Free Speech & Political Correctness, or How I learned to never speak EVER, as someone might be offended.

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Sovereign Court

houstonderek wrote:

Well, Rick's PbP died so now he's homeless and being molested by poodles, Rammelstad is my as yet created PFS character, and SirDerek is either dead or homeless, I'm still not exactly sure what happened to King David's castle...

Join the Jacks!

lastknightleft wrote:
houstonderek wrote:
People are all "potential" whatever humans can become.

Hello, my name is Mairkurion, and I am a cheesemonger.

EDIT: Oh no! Thread growing...exponentially. Can't...keep up with witty comments...

Liberty's Edge

Godu wrote:

Hey Derek,

The BBC is currently running a story about Obama's gaff... so really, it is only the American media that is useless - not that that should be a surprise really.

I don't have any pot but I live near a middle school so...

Yeah, but those Meyerland kids are scandalous...

Sovereign Court

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
lastknightleft wrote:
houstonderek wrote:
People are all "potential" whatever humans can become.
Hello, my name is Mairkurion, and I am a cheesemonger.

I thought you were a Chef salad?

Liberty's Edge

Callous Jack wrote:
houstonderek wrote:
People are all "potential" whatever humans can become.
What about potential Hero players?

Some things are so unnatural that only a very few realize that potential...

Callous Jack wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
lastknightleft wrote:
houstonderek wrote:
People are all "potential" whatever humans can become.
Hello, my name is Mairkurion, and I am a cheesemonger.
I thought you were a Chef salad?

When you get returned to your body, have a new brain/processor/whatever installed.

Liberty's Edge

Callous Jack wrote:
houstonderek wrote:

Well, Rick's PbP died so now he's homeless and being molested by poodles, Rammelstad is my as yet created PFS character, and SirDerek is either dead or homeless, I'm still not exactly sure what happened to King David's castle...
Join the Jacks!

Is "Monterrey Jack" taken?

houstonderek wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
houstonderek wrote:

Well, Rick's PbP died so now he's homeless and being molested by poodles, Rammelstad is my as yet created PFS character, and SirDerek is either dead or homeless, I'm still not exactly sure what happened to King David's castle...
Join the Jacks!

Is "Monterrey Jack" taken?


Liberty's Edge

Jack's Right Hand Man wrote:
houstonderek wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
houstonderek wrote:

Well, Rick's PbP died so now he's homeless and being molested by poodles, Rammelstad is my as yet created PFS character, and SirDerek is either dead or homeless, I'm still not exactly sure what happened to King David's castle...
Join the Jacks!

Is "Monterrey Jack" taken?



Monterrey Jack! Haw-haw!

I'm offended that no one specifically invited me to this thread. Luckily, David Fryer isn't here... he makes it too hard to be mean to conservatives. Unfortunately, Tarren makes it hard to be mean to the liberals.

What drives me nuts is when people use PC as an excuse not to listen, or to think, and just end up doing themselves a disservice with it. Last time I was with my brother, I made some offhand comment about finding it annoying when straight guys act all "flitsy," like the stereotypical (and often incorrect) image of gays. He immediately fixated upon the use of the word "gay," ignored the entire thrust of the remark (and all subsequent explanation), and proceded to tell me I was "the most homophobic person he had ever met" and that I wasn't "allowed" to say that.

Which was silly on at least 4 separate levels:
1. His assessment was incorrect to begin with;
2. He was too busy calling me names to see 1, above, when pointed out;
3. He lacked any means to enforce his speech edicts on me anyway;
4. He failed to notice that his insistence on speech mastery served no useful purpose, and on the contrary just made everyone anxious to go home to their different states of residence and not see family any more.

And that last one is the saddest of the lot.

On the flip side, if I did something as idiotic as running around bad-mouthing gays to people with gay friends, for example, well, I'd sure hope they'd beat some manners into me. Would that be PC of them? Or just natural?

Uh...all my gay friends call themselves gay. Is there a change in the pc lingo? Dear, dear, I'll never keep up.

What's funny (and pitiable) is that, if you don't mind me saying so, Kirth, people like your brother don't recognize their own need to be morally superior to people like "you." It's just another form of self-righteousness. (Just not the bad kind--hee-hee.)


Just trying it on for size...

Liberty's Edge

Kirth Gersen wrote:
On the flip side, if I did something as idiotic as running around bad-mouthing gays to people with gay friends, for example, well, I'd sure hope they'd beat some manners into me. Would that be PC of them? Or just natural?

Cage match? You and J.J.? Muay Thai death rules?

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Uh...all my gay friends call themselves gay.

Mine, too. And they're easily able to tell from context and tone when I'm referring to an inborn orientation (usually respectfully), vs. an obnoxiously artifical type of behavior (usually scathingly: I was at a party at their place with maybe 50 gay males in attendance, and none of them felt the need to act like sissies, nor understood why people did that).

houstonderek wrote:
Cage match? You and J.J.? Muay Thai death rules?

That's just cruel. You know full well that JJ has 2 claw attacks for 1d6 apiece.

And I hate fighting those Muy Thai guys. I used to be fast enough to total them before they could grab my head and maul me with their knees... I worry that maybe I'm not that quick anymore.

Liberty's Edge

Kirth Gersen wrote:
houstonderek wrote:
Cage match? You and J.J.? Muay Thai death rules?

That's just cruel. You know full well that JJ has 2 claw attacks for 1d6 apiece.

And I hate fighting those Muy Thai guys. I used to be fast enough to total them before they could grab my head and maul me with their knees... I worry that maybe I'm not that quick anymore.

Well, J.J. is untrained, even if he is younger. But, you know, he might throw is car at you, so watch out!

CourtFool wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
houstonderek wrote:
People are all "potential" whatever humans can become.
What about potential Hero players?
Naw. Some people can never do teh maths.

There are three kinds of people in this world. Those that can do math and those that can't.


CourtFool wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Not even if I offer to run a pbp for you?

~shrugs and gives a sad sigh~ I can't even handle the PBP that I tried to run, so there is no use in me joining another. Thanks anyway! ~Starts to sharpen the meat cleaver~

Monterrey Jack wrote:
hmmmm...Just trying it on for size...

Looks good...I tip my pith helmet to you, sir.

Panama Jack wrote:
Monterrey Jack wrote:
hmmmm...Just trying it on for size...
Looks good...I tip my pith helmet to you, sir.

I thank you kindly, sir!

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
A question: is it inappropriate to pity people whom we think are making bad decisions? For example, if I pity women who choose to be in plural marriages because of the cultural context in which they make that decision, even if they see themselves as accruing benefits from that decision? Or to pity the children raised in those contexts?

Well, it is hard to get into other people's lives well enough to really be able to judge them. there are benefits for, say, plural marriages and in cultures they have evolved in, there has been a need for it (e.g. cultures bent on warfare tend to generate widows...). One might equally pity poor Americans in the unstability of their serial monogamy and the effect it has on children...

And as said, I can understand the logic why some people would wish to wear a veil (I wouldn't wear one though). Those people might pity poor American women constantly forced to expose themselves and be judged by their looks, leading to anorexia, bulimia, need for plastic surgeries etc.

Should I pity Americans for the huge differences between rich and poor in USA? I as a typical leftist European consider that a bad decision.

I assume that by "judge" you mean "evaluate with regard to absolute truths or ethical standards" or something like it. If that is the case, then judge we must. Not to read too much into your "typical leftist European" self-characterization, but it seems to me that this refusal to judge is typical, and that it is disastrous if carried out consistently, and hypocritical if carried out inconsistently. Even the aversion to judgment has absolute truth claims hiding behind its skirts.

The Exchange

2 things on this topic... #1- true intellegence comes from being able to percive all points in an argument even if you disagree with them, a lesson the entire world still needs to learn, #2- as far as PC goes it falls under George Carlens observations about the *****fication of America in MOST cases there is so much said that people find "offensive" just because it makes them think about things they don't want to think about or in the "Bible Thumper" cases makes them feel guilty. As for me, go ahead, offend me I may just learn somthing from it.

Liberty's Edge

Tarren Dei wrote:
On the other hand, moves by the conservative party of Canada to try to ban religious headgear in government offices scare the hell out of me. I've got a tattoo of a cross. Are they going to go after that next?

Restrictions on head coverings are being applied in banks in the U.S. for security reasons. Whether they cover the face or merely the hair, the interfere with identification.

Liberty's Edge

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

For the Celestial Latin or the Abyssal German, HD? ;)

Too late, Hugo. All the offensive South-of-the-Border stuff has been said already by Montalve.

just part of my job :P

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

Samuel Weiss wrote:
Tarren Dei wrote:
On the other hand, moves by the conservative party of Canada to try to ban religious headgear in government offices scare the hell out of me. I've got a tattoo of a cross. Are they going to go after that next?
Restrictions on head coverings are being applied in banks in the U.S. for security reasons. Whether they cover the face or merely the hair, the interfere with identification.

Are baseball caps allowed? How about touques? I am willing to accept some infringement on my rights in the name of security* as long as they are applied equally.

I was watching a documentary about global protests in support of the hijab. Women in Paris wore the hijab and protested in the streets. Women in London wore the hijab and protested in the streets. Women in Washington wore the hijab and protested in the streets. Women in Ottawa wore great big parkas. I have no idea if they wore the hijab or not. As long as we are able to identify when problems with difference are clouding our judgement, I'll talk.

* prepares to tear up his radical credentials.

Sovereign Court

Tarren Dei wrote:
Women in Ottawa wore great big parkas.

That's just because it's cold in this city!

Tarren Dei wrote:
* prepares to tear up his radical credentials.

I wouldn't do so just yet ... depends on how willing you are to infringe ... ^_^

Liberty's Edge

magdalena thiriet wrote:
Well, it is hard to get into other people's lives well enough to really be able to judge them. there are benefits for, say, plural marriages and in cultures they have evolved in, there has been a need for it (e.g. cultures bent on warfare tend to generate widows...). One might equally pity poor Americans in the unstability of their serial monogamy and the effect it has on children...

actually Magdalena it would be in he rate of divorce and its effect on children

magdalena thiriet wrote:
Should I pity Americans for the huge differences between rich and poor in USA? I as a typical leftist European consider that a bad decision.

nah for the differences between the poor and the rich... visit Mexico... we will give yu a tour around Mexico City :D

Kirth Gersen wrote:
...and proceded to tell me I was "the most homophobic person he had ever met"

Gay guys all look alike.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

CourtFool wrote:
Kirth Gersen wrote:
...and proceded to tell me I was "the most homophobic person he had ever met"
Gay guys all look alike.

Shhhh! You'll upset Panama Jack. He's ... you know ...

Why Dr. Dei, I'm flattered...but alas no. If you want to try your luck with my aide Reggie, however...I've always had my doubts....but don't say I said so...overly familiar guffawing, effusive winking, and enthusiastic elbowing follows

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

Panama Jack wrote:
Why Dr. Dei, I'm flattered...but alas no. If you want to try your luck with my aide Reggie, however...I've always had my doubts....but don't say I said so...overly familiar guffawing, effusive winking, and enthusiastic elbowing follows

Oh ... really? You're not? I mean, with the mustache I just assumed ...

Liberty's Edge

Tarren Dei wrote:
Are baseball caps allowed? How about touques? I am willing to accept some infringement on my rights in the name of security* as long as they are applied equally.

From what I have seen, no. No head coverings at all are allowed.

A separate area at the front of such banks is being provided for anyone with any head covering they decline to remove.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

For the Celestial Latin or the Abyssal German, HD? ;)

Too late, Hugo. All the offensive South-of-the-Border stuff has been said already by Montalve.

P1nch3 Montalve! :shakefist: :P

houstonderek wrote:
Hugo Solis wrote:
Crap, this thread got big too fast... is it too late for me to offend someone?...anyone?
You can offend me, but it has to be in Spanish. I need the practice :)

Mmmm esta bien, como que crees que puda funcionar? Que te parece "Mondrigo tiradados de Hero que no puede armar un personaje decente ni aunque su vida dependa de ello?" Esta muy light y ñoño, :P Per de otra forma me echo a Vic encima!

Hugo Solis wrote:
houstonderek wrote:
Hugo Solis wrote:
Crap, this thread got big too fast... is it too late for me to offend someone?...anyone?
You can offend me, but it has to be in Spanish. I need the practice :)
Mmmm esta bien, como que crees que puda funcionar? Que te parece "Mondrigo tiradados de Hero que no puede armar un personaje decente ni aunque su vida dependa de ello?" Esta muy light y ñoño, :P Per de otra forma me echo a Vic encima!

Hablan en Engles, Por Favor! Yo no comprende Espanol !!!

Edit - Gah! I really DO need to relearn my Spanish!

Sharoth wrote:
Hugo Solis wrote:
Crap, this thread got big too fast... is it too late for me to offend someone?...anyone?

You offend me greatly! So much that if I had the energy to make an enemies list, you would almost be at the top of that! Teach me to owe you $60 that I need to pay you! Hate! Hate! Hate!


P.S. - Send me an e-mail so I can get you the money, oh vile fiend!

YOU RMEMBER!!! Yay! I thought you had "forgoten" :P I believe I have your email but can't find it... so here's mine


Tarren Dei wrote:
Hugo Solis wrote:
Crap, this thread got big too fast... is it too late for me to offend someone?...anyone?
I'm a nerd. You could call me a nerd. That would offend me.

Tarren es un Ñoño! (geek, in spanish)

Let's me translate! Hugo sez:
"This good, because you think that puda to work? That it seems to you " Mondrigo tiradados of Hero that cannot arm to a decent personage nor although his life depends on it? " This very light and geek: P Rep of another form I lie down above to Vic!"

And if ya don't know what puda means...well, I ain'ta gonna tell ya!

Hugo Solis wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Hugo Solis wrote:
Crap, this thread got big too fast... is it too late for me to offend someone?...anyone?

You offend me greatly! So much that if I had the energy to make an enemies list, you would almost be at the top of that! Teach me to owe you $60 that I need to pay you! Hate! Hate! Hate!


P.S. - Send me an e-mail so I can get you the money, oh vile fiend!

YOU RMEMBER!!! Yay! I thought you had "forgoten" :P I believe I have your email but can't find it... so here's mine

** spoiler omitted **

~grins~ I will e-mail you sometime tomorrow, since I am at work.

Sharoth wrote:

Hablan en Engles, Por Favor! Yo no comprende Espanol !!!

Edit - Gah! I really DO need to relearn my Spanish!

Nel, agarre su diccionario! :P

BTW: I replied to your a few posts up!

Tarren Dei wrote:
Tarren Dei wrote:
Hugo Solis wrote:
Crap, this thread got big too fast... is it too late for me to offend someone?...anyone?
I'm a nerd. You could call me a nerd. That would offend me.
What? Nobody? Nobody wants to call me a nerd??

Just did! Sorry, I took a toooo long nap... and again this thread got too big...

Big Tex wrote:

Let's me translate! Hugo sez:

"This good, because you think that puda to work? That it seems to you " Mondrigo tiradados of Hero that cannot arm to a decent personage nor although his life depends on it? " This very light and geek: P Rep of another form I lie down above to Vic!"

And if ya don't know what puda means...well, I ain'ta gonna tell ya!

Don't believe him, this translations sucks!

Monterrey Jack wrote:


Just trying it on for size...

Welcome bro!

*Hands MJ a welcoming beer and brigs out the "initializer" +5 iron club of tenderizing*

The Exchange

This thread needs to die the death of the nine hells

*Licks Crimson Jester*

Hugo Solis wrote:
Big Tex wrote:

Let's me translate! Hugo sez:

"This good, because you think that puda to work? That it seems to you " Mondrigo tiradados of Hero that cannot arm to a decent personage nor although his life depends on it? " This very light and geek: P Rep of another form I lie down above to Vic!"

And if ya don't know what puda means...well, I ain'ta gonna tell ya!

Don't believe him, this translations sucks!

What, just because it's almost identical to Babelfish!? ;)

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

Don't believe him, this translations sucks!
What, just because it's almost identical to Babelfish!? ;)

I thought so... that translation smelled like fish!

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