Looking for Rakshasa


Are there any good modules out there featuring Rakshasa? (Esp[ecially Paizo) I love their subtle evil and mind-games. Sorry for the short post, but hey, really that's all I got.



So you are purposefully excluding individual volumes of Paizo's APs, right?

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

There have been several modules involving Rakshasa, they were so subtle, you never saw them in the adventure ;-)

Escape from Old Korvosa (Curse of the Crimson Throne #3) is the Rakshasa adventure. And look, the PDF is on sale!

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Mahasimha Rakshasa

The Mahasimha Rakshasa is a large leonine biped, dressed in flowing robes and regal jewelry. He is recognizable as a rakshasa by his palm upward hands. They are often attended by a harem of female bodyguards. A Mahasimha wields a truly massive two-handed sword with a great many fang-like protrusions. A Mahasimha prefers to hold back from combat initially, using his abilities to bolster his allies before choosing to wade into combat.

Mahasimha Rakshasa speak Common, Aquan, Gnoll, Infernal, Sylvan, and Undercommon.

Large Outsider (native)

HD: 22d8+220 (319 hp)
Init: +10
Speed: 60 feet (12 squares)
AC: 41 (-1 size, +6 Dex, +10 Profane, +16 Natural) touch 25, flatfooted 35
BAB: +22, Grapple: +38
Attack: Huge Fangblade +35 (4d6+17 (15-20/x2))
Full Attack: Huge Fangblade +35/+30/+25/+20 (4d6+17 (15-20/x2)) and Bite +25 (2d6+4)
Space/Reach: 10/10
Special Attacks: Detect Thoughts, Epic Skill Tricks, Follow Through, Pounce, Quick Cast, Spells, Sudden Strike +11d6.
Special Qualities: Absorb Arcane Spell, Absorb Divine Spell, Arcane Channeling, Change Shape, DR 10/epic and DR 20/good & piercing, Darkvision 60 feet, Double Action, Infernal Grace, Powerful Build, Spell Resistance 37
Saves: Fort +23, Reflex +19, Will +18
Abilities: Str 27, Dex 22, Con 31, Int 20, Wis 21, Cha 30
Skills: Bluff +39, Concentration +35, Diplomacy +39, Disguise +39 (+49 when using Change Shape), Intimidate +37, Jump +45, Knowledge (any 1) +30, Listen +30, Perform +35, Sense Motive +30, Spellcraft +30, Spot +30, Tumble +33.
Feats: Blindfight, Bounding Assault, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Epic Prowess, Exotic Weapon Proficiency fangblade, Great Cleave, Improved Initiative, Leap Attack, Mobility, Power Attack, Rapid Blitz, Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack.
Environment: Warm Plains
Organization: Solitary or Pride (1 + 2-12 rakshasa females)
CR: 21
Treasure: standard coins, double goods, standard items plus +5 keen fangblade
Alignment: always Lawful Evil
Advancement: by class. Favored Class: Duskblade
Level Adjustment: +13

Absorb Arcane Spell (Su). When the Mahasimha Rakshasa ignores the effects of an arcane spell or spell-like ability because of his Spell Resistance, he can absorb the energy of that attack. The Mahasimha can then discharge that energy as a free action, choosing one of four effects. He can add 10 points of arcane energy per level of the absorbed spell to his next melee attack, or add 2 points of arcane energy per level of the absorbed spell to all melee attacks for 1 round, or he can add 5 points of arcane energy per level of the absorbed spell to the next melee attack made this round by all of his allies within 60 feet of him, or he can add 1 point of arcane energy per level of the absorbed spell to all melee attacks made this round by all of his allies within 60 feet of him. The Mahasimha can only hold the charge of 1 arcane spell at a time, but is able to release the energy of a lower level spell with no effect at anytime.

Absorb Divine Spell (Su) When the Mahasimha Rakshasa ignores the effects of an divine spell or spell-like ability because of his Spell Resistance, he can absorb the energy of that attack. The Mahasimha can then discharge that energy as a free action, choosing one of two effects. The Mahasimha can heal himself of 10 points of damage per level of the absorbed spell, or he can heal 5 points of damage per level of the absorbed spell to all allies within 60 feet of him.

Arcane Channeling (Su) As the Duskblade's class ability of the same name. The Mahasimha is treated as a 17th level Duskblade for this ability.

Change Shape (Su) As the standard Rakshasa ability.

Detect Thoughts (Sp) As the standard Rakshasa ability.

Double Action (Ex) The Mahasimha Rakshasa is formidable in combat. He rolls initiative twice for any combat, acting on both initiative counts. Whenever the Mahasimha would gain a feat because of hit dice, it gains 2 feats of its choice, beginning with its first hit die. The Mahasimha may make two swift or immediate actions per round.

Epic Skill Tricks (Ex) The Mahasimha is an expert at manipulation. It gains special uses for the Bluff (Feinting Cleave), Diplomacy (Divert), Intimidate (Hinder), Perform (Inspire), and Sense Motive (Avoid) skills, as described below.

Avoid. Once per round as an immediate action, the Mahasimha can make a Sense Motive skill check opposed by its opponent's attack roll. If the Mahasimha succeeds, he negates the attack.

Divert. Once per round as an immediate action, the Mahasimha can make a Diplomacy skill check opposed by its opponent's Will Saving Throw. If the Mahasimha succeeds, the opponent must attack the creature the Mahasimha designates. The opponent gains a +20 bonus on its Will Save if directed to attack an ally. The Mahasimha and the opponent must share a common language.

Feinting Cleave. Everytime the Mahasimha drops an opponent and uses the Cleave or Great Cleave feat to attack a new target, the Mahasimha may, as a free action, make a Bluff skill check opposed by the new target's Sense Motive skill check. If the Mahasimha is successful, the new target is denied its Dexterity modifier to AC, and may be subjected to the Mahasimha's Sudden Strike ability.

Hinder. As a swift action, the Mahasimha can make an Intimdate skill check affecting against every opponent within 60 feet. For every 10 points of the Intimidate check, he can apply a -1 morale penalty to the opponents' Armor Class, Attack Rolls, Caster Level Checks, Damage Rolls, Saving Throws, or Skill Checks. Each opponent is allowed a Will Saving Throw to avoid the effect, with a DC of 10 + 1/2 the Mahasimha Rakshasa's HD + the Mahasimha Rakshasa's Charisma modifier, typically 31. The penalty lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Mahasimha's Charisma bonus (minimum 1).

Inspire. As a swift action, the Mahasimha can make a Perform skill check affecting all allies within 60 feet. For every 10 points of the Perform check, he can apply a +1 morale bonus to his allies' Armor Class, Attack Rolls, Caster Level Checks, Damage Rolls, Saving Throws, or Skill Checks. The bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Mahasimha's Charisma bonus (minimum 1).

Follow Through (Ex) The Mahasimha may take a 5 foot step before making every melee attack.

Infernal Grace (Su) The Mahasimha adds his Charisma bonus as a profane bonus to his AC.

Pounce (Ex) The Mahasimha can make a full attack as part of a charge.

Powerful Build (Ex) The Mahasimha Rakshasa is treated as being 1 sized category larger than he actually is for any effect that would be beneficial. He can wield weapons one size category larger than his without penalty.

Quick Cast (Su) The Mahasimha can cast a Duskblade spell as a swift action 3 times per day, as a 17th level Duskblade using the ability of the same name.

Spells (Sp) The Mahasimha cast spells as a 17th level Duskblade. The Saving Throw of his spells are 10 + spell level + his Intelligence modifier.
0: 6: acid splash, disrupt undead, ray of frost, touch of fatigue.
1st: 12: ray of enfeeblement, resist energy, shocking grasp, swift expeditious retreat, truestrike.
2nd: 10: dimension hop, see invisiblity, swift invisiblity, touch of idiocy.
3rd: 9: dispelling touch, ray of exhaustion, regroup, vampiric touch.
4th: 7: dimension door, enervation, fire shield, shout
5th: 3: sonic shield

Sudden Strike (Ex) When the Mahasimha Rakshasa hits an opponent that is flat-footed or denied its Dexterity modifier to AC, he causes an additional +11d6 points of damage. Targets not subject to critical hits are not subject to this additional damage.

Skills. The Mahasimha has a +4 racial bonus of Bluff and Disguise skill checks. When using Change Shape, the Mahasimha gains an additional +10 to Disguise skill checks.

Rakshasa, Citraka

This creature looks like a humanoid cheetah wearing flowing robes.
You notice that its hands are backwards, with the palms on top.
It is constantly in motion, and would look twitchy if it didn't have the grace of a hummingbird.
Citraka rakshasa speak Common, Infernal, and Sylvan.

Rakshasa, Citraka
Medium outsider (native)

HD: 15d8+45 (112 hit points)
Init: +14
Speed: 80 feet, climb 40 feet, swim 40 feet.
AC: 34 (+7 Dex, +7 Dodge, +10 Natural) touch 24, flatfooted 20
BAB/Gr: +15/+17
ATK: Claw +22 melee (1d6+2)
or Discorporating Ray +22 ranged touch (5d6 and DC 22 Will or teleported 60 feet)
Full ATK: 2 Claws +22/+22 (1d6+2)
and 1 Bite +17 (1d6+1)
or Discorporating Ray +22 ranged touch (5d6 and DC 22 Will or teleported 60 feet)
Space/Reach: 5/5
Special Attacks: Discorporating Ray, Pounce, Skirmish +4d6/+4 AC, Spell-like Abilities.
Special Qualities: Change Shape, Damage Reduction 15/good and piercing, Improved Evasion, Infernal Grace, Quickness, Reflective Deflection, Spell Resistance 25, Sprint, Uncanny Dodge
Saves: Fort +12, Reflex +23, Will +10
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 25, Con 16, Int 17, Wis 12, Cha 21
Skills: Balance +18, Bluff +18, Climb +19, Concentration +21, Disguise +20, Escape Artist +25, Hide +25, Jump +42, Knowledge (any one) +9, Listen +10, Move Silently +25, Sense Motive +7, Sleight of Hand +27, Spellcraft +23, Spot +10, Survival +7, Swim +10, Tumble +27
Feats: Expeditious Dodge, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Run (Bonus), Shot on the Run, Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse
Environment: warm plains
Organization: Solitary or Cabal (1-3 and 2-12 rakshasa)
CR: 15
Treasure: double Standard
Alignment: usually Lawful Evil
Advancement: by class (Favored Class: Scout)
Level Adjustment: +7

Change Shape (Su). As a standard action, the citraka can assume the form or a Small or Medium-sized humanoid or monstrous humanoid, as if using the Alter Self spell.

Discorporating Ray (Su). As a standard action, the citraka can shoot a ray with a range of 120 feet with no range increments. The damage from this ray is caused by teleporting minute pieces of the target away. Targets successfully hit by the ray must make a DC 22 Will Save or be teleported upto 60 feet away to a location of the citraka's choosing. Wounds from the discorporating ray can only be healed with regenerate or other similar magics which restore missing body parts.

Improved Evasion (Ex). The citraka takes no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw and only half damage on a failed Reflex saving throw.

Infernal Grace (Su). The citraka adds its Dexterity bonus as a Dodge bonus to its AC, Initiative checks, and Reflex Saving Throws. This is already included in the stat block.

Pounce (Ex). The citraka can make a full attack at the end of a charge.

Quickness (Ex). The citraka can take an additional standard action or move action during its turn. Thus, while using Shot on the Run or Spring Attack, it can make a full attack and move both before and afterwards a combined distance upto its speed.

Reflective Deflection (Su). A number of times per round equal to its Dexterity bonus, when the citraka is the target of a ranged attack roll or ranged touch attack roll, it can teleport the missile or effect along a different trajectory. The citraka can choose to target a new creature or object with that missile or effect, using the original attack roll. The combined distance between the attacker and citraka, and between the citraka and the new target cannot exceed the range of the original attack.

Skirmish (Ex). If the citraka moves more than 10 feet from its starting position, it causes an additional +4d6 points of damage on its turn and gains a +4 Dodge bonus to AC until its next turn.

Spell-like Abilities (Sp). Caster Level 15, all saves are Cha-based.
At will: Dimension Door, Dismissal, Greater Blink, Greater Dispel Magic.
3/day: Banishment (W DC 22), Disintegrate (F DC 22), Greater Teleport.

Sprint (Ex). Once per minute, the citraka can increase its speed to 800 feet for 1 round. It gains the benefits of Air Walk and Water Walk if it begins and ends its turn on a solid surface and moves horizontally.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex). Before its turn in combat, the citraka is not considered flat-footed.

Skills: The citraka receives a +4 racial bonus on Bluff and Disguise checks. When using Change Shape, its bonus to Disguise checks increases by +10. The citraka receives a +8 racial bonus on Climb and Swim checks, and can always take 10 on such checks.

Well, I am not purposefully excluding anything, I want to hear about ALL modules containing Rakshasa (particularly those with class levels added, and other rekshasa-like creatures.

Thanks for Escape for Old Korvosa idea, will check it out.

Also thanks Smilodan, but whence did this info spring, your forehead?

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Well, depending on how much work you want to do on it, there is Web of Illusion. Unfortunately, I've owned this module for like half of my life and I've never played through it. One day..

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Otto R. Ringus wrote:

Well, I am not purposefully excluding anything, I want to hear about ALL modules containing Rakshasa (particularly those with class levels added, and other rekshasa-like creatures.

Thanks for Escape for Old Korvosa idea, will check it out.

Also thanks Smilodan, but whence did this info spring, your forehead?


And then Athena squished them. ;-)

Scarab Sages

The Kingdom of Kalamar module, 'Lands of Mystery,' has a low level adventure in it titled The Sirocco's Kiss which features a Rakshasa.

Grand Lodge

In Dungeon 60, "Nemesis" is a Planescape adventure where the BBEG's top assistant and the PC's main adversary is a Rakshasa.

-W. E. Ray

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16, 2010 Top 4

Otto R. Ringus wrote:
Are there any good modules out there featuring Rakshasa? (Esp[ecially Paizo) I love their subtle evil and mind-games. Sorry for the short post, but hey, really that's all I got.

There was a wonderful Alternity Dark*Matter adventure entitled "London Calling" which featured the rakshasa...

Smilodan, whence these rakshasas?

Okay, that's what I get for not checking to be sure I refreshed. Thanks for the sharing, Smilodan. I shall sock that away for the future.

Also, to Otto, the volume from RotRL that Matthew shared is what I had in mind.

Twilight's last gleaming from Dungeon 35 is a nice one.

Grand Lodge

"Twilight's Last Gleaming"!!!

Holy crap, I forgot. Good call.

-W. E. Ray

Molech wrote:
"Twilight's Last Gleaming"!!!

In addition to TLG my quick search for "rakshasa" turned up four hits (note that I don't always note in my notes what monsters there are, so there will be more adventures than just these):


Dn 65 - Flotsam - Defeat a marooned pirate sorcerer and rakshasa who claim to be merchants when rescued.

Dn 106 - The Black Egg - An artifact capable of spawning half-fiend dragons has fallen to earth like a meteor, laying waste to the surrounding landscape. Race through the devastation to reach the artifact before it is claimed by the several evil factions seeking it, including an evil cult of half-dragons and a descendant of the wizard who last possessed the “Egg” and formerly put it aloft.

Dn 143 - Riding the Rail - The party is riding a “lightning rail” train which is also carrying a Xen’drik artifact which a gang of thiefs plans to snatch. Foil their unexpected and in-progress robbery before becoming incidental victims.

Dn 147 - The Aundarian Job - The party must infiltrate a bank vault and recover an artifact in the safe deposit of a murdered wizard before a vile cult uses it to release the imprisoned Rajahs of the rakshasa. It is supposed to be an inside job, aided by a blackmailed clerk, but after the party is admitted he begins having second thoughts



RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

Dungeon 92, Return of the Blessed Damozel

Isn't there another dungeon adventure featuring a Rakshasa that's set in a

magical academy? I forget the adventure & issue though.

I'm sure that there's another one in

the second of the Vampires of Waterdeep trilogy.

ericthecleric wrote:
Isn't there another dungeon adventure featuring a Rakshasa that's set in a ** spoiler omitted **

If anyone remembers, I'd love to be pointed to this issue.

ericthecleric wrote:
Isn't there another dungeon adventure featuring a Rakshasa that's set in a

Fall of Graymalkin Academy - #140

ericthecleric wrote:
I'm sure that there's another one in ** spoiler omitted **

Dungeon of the Crypt - #127


Thanks for all the good suggestions. Wow, it seems like a lot of the Rakshasa are from player-written modules (i.e. Dungeon mag.) with a distinct absense of them in published modules. That makes me think that there is a need for these under-rated monsters in published adventures.

Strange considering how awesome they are and with near limit-less possibilities. I think I might check out the Pathfinder module, but the overview makes it sounds like it would be difficult to plop down just anywhere, needing a city to evacuate and what-not.

Thanks for the resonses, and here's to bringing the Rakshasa into his own at last.

P.S. Are they in 4E i wonder, and how did they change, if at all?

There are some memorable rakshasas in

Rappan Athuk, Hell in Freeport, Freeport, City of Adventure and Castle Whiterock.

Scarab Sages

I12 The Egg of the Phoenix.

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