Recruiting - Pathfinder Beta PBP - Legacy of Fire AP

Gamer Connection

Hi all!

I'm going to go ahead and pick up a second pbp campaign to DM on these boards, and I'm just too darn enthused about the Legacy of Fire AP to wait any longer. I know the first installment isn't even available yet, but the advance copy of the Player's Guide (not to mention that the first adventure's author is Erik Mona), has sold me. Let's go ahead and get a group together now, and hopefully we'll be ready to roll as soon as Howl of the Carrion King hits.

This will be PFRPG Beta rules, and I'm looking for 5 1st-level PCs (maybe 6 at most). 20 point buy for stats, no evil alignments, campaign trait selected from the LoF Player's Guide (if you don't have it, I can provide these...lack of PG should not be considered a barrier to playing).

I anticipate, since this is a brand new AP, that there could be a lot of interest. If that's the case, I invite everyone who is interested to throw your hat in the ring, and I'll draw names randomly after 2-3 days, with everyone else on the alt list. It seems like the fairest way to handle things. If, for some reason, I don't get at least four people within a day, I'll just take the firstcomers.

Let's do Katapesh right. Who's with me?

Scarab Sages

I'm already in one LoF and might be in a Legend of the Burning Sands version as while I'm enjoying your enthusiastic CoCT, I'll pass on this one, I'm sure you'll have plenty of takers anyhow.

I hope you're right, Xaaon! Thanks.

Grand Lodge

I'll throw my hat in the ring. I'm in a few other pbp's right now, but I'm having no problems keeping up.

I subscribe to the AP, but will hold off reading it.

What do you use for rolling?

Sovereign Court Contributor

I'd like to play this, although I have to admit that I'm partly specifically interested in playing with the Scribbling Rambler. We'll see how it works out though!

You know what, I'm interested. So, can someone post some information at least on the area the game takes place in, so those of us who can't/won't buy the Player's Guide have a batter idea about the lovely city of Kapatesh?

I would like in,

Cool, we've got some interest already!

I'll keep a running list of the names thrown into the ring for the next couple of days, and then I'll draw five or six from a (virtual) hat.

So far:

1. Scribbling Rambler
2. Craig Shackleton
3. Davi The Eccentric
4. seekerofshadowlight

As for rolling dice, Rambler, I like Invisible Castle. But, I'm not too hung up on rolling dice, so if you have something else you prefer you're welcome to use that instead.

Davi, I'll try to get some barebones info about Katapesh posted in the near future. In the meantime, if you check out the product descriptions for the PF Chronicles Guide to Katapesh, the Legacy of Fire AP volumes, and the LoF Player's Guide, it should give you a rough idea of what we're looking at.

Liberty's Edge

Malvoisin wrote:

Cool, we've got some interest already!

I'll keep a running list of the names thrown into the ring for the next couple of days, and then I'll draw five or six from a (virtual) hat.

So far:

1. Scribbling Rambler
2. Craig Shackleton
3. Davi The Eccentric
4. seekerofshadowlight

As for rolling dice, Rambler, I like Invisible Castle. But, I'm not too hung up on rolling dice, so if you have something else you prefer you're welcome to use that instead.

Davi, I'll try to get some barebones info about Katapesh posted in the near future. In the meantime, if you check out the product descriptions for the PF Chronicles Guide to Katapesh, the Legacy of Fire AP volumes, and the LoF Player's Guide, it should give you a rough idea of what we're looking at.

I'd love to join! Please count me interested.

Grand Lodge

Malvoisin wrote:

As for rolling dice, Rambler, I like Invisible Castle. But, I'm not too hung up on rolling dice, so if you have something else you prefer you're welcome to use that instead.

IC is a great utility, but I can't always access it. We can figure out a workaround if I get in.

could you please put my name into your virtual hat?

Dark Archive

I think I am too late, but I would love to play with as well, especially with Craig and Rambler, whom played the lovely Sh'blu the bugbear at GenCon.

I will not read the path anyways cause the wife said she wants to run it.

Does it start in Katapesh? I thought it started in Osirion for some reason...

Can I throw my name in with a low priority?

i would like to join as well if theres room

The updated list of names in the hat so far:

1. Scribbling Rambler
2. Craig Shackleton
3. Davi The Eccentric
4. seekerofshadowlight
5. Count Buggula
6. Hokory
7. deathboy
8. Valkyrie Paine
9. Nasserath

To those who were inquiring as to whether there is still room in the game, please read my first post. I will continue to accept names for another day or so, and then draw names randomly.

So, anybody else out there who has an interest, just speak up.

Valkyrie Paine wrote:
Does it start in Katapesh? I thought it started in Osirion for some reason...

From the information in the PG, it does appear to be Katapesh.

Scribbling Rambler wrote:
IC is a great utility, but I can't always access it. We can figure out a workaround if I get in.

I'd be fine with you rolling physical dice, even, and just reporting the results. There has to be a certain element of trust at baseline to make these things work, in my opinion. I'm not worried.

Please consider my name submitted for the lottery ;)

Cacophonik wrote:
Please consider my name submitted for the lottery ;)


1. Scribbling Rambler
2. Craig Shackleton
3. Davi The Eccentric
4. seekerofshadowlight
5. Count Buggula
6. Hokory
7. deathboy
8. Valkyrie Paine
9. Nasserath
10. Cacophonik

Dark Archive

I'll toss my name into the hat too Mal. :)

Scarab Sages

see Mal, lots of interest ;)

Xaaon of Xen'Drik wrote:
see Mal, lots of interest ;)

Right you are! :D

Erekose, you're on the list.

1. Scribbling Rambler
2. Craig Shackleton
3. Davi The Eccentric
4. seekerofshadowlight
5. Count Buggula
6. Hokory
7. deathboy
8. Valkyrie Paine
9. Nasserath
10. Cacophonik
11. Erekose13

I, too, am interested, and will refrain from cracking open the new AP until my time with this group has ended.

The latest.

1. Scribbling Rambler
2. Craig Shackleton
3. Davi The Eccentric
4. seekerofshadowlight
5. Count Buggula
6. Hokory
7. deathboy
8. Valkyrie Paine
9. Nasserath
10. Cacophonik
11. Erekose13
12. bref_weapon

I am mighty interested...

Dark Archive

Malvoisin wrote:

To those who were inquiring as to whether there is still room in the game, please read my first post. I will continue to accept names for another day or so, and then draw names randomly.

I am cool with this set up. Sorry i missed it the first time.

Scarab Sages

OOO! Me!

Sovereign Court

My hat's in the ring, too.

To be completely transparent, however, as the writer of the final installment, I do have some knowledge of the AP, so feel free to exclude me in favor of someone else. But if I do make the cut, I promise to keep player and character knowledge separate!

The Exchange

I would like to be considered as well if I have made the cutoff time. I'm playing in a CotCT PbP now but I have plenty of time to do one more. I am in the Australian time zone though, so if that's going to be a problem, feel free to exclude me from the draw.


Consider my hat duly thrown!

Liberty's Edge

Here I am! Ready to post!
Let the dice decide...

I am in the European timezone, but I will be at my pc almost every day, evenigs and sometimes in the morning. So posting should not be a problem...

Name in hat, please

So...a busy night, yes? Here's how the hat stacks up.

1. Scribbling Rambler
2. Craig Shackleton
3. Davi The Eccentric
4. seekerofshadowlight
5. Count Buggula
6. Hokory
7. deathboy
8. Valkyrie Paine
9. Nasserath
10. Cacophonik
11. Erekose13
12. bref_weapon
13. Larcifer
14. fray
15. Rob McCreary
16. Wrath
17. Callum
18. Dryder
19. waynemarkstubbs

Okay, you know what, we've got about three times as much interest as I have game, so I'm going to go ahead and put a halt to name tossing now. I want to at least preserve some kind of decent odds for those who've jumped in already.

So, expect the names of the players later today. I'd do it now, but I have to get some work done first. :(

Other comments:

@deathboy, no apology needed. I didn't mean to call anybody out, I was just hoping to be sure everyone knew how I was handling this process.

@Rob, I have every confidence in your ability to separate IC and OOC knowledge. With so much information about Paizo's APs available on these boards (not to mention PF subscriptions, etc.), it would frankly be easy for anyone to obtain spoilers about the adventures if they wanted to. I trust all of you.

@Wrath, the beauty of PBP is that it's fairly 'time zone proof'. No worries at all.

Agh, Paizo just ate my nice post!

The shorter version: I just ran an integer sequence through, and here's how it shook out.

13. Larcifer
8. Valkyrie Paine
2. Craig Shackleton
1. Scribbling Rambler
5. Count Buggula
18. Dryder
14. fray
19. waynemarkstubbs
11. Erekose13
3. Davi The Eccentric
10. Cacophonik
17. Callum
16. Wrath
4. seekerofshadowlight
12. bref_weapon
7. deathboy
9. Nasserath
6. Hokory
15. Rob McCreary

I've decided to roll with 6 PCs, so first dibs goes to:

Valkyrie Paine
Craig Shackleton
Scribbling Rambler
Count Buggula

More in a sec...

Apologies to all those who didn't get their number drawn, but please keep an eye on this thread if you were close to the top six, just in case any of the first six changes his/her mind and bows out.

As a consolation, let me say that I'm sure several other PBP games for this AP will be popping up over the next few weeks.

Okay, I've created a Discussion thread here! For those who got in, let's take matters of character creation over there. But, if an alt spot opens up, I'll post here and offer the spot to the next person in order.

Thanks everyone for your interest and time!

Scarab Sages

YAY! I'm num... 7. DOH!

If a spot opens up, my email is in my profile. :D

Sovereign Court

Wow! Dead last for me! I may just have to run my own game...

Have fun, guys! :)

Rob McCreary wrote:

Wow! Dead last for me! I may just have to run my own game...

Have fun, guys! :)

I know, I chuckled when I saw that. Guess it wasn't meant to be.

every one have fun with this, we are gonna have to get more folks running it it seems :}

Sovereign Court Contributor

Woohoo! And the legendary Dryder, too!

The Exchange

Ah well, such is the way of random generators :).

Guess I'll hold off and see if some other games start up. Speaking of which, Rob, if you start one up, I'd put my hand up to play it.


Dark Archive

Oh well better luck next time for me. =(

I'll make sure my email is on my profile now. Just in case haa majority of players drop out.

Grand Lodge

Hey Deathboy, sorry that you won't be joining us this time. I'll keep an eye out for other games that you join in.

And thanks for the compliment. Between Sh'blu and Dming "Frozen Fingers", my voice is still not back to normal.

Rats, didn't see this until it was too late; there's always next time.

Liberty's Edge

Cool, I am in! Together with my fellow Cabbage!
Can't wait to start this...

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

This looks awesome.

I hope you guys have fun with my adventure!

Grand Lodge

Erik Mona wrote:

This looks awesome.

I hope you guys have fun with my adventure!

Thanks Erik!!

I think that we're off to a promising start.

Here is the game thread if you want to see how our characters are messing everything up.

Thanks Erik!

I know we'll have a blast with this. It's a great adventure, you've really outdone yourself.

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