Curse of the Crimson Throne

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Hey guys this is a good place to talk about the new game instead of e-mails, let me know if this works....

OK you are all tied to the Mission some way please click on your spoiler below:


You live in this mission, and work for the mission's criminal mastermind, Geadren Lamm, he comes and goes usually in disguise and his "office" is hidden somewhere within this falling apart structure. Without his "patronage" a percentage of the profits from stolen goods that Gaedren gives back in donations to the mission, the mission would have long ago gone under due to its inability to pay for itsself. It makes a great hideout and the idiot priest of Abadar is none the wiser.


After your master was hung for treason, you have fell on hard times, no one has work for a stable boy, especially one who worked for such a distasteful employer. You are hungry and desperate, and found refuge in St. Caspieran's Salvation, a mission run by the church of Abadar. While it houses some unsavory characters, there are a lot fo orphans your age, and you seem to get a long nicely with them, behind the mission and across the alley is a dog kennel, while they have no work available, the kennel intrests you greatly and you help out.


City life is hard, and its customs are foriegn and terrible, people do not share and they hold onto things and give thier posessions more value than their fellow tribesmen. You have had a terrible time of fitting in, and people even point and stare and mutter curses towards you under their breath. Hungry and cold, you found St. Caspieran's Salvation, a mission ran by a priest of Abadar, they fed you and provided shelter for cold nights. A elderly man approached you and provided you with work, although you find the work distasteful, it does allow you to interact with the other children of the mission, the only place where you are not treated with predujice


You are an aspiring initiate of Abadar, you come from a well to do family and to teach you the poorer side of a community your family and the church have provided you with an apprenticship at St. Caspieran's Salvation Mission. It is a filthy place and the cleric running it has his hands full. While you would kick some of the more unsavory inhabitants out Ishanti instructs that all citizens of a community must be cared for and made to be productive, it is a hard lesson to learn.


Your family has fallen on hard times, your grandfather was hung for treason, and your family's holdings were sold off, with what remainign money you do have, you were enrolled into the Academe. There you met your best friend Quillindra, but she too had disaster strike. Recently exspelled due to some necromantic no no she was kicked out into the streets. You believe she did not commit the crime, and was set up by another studnet. Recently, you found out Quillindra has been scraping by at St. Caspieran's Salvation, a mission of ill repute. You wish to pay her a visit, and while there meet more unfortunate children whom you have befriended

If you guys want to create an account and an alias for your character please go ahead and do so, if not u can still post as a guest.... If u need assistance or instructions I will provide them here.... Remember this is a resource, our game will be face to face, but this can be useful!

below is an example of an alias just click on the name

Male Human (FLAN) [0-Level]

<---click on name

you can now post as the character you can use bold [/i] [i]italics [/ooc] [ooc]out of character use spoilers liek above, link to other websites such as invis castle to confirm rolls ect look at the BBCode for things you can do!

Stuart, Josh and John any pregame interaction do it here please

Male Dwarf Cleric [0-level]

Here is Baern's profile. If it isn't up-to-date yet, just wait longer.

Female Elf 0

How do you set your character up here?

Stephen aka Tanaila

Go to "My account" and select "create new message board alias",Fill out the numbers use Vladimir as an example, but make sure the skills are Pathfinder, not 3.5..........(copy and paste is your friend)

Male Dwarf Cleric [0-level]

Whereabouts in Korvosa is the mission located?

In the heart of the district of Midland, Just off off Harbourmaster's boulvard about 4 house rowws in... North, but south of where it bisects with University way...its in a poorer part of Midland. A slum called "the Shingles" a place where it is so crowded buildings have been packed a top one another creating a maze of rooftops.

Male Human (Cheliax) [0-Level]


Hey guys just a reminder game on at my place tommorow, can I get a confromation, that all of you have read your spoilers.....see ya tommorow!

Male Human (Cheliax) [0-Level]

I confirm I will be there.

This is the discourse so far, in order
Stuart wrote:

It's Sunday morning, and you are listening to Ishani's sermon in the common area of St. Caspieran's. You happen to be standing near each other when you are approached by a younger-looking dwarf with dark brown hair and a short beard, dressed in an initiate's cassock. He smiles awkwardly at you as he nervously tries to strike up a conversation.

"G-greetings young friends, may Abadar's light shine on you and bring you warmth. M-my name is Baern. Umm... ahh... how does this day find you?"

John wrote:

The larger boy stops poking the smaller boy and turns and looks at Baern.

"Halo Baern, I'm Kylar. My friend here is Petrus. We wus discussing de benefits of free animal health care." You notice Kylar gives Petrus a small kick. Possibly suggesting that wasn't their topic of conversation.

Josh E wrote:

The "larger" boy suddenly appears smaller as the one called Petrus stands. In his arms is a small puppy.

"Um yeah free animal care... maybe if Kylar would get off his lazy butt and come help me bring manure to Count Escalente's garden we could afford to get my puppy something other than finely chopped rat meat. I keep telling you when they're this young they need milk."

Stuart wrote:

Baern looks blankly at Petrus for a moment before replying, oblivious to Kylar's suspicious behaviour. "Umm... Milk... yes... that makes sense, I suppose." He clears his throat noisily as he thinks.

"I wonder... if I am able to help you in some way... Perhaps... perhaps a wheel-barrow or a hand cart might help you in your labours?" His eyes brighten somewhat, and he seems a little less nervous as his mind drifts into practicality. "I seem to recall that there is an abandoned cart of some kind in an alley a few streets over, on Harbourmaster's Boulevard. Perhaps after Ishani's sermon?" He trails off, looking at the pair hopefully.

Oops, meant to post that as Baern. Oh well. Anyway, I confirm that I will be there tomorrow, and that I have read my spoiler.

Male Human (Cheliax) [0-Level]

Kylar eyes Baern, almost as if he is comparing Baern to something in his mind. He then looks around nervously.
"Well, I suppose I could leave the mission for a while. How long do you think we will be gone for?"

Male Human (Cheliax) [0-Level]

From the 1st Training Session here are the notable NPCs that seem to have stood out, and if they seem to have some specialty. If I have missed an NPC or a skill set that one of them has demonstrated make a note of it!

Geadren Lamm (controls the Little Lamms) (animal handling, intimidate)
Clegg Zincher – enforcer for Geadren (wpn training, knowledge religion)
Grau – weapon trainer (friend of Baern’s father and Tanaila) (wpn training)
Ishani Dhatri – priest of Abadar, runs the mission (St. Caspieran’s Salvation) (heal, knowledge religion)
Yagrin – enforcer for Geadren (magic, spellcraft)
Rolf – student at the Acadame (thought to have setup Quilindra, and possibly other students)

The Little Lamms
Trinia Sabor – Kylar’s sister (perform – music)
Quilindra – Tanaila’s friend (spellcraft)
Kimi – older girl, tom-boy
Mikra – older boy, not too bright, strong (sleight of hand)
Jurin – pampered kid (bluff??)
Savram – quiet kid
Hollin – not too bright, strong, woodworking skills (craft?)

I confirm those skills are held by their owners, and they can teach you guys...

Male Human (Cheliax) [0-Level]

First Session (according to Kylar)
(this is actually a shortened version that my actual notes, just fyi)


All characters have some connection to the mission. 3 are residents (Petrus, Kylar, Orson), 2 are visitors (Baern, Tanaila).

After the sermon the gang heads off to get a cart to collect manure in...(why do we let Josh talk us into these things... ;)
The group gets jumped by some of the larger kids from the mission. They claim Kylar is a tattletale. After the scrum (bites and bruises for all!) they find the cart (missing a wheel). After much work they move it.
Then a bell rings, summoning the Lamms to work. A beating is in story for anyone who doesn't 'contribute'.
Petrus & Orson steal a horse. Kylar robs from drunks. Tanaila chases a carriage and then helps Kylar take down an assistant at the Acadame who has grabbed one of the Lamms picking his pocket.
Only one Lamm fails to turn anything in (Savram) who is later severely beating (by Kylar and Petrus... those bullies!)
Trinia comes back with money and a lute (no she didn't mug a bard!).
Kimi comes back and is somewhat disgusted.
Quilindra comes back at nearly dawn and doesn't want to talk about it.

Baern discovers that Geadren is controlling the Lamms and is operating out of the mission.

Petrus & Orson decide to hold some cash in reserve to cover for any of the others. Kylar indicates that he will help cover for Trinia or Savram if required.

The group meets Grau and gets some weapon training slated in on a regular basis.

Male Dwarf Cleric [0-level]

Season 1 Role-playing Journal - this is copied from Baern's profile


The first season begins for Baern with him introducing himself to Petrus and Kylar during one of Ishani's sermons. Baern, eager to help the boys in their chores, leads them along with a few of the other urchins to an abandoned cart that they can use, though not without incident. Away from St. Casperian’s, a trio of boys from the Mission comes looking for Kylar. Baern helps break up the scuffle, though more by good luck than any particular skill.

The group is able to bring the delapidated cart back to St. Casperian’s in time for a local festival that evening. The urchins disperse, leaving the cart behind the Mission to repair at a later time, while Baern attends to his duties: giving aid and alms to those wandering into the Mission. He is kept hopping on this particular evening as the festival brings many people together, and drunken scuffles and other altercations occur frequently.

The evening comes to a close as Baern observes Petrus and the Shoanti lad, Orson, leading a horse in behind the Mission. Baern follows behind, and sees the two boys handing the horse over to Geadren, the local slum lord, in exchange for a purse of coins. Geadren speaks to the boys for a short time, and then leads the horse through a hidden entrance into the Mission. Baern is dumbstruck, as Geadren was expelled from St. Casperian’s months ago.

The boys head back around front while Baern keeps to the shadows. Petrus, however, stands for some time by the side of the building until Orson is out of earshot. He turns and looks at Baern, saying "it's safe now Baern, you can come out." Baern, still too stunned to think straight, wordlessly thanks Petrus for his discretion and heads back to the front of the Mission. He sits on the front steps, his thoughts racing.

Early the next morning as Baern was lighting the candles in the pulpit, Petrus and Kylar bring one of the younger urchins down from the second floor. He was knocked senseless not too long ago, though the boys did not tell Baern how he had become so injured. While tending to his injuries, Baern feels a strange sensation: a hot, tingling sensation in his fingertips. Suddenly faint and weak, Baern nearly collapses against the table. He quickly recovers, though, and finishes with the boy.

As he traveled home that day, Baern thought about the events he had witnessed over the last two days: the Mission urchins obviously stealing things, the presence of Geadren, and the injuries to the young boy. He decided that day to speak to his father and his friend from the dueling academy, Grau. He convinces them (though it wasn’t exactly difficult) to help train some of the younger urchins to defend themselves.

Later that day Baern returned to St. Casperian’s and helped the urchins start repairs on the cart. While they worked Baern mentioned that he knew a man from the dueling academy who would be willing to teach them to defend themselves, and the urchins all eagerly agreed to come and see him. The very next day they all came out to the inn and met Grau, who trained them in the inn courtyard for several hours.

Over the following months, Baern and the urchins trained irregularly with Grau. Baern doggedly worked at his duties at the Mission, trying to ignore the activities of Gaedren and his lackeys. Baern spoke regularly with Ishani about the man, and what they could do about him. Ishani knew full well that Gaedren still secretly lived in St. Casperian’s, and of his criminal activities. However, Gaedren’s sizeable donations to the Mission were all that kept it open, and without St. Casperian’s there would be many people who would have nowhere to go, and they would be far worse off. For the sake of these people, Ishani turns a blind eye to Gaedren.

Female Elf 0

How the heck do you guys put in the spoilers?

Tanaila inbetween her busy studies and hanging around the mission begins to snoop around the Acadame to see what exactly is going on with the mysterious student dismissals. There might be a common link. If she can uncover it, maybe she can get Quillindra re-admitted and away from the horrible influence of Yagrin.

Male Human (Cheliax) [0-Level]

You insert a spoiler by putting in BBCode Tag (should be a button at the bottom of the text that shows it)

Basically you are using the hard brackets [] and then insert the word 'spoiler' at the start and '/spoiler' at the end to close it off.

Male Human (Cheliax) [0-Level]

Kylar asks Tanaila to show him around some of the 'better' areas of town. After all the more we know about our home town the better.

OOC - Larry this is building towards the City Born - Korvosa feat for session 2.

No problem John, Steve, I will work on some stuff about your investigations at the Academae...

Male Human (Cheliax) [0-Level]

'Hey Petrus and Orson, have you heard the rumor? They are saying that Blackjack himself is going to stop the guards from whipping those dockworkers! Lets head over and get a good place to watch. What do you say?'

OOC - Larry, I don't see our characters interacting with Blackjack in this, just some opportunity for some hero worship from some young impressionable kids (ala Zorro type stuff). Possibly getting ourselves into other shenanigans though.

Looks good John I will work this in....for the 26th...

Male Human (Cheliax) [0-Level]

Here is what I have for Session 2. Again abbreviated from my own notes.


Session #2 – 2nd Training Session
present: Orson, Petrus, Baern, Kylar

2 years have passed. Geadren & Rolf are on a trip to Cheliax.
Tanaila is missing. We search for her at the Academy. She isn't there. We decide to check her old family estate.

We learn that the wilderness is very unfriendly. And forced marches are really troublesome. We discover some orcs at the family estate. They almost kill us. We decide to rest and recover there. Before everyone is full recovered more orcs show up. We hide in the basement but they come in after us. We fight valiantly but in the end are defeated. We wake up to dwarves. Apparently they started search for Baern when he went missing (along with his father's crossbow).

They take us back to town. Still no sign of Tanaila.

Rumours and Other Stuff
- yearly event at the Academy, break into the vaults get 10,000gp! Lethal event, no one has won it.
- the King is looking for a wife, as such he has stopped entertaining young ladies
- apparently there is a suitable bride coming from Cheliax
- Geadren and Rolf are in Cheliax (coincidence... I think NOT!)
- Baern's mother is a Shiver addict, family business having problems
- Kimi shows fighting potential, maybe become a student of Vencarlo
- Savram has been working in the basement and comes out all glassy eyed
- Yagrin has started wearing fancy clothes that are 15 yrs out of fashion
- Tanaila is still missing, and rumoured to have been expelled (probably for necromancy)

Important Life Lessons
- taking more than a day of food/water for a 4 day trip useful
- walking/forced marching for 6 days... bad
- fighting random forest creatures... not so good
- letting some one know (even by accident) that you are going adventuring and to send help if gone a certain time... priceless
- drinking Orcish Ale... not a good choice

Larry a thought for you on balancing stat rolls.

Rather than rolling for each stat, you might consider allowing us to choose three stats to increase and then allocating the rolls as we see fit. (It's also a good time to retroactively apply that for the 2nd season.)

It'd avoid penalizing high rollers and penallizing people trying to increase a few select stats but roll poorly on them. (I'm thinking in particular of Johnny and Stuart.)

Male Human (Cheliax) [0-Level]

OOC - I dunno... the way we are doing it does add some drama/flair to the rolls, which I like. It also gives us a sense of the characters growing in ways we didn't anticipate (ie not min/maxing).

While I might like to change the order of some of my rolls, it just means I have to think about how and what I really want to improve. :)

I think fot the last season we will do the auction I was talking about....we will see....

Male Dwarf Cleric [0-level]

Gee, I put a lot more detail into my description than Johnny did. Oh well, maybe I'm just longwinded. Anyway, I don't think I'm going to bother cross-posting this on my profile, but here it is for all of you.


The second season opens in a quiet but unsettling time for the group. Gaedren has been gone for months, supposedly to somewhere in the Cheliax Empire, and left Clegg and Yargin in charge. The cellars of St. Casperian’s have been occupied by Gaedren’s henchmen, and Savram has been put to work down there, “stirring vats” he says. Ishani is becoming increasingly withdrawn, and Baern has been taking on further duties along with some other helpers at the Mission. Tanaila, their friend from the Academae, has not been seen in several weeks, and the Acadamae is increasingly quiet, with few wizards seen on the streets.

An upcoming event is being held at the Acadamae: their “Thieves’ Night”, where any enterprising burglars are invited to try to make their way past the lethal wards of the Acadamae vaults for a prize of 10,000 gold pieces. Only one is rumoured to have made it past the wards in a previous year, and he was rumoured to have then been invited to join the Acadamae itself. Several days before the event, the Acadamae is holding a festival outside their grounds. The boys see this as an opportunity to fleece a few of the festival goers as well as to find some information about Tanaila. Baern goes to the festival as well, as his slightly more respectable appearance may garner responses the boys could not achieve.

They finally manage to discover a receptive younger student who tells them that Tanaila had not been seen at the Acadamae for six weeks. He was somewhat vague on the reasons, but he thought she might have been expelled, or at least suspended, for some thing or another. We couldn’t get much out of him on where she might have gone, though he likely just didn’t know. He also tells them that Rolf, the troublemaker at the Acadamae, has been gone for many weeks as well. He has heard rumours that his wealthy family decided to have him tutored in magic privately rather than at the Acadamae.


The group tries to think of somewhere Tanaila would have gone. They do not know anything of her parents, but Petrus used to work on Tanaila’s family estate, which had been abandoned and sold back to the crown following her grandfather’s disgrace. They think that she might have gone there if she was looking for a safe place to continue her studies, as her grandfather had been a wizard of great power and supposedly had a hidden sanctuary on the estate.

Baern speaks to his father, Kordan, the following day, telling them of their plan to go looking for Tanaila. It is only a few days from Korvosa, and if they leave on Toilday they should be back by the following Sunday. Baern also asks to borrow the crossbow that he has been training with, as he does not have enough money to afford one of his own. Kordan flatly refuses, telling Baern that adventuring is dangerous business and not for children. He tells Baern to keep to his studies at the Mission and keep himself out of trouble, and the discussion ends there. Baern is troubled by this. He is by now desperately concerned for Tanaila, and secretly more than a little excited at the prospect of adventure. But he has never before flouted his father’s authority.

His concern for his friend and his excitement finally overrode his respect for his father’s authority and the next morning, when the house was empty save for his mother in her sick room, he took the crossbow and the few quarrels that were with it. Before long Baern, Kylar, Orson, and Petrus were walking across the North Bridge out of the city, heading into the rugged hills where Tanaila’s old family estate could be found.


The first day was difficult, especially for Kylar and Petrus. That evening Baern tended their blistered feet, and when tending to Kylar the actions seemed to come so easily that Baern realized how proficient he was becoming in the healing arts. That night the group had their first real fight. A wolverine was snuffling around the camp, and Petrus whacked it with his staff, angering it. While Petrus alternated between trying to confuse the thing and whacking it again, the other three beat, shot, and stabbed the wolverine to death. Victory!

Of course the next night, after another long day of hiking, a large animal, probably a bear, stole all their food, including the wolverine carcass.

However, the night of the fight Baern had a wondrous thing happen. In administering to Petrus’ bites and scratches, Baern felt the tingling in his fingertips again. A blue glow with golden sparks started from his hands. Petrus, alarmed, tried to push him away, but Baern was determined that he would not fail again. Though he could feel the weakness inside him, Baern will was strong enough, and the blue glow flared into a golden light, and Petrus’ wounds magically healed and disappeared. Baern sat back heavily, exhausted from the effort but triumphant.

The rest of the trip was extremely difficult, even for Baern and Orson, as they were short of food after the bear had stolen theirs and the terrain was rapidly growing steeper and more rugged. They finally arrived at the edge of the estate, exhausted. Kylar insisted on pushing on up the last hill to the ruins that night and they dragged themselves up the switchbacks to the ruins. Petrus and Kylar collapsed, utterly exhausted, outside the ruined house.

Alarmingly, the group realized that they had heard chanting coming from inside the ruin, that abruptly ceased when they drew near. Orson and Baern pulled the others into hiding on the far side of the wall, but when a pair of brutish, ugly creatures came out of the ruin they spotted Orson’s spear standing up above the wall. Petrus looked up and saw them, hissed a single word: “orcs”, then flopped on the ground, apparently unconscious. The orcs came for Orson, waving their fists and shouting. Baern, out of sight further down the wall, took sight with his crossbow and fired, grazing the top of the shoulder of one of the orcs. He quickly reloaded and fired again, this time with a better hit, in the upper arm, but the orc came charging at him, swinging a hand axe. He managed to dodge once, but a second blow fell true. Baern tried to block the swing with his arms but to no avail. The blade cut through his left hand, severing his little finger before sinking into his shoulder. Baern fell to the ground and knew no more.


Baern later awoke within a dark cellar with Kylar, Petrus, and Orson desperately piling crates and barrels at the bottom of the cellar stairs. The sounds of more orcish voices were coming from the stairway along with the thud of metal on wood. He realized that they were still in desperate straits, though he did not know how much time had passed. He felt his power now, bubbling just beneath the surface and ready to use. He focused on the power and turned it inwards. A golden glow suffused Baern’s vision and he felt the wound in his shoulder closing. As he felt his wounds healing he also felt a strange instinct that there was something hidden nearby, and he began searching the stones against his back. Before he could find anything though, the golden light dissipated and he could not see for a moment.

Then the cellar door above crashed in and orcs spilled down the stairs. The orcs swarmed in and came for the lads. One rushed in and struck down Baern with the flat of its axe, and two more attacked Kylar, Petrus, and Orson. Baern’s power flared strong again and he used it, not to heal, but to attack the mind of the orc. He stretched forth his wounded hand and it shone a hot reddish gold. A ghostly outline of his lost finger appeared as well. The orc’s eyes grew wide and it fled, screaming, up the stairs. Then Baern’s overtaxed strength failed, and he fell to the floor, unconscious.


Baern awoke again to a blessed sight. Kordan, Berend, and Grau stood around the boys, and a pile of dead and burnt orcs lay in a pile, smouldering still. Kordan’s face was a mix of relief and towering fury, and though Baern suspected that he would not soon be allowed many freedoms, he was thankful to be alive.


Male Human (Cheliax) [0-Level]

After a few days of recovery back in Korvosa Kylar approaches Baern, Petrus and Orson.

'Hey guys, I think we need to go back to the estate and look for clues about Tanaila's whereabouts. We never got to check out that basement for clues either. Lets go!'

Male Dwarf Cleric [0-level]

Baern sullenly shakes his head at Kylar's suggestion.

"I won't be accompanying you if you so choose, my young friend." Baern sighs heavily and resumes his task, ministering to an elderly man with some scrapes from a fall.

"My father has forbidden me from all except the family shop and the Mission, and he only begrudgingly allowed me to continue my work here at the Mission."

He thinks about the strange dreams he has been having, and the memory of the secret he was sure was to be found there. Then he shakes his head again. "No, I cannot go. I cannot, I will not, defy him again."

Hey guys good stuff here!, I will be a bit in updating when we play next, I have some writing assignments due this week and the Paizo con is approaching fast, I will set the next game up before I leave tho! ANyone purchase Fingerprints of the Fiend yet, any one have any comments...........use spoilers!

Male Human (Cheliax) [0-Level]

Purchased, but only glanced thru it so far.

Male Human (Cheliax) [0-Level]

'Ah, that is too bad Baern. It would have been good to have you come with us. Perhaps you might know where we could get a crossbow...' Kylar says the last bit with a mischievious look in his eye.

'Petrus, Orson looks like its only us!'

Male Dwarf Cleric [0-level]

Baern gives Kylar a steady look. "I do have something to tell you, however. I do not know of your own dreams, but mine have been haunted by that cellar in which we hid." Baern rubbed his temples lightly with his good hand and closed his eyes, remembering.

"The sloping stone floor... I keep dreaming of it. And when we were there, when I was in the grip of divine Abadar's will, I sensed something hidden there, behind the stones." He looked up at Kylar, glancing quickly at the others. "We dwarves are fond of clever stonework, including secret passages and hidden doors. I think there is a hidden door in that cellar. Look there for something."

"And something else... I remember those orcs laughing about, how did they put it... 'a little elf coming back for more.' I think Tanaila was there, and I hope she did not come to a bad end. I will ask where I can here in Korvosa, but you be careful out in the wilderness." He finishes with his ministrations of the elderly man, then packs a small satchel of salves and bandages (A Healer's Kit, only 3 uses maybe?) and hands it to Kylar.

"Try not to get killed..."

Baern what about telling your dad you swore an oath to protect your charges at the mission (of whom Tanailia is clearly a member) and asking him to come along with us to show you how to evaluate old stonework?

At worst he gets to kill some more orcs and if the orcs have fled it could be good for your family to have gotten out of the city for a bit... you know sort of an extended picnic camping trip or sabbatical...

Male Human (Cheliax) [0-Level]

'Hmm... I dunno Petrus, we might not be able to make a case that Tanaila's a resident at the mission. I mean she only comes around to help Quilindra. Unless we can confirm that she was expelled and has no where else to turn to, then she might be considered a resident.'

You're not helping Kylar.

Besides we did hear that the orcs had ran into Tanaila and she could still be out there... and helping a friend in need is always a noble goal.

Male Human (Cheliax) [0-Level]

'Petrus, I think you misunderstood me. Its not that I don't want Baern's father to help, I just don't think lying to him would be such a good idea. Technically, Tanaila is not a member of the mission. She is a visitor.'

Male Human (Cheliax) [0-Level]

OOC - Larry, I've updated Kylar's profile with session 2 results and goals for session 3. I've also put in some of what happens to Kylar between 2 & 3.

Kylar wrote:
'Petrus, I think you misunderstood me. Its not that I don't want Baern's father to help, I just don't think lying to him would be such a good idea. Technically, Tanaila is not a member of the mission. She is a visitor.'

Kylar that's semantics. She could be out there starving to death or being prepared to be roasted for supper and you're getting bogged down in the details of whether she lives here or not. Regardless she might as well for as much time as she spends here. Just because I occasionally sleep on the roof of the building next door doesn't mean this isn't pretty close to home for me.

And besides maybe she's trapped in that secret room Baern thinks is behind the wall there. When I worked there I always remember them taking a bunch of deliverys of magic stuff, but there was no lab on the upper levels and I betcha she's in the basement.

I'll eventually get into the pace of things with the message board. I'm curious to see what the fallout of our ill fated trip was.

Male Dwarf Cleric [0-level]

Larry et al: FYI, I've updated my profile with the info from Season 2 and the lead-in for Season 3.

"Kylar, Petrus, please stop your wrangling. I will speak with my father and Grau and see if one of them will accompany you to the estate. Our motivation to see our friend safely through her trials is good, noble, and just, regardless of her living at the Mission or no."

Baern peers at the candle clock burning behind the altar. "My father and Grau should be finished at the Dueling Academy in another hour. I will go and speak to them then."

Male Dwarf Cleric [0-level]

Later that day Baern headed to the inn near home to speak with his father, Kordan, and Grau. He is hesitant in his approach, knowing that his father is still angry with him.

"Father... Grau... I do not ask this lightly, but we need your help." He lowers his eyes before their glowering faces, but he reminds himself of the possible plight of Tanaila. "The elf maid we went looking for on our journey is still missing. She is a good friend of ours, and I think she may be hiding in a hidden chamber below the cellar at the estate..."

He raises his face to them. "But we do not know, and she may be in grave danger! I will not disobey you again father, but I beg you, help us find her!"

hmmm... DM Time!

Bearn's Father looks down to the young Dwarf with a mixture, of understanding, pride, and anger, he begins, "I understand what it is like to seek adventure, to want to prove yourself a Dwarf. Believe me I know" He states patting his crossbow, his face softens and he smiles, "If you believe your friend is in danger, then I cannot stop you". Looking to Grau, "DO you believe these young men are ready?"

Grau smiles, "They killed their first greenskin, they know the road ahead, I believe they are ready, but then again none of them are my son.

The old dwarf smiles, Go, but I will accompany you to the burnt mansion, Grau you stay here and cover me at the Dueling school".

Grau smiles, Yes, but lets arm these lads properly this time.

Roleplay the travel to the mansion on here, we will set up a face to face meeting for its exploration. Assume you all get 1 weeks trail rations, a waterskin and a bedroll, also 1 simple weapon of your choice. I am busy till after Paizo con e mail me your availability for the last 2 weeks of June, no need to rush through the 0 level stuff if we are having fun!

It doesn't really matter for the journey, but I'm assuming that our characters are how they were immediately following the last session (i.e. none of the training {other than in game}, and none of the stat increases) for the journey and the exploration. Am I right?

Ya since you did not age 2 years....

Female Elf 0

Home for a weekend with the family. I look forward to these weekends as long as mom can keep it together and stay off the shiver. She thinks I don't know, but I have my suspicions. I have seen the urchins coming and going to my house late at odd times in the day. Hanging around the mission has opened my eyes up to the seedier side of the city. Full of scum, but still some good people who have been dealt a bad hand from the start. If it were not for my father's influence, the disgrace of my grandfather could have landed me among them as well.
My thoughts are interrupted by a commotion downstairs. My studies will have to wait a bit. It is getting late and I wonder what mom and dad are arguing about. Sneaking down the stairs it becomes more clear. Apparently there is a fairly valuable book on magic missing. Mom swears she packed it, but I fear her addiction went back to then. It must have been left in the workshop. According to dad this book could bring some prosperity back to our family if sold to the right person.
I think I know where it is hidden. If I can get it back maybe we can get some help for mother. I'm a smart girl. My studies are going well. I'm a fair hand with a sword and bow (at least I think so). I can do this... I'll get the book for them.
I get before dawn to get mys stuff together and head off. Leaving a note that I'm going back to the Academae early, I saddle my horse and ride out to the old estate. I should get there before night by horse and a bit of a ways back. No problem, what could go wrong.
The trip to the estate is fairly uneventful. With the sun out and me riding on the main road I have no problems getting to the estate house. From a distance it looks deserted still. I tie up my horse outside the house and head in and down to the basement where the reinforced workshop is. Grandfather worked with some stuff that could go boom and this was the buffer. Let's see thru the wine cellar and 10 paces from the NW corner is the hidden door. Grandfather thought I didn't know about this, but I saw him one night. Now if I remember the triggers for the door were in the corners 2' from the floor. With a faint click the door slide open with a grind. "I guess it has been a while.", I mutter.
Down 20' the stairs open up into a room 20'x 20'. No one has been in here since we left. Thick dust covers everything. Looks like we never took anything from this room. When I can I would like to get this place back and restore my family's honor. This workshop would prove useful. Looking around I see the book they are talking about. It is a book on the summoning and controlling elementals. I have seen books at the Academae refer to this as a very good source. Placing the book into my pack I take one last look around. There are a few items of interest here. Took big for me to take back unfortunately.
Heading up the stairs I see that it is almost night. Guess I'm not going back now. Too dark and not that safe to be alone on the road. I'll put my horse in the old stables and then go back to the workshop. Might as well take a good look around. On the way back I see shapes moving around the house. Oh dear... they're orcs. If I can make it back to the workshop and shut the door I should be safe. I hope they don't find my horse (fat chance there).
Getting back into the workshop is easy. The door closing is another thing. Just my luck it seems to be a bit stuck. Examining it closely reveals a rock jammed. My sword proves to be effective in getting it out. Dad would never approve of this I'm sure. The door slowly grinds close as I hear the gutteral voices of the orcs coming down the stairs.

Male Dwarf Cleric [0-level]

Sweet! Trapped for weeks in a hidden room with orcs outside! Let's hope Tanaila figures out that spell for making food and drinking water... Although I think this means that the squirt at the Academae (the one who told us Tanaila was suspended or expelled) was spinning us a yarn. Maybe we can slip in and burn his books.

Baern, full of relief and hope, rushes back to the Mission to speak with the boys. He finds Petrus and Orson idling on the front steps. He waves them into the building, delaying their questions, and finds Kylar inside, eating. Baern sits down at the table with them.

"My friends, we are lucky beyond words. My father has agreed to accompany us to Tanaila's estate, and has allowed me to go as well. He and Grau are going to provide us with some provisions for the journey." Baern takes back the satchel he had earlier given to Kylar so that he can pack it a little fuller. "You should all get ready. We'll leave tomorrow."

[Looking a little sheepish]

Umm are we walking this time or taking a coach?

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