What would you want from a campaign set in Belkzen?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Silver Crusade

Or one set mostly in Belkzen at the very least?

Just wondering what most peoples' expectations would be, especially considering the wildly varying perceptions of what orcs should be among many gamers.

Orc killing contest!

Mikaze wrote:

Or one set mostly in Belkzen at the very least?

Just wondering what most peoples' expectations would be, especially considering the wildly varying perceptions of what orcs should be among many gamers.

That’s a tough one - I would like to see something beyond the stereotype... Then again they are the bad guys and they would have to be bad to the bone at the same time.

If half Orcs are a large minority they being less prone to chaos would have an interesting effect on orcish society. Maybe the half orcs provide the structure that allows a chaotic evil culture to exist

Liberty's Edge

I was thinking what Might be fun here is one of the Orcish Warlords having to bring in outside help to solve a problem within Belkzen. Perhaps one of the 'on the rise warlords' has made a deal with some demon of the Worldwound and its upsetting the precarious balance of Belkzen.

The party has to deal with the various factions within Belkzen, and find out what hold the demon has on the Warlord and deal with the situation....This could be a very fun campaign as the party is totally out of their element.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I think the parts of the Pathfinder Journal set in Belkzen did a great job of highlighting the kinds of stuff I'd like to see in the area.

Silver Crusade

Dread wrote:

I was thinking what Might be fun here is one of the Orcish Warlords having to bring in outside help to solve a problem within Belkzen. Perhaps one of the 'on the rise warlords' has made a deal with some demon of the Worldwound and its upsetting the precarious balance of Belkzen.

The party has to deal with the various factions within Belkzen, and find out what hold the demon has on the Warlord and deal with the situation....This could be a very fun campaign as the party is totally out of their element.

This is frighteningly close to the idea that made me start this thread. ;)

Not ready to go into full details yet, but it involves a Galtian refugee with a modified/faulty Final Blade and a demon lord based on Arawn.

Liberty's Edge

Mikaze wrote:

This is frighteningly close to the idea that made me start this thread. ;)

Not ready to go into full details yet, but it involves a Galtian refugee with a modified/faulty Final Blade and a demon lord based on Arawn.


Ill admit, the idea is but a bubble in my brain right now. But every second I spend thinking on it see's more possibility. I can see several 'stereotypical sides' to this

A) the torn loyalist who hates that he ahd to go to the outside for help

B) The Secret Underground that wants to see true Orc Reform

C) the old council caught in the middle of reform/an alliance they dont want/ and the past

D) The Power Hungry Warlord eager to seize control...whatever the cost.

E) The secret backers of demonic heritage looking to spread their power

F) The Old Orc Warlord 'honor in battl' type, who will aide the loyalist but hates doing it.

G) The syncophants of the Power Hungry Warlord who you better not turn you back on...

see what I mean? lots of potential.

Sounds like the Klingon Empire to me...which, hey...would be a VERY cool thing....

Dark Archive

Orcs make perfect Klingons. Talk, talk, talk about honor this, honor that, bravery, warrior, blah-blah-blah, and every single event in their history derives from poison, treasonous alliances with their worst enemies, backstabbing, deception and treachery.

Put in a *huge* and glaring racial disconnect between how they think of themselves and what they actually do from day to day, and the Orcs can be all high-minded about their 'noble honest savagery' or 'warrior ethics' or whatever, and be the treacherous backbiting slobs that we all have come to know and love.

Give the Dark Elves a dash of Romulan, with their 'only the strongest deserve to live' ethos, and you can Trek up the D&D setting nicely. :)

Liberty's Edge

Orc Trek ;)

Dark Archive

Dread wrote:
Orc Trek ;)

Complete with non-human green wimmin!

"ORCS In Spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace!"

Balor wrote:
"ORCS In Spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace!"

I usually shout that when I smack one in the head with my warhammer.

Its a little known fact but us Dwarves invented golf - Take one Orc slam in head with warhammer - aim for for its head to land in a hole in ground then shout a warning Fraken Orc - shortened to FOrc though it is the fashion now to round of the c so it sounds like four.

I thought golf was invented by Bullroarer Took, when he beheaded a goblin and it's head rolled down a gopher hole.

Of course, I could be wrong.

Orcs of Thar was my immediate thought. It could be light-hearted, as was the original material, or more seriously focus on role-playing non-standard races.

Dark Archive

Mikaze wrote:
Or one set mostly in Belkzen at the very least? Just wondering what most peoples' expectations would be, especially considering the wildly varying perceptions of what orcs should be among many gamers.

I sure loved the Eando Kline installments in Belkzen; seeing massive orcish warfare on such a scale would be great. Maybe a factional campaign, or a quest to marshal the allegiance of one tribe of orcs for a purpose in another neighboring country. That would be cool...

Balor wrote:

I thought golf was invented by Bullroarer Took, when he beheaded a goblin and it's head rolled down a gopher hole.

Of course, I could be wrong.

You know how those midgets like to "spin a yarn"...:-)

Mikaze wrote:

Or one set mostly in Belkzen at the very least?

Just wondering what most peoples' expectations would be, especially considering the wildly varying perceptions of what orcs should be among many gamers.

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the elves/dwarves/halflings/humans...

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