The Sanctum of the Sun

Forum Games

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The Dalesman wrote:
Mornin' All. All we need is word on Arielle's unusual behavior and we'll go down. We need to get things moving again anyway :)

Good Morning. I'll be on-line for a good portion of the afternoon.

Looking through... Let's see... Ghostwalk, check. Libris Mortis, check. Heroes of Horror, Check.

Evil Grin, Double Check

Heh - I think BP just had an 'Evil Squee' moment there.... ;)

Shadow Lodge

BluePigeon wrote:
The Dalesman wrote:
Mornin' All. All we need is word on Arielle's unusual behavior and we'll go down. We need to get things moving again anyway :)

Good Morning. I'll be on-line for a good portion of the afternoon.

Looking through... Let's see... Ghostwalk, check. Libris Mortis, check. Heroes of Horror, Check.

Evil Grin, Double Check

Book of Exalted deeds, check. Vow of Poverty Moonfire Druid, check. Special abilities the brothers have that no one knows about(even them), check.

Ready for battle? H*LL CHECK!

BluePigeon wrote:
I believe Sunny has wards or extended some of his senses into the Sanctum. Being divine, he can see through illusions and some invisibility.

Didn't I say that already?

Aidan Moonschild wrote:
I'd like to point out that Sunny G knows this is an illusion.

Sunny Godhead wrote:

Meanwhile in the Sanctum of Sunny G.

Sunny closes his eyes and focuses for a moment, then opens them again.

"I understand Roberts...., send them up immediately."

"Seems you have company downstairs. A young elemental, a young wolfling, a someone who looks like he wrestled with Bouncer, without the necessary protection of fire immunity spells I may add."

"Seems like the kids are taking their sweet time to get up here. Guess I'd better see what the've gotten into, neh?" Devlyn asks with a smirk.

He heads downstairs to gather up the 'flock'.

The Dalesman wrote:

"Seems like the kids are taking their sweet time to get up here. Guess I'd better see what the've gotten into, neh?" Devlyn asks with a smirk.

He heads downstairs to gather up the 'flock'.

Tristan shrugs his shoulders and follows Devlin,

Tristan the Waif wrote:
The Dalesman wrote:

"Seems like the kids are taking their sweet time to get up here. Guess I'd better see what the've gotten into, neh?" Devlyn asks with a smirk.

He heads downstairs to gather up the 'flock'.

Tristan shrugs his shoulders and follows Devlin,

Allura sighs and heads down as well. She's learned not to let these guys out of her sight. They always get into trouble.

Allura wrote:
Tristan the Waif wrote:
The Dalesman wrote:

"Seems like the kids are taking their sweet time to get up here. Guess I'd better see what the've gotten into, neh?" Devlyn asks with a smirk.

He heads downstairs to gather up the 'flock'.

Tristan shrugs his shoulders and follows Devlin,
Allura sighs and heads down as well. She's learned not to let these guys out of her sight. They always get into trouble.

"You wound me so, love. I haven't started any revolutions or overthrown any despots at all..........this week." ;D

And now for some errand running - night all :)

Greetings, programs :P

Since I'm sure Lk is up there...

LK walks over to Cyber.

"I didn't see you the last time I was here."

After inroductions, they begin to talk to pass the time.

Arielle wrote:
Arielle stands in the lobby in clear view, near to the pillar where Aidan is hiding. She has a look of concentration on her face as if she were trying to regain control of the errant gust of wind she had sent through the Sanctum.

Devlyn comes downstairs to the lobby, and notices Arielle. Not feeling any wind or smelling any ozone, he goes over to her.

"Everything alright, little zephyr?" as he crouches down next to her.

Morning everyone.

Shadow Lodge

Good morning. I can see you are not an early bird...

Shadow Lodge

Where's Lynora? She's usually logged on by now.

Eh, I went out for breakfast. It tasted good.

Dragonborn3 wrote:
Where's Lynora? She's usually logged on by now.

Not sure, but I am beginning to get concerned....

Shadow Lodge

The Dalesman wrote:
Dragonborn3 wrote:
Where's Lynora? She's usually logged on by now.
Not sure, but I am beginning to get concerned....

Yeah, her last post with her main alias says she was last on at 11:55pm(for me anyway) last night. So maybe she just slept in and has been busy all day.

Dragonborn3 wrote:
The Dalesman wrote:
Dragonborn3 wrote:
Where's Lynora? She's usually logged on by now.
Not sure, but I am beginning to get concerned....
Yeah, her last post with her main alias says she was last on at 11:55pm(for me anyway) last night. So maybe she just slept in and has been busy all day.

I'm here. Sorry. Had a big argument last night, so the husband let me sleep in today while he got the kid to school, since he was the one who started the fight. Anyways, I won't be on tomorrow and not until Sunday evening. But I'm here for the rest of this afternoon and evening.

lynora wrote:
Dragonborn3 wrote:
The Dalesman wrote:
Dragonborn3 wrote:
Where's Lynora? She's usually logged on by now.
Not sure, but I am beginning to get concerned....
Yeah, her last post with her main alias says she was last on at 11:55pm(for me anyway) last night. So maybe she just slept in and has been busy all day.
I'm here. Sorry. Had a big argument last night, so the husband let me sleep in today while he got the kid to school, since he was the one who started the fight. Anyways, I won't be on tomorrow and not until Sunday evening. But I'm here for the rest of this afternoon and evening.

I hope all is well then (or at least getting better). We will try to cancel Worry Mode now.... :)

Traffic calls me now, and my RL game must be prepared for. Let's get these guys together and out of here, neh? ;P

I hope everybody has a good weekend :)

Morning All. :)

Echo Echo Echo

Well this doesn't bode well...everybody okay out there?

I'm here.

Is anyone else going to reply in IC, or do you need to move things along?

BluePigeon wrote:

I'm here.

Is anyone else going to reply in IC, or do you need to move things along?

Aidan is supposed to be springing his prank now that we're downstairs. I guess DB3's got some school / RL stuff going on today.

Speaking of...with the RL delays grabbing all of us lately, I wonder if it might be a good idea to put this storyline on the short track to resolution. (I know that means taking Devlyn 'out of the picture' so posting can continue when I'm offline in the evenings, but that's okay. I've been working on an idea to facilitate that, and I think it will work with a minimum of fuss, and still be reasonably believable.)

Sorry if that sounded snarky at all. I must still have a case of the 'Monday Grumps'... :)

The Dalesman wrote:
BluePigeon wrote:

I'm here.

Is anyone else going to reply in IC, or do you need to move things along?

Aidan is supposed to be springing his prank now that we're downstairs. I guess DB3's got some school / RL stuff going on today.

Speaking of...with the RL delays grabbing all of us lately, I wonder if it might be a good idea to put this storyline on the short track to resolution. (I know that means taking Devlyn 'out of the picture' so posting can continue when I'm offline in the evenings, but that's okay. I've been working on an idea to facilitate that, and I think it will work with a minimum of fuss, and still be reasonably believable.)

Sorry if that sounded snarky at all. I must still have a case of the 'Monday Grumps'... :)

I have no problems, but you'll need to head to the Bazaar first for another appointment. Then its off to Tristan's home. Then Finally the Tunnels for the conclusion of the Thread. As long as it falls within that sequence of events, I will have no problem.

BluePigeon wrote:
I have no problems, but you'll need to head to the Bazaar first for another appointment. Then its off to Tristan's home. Then Finally the Tunnels for the conclusion of the Thread. As long as it falls within that sequence of events, I will have no problem.

Sounds good - that was my general understanding of the sequence of events remaining.

Devlyn's 'exit' from the climax of the storyline would be when they are back in the Bazaar but before entering the Tunnels, if my idea works the way I envision it. That will give the kids their spotlight, and explain why Devlyn wouldn't be there fighting tooth and nail to keep them out of this mess.

Being true to character can be a royal pain sometimes... ;P

Time for me to head home. Have a good night everybody :)

Mornin' Everyone :)

Shadow Lodge

Morning. Sorry about my lack of posting yesterday, but I overslept and couldn't get to a computer all day.

No worries, it was an all-around slow Monday anyway ;)

The Dalesman wrote:
No worries, it was an all-around slow Monday anyway ;)

Its turning into an all-around slow Tuesday too. Even the OOC threads from Angry Jack Cult and the Slaad Threads are slow. I may have to sling more nacho sauce to get things going again. Oh morning, or rather late good morning from the windy sin city. Looks like fall is finally descending on the Southwest.

BluePigeon wrote:
The Dalesman wrote:
No worries, it was an all-around slow Monday anyway ;)
Its turning into an all-around slow Tuesday too. Even the OOC threads from Angry Jack Cult and the Slaad Threads are slow. I may have to sling more nacho sauce to get things going again. Oh morning, or rather late good morning from the windy sin city. Looks like fall is finally descending on the Southwest.

Thanks for the warning on the nacho sauce ;P

It's finally fall here in Atlanta too, and it feels great :)

Traffic calls - see everyone tomorrow :)

Morning all - it's getting kinda lonely in this thread.... ;)

Good morning. I think we are still waiting for lynora, but in an attempt to move things along...

As silently as possible, Aidan sneaks up behind Devlyn. Quitely dismissing his spell, he reappears.


It was hard to decide which was the more spooky choice, that one or one that made it look like he was shouting...

Aidan Moonschild wrote:

Good morning. I think we are still waiting for lynora, but in an attempt to move things along...

As silently as possible, Aidan sneaks up behind Devlyn. Quitely dismissing his spell, he reappears.


It was hard to decide which was the more spooky choice, that one or one that made it looked like he was shouting...

Yeah - looks you'd have to dismiss the spell in order for anybody to hear you. It renders you detectable only by touch - sheesh. Then again, it is an 8th level spell.... ;)

For the first time Aidan can recall, he actually catches Devlyn by surprise.


Devlyn grabs Arielle as he quickly leaps forward and spins around, seeing Aidan (who is most likely laughing himself to tears).

Howling with laughter, Aidan leans against pillar to remain standing.

"I am so I can weave illusions now, no one would believe I managed to scare you if I couldn't."

He keeps laughing.

AIDAN, YOU LITTLE......!!!!!

This should be promptly cut off by Arielle's own bout of laughter from behind him...

Corona: That's the way the cookie-man crumbles!

Aidan has a hard time talking, since he's still laughing.

"What's wrong? Aren't you glad to see me?"

He looks like he did before the Flame took over, except for his eyes. They are still pure black except for two thin slivers of curved ivory*.

*Crescent moon.

Aidan Moonschild wrote:

Aidan has a hard time talking, since he's still laughing.

"What's wrong? Aren't you glad to see me?"

He looks like he did before the Flame took over, except for his eyes. They are still pure black except for two thin slivers of curved ivory*.

Tristan would laugh aloud if his voice would let him. This is probably the first time in many months that he's laughed so hard, especially with a jest played upon Devlyn. He sees Arielle and Little Kiba and races towards them. He almost trips over his own excitement.

::Hey! Where have you been?!::

Arielle and Little Kiba have only known him for a short time, but he looks older, now almost out of his childhood years.

Aidan Moonschild wrote:

As silently as possible, Aidan sneaks up behind Devlyn. Quitely dismissing his spell, he reappears.


The Dalesman wrote:

For the first time Aidan can recall, he actually catches Devlyn by surprise.


Smiling faintly, Oroth leans against the doorway leading up into the Sanctum, trying not to laugh.

"That was awesome on so many levels.

Aidan Moonschild wrote:

Aidan has a hard time talking, since he's still laughing.

"What's wrong? Aren't you glad to see me?"

He looks like he did before the Flame took over, except for his eyes. They are still pure black except for two thin slivers of curved ivory*.

*Crescent moon.

Devlyn stalks up to him, and looks like he's either about to give him a verbal dressing-down or throttle him (he's not sure which). Instead, he just rubs his forehead and takes a deep breath.

"Glad to see your sense of humor came through unscathed, Aidan. We'd better get back to our host before he gets upset with this little interruption, neh?"

Going back over and gathering Arielle up from the floor (who is deep in the throes of uncontrollable giggling), Devlyn gets everyone back upstairs to finalize things before they return to the Bazaar of the Bizarre.

Tristan the Waif wrote:

He sees Arielle and Little Kiba and races towards them. He almost trips over his own excitement.[/i]

::Hey! Where have you been?!::

Arielle and Little Kiba have only known him for a short time, but he looks older, now almost out of his childhood years.

But LK came with Tristan when Oroth brought him here! He's talking to Cyberdragonborn right now! Oh well...

"Well, I was just talking to the metal dragon upstairs, but I think it teleported me down here so I wouldn't miss Devlyn jumping like a scared rabbit."

He looks at Tristan for a moment.

"You grew bigger!"

Little Kiba wrote:
Tristan the Waif wrote:

He sees Arielle and Little Kiba and races towards them. He almost trips over his own excitement.[/i]

::Hey! Where have you been?!::

Arielle and Little Kiba have only known him for a short time, but he looks older, now almost out of his childhood years.

But LK came with Tristan when Oroth brought him here! He's talking to Cyberdragonborn right now! Oh well...

"Well, I was just talking to the metal dragon upstairs, but I think it teleported me down here so I wouldn't miss Devlyn jumping like a scared rabbit."

He looks at Tristan for a moment.

"You grew bigger!"

"Yeah, Tristan, you look older than me now. You got a lot taller." Arielle says once she stops giggling.

Arielle wrote:
Little Kiba wrote:
Tristan the Waif wrote:

He sees Arielle and Little Kiba and races towards them. He almost trips over his own excitement.[/i]

::Hey! Where have you been?!::

Arielle and Little Kiba have only known him for a short time, but he looks older, now almost out of his childhood years.

But LK came with Tristan when Oroth brought him here! He's talking to Cyberdragonborn right now! Oh well...

"Well, I was just talking to the metal dragon upstairs, but I think it teleported me down here so I wouldn't miss Devlyn jumping like a scared rabbit."

He looks at Tristan for a moment.

"You grew bigger!"

"Yeah, Tristan, you look older than me now. You got a lot taller." Arielle says once she stops giggling.

::It's the magic I wield. It's doing this to me. I don't know why.::

He stops and looks glum. His mirth almost dying out.

::There's another gemstone. Its at my house and I need to go home again to get it before Zhalail does.::

Tristan the Waif wrote:
Arielle wrote:
Little Kiba wrote:
Tristan the Waif wrote:

He sees Arielle and Little Kiba and races towards them. He almost trips over his own excitement.[/i]

::Hey! Where have you been?!::

Arielle and Little Kiba have only known him for a short time, but he looks older, now almost out of his childhood years.

But LK came with Tristan when Oroth brought him here! He's talking to Cyberdragonborn right now! Oh well...

"Well, I was just talking to the metal dragon upstairs, but I think it teleported me down here so I wouldn't miss Devlyn jumping like a scared rabbit."

He looks at Tristan for a moment.

"You grew bigger!"

"Yeah, Tristan, you look older than me now. You got a lot taller." Arielle says once she stops giggling.

::It's the magic I wield. It's doing this to me. I don't know why.::

He stops and looks glum. His mirth almost dying out.

::There's another gemstone. Its at my house and I need to go home again to get it before Zhalail does.::

"We can help," she says eagerly. "Well, I think we can help. LK can help. I'm still not really in control of my power. I might be more of a problem than a help," she added glumly.

Sees all the young people running around I see this place has potential. Lots of new apprenteces to choose from.

sigh No goth chicks here either.

"You both worry too much. Arielle, you've been practicing haven't you? And didn't Sky trust you enough to let you handle that storm he created? That was a big magical storm too."

"And Tristan, didn't I fight off those goblin guys? Didn't we work together to take out that earth thing in the Bizaar? Don't you have powerful magic beyond anyone else you age?"

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