced that he hates me and is plotting to drive me insane so that he can have me committed to an asylum.

Aberzombie wrote:
Solnes wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
The warning should have been that Erik posted it. :)
I'm not one of his FB friends....never really talked with am I supposed to know how bad that was going to be?!!?!?!
I friended the Mona on Facebook, and he never responded. Hence, I am convinced that he hates me and is plotting to drive me insane so that he can have me committed to an asylum.

I too submitted my request for friendship, and it has yet to be accepted. I am glad to know it is not just me! We could start a club...

Offer emotional support to those who have been FB ignored by Mona?! ;)

Charlton Heston also made a circus movie that kind of heralded the Indiana Jones character...what was it called? The Greatest Show on Earth, I think.

Scarab Sages

Solnes wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
I friended the Mona on Facebook, and he never responded. Hence, I am convinced that he hates me and is plotting to drive me insane so that he can have me committed to an asylum.

I too submitted my request for friendship, and it has yet to be accepted. I am glad to know it is not just me! We could start a club...

Offer emotional support to those who have been FB ignored by Mona?! ;)

So, we've got the "I tried to Friend Mona on FB, and all I got was this lousy..." club. I'll design some t-shirts.

Liberty's Edge

David Fryer wrote:
Solnes wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Erik Mona is a bastard. I'll be having nightmares for weeks after he posted this on Facebook.
Ok, that serioulsy needs a warning label. OMG! UGH!
The warning should have been that Erik posted it. :) Oh, and that it would give me nightmares.

Woah....there was a yuan ti on that page too.

Aberzombie wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
I friended the Mona on Facebook, and he never responded. Hence, I am convinced that he hates me and is plotting to drive me insane so that he can have me committed to an asylum.

I too submitted my request for friendship, and it has yet to be accepted. I am glad to know it is not just me! We could start a club...

Offer emotional support to those who have been FB ignored by Mona?! ;)
So, we've got the "I tried to Friend Mona on FB, and all I got was this lousy..." club. I'll design some t-shirts.

Yayyy tee shirts! We should also offer bumper stickers, key chains, maybe even vanity liscense plates!!

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Aberzombie wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
I friended the Mona on Facebook, and he never responded. Hence, I am convinced that he hates me and is plotting to drive me insane so that he can have me committed to an asylum.

I too submitted my request for friendship, and it has yet to be accepted. I am glad to know it is not just me! We could start a club...

Offer emotional support to those who have been FB ignored by Mona?! ;)
So, we've got the "I tried to Friend Mona on FB, and all I got was this lousy..." club. I'll design some t-shirts.

I'm in as one of Erik Mona's forlorn rejects for friendship. All I want is the ability to post whatever drivel spills from my fingers onto his facebook page along with pictures of me in a thong. Is that so much to ask?

Dark Archive

Heathansson wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Solnes wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Erik Mona is a bastard. I'll be having nightmares for weeks after he posted this on Facebook.
Ok, that serioulsy needs a warning label. OMG! UGH!
The warning should have been that Erik posted it. :) Oh, and that it would give me nightmares.
Woah....there was a yuan ti on that page too.

I thought the legged snake was awesome.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

If I draft a contract for the shadowrunners in my upcoming shadowrun game, is that:

(a) Too nerdy in a geeky way.
(b) Too nerdy in a legal way.
(c) Just plain dumb.
(d) Full of win.
(e) All of the above.

Dark Archive

Sebastian wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
I friended the Mona on Facebook, and he never responded. Hence, I am convinced that he hates me and is plotting to drive me insane so that he can have me committed to an asylum.

I too submitted my request for friendship, and it has yet to be accepted. I am glad to know it is not just me! We could start a club...

Offer emotional support to those who have been FB ignored by Mona?! ;)
So, we've got the "I tried to Friend Mona on FB, and all I got was this lousy..." club. I'll design some t-shirts.
I'm in as one of Erik Mona's forlorn rejects for friendship. All I want is the ability to post whatever drivel spills from my fingers onto his facebook page along with pictures of me in a thong. Is that so much to ask?

Yes, I think that a pony in a thong is a site that would drive even Erik mad.

Dark Archive

Sebastian wrote:

If I draft a contract for the shadowrunners in my upcoming shadowrun game, is that:

(a) Too nerdy in a geeky way.
(b) Too nerdy in a legal way.
(c) Just plain dumb.
(d) Full of win.
(e) All of the above.

I vote E) All of the above.

David Fryer wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
I friended the Mona on Facebook, and he never responded. Hence, I am convinced that he hates me and is plotting to drive me insane so that he can have me committed to an asylum.

I too submitted my request for friendship, and it has yet to be accepted. I am glad to know it is not just me! We could start a club...

Offer emotional support to those who have been FB ignored by Mona?! ;)
So, we've got the "I tried to Friend Mona on FB, and all I got was this lousy..." club. I'll design some t-shirts.
I'm in as one of Erik Mona's forlorn rejects for friendship. All I want is the ability to post whatever drivel spills from my fingers onto his facebook page along with pictures of me in a thong. Is that so much to ask?
Yes, I think that a pony in a thong is a site that would drive even Erik mad.

Payback for the bug tongue thing!!

Whoo HOOOO!!! Top of the PAGE!!! I so rock! ;)

Dark Archive

Solnes wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
I friended the Mona on Facebook, and he never responded. Hence, I am convinced that he hates me and is plotting to drive me insane so that he can have me committed to an asylum.

I too submitted my request for friendship, and it has yet to be accepted. I am glad to know it is not just me! We could start a club...

Offer emotional support to those who have been FB ignored by Mona?! ;)
So, we've got the "I tried to Friend Mona on FB, and all I got was this lousy..." club. I'll design some t-shirts.
I'm in as one of Erik Mona's forlorn rejects for friendship. All I want is the ability to post whatever drivel spills from my fingers onto his facebook page along with pictures of me in a thong. Is that so much to ask?
Yes, I think that a pony in a thong is a site that would drive even Erik mad.
Payback for the bug tongue thing!!

As my brother would say, true dat.

Sebastian wrote:

If I draft a contract for the shadowrunners in my upcoming shadowrun game, is that:

(a) Too nerdy in a geeky way.
(b) Too nerdy in a legal way.
(c) Just plain dumb.
(d) Full of win.
(e) All of the above.


Scarab Sages

Sebastian wrote:
I'm in as one of Erik Mona's forlorn rejects for friendship. All I want is the ability to post whatever drivel spills from my fingers onto his facebook page along with pictures of me in a thong. Is that so much to ask?

Welcome to the club. By the way, are we "Friended" on Facebook? I can't recall.

I see some people are slacking on their pbp.

Dark Archive

Apparently I'm Erik's only friend? I feel special. :)

I'm rolling up some low will saves today!!! Need to get to school work! Can't resist boards!....

Scarab Sages

David Fryer wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Payback for the bug tongue thing!!
As my brother would say, true dat.

Yes! The bug-tongue thing was evil. Now I'm all creeped out.

DM Dave wrote:
I see some people are slacking on their pbp.

In all fairness i am waiting on the little mouthy tiefling to get back up.... ;)

I appreciate the contract idea, but I've always felt intuitively that the group that would receive it without balking didn't really need it, and the group that needed it would never give into it, and even if they did, it wouldn't help. But that's a gut feeling that I've never tested.

Solnes wrote:

I'm rolling up some low will saves today!!! Need to get to school work! Can't resist boards!....

So you still have hope? Just sit back and let it drain away. You cannot resist us.

Aberzombie wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
I'm in as one of Erik Mona's forlorn rejects for friendship. All I want is the ability to post whatever drivel spills from my fingers onto his facebook page along with pictures of me in a thong. Is that so much to ask?
Welcome to the club. By the way, are we "Friended" on Facebook? I can't recall.

Sebastian also isn't my friend...maybe we should start a club for that too......

Of course I have managed to not be tld I suck by him as well...starting to feel a little left out. :)

Scarab Sages

Solnes wrote:

I'm rolling up some low will saves today!!! Need to get to school work! Can't resist boards!....

Don't feel too bad! I've been at work for the past 5 hours.

Dark Archive

Solnes wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
I'm in as one of Erik Mona's forlorn rejects for friendship. All I want is the ability to post whatever drivel spills from my fingers onto his facebook page along with pictures of me in a thong. Is that so much to ask?
Welcome to the club. By the way, are we "Friended" on Facebook? I can't recall.
Sebastian also isn't my friend...maybe we should start a club for that too......

Sebastian's not my friend either. Maybe we should start stalking him.

Aberzombie wrote:
Solnes wrote:

I'm rolling up some low will saves today!!! Need to get to school work! Can't resist boards!....

Don't feel too bad! I've been at work for the past 5 hours.

Good news is I am off today!! But I have a PTA meeting at 6 and then I am helping my friend with the new baby after that.

David Fryer wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
I'm in as one of Erik Mona's forlorn rejects for friendship. All I want is the ability to post whatever drivel spills from my fingers onto his facebook page along with pictures of me in a thong. Is that so much to ask?
Welcome to the club. By the way, are we "Friended" on Facebook? I can't recall.
Sebastian also isn't my friend...maybe we should start a club for that too......
Sebastian's not my friend either. Maybe we should start stalking him.

I've never been a stalker before...this sounds exciting!!!

Dark Archive

Gah! The kids are hungry and I can't find the peanut butter.

Solnes wrote:
Carnivorous_Bean wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
I hate to say it, but I dislike that attitude. I used to have an acc~*~ with a local bank and after about ayear with them the decided to close my account, "due to inactivity" according to them. The did not notify me that my account had been closed, and they continued to accept my direct deposits, but they started sending back the checks I as writing. I didn't know what had happened until I started getting collection letters for bounced checks.

Ah, yes, banks.

I have plenty of horror stories about banks to share, and I agree with you that I have a hard time trusting them. About 3 years back, my bank removed $182 per week from my account, and claimed that they didn't -- and charged me their exorbitant overdraft fees. Naturally, they didn't notify me about the overdraft, either, so I racked up a good solid fee the first time it happened.

I went in, went over my checkbook with them, went over the bank statement, and basically showed them that $182 was missing from my account that should have been in there, because there was no transaction on which it could have been spent.

Their response was to print out a page showing my current balance, and saying "Well, we show this as your current balance, and so that's your current balance. We're not sure how it got there, but that's what you've got now, so it's correct as far as we're concerned."

About 4 months later, I got a note saying, "whoops, ha ha, we did make an error, so we redeposited the money in your account."

So, last year, I was in the bank and some other guy came storming in, saying, "There's $182 missing from my account!!!" ....

Needless to say, I'm currently banking with another bank .... and keeping a couple week's groceries worth of cash on hand so that I can't just be wiped out by a computer glitch ....

We had an issue similar to that with the man's acount back when we were dating. Never did get our money back out of it. Def switched banks.

I used to work at a bank a few years ago, and there were a lot of shenanniagans going on, both on the customer side as well as ours. Sometimes it was human error(Why am I 1200.00 under in my drawer? Turns out I did a withdrawl as a deposit. HA!), other times it was machine error(I'm willing to bet the error described above was due to someone somewhere trying to update one system or another), but as always, the worst was when it was simple stupidity. Like the time we got a lottery winner in there who wanted to withdraw about 30K in cash after the check cleared- JUST TO TOUCH IT. SHE REDEPOSITED IT A FEW SECONDS LATER. We had to have armed guards on the scene, which resulted in a lot of rubbernecking and a lot of complaining once they realized they had been called in for nothing. Shiny talks about stupidity at work a lot, but this one takes TEH CAEK.

Another personal pizza devoured...tummy satisfied...

EDIT: I feel the need to clarify that it is the first one I have eaten today....

Dark Archive

Solnes wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
I'm in as one of Erik Mona's forlorn rejects for friendship. All I want is the ability to post whatever drivel spills from my fingers onto his facebook page along with pictures of me in a thong. Is that so much to ask?
Welcome to the club. By the way, are we "Friended" on Facebook? I can't recall.
Sebastian also isn't my friend...maybe we should start a club for that too......
Sebastian's not my friend either. Maybe we should start stalking him.
I've never been a stalker before...this sounds exciting!!!

You stay away from my pony, you naughty peoples.

Freehold DM wrote:

I would so do that!!!!!!!

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