Pathfinder RPG (Basic Edition)

General Discussion (Prerelease)

I have been playing D&D 3.5 for quite some time. After GenCon last year my group dabbled with the beta of Pathfinder RPG. I like what Paizo is doing with Pathfinder and look forward to the future of this RPG.

One of the biggest frustrations I have had with D&D 3.5 and the Pathfinder RPG is getting new players to play in games which use these rules systems. I have had better success introducing players to roleplaying using the old Basic Dungeons & Dragons and recently Basic Fantasy.

However I'm a big fan of Pathfinder and Paizo products in general and would love to see a basic edition of this RPG for new players coming to the game. New players seem to be disinterested by the amount of rules they have to learn and the size of the rulebook. I've had several potential players decline because they are overwhelmed by the rules even though they love to roleplay, especially the younger generation.

This is something I thought TSR did very well with Basic D&D. Speaking from experience with this, I myself started playing Basic D&D for the first couple of years after I was introduced into the game. As I became older I transitioned to 1st edition AD&D and was not overwhelmed by the rules because of my experience with Basic D&D.

Consider this my plea to consider Pathfinder Basic as an introduction to the RPG for new players. I think this would be a great way to introduce players to role playing games and allow them to get familiar with a simpler set of rules. Then later they could step up to the Pathfinder RPG after having learned the basic rules.

Liberty's Edge

I can see how this could be useful - a 400 pg tome is both expensive and daunting to new players. A smaller book, with all the DM-related stuff stripped out would make a great "basic" or "starter" edition. Races, Classes, a bit about combat rules and equipment, and spell lists (but without a huge section detailing each spell) would probably suffice.

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