
Monterrey Jack's page

44 posts. Alias of houstonderek.


Um, who's Snooki?

What happened to the skeet pulley? Peasants ruin the shine on my toe caps.

CourtFool wrote:
Solnes wrote:
lol...I am so new to this i am having a hard time keeping up with only one character!
Aliases are over-rated.

I have a mind to come over there and do some snipping. Ever thought of being a soprano in the poodle opera?


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hopefully the weirdness in my alter-ego's life has subsided for a bit, and I can get back on my mission of making sure Hungry Jack only uses cheese with Jack in the name in his recipes...

Hungry Jack wrote:
Monterrey Jack wrote:

Why does Hungry Jack insist on using cheeses that don't have "jack" in the name.


Next thing you know, he'll start using those frou-frou "soft" cheeses from France...

Hungry Jack® does not discriminate against any cheese. After all, we accept Monterey Jack Cheese even though it originated in California....

Eh. California isn't so bad if you don't go too far north (like, north of Dana Point...)

Why does Hungry Jack insist on using cheeses that don't have "jack" in the name.


Next thing you know, he'll start using those frou-frou "soft" cheeses from France...

Callous Jack wrote:
Jack's Right Hand Man wrote:
Sebastian's Ghost wrote:
Now, now, let's not resort to violence when we can all be friends, sing songs and give hugs to one another!
What happened to you? I thought you were a pony.
I'm actually a, that's now undead.

Pssst....errr, boss, your Halloween mask fell off...

Sebastian's Ghost wrote:
Now, now, let's not resort to violence when we can all be friends, sing songs and give hugs to one another!

Someone get me the ectoplasmic shotgun...


Cream and whiskey for the kitty? Man, and we just put now sofas in the club room.

Oh, well...

Could you shrug again? ;)

Thank you, this Dark and Stormy is quite right!

lynora-Jill wrote:
Monterrey Jack wrote:

I was referring to Nirellia, but then, elves are too ambiguous for me to figure out anyway...

Oh. I don't think I've met any Nirellia. Care to join me for a drink? I could really use a Dark and Stormy about now. They didn't have any at the spa. I mean really, what kind of spa doesn't have alcohol? That just isn't right.

A Dark and Stormy sounds lovely! Now, where is Panama when you need him? ;)

lynora-Jill wrote:
Monterrey Jack wrote:
Hmm, did that chick have an Adam's apple?
Which chick was that? Oh, and has anyone seen the top that goes with this, she adds holding up a skimpy white bikini bottom. Someone's been raiding my closet again.

I was referring to Nirellia, but then, elves are too ambiguous for me to figure out anyway...

Hmm, did that chick have an Adam's apple?

Hungry Jack wrote:
Monterrey Jack wrote:
Hungry Jack wrote:
Hungry Jack®!!! My food doesn't suck ass!
But it's better with cheese!

Did someone say "cheese"?

Cheesy Potato Pancakes with Sausage

• 1 (12 oz.) package Johnsonville Original Breakfast Patties
• Crisco® Original No-Stick Cooking Spray
• 1 cup Hungry Jack® Buttermilk Complete Pancake & Waffle Mix (Just Add Water)
• 1 1/2 cups Hungry Jack® Mashed Potatoes, Flakes
• 2 1/2 cups milk
• 2 large eggs
• 2 tablespoons Crisco® Pure Vegetable Oil
• 2 tablespoons Hungry Jack® Microwave Ready Regular Syrup (optional)
• 1/2 cup shredded carrots
• 1/4 cup sliced green onion
• 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
• 1/2 cup shredded Monterrey Jack cheese

Preparation Directions:
1. COOK and crumble sausage patties in large skillet over medium heat until no longer pink. Drain, if necessary.
2. SPRAY skillet or griddle with no-stick spray. Heat skillet over medium-high heat or electric griddle to 375°F.
3. COMBINE pancake mix and potato flakes in large bowl. Whisk together milk, eggs, oil and syrup, if using. Add liquids to dry ingredients, stirring just until large lumps disappear. Blend in carrots, green onions, Parmesan cheese and cooked sausage.
4. POUR 1/4 cup batter for each pancake onto hot skillet or griddle. Cook for 3 minutes. Turn. Cook 2 to 3 minutes more or until golden brown. Place 3 or 4 pancakes on dinner plate. Sprinkle with Monterrey Jack cheese and serve.

Yield: 4 to 5 servings
Prep Time: 15 min
Cook Time: 6 min

Now I hunger. Al I need is a skunk, some okra, a nice roux, and the above, and Gumbo with Dumplings is served!

Hungry Jack wrote:
Hungry Jack®!!! My food doesn't suck ass!

But it's better with cheese!

sowhereaminow wrote:
Lathiira wrote:
Wait! We can still use the badgers!

(((Peeks back into thread)))

Really? You really need us?

** spoiler omitted **

Every good organization needs its crash test dummies...

For Jack's sake, another blue rodent...


Lathiira, Champion of Justice wrote:
Monterrey Jack wrote:
Lathiira wrote:
There's plenty of room for pirates, ninjas, AND robots. What's important is getting Seoni back! Oh, and some incidental carnage. No one said all the robots, pirates, and ninjas had to make it back, after all. I'm surprised the Jacks haven't come running, now that I think of it . . . .

Seoni? Why should we get worked up over a mere fleshling?

Now, on the other hand, had he kidnapped that hottie from "Metropolis"...

I seem to recall that you Jacks have gotten a little worked up over Lynora from time to time. Besides, don't you like a good brawl? You can crash Epic Meepo's dungeon!

Eh, if we can finish up by toasting the pirates and ninjas also...

Callous Jack wrote:
I need some pizza now...

He hungers! The incantation was a complete success! All hail the perfectly reformed leader!

Lathiira wrote:
There's plenty of room for pirates, ninjas, AND robots. What's important is getting Seoni back! Oh, and some incidental carnage. No one said all the robots, pirates, and ninjas had to make it back, after all. I'm surprised the Jacks haven't come running, now that I think of it . . . .

Seoni? Why should we get worked up over a mere fleshling?

Now, on the other hand, had he kidnapped that hottie from "Metropolis"...

Cultist of Jack wrote:
Hey guys, I think we should get a pizza vending machine for the clubhouse.

Does it dispense Jack Daniels and hookers?

Cockapoo wrote:
Monterrey Jack wrote:

*Starts hosing down the poodles*

Fret not, Boss. Disinfectant included, AND I added my "reverse activator" to the mix. Their fur will look like this in no time!

Edit: WARNING - Profanity on the page that link takes you to.

Wait a minute. You got the wrong can. That was a can of glue! I'm stuck!

Oh well. I might as well enjoy myself while I'm here. *continues humping*

An immunity to capsaicin (are you SURE you're not a chihuahua?) and an over-active puppy sex drive does not equal glue. Enjoy your straight hair! :)

*Starts hosing down the poodles*

Fret not, Boss. Disinfectant included, AND I added my "reverse activator" to the mix. Their fur will look like this in no time!

Edit: WARNING - Profanity on the page that link takes you to.

*Shows up with a big can of poodle repellent*

Need a hand, Boss?

Eh, punting poodles has lost its charm, it's like slamming Republicans, too easy and it's been done to death...

Jack's Right Hand Man wrote:
CourtFool wrote:
houstonderek wrote:
See, that's ok too. But drinking lite beer is just wrong.
I am so glad my lifestyle meets with your approval. I will sleep better tonight. :P

You're a Jack now Derek. You don't put up with this kind of smack from a poodle.

See my post above ;)

Panama Jack wrote:
Gilbert and Sullivan?

What do they spin? Trip-hop? Trance? Acid house?

Never heard of them...

Sebastianity Convert Jack wrote:

Is it ironic at all that i like the song Robot Rock by Daft Punk?

Edit: Do the Jacks have a DJ? If not, I may have found my new Jack name.

I've been known to spin some drum and bass and jungle on occasion, but I'm not very good. I'd gladly step back from the turntables and let you spin :)

Frat Jack wrote:

Hey Monterrey Jack, blonde hair makes your eyes stand out!

*winks at Smvrfette MJ*

Oh, you!


Smurfurion wrote:
Did anybody see where the smurf my sparking, talking marble went?



Um, you mean that marble?

Hmmm, how many smurfs can fit in the bucket of a catapult?

Where's that shotgun, I have a fever, and the only cure is more...PULL!!!


Damned, that felt good...

*Picks up the beaten and battered peasant, andplaces him on the catapult*

*Pulls the lever*


I f we get a plumber cultist, would he be "Jack-in-the-Crack"?

Jack's Right Hand Man wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
No it changes the definition of fun.
See, if I had a conscience I wouldn't be able to do this. *Puts the thief into the Jackapult and launches him*

Now THAT'S what I call fun!!!

Find another one, I want a turn!

Car Jack, Black Jack, Jack B Nimble, Jack -n- Jill (for the married cultists), Apple Jack...

Lots of Jack names left :)

Frat Jack wrote:
I think its called "Moral" or "Consciece"... can't remember

I had that surgically removed. :)

Please hurry, it is difficult to follow a disembodied voice. Makes me want to wander the desert for forty years...

Ok, NOW I'll pound him to a pulp! NO ONE calls me a soccer fan and gets away with it!!!!!

*proceeds to start wailing on the peasant*

Jack's Right Hand Man wrote:
Monterrey Jack wrote:
Jack's Right Hand Man wrote:
*comes in with the Peasant by the back of the neck* Ok Monterrey Jack. It's initiation time. Time to whup up on the Peasant and put him into the Jack-a-pult.
Isn't that thing under the size limit? I wouldn't feel right pounding that to a pulp. Not enough pulp potential to satisfy, I'm afraid...
Size limit? Feel right? We're Jacks. We don't care about that stuff. Our whole credo is based on beer drinking and cartoonish violence.

Not a morals thing, trust and believe. It's just that pounding him into a pulp would be like chinese food, it's satisfying for a moment, but you're wanting more after an hour...

Jack's Right Hand Man wrote:
*comes in with the Peasant by the back of the neck* Ok Monterrey Jack. It's initiation time. Time to whup up on the Peasant and put him into the Jack-a-pult.

Isn't that thing under the size limit? I wouldn't feel right pounding that to a pulp. Not enough pulp potential to satisfy, I'm afraid...

Panama Jack wrote:
Oh, ignore that ideologue, Monterrey Jack. Care for a Dark & Stormy or a Mojito?

Hmmm...I could go for a rum punch, come to think of it...


Thank you! Thank you! It feels good to be amongst the Jacks! Um, who's the discombobulated one in the corner?

Panama Jack wrote:
Monterrey Jack wrote:
hmmmm...Just trying it on for size...
Looks good...I tip my pith helmet to you, sir.

I thank you kindly, sir!


Just trying it on for size...