The Bazaar of the Bizarre

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Shadow Post #31 - Let's try that again... ;)

Devlyn goes into a defensive stance as the shoal turns toward him, and relaxes only slightly when they disappear. Most peculiar...

He follows his nose until he finds Pete, keeping his eyes out for any other surprises.

Not-Quite-Right Pete wrote:
Pete is sitting on the floor, rocking back and forth. He seems to be either talking or singing, but it's hard to tell without any noise.

Devlyn goes over to Pete, making sure to be in front of him, and kneels down, placing a hand on his shoulder.

And my time's up for the day, I fear. G'night all :)

The Dalesman wrote:
Not-Quite-Right Pete wrote:
Pete is sitting on the floor, rocking back and forth. He seems to be either talking or singing, but it's hard to tell without any noise.

Devlyn goes over to Pete, making sure to be in front of him, and kneels down, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Pete looks up startled. He hadn't heard anyone come in. "Has she gone?" he asks anxiously.

Not-Quite-Right Pete wrote:
Pete looks up startled. He hadn't heard anyone come in. "Has she gone?" he asks anxiously.

Morning all.

Devlyn doesn't hear anything, but can fortunately read Pete's lips and get what he's trying to say. He nods his head in answer to his question, then taps his ear and shakes his head to indicate he can't hear anything. He then motions to the door, and helps him up. He will try to get both of them outside (and hopefully out of the silence effect).

Hey you kids! Get the hell of my lawn!!!

The Dalesman wrote:
Not-Quite-Right Pete wrote:
Pete looks up startled. He hadn't heard anyone come in. "Has she gone?" he asks anxiously.

Morning all.

Devlyn doesn't hear anything, but can fortunately read Pete's lips and get what he's trying to say. He nods his head in answer to his question, then taps his ear and shakes his head to indicate he can't hear anything. He then motions to the door, and helps him up. He will try to get both of them outside (and hopefully out of the silence effect).

Pete reluctantly follows Devlyn outside into the Bazaar. They have to get a good distance away from the shop before sounds can be heard again. Pete is shaking and very upset.

"I need a drink."

Not-Quite-Right Pete wrote:
The Dalesman wrote:
Not-Quite-Right Pete wrote:
Pete looks up startled. He hadn't heard anyone come in. "Has she gone?" he asks anxiously.

Morning all.

Devlyn doesn't hear anything, but can fortunately read Pete's lips and get what he's trying to say. He nods his head in answer to his question, then taps his ear and shakes his head to indicate he can't hear anything. He then motions to the door, and helps him up. He will try to get both of them outside (and hopefully out of the silence effect).

Pete reluctantly follows Devlyn outside into the Bazaar. They have to get a good distance away from the shop before sounds can be heard again. Pete is shaking and very upset.

"I need a drink."

"Then we'll get you a drink then. You pick the spot, I'll cover the tab."

Devlyn makes sure Pete can get his legs under him, then they go to the tavern of his choice to calm his nerves.

The Dalesman wrote:

"Then we'll get you a drink then. You pick the spot, I'll cover the tab."

Devlyn makes sure Pete can get his legs under him, then they go to the tavern of his choice to calm his nerves.

Pete makes a beeline for the nearest tavern and orders a bottle of rum. His hands shake as he picks up his glass and downs the first shot.

"I don't know how she found me. I went as far away from the water as me legs could carry me. Oh, she's pretty enough, is Lucy, but bad things happen around her, they do. People turns up dead for no reason. My captain, he stabbed hisself through the heart with a mackeral, and that's just the tip of the iceberg."

Not-Quite-Right Pete wrote:

Pete makes a beeline for the nearest tavern and orders a bottle of rum. His hands shake as he picks up his glass and downs the first shot.

"I don't know how she found me. I went as far away from the water as me legs could carry me. Oh, she's pretty enough, is Lucy, but bad things happen around her, they do. People turns up dead for no reason. My captain, he stabbed hisself through the heart with a mackeral, and that's just the tip of the iceberg."

"Stabbed himself with a............we do live in interesting times, don't we? So were you involved with this person, or did she just take a fancy to you?"

The Dalesman wrote:

"Stabbed himself with a............we do live in interesting times, don't we? So were you involved with this person, or did she just take a fancy to you?"

"A bit of both I suppose. She took a fancy to me, and I didn't know what she were, savvy? So I figured where's the harm. Don't know why such a lovely mermaid is bothering to waste her time with me, but enjoy it while it lasts, eh. And she made the best apple dumplings. Should have been a warning right there. Never trust a mermaid what knows how to cook."

Not-Quite-Right Pete wrote:
The Dalesman wrote:

"Stabbed himself with a............we do live in interesting times, don't we? So were you involved with this person, or did she just take a fancy to you?"

"A bit of both I suppose. She took a fancy to me, and I didn't know what she were, savvy? So I figured where's the harm. Don't know why such a lovely mermaid is bothering to waste her time with me, but enjoy it while it lasts, eh. And she made the best apple dumplings. Should have been a warning right there. Never trust a mermaid what knows how to cook."

"Savvy," he says as he slides him another shot. "So things go south and you try to break it off, and I'm guessing she wasn't too receptive to that idea?"

The Dalesman wrote:

"Savvy," he says as he slides him another shot. "So things go south and you try to break it off, and I'm guessing she wasn't too receptive to that idea?"

"I didn't stick around long enough to know whether she was receptive to the idea or not. I took off. All me crewmates were dead and it were just me and her, and I wasn't liking me chances. So I gots me chest, and I packed up enough to live comfortable on for the rest of me life, and I started walking. Kept walking for weeks. Then I found this place. Figured the middle of the desert were a good place to be getting away from a mermaid. Exceptin' the part where she walked through me front door yesterday. Right through it. While it was closed. Like it weren't even there."

Not-Quite-Right Pete wrote:
"I didn't stick around long enough to know whether she was receptive to the idea or not. I took off. All me crewmates were dead and it were just me and her, and I wasn't liking me chances. So I gots me chest, and I packed up enough to live comfortable on for the rest of me life, and I started walking. Kept walking for weeks. Then I found this place. Figured the middle of the desert were a good place to be getting away from a mermaid. Exceptin' the part where she walked through me front door yesterday. Right through it. While it was closed. Like it weren't even there."

Devlyn nods as Pete continues to knock back the rum shots.

"So she either has some interesting magic to allow her to roam far from the seas, or she was never really a mermaid to begin with, and just has a fascination with the sea. The phantom shoal of piranha I saw right before I found you could sway that thought either way I guess."

"So what happened when she was at your shop, other than the 'deadnoise' zone that seems to be surrounding it now?"

The Dalesman wrote:

Devlyn nods as Pete continues to knock back the rum shots.
"So she either has some interesting magic to allow her to roam far from the seas, or she was never really a mermaid to begin with, and just has a fascination with the sea. The phantom shoal of piranha I saw right before I found you could sway that thought either way I guess."

"So what happened when she was at your shop, other than the 'deadnoise' zone that seems to be surrounding it now?"

"It gave me a fright seeing her there like that, it surely did, and she took exception to that. I wasn't as diplomatic-like as I should have been what with being scared out of my mind and all, and when I said I didn't want any more apple dumplings and I liked a nice quiet life, well she left, but my shop got real quiet. Don't know as I can stay on now that she knows where I am. Not really sure where I can go, but there has to be somewhere."

Not-Quite-Right Pete wrote:
"It gave me a fright seeing her there like that, it surely did, and she took exception to that. I wasn't as diplomatic-like as I should have been what with being scared out of my mind and all, and when I said I didn't want any more apple dumplings and I liked a nice quiet life, well she left, but my shop got real quiet. Don't know as I can stay on now that she knows where I am. Not really sure where I can go, but there has to be somewhere."

"It is a bit difficult to hide away from someone who can walk through walls, that's for sure," Devlyn says with a faint grin.

"There's a chance she'll leave you be now that she knows why you left. If she doesn't....I don't know. Maybe you could invest in some kind of magic-inert stone to wear as a ward. A solution like that is a double-edged sword, but it's an option."

The Dalesman wrote:

"It is a bit difficult to hide away from someone who can walk through walls, that's for sure," Devlyn says with a faint grin.
"There's a chance she'll leave you be now that she knows why you left. If she doesn't....I don't know. Maybe you could invest in some kind of magic-inert stone to wear as a ward. A solution like that is a double-edged sword, but it's an option."

Pete snorts. "Yeah, the first mate, he tried something like that. It don't help none. Naw, I'll just have to try to find somewhere even more remote to settle down. Somewhere so boring that Lucy would never want to go there."

Not-Quite-Right Pete wrote:
Pete snorts. "Yeah, the first mate, he tried something like that. It don't help none. Naw, I'll just have to try to find somewhere even more remote to settle down. Somewhere so boring that Lucy would never want to go there."

"Oh that's just lovely - sheesh. Well, none of the places around here I could suggest would ever be described as 'boring', so I'm at a loss. If you feel like you need to move on, I'm more than happy to help you get started if you need liquid assets to do so in a hurry. I'm sad to lose the business of a good, honest merchant," he says as he raises a glass to Pete, "but I'd rather you be able to have a sane and happy life."

The Dalesman wrote:
Not-Quite-Right Pete wrote:
Pete snorts. "Yeah, the first mate, he tried something like that. It don't help none. Naw, I'll just have to try to find somewhere even more remote to settle down. Somewhere so boring that Lucy would never want to go there."
"Oh that's just lovely - sheesh. Well, none of the places around here I could suggest would ever be described as 'boring', so I'm at a loss. If you feel like you need to move on, I'm more than happy to help you get started if you need liquid assets to do so in a hurry. I'm sad to lose the business of a good, honest merchant," he says as he raises a glass to Pete, "but I'd rather you be able to have a sane and happy life."

"Once you spend some quality time with Lucy, well, you're never quite sane again," he said morosely. "And don't be worrying about me. I gots enough savings left to be quite comfortable. The shop was more for something to do, like to keep busy and all. Ye can feel free to help yerself to anything what's there. Can have the whole darn thing iffen you life. I paid for it free and clear. I'll be cleared out by morning."

Not-Quite-Right Pete wrote:
"Once you spend some quality time with Lucy, well, you're never quite sane again," he said morosely. "And don't be worrying about me. I gots enough savings left to be quite comfortable. The shop was more for something to do, like to keep busy and all. Ye can feel free to help yerself to anything what's there. Can have the whole darn thing iffen you life. I paid for it free and clear. I'll be cleared out by morning."

"Well, that's most kind of you Pete. If that's what you wish, I can try and make sure everything gets a good home or gets put to good use. I guess we'd better get you packed up and provisioned then, huh?"

The Dalesman wrote:

"Well, that's most kind of you Pete. If that's what you wish, I can try and make sure everything gets a good home or gets put to good use. I guess we'd better get you packed up and provisioned then, huh?"

"That's about the size of it," Pete agreed, taking another shot of rum. "Soonest begun, soonest done, eh? Might as well get packing."

Not-Quite-Right Pete wrote:
"That's about the size of it," Pete agreed, taking another shot of rum. "Soonest begun, soonest done, eh? Might as well get packing."

"You're the boss. I would recommend taking the rum with us, though. It would be a terrible insult to leave a half-full bottle," he says with a chuckle.

Devlyn's takes care of the tab, and they return to the shop to get Pete ready to go.

Over the course of the next hour, Pete gets packed and ready to go. In the end he takes only a single chest and a canvas bag slung over his shoulder. And with that he bids Devlyn farewell, and heads away to places unknown.

Hey! Was that my Dead Man's chest? I still want it for my collection, even if I'm busier with other things at the moment...

Aritha, Aspect of Lamashtu wrote:

Hey! Was that my Dead Man's chest? I still want it for my collection, even if I'm busier with other things at the moment...

I think poor Pete's had enough excitement for one lifetime already, neh? ;)

Well if it wasn't, someone is going to be popping by the store at some point, I hope, to retrieve it. Pete had it last time I was in the Bazaar, back in the days before I was so honoured by Lamashtu.

Yes, it was the Dead Man's chest that Pete took with him. He has no idea what it is. He just likes it.

Damn. I like it as well, and want it for my collection. As soon as I am able I may go looking for it.
Mumble grumble, stupid dragon getting me tangled up in this and held under cottage arrest in the Realms of Dream.
HE's still swanning around his various lairs, polishing his star collection.

Not-Quite-Right Pete wrote:
Over the course of the next hour, Pete gets packed and ready to go. In the end he takes only a single chest and a canvas bag slung over his shoulder. And with that he bids Devlyn farewell, and heads away to places unknown.

Devlyn wishes him good fortune and safe travels, and looks down at the keys and scroll tube in his hands. :First a vineyard, now a bait-and-tackle shop in the middle of the desert. What a day,: he thinks to himself with a lopsided grin.

He locks the place up, makes a quick jaunt to City Hall to take care of the changeover, and then returns to take stock of everything. He puts up a 'Closed for Renovations' in one of the windows, then secures the place again and contacts Allura as he walks away, since the silence is still there.

"How are things going at the Sanctum, love? Any luck?"

The Dalesman wrote:

"How are things going at the Sanctum, love? Any luck?"

:We're still looking for Alaina. There are a ridiculous number of stairs in this place. This could take awhile. You may as well go join the others. I'll contact you as soon as I find out anything. And I promise I won't travel anywhere other than the Oasis, the Sanctum, or the Grove without someone with me. Feel better now, worrywart?: she teases, affectionately.

Allura wrote:
The Dalesman wrote:

"How are things going at the Sanctum, love? Any luck?"

:We're still looking for Alaina. There are a ridiculous number of stairs in this place. This could take awhile. You may as well go join the others. I'll contact you as soon as I find out anything. And I promise I won't travel anywhere other than the Oasis, the Sanctum, or the Grove without someone with me. Feel better now, worrywart?: she teases, affectionately.

"Your words are like knives, mi'lady," he says with a laugh, "point taken."

"I'll try to get over there, but I may have a chore or two on my hands now. It looks like I've inherited Pete's shop. He's decided to move on to safer, quieter places...poor guy's had quite the misadventure these last few days. Ah well, it'll keep for a bit. I'll go over to the Grove and see what they've come up with."

Devlyn heads to the omniportal and travels to the Grove of Ancients.

The Dalesman wrote:

"I'll try to get over there, but I may have a chore or two on my hands now. It looks like I've inherited Pete's shop. He's decided to move on to safer, quieter places...poor guy's had quite the misadventure these last few days."

:Oh, poor Pete. More trouble? I hope he does find that safer someplace. He seems like such a nice man.:

Allura wrote:
The Dalesman wrote:

"I'll try to get over there, but I may have a chore or two on my hands now. It looks like I've inherited Pete's shop. He's decided to move on to safer, quieter places...poor guy's had quite the misadventure these last few days."

:Oh, poor Pete. More trouble? I hope he does find that safer someplace. He seems like such a nice man.:

:Me too, love. I'll fill you in on the details later.:

A lovely young woman wanders the streets of the Bazaar, stopping at a shop selling weapons. The sign said 'Fires of Vengeance'. She hesitated outside as if she was nervous about stepping into such an establishment. But her eyes kept going to a particularly shiny blade in the window display. At last she walks in the door.
"Excuse me, could you tell me please how much for that sword in the window?"

A self important seeming plump fellow waddles through the streets of the bazaar, trailed by a couple of clerks. He pauses outside the door of Pete's shop and sniffs the air fastidiously, then shakes his head and moves on.

Rowan Bladesinger wrote:

A lovely young woman wanders the streets of the Bazaar, stopping at a shop selling weapons. The sign said 'Fires of Vengeance'. She hesitated outside as if she was nervous about stepping into such an establishment. But her eyes kept going to a particularly shiny blade in the window display. At last she walks in the door.

"Excuse me, could you tell me please how much for that sword in the window?"

As Rowan enters the shop, she can see lain before her almost one of every weapon classification conceivable, swords, maces, axes, pole arms, knives, all arms from ten thousand worlds, some familiar, some exotic, some chipped, and some still blood splattered adorn cases and the walls. One rack contains what appears to be blunderbusts or flint-lock rifles. She has heards stories about such weapons used in the far eastern lands of Chi'naa, but their design and base materials puts them centuries ahead of their ancestors.

Standing before Rowan is what appears to be skull-flamed sorcerer of unknown nationality or origin. If he could grin with lips, the sight would send shivers down her spine. His blank eyeless stair puts Rowan on edge and in a hallow nightmare-driven voice, he says, "Ah the Sword of Miracles, also called the Telavin Blade. 12,000 Gold, no more or no less."

Spirit of Vengeance wrote:
"Ah the Sword of Miracles, also called the Telavin Blade. 12,000 Gold, no more or no less."

"What exactly are the properties of the blade? The purchase price will not be a problem, but I'd like to know exactly what I'm getting before I buy," she says nervously.

Rowan Bladesinger wrote:
Spirit of Vengeance wrote:
"Ah the Sword of Miracles, also called the Telavin Blade. 12,000 Gold, no more or no less."
"What exactly are the properties of the blade? The purchase price will not be a problem, but I'd like to know exactly what I'm getting before I buy," she says nervously.

"The blade is enchanted with sympathetic magics. The properties become what the sword weilder needs at a particular time and duration. It often called a Sword of Miracles because it usually does what is needed at the last minute. Of course, the sword-weilder also influences the results as well."

Spirit of Vengeance wrote:
Rowan Bladesinger wrote:
Spirit of Vengeance wrote:
"Ah the Sword of Miracles, also called the Telavin Blade. 12,000 Gold, no more or no less."
"What exactly are the properties of the blade? The purchase price will not be a problem, but I'd like to know exactly what I'm getting before I buy," she says nervously.
"The blade is enchanted with sympathetic magics. The properties become what the sword weilder needs at a particular time and duration. It often called a Sword of Miracles because it usually does what is needed at the last minute. Of course, the sword-weilder also influences the results as well."

"It sounds perfect. I'll take it. Er, is payment in diamonds alright? I can go to a moneychanger if you prefer. Gold coins are just so heavy to carry around."

Rowan Bladesinger wrote:
"It sounds perfect. I'll take it. Er, is payment in diamonds alright? I can go to a moneychanger if you prefer. Gold coins are just so heavy to carry around."

"If all you have is gemstones, so be it. I will need to examine them to determine their authenticity."

Spirit of Vengeance wrote:
Rowan Bladesinger wrote:
"It sounds perfect. I'll take it. Er, is payment in diamonds alright? I can go to a moneychanger if you prefer. Gold coins are just so heavy to carry around."
"If all you have is gemstones, so be it. I will need to examine them to determine their authenticity."

"Of course," she said with a nervous laugh, and placed a handful of quality well-cut diamonds on the counter.

Rowan Bladesinger wrote:
Spirit of Vengeance wrote:
Rowan Bladesinger wrote:
"It sounds perfect. I'll take it. Er, is payment in diamonds alright? I can go to a moneychanger if you prefer. Gold coins are just so heavy to carry around."
"If all you have is gemstones, so be it. I will need to examine them to determine their authenticity."
"Of course," she said with a nervous laugh, and placed a handful of quality well-cut diamonds on the counter.

"These will do." He squeezes the gemstone between his boney fingers. "Please, do you wish to take the sword as is, or do you wish it sheathed, or gift wrapped?"

Spirit of Vengeance wrote:

"These will do." He squeezes the gemstone between his boney fingers. "Please, do you wish to take the sword as is, or do you wish it sheathed, or gift wrapped?"

"Sheathed would be best. Thank you." She looks at the sword again, now hers, thinking how good it will feel to have a blade in her hand once more.

Rowan Bladesinger wrote:
Spirit of Vengeance wrote:

"These will do." He squeezes the gemstone between his boney fingers. "Please, do you wish to take the sword as is, or do you wish it sheathed, or gift wrapped?"

"Sheathed would be best. Thank you." She looks at the sword again, now hers, thinking how good it will feel to have a blade in her hand once more.

With a snap of his finger, the sword blinks off its wall rack and then blinks back onto the store counter, sheathed and ready for use. Scooping the gemstones, SoV hurrily deposits the gemstones into a pouch and drops it behind the counter.

"All is ready. Anything else youe require?"

Spirit of Vengeance wrote:

With a snap of his finger, the sword blinks off its wall rack and then blinks back onto the store counter, sheathed and ready for use. Scooping the gemstones, SoV hurrily deposits the gemstones into a pouch and drops it behind the counter.

"All is ready. Anything else youe require?"

"No thank you," she says eying the sword appreciatively. She picked it up and hurried from the shop, buckling on the sword as she walked. She really hoped she had seemed nervous enough back there. A flaming skeleton seemed a bit over the top, really. She was going to miss her flaming scimitar, but all in all it was a necessary loss. It was much too distinctive. She did appreciate having a sword again, though. She felt much less vulnerable.

Rowan Bladesinger wrote:
Spirit of Vengeance wrote:

With a snap of his finger, the sword blinks off its wall rack and then blinks back onto the store counter, sheathed and ready for use. Scooping the gemstones, SoV hurrily deposits the gemstones into a pouch and drops it behind the counter.

"All is ready. Anything else youe require?"

"No thank you," she says eying the sword appreciatively. She picked it up and hurried from the shop, buckling on the sword as she walked. She really hoped she had seemed nervous enough back there. A flaming skeleton seemed a bit over the top, really. She was going to miss her flaming scimitar, but all in all it was a necessary loss. It was much too distinctive. She did appreciate having a sword again, though. She felt much less vulnerable.

Only if she could here the lich chuckling wickedly to himself. "That sword has quite a history to itself, and a reputation."

I'm off to work. Hopefully, I'll be off the next two days. Have a happy Memorial Day.

Muulsh is busy directing workmen who are refurbishing his shop. It is being clad in rare marbles and gilt brass fittings. A steady steam of merchants and noble retainers visit him while he renovates

... Yes Lord Groven, I am certain I can lend your leige the required sums at a reasonable rate of interest ...

... YOU THERE! Be careful with that rose marble! That piece of it is worth more than your hide! ...

... Belisarius, I will be more than willing to donate to the new merchant's council building, but I feel I need to assume the post of treasurer if I am to be called on to tender such a large sum ...

In his small shop hidden within the maze that is the bazaar the gnome stone singer has finished his gift for the daughter of the Stone Lord. He whispers a few ancient words in the language of the deep stone, and the object flies off.

Walking between several magic selling shops, a woman buys several items, including some that are costum made just for her. She leaves after collecting her items and leaves the Bazaar via the omniportal.

Landing a little away from one of the roads, Sky gently lets Blodwen down, holding on to her should her strength fail.

:There won't be a lot of people going by, but there should be enough for you to learn to close your mental doors.:

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