Forums are Way Too Long!!!

Off-Topic Discussions

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Liberty's Edge

Eyes hurt... but very happy.

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Two goblin villages down hundreds more to go.

Scarab Sages

It's a beautiful day in this neighborhood,

Scarab Sages

A beautiful day for a neighbor.

Scarab Sages

Would you be mine?

Scarab Sages

Could you be mine?...

Scarab Sages

It's a neighborly day in this beauty wood,

Scarab Sages

A neighborly day for a beauty.

Scarab Sages

Would you be mine?

Scarab Sages

Could you be mine?...

Scarab Sages

I've always wanted to have a neighbor just like you.

Scarab Sages

I've always wanted to live in a neighborhood with you.

Scarab Sages

So, let's make the most of this beautiful day.

Scarab Sages

Since we're together we might as well say:

Scarab Sages

Would you be mine?

Scarab Sages

Could you be mine?

Scarab Sages

Won't you be my neighbor?

Scarab Sages

Won't you please,

Scarab Sages

Won't you please?

Scarab Sages

Please won't you be my neighbor?

Liberty's Edge

Aberzombie singing that song creeps me out more than anything else I can imagine.

Silver Crusade

mattdroz wrote:
Aberzombie singing that song creeps me out more than anything else I can imagine.

Are you picturing it being sung by a rotting zombie, too?

Celestial Healer wrote:
mattdroz wrote:
Aberzombie singing that song creeps me out more than anything else I can imagine.
Are you picturing it being sung by a rotting zombie, too?

A zombie in a cardigan. *shiver*

Dark Archive

Jack Hammer wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
mattdroz wrote:
Aberzombie singing that song creeps me out more than anything else I can imagine.
Are you picturing it being sung by a rotting zombie, too?
A zombie in a cardigan. *shiver*

That really likes little kids.

Scarab Sages

Jack Hammer wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
mattdroz wrote:
Aberzombie singing that song creeps me out more than anything else I can imagine.
Are you picturing it being sung by a rotting zombie, too?
A zombie in a cardigan. *shiver*

I used to have a cardigan.....

Silver Crusade

Paizo Messageboards wrote:
The messageboards are temporarily unavailable.

Does this ever make you unreasonably sad?

Dark Archive

Celestial Healer wrote:
Paizo Messageboards wrote:
The messageboards are temporarily unavailable.
Does this ever make you unreasonably sad?

Yes. Everytime I see it I cry. Thanks a lot. I'm going back to play Resturant City now.

Aberzombie wrote:
Jack Hammer wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
mattdroz wrote:
Aberzombie singing that song creeps me out more than anything else I can imagine.
Are you picturing it being sung by a rotting zombie, too?
A zombie in a cardigan. *shiver*
I used to have a cardigan.....

I wanted to have sex with the lead singer of the Cardigans...


David Fryer wrote:
Jack Hammer wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
mattdroz wrote:
Aberzombie singing that song creeps me out more than anything else I can imagine.
Are you picturing it being sung by a rotting zombie, too?
A zombie in a cardigan. *shiver*
That really likes little kids.

Michael Jackson? I know. wrong.

Silver Crusade

Jack Hammer wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Jack Hammer wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
mattdroz wrote:
Aberzombie singing that song creeps me out more than anything else I can imagine.
Are you picturing it being sung by a rotting zombie, too?
A zombie in a cardigan. *shiver*
That really likes little kids.
Michael Jackson? I know. wrong.

I thought it, I just didn't say it.

Dark Archive

I think that it's either funny or pathetic that my neighbor is running their sprinkler while there are still puddles from yesterday's rain. Plus you can see the rain clouds moving in for another storm today.

Dark Archive

Jack Hammer wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Jack Hammer wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
mattdroz wrote:
Aberzombie singing that song creeps me out more than anything else I can imagine.
Are you picturing it being sung by a rotting zombie, too?
A zombie in a cardigan. *shiver*
That really likes little kids.
Michael Jackson? I know. wrong.

I don't remember Michael Jackson wearing a cardigan.

Celestial Healer wrote:
Are you picturing it being sung by a rotting zombie, too?
mattdroz wrote:
Aberzombie singing that song creeps me out more than anything else I can imagine.
Jack Hammer wrote:
A zombie in a cardigan. *shiver*
David Fryer wrote:
That really likes little kids.
Jack Hammer wrote:
Michael Jackson? I know. wrong.

*waits impatiently for cardigan-wearing, neighborhood-liking, too-much-plastic surgery, smooth-criminal-dancing undead zombie to show up*

Dark Archive

Wouldn't that make a Thriller of a video.

Sorry, I couldn't help myself. I know that I'm Bad and should reallt Beat It.

David Fryer wrote:
I think that it's either funny or pathetic that my neighbor is running their sprinkler while there are still puddles from yesterday's rain. Plus you can see the rain clouds moving in for another storm today.

You. Are. So. Lucky. We in Corvallis have a massive heat wave. A few days ago, we nearly reached record temperatures (106 F). Our record is 107.

We have to shut down the computer often just so that it doesn't overheat.

Liberty's Edge


Kill da wabbit!

Kill da Kobold.

Let's face it - it ain't that hard. In my experience, they mostly do themselves in - usually by tripping their own traps while they're busy running away from me.

Silver Crusade


Silver Crusade


Silver Crusade


Silver Crusade


Silver Crusade


How on earth did this thread get to 6,500+ posts?
When I were a lad, I remember it had less than a 100. You had to walk for four hours over broken glass to get to work, put in a twenty-hour shift, and then spent another four hours walking back home. You tell that to kids these days and they don't believe you!

The Exchange

Through a rather humorous series of events in our GURPS 1920s Bureau 13 game, 'speaking French' is a code phrase for grabbing my brass knuckles and beating the tar out of someone.

Not that anyone cares, but we find it funny.

Liberty's Edge

I know why I'm not posting as much... Preparation for GenCon (And Buckaroo Banzai was on IFC last night :) )

Dark Archive

RL is getting in the way. It's amazing how little time you have to post when you are looking for a job.

Shadow Lodge

Races back above the fold.

Whoa dudes! I luv posting! It's like I'm sharing myself with all you groovy people....

dang hippah!

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