As someone who plays in a lot of pbp, I wouldn't mind a warning about the culprit from #4. Who are they?
Allow me to save Mr. Kilcoyne some trouble. I believe he is referring to me.
It is absolutely true that I have started numerous pbp games (14 apparently), many of which have died on the vine. I regret this very much, and I apologize for any damage I've done to the pbp community on these boards. It's a strong community and I don't wish to be someone who causes problems; I want to be a contributor. Every game I try and start I do with only the very best of intentions; I just want to take part in a game. However, I confess to some personal problems involving my mental health which are a barrier to success. Still, I keep trying just because I really want to succeed. If anyone views me as high risk, please feel free to ignore any recruiting attempts I may offer.
I'm really not a troll, though. I offer a couple of examples of longer-running pbp games I have GM'd. It's a small sample size compared to the number of failures, I admit, but maybe it at least demonstrates that I really do want to GM a successful game. I realize that I've burned many bridges, but I hope I'll still be welcome here.
Is there anyway that you could add a drop down menu for said items as oppsed to manually entering them? Included could be all applicable bonuses already figured into the weapon/armor (feats, character abilties, etc).
I agree, especially for armor. Having to manually enter the AC bonus, plus all the other details is one of the biggest problems I have with the sheet right now.
I don't want to complain too much, because this is turning into an excellent sheet! But I just want to express my opinion that this should be moved up on the priority list, if possible. Thanks!
So...goblins, torbles, hellknight armigers. All well and good, but I'd like to throw some additional encounters at the heroes as they traipse through the sewers below the city.
Anybody got any good ideas they want to share? Thanks.
I signed up as a patron, and I'm totally stoked about it!
I also wanted to publicly thank Wolf for taking care of a customer service matter for me today, in a very generous fashion. If that's not deserving of some patronage, I don't know what is! I owe you a beer, Mr. Baur!
Scribbling, I do have your e-mail. Thanks for the invite.
For now, I think I'll just see how things progress. As much as I'd like to take over again, I want to proceed carefully. However, I hope no one will mind if I pop in here and make comments from time to time. :)
Hi guys, I finally summoned the courage to post again. I mainly just wanted to say hey, and that I'm really pleased that Scribbling
Rambler has got things moving forward for you again. Thank you sir, you're a good sort for doing it!
I'm not exactly sure what the future holds for me on these boards right now, but I did want to say hello at least. And say I'm sorry for disappearing again.
I assume Ghindor is supposed to have a Norwegian type accent, but I keep reading it like a cheesy Italian accent. I'll try to break myself of that habit.
I can drop the accent thing, if it helps. Just assume he's got something in character...
No, don't do that! It's just a humorous observation about myself, I don't want it to change how you portray your character.
Does anyone know how much slaves buy and sell for in Katapesh? I haven't seen this information anywhere (granted I don't have the Katapesh Guide, so it may be in's on my shopping list, though!) This question just came up in my LoF game.
I assume Ghindor is supposed to have a Norwegian type accent, but I keep reading it like a cheesy Italian accent. I'll try to break myself of that habit. that's what that orange glow was about. I thought maybe you were taking liberties with your description of the shark? Anyway, that's really cool. As for Pavo's sister, I was pretty much planning on having her be dead...fed to Gobbleguts a couple of weeks previously. Yeah, I'm mean like that. >:)
Whew, yeah, fortunately it's nothing so serious as that!
Hey Xaaon, much appreciated. For now, can you go ahead and finish off the fishery? I have finals this week, but after that, I should be ready to step back up to the plate and DM this thing.
Hey, Fabes, I was just about to assign these rolls, but I see a discrepancy in the order Rosey used (more modern convention), and that hogarth used (OLD SKOOL). Which would you prefer?
I am tempted by rolling them in order. :D Hard-core old-school. It would be interesting. Several of the clones (if not all of them) allow mulligans of some kind.
I'd be up for it. Brings back memories of when you prayed to roll well enough to finally play a paladin.
You know, this is exactly what I need right now...a chance to play in a game that appeals to my old-school sensibilites, with a quality DM. Just what the doctor ordered. Color me extremely interested.
The only rules system you mentioned that I've read, Fabes, is Basic Fantasy. But I'd be willing to have a look at any of them, especially if it's free.
The first character that pops into my head is a very traditional dwarven fighter, but I suppose that depends partly on how character creation will be handled. (Which is to say, can we assign stat rolls as desired, or do they have to be in order? Now that would be truly classic.)
Guys, thank you all so much for your words of support and understanding. For now, I'd be most pleased if Rambler would go ahead and finish up the present encounter, and then there's a good chance I'll be ready and able to take back over. Rambler, I may e-mail you tomorrow with some specific thoughts regarding this.
And, having just checked over the last page of posts more thoroughly, I noted that I'm not the only one to have gone through hard times recently. Dryder, hang in there, I'm thinking of you.
Well, obviously, I'm back. And, I'm pretty much okay. I've been following things here for a couple of days now, actually, but it's been hard for me to post, because I'm not sure how to explain my absence. I'm going to try, though, without getting into too much detail. I've actually started typing this post and then scrapping the whole thing a few times now. But, here goes...
First, let me sincerely apologize. I know it stinks to have people disappear from PBP games...especially the DM. It's hard to justify not giving any notice (although I'm about to try). But really, I know it makes you all wonder what's going on. Is the game dying? Is he okay? Not cool, I know, and I do appreciate those who expressed concern for me.
So, here's the thing. I have some fairly serious issues with depression and anxiety. Most of the time, life is peachy. But there are times when things get hectic and stressful (and life does that), and the wheels just sort of fall off. I manage to still go through the regular motions (work, family stuff), but I find during those times that I just can't handle anything else. And I know that I should just post and say 'Guys, I need a few days,' but I always hope that it will pass quickly, and I'll be able to pick things up without a problem. But then, I start feeling bad because the game is stalled, people are wondering what's going on...and it stresses me out more, and becomes a vicious spiral. And the next thing I know, it's been two weeks, and I wonder where the time went, and I feel better and miss my games. That's the short version, and it's probably pretty difficult to understand if you don't know someone who deals with this sort of thing.
I want to say that I really appreciate everyone who decided to jump in and pick up the reigns of the games. So, Scribbling Rambler, Xaaon, Shisumo, thank you so much for not leaving all my wonderful players hanging. This is really a great community.
For today, it's really tempting to say that I'm ready to pick up the games again, and start posting. Because, I feel up to doing But, I just don't know if I can make that commitment, knowing myself as I do. Because, it will happen again. It always does. How will I feel tomorrow, or next week, or next month?
But I miss my games, I like DMing in this format, and I think I'm even passably good at it. So what to do? I think, for now, if you all don't mind, I'll just watch things unfold with the new DMs. Maybe I can even weigh in from time to time with a comment, or maybe there could even be a way for me to contribute with maps or some sort of co-DM position? I don't know.
I would enjoy discussing this with everyone, I know that much. What do you all think?
Well, obviously, I'm back. And, I'm pretty much okay. I've been following things here for a couple of days now, actually, but it's been hard for me to post, because I'm not sure how to explain my absence. I'm going to try, though, without getting into too much detail. I've actually started typing this post and then scrapping the whole thing a few times now. But, here goes...
First, let me sincerely apologize. I know it stinks to have people disappear from PBP games...especially the DM. It's hard to justify not giving any notice (although I'm about to try). But really, I know it makes you all wonder what's going on. Is the game dying? Is he okay? Not cool, I know, and I do appreciate those who expressed concern for me.
So, here's the thing. I have some fairly serious issues with depression and anxiety. Most of the time, life is peachy. But there are times when things get hectic and stressful (and life does that), and the wheels just sort of fall off. I manage to still go through the regular motions (work, family stuff), but I find during those times that I just can't handle anything else. And I know that I should just post and say 'Guys, I need a few days,' but I always hope that it will pass quickly, and I'll be able to pick things up without a problem. But then, I start feeling bad because the game is stalled, people are wondering what's going on...and it stresses me out more, and becomes a vicious spiral. And the next thing I know, it's been two weeks, and I wonder where the time went, and I feel better and miss my games. That's the short version, and it's probably pretty difficult to understand if you don't know someone who deals with this sort of thing.
I want to say that I really appreciate everyone who decided to jump in and pick up the reigns of the games. So, Scribbling Rambler, Xaaon, Shisumo, thank you so much for not leaving all my wonderful players hanging. This is really a great community.
For today, it's really tempting to say that I'm ready to pick up the games again, and start posting. Because, I feel up to doing But, I just don't know if I can make that commitment, knowing myself as I do. Because, it will happen again. It always does. How will I feel tomorrow, or next week, or next month?
But I miss my games, I like DMing in this format, and I think I'm even passably good at it. So what to do? I think, for now, if you all don't mind, I'll just watch things unfold with the new DMs. Maybe I can even weigh in from time to time with a comment, or maybe there could even be a way for me to contribute with maps or some sort of co-DM position? I don't know.
I would enjoy discussing this with everyone, I know that much. What do you all think?
Well, obviously, I'm back. And, I'm pretty much okay. I've been following things here for a couple of days now, actually, but it's been hard for me to post, because I'm not sure how to explain my absence. I'm going to try, though, without getting into too much detail. I've actually started typing this post and then scrapping the whole thing a few times now. But, here goes...
First, let me sincerely apologize. I know it stinks to have people disappear from PBP games...especially the DM. It's hard to justify not giving any notice (although I'm about to try). But really, I know it makes you all wonder what's going on. Is the game dying? Is he okay? Not cool, I know, and I do appreciate those who expressed concern for me.
So, here's the thing. I have some issues with depression and anxiety. Most of the time, life is peachy. But there are times when things get hectic and stressful (and life does that), and the wheels just sort of fall off. I manage to still go through the regular motions (work, family stuff), but I find during those times that I just can't handle anything else. And I know that I should just post and say 'Guys, I need a few days,' but I always hope that it will pass quickly, and I'll be able to pick things up without a problem. But then, I start feeling bad because the game is stalled, people are wondering what's going on...and it stresses me out more, and becomes a vicious spiral. And the next thing I know, it's been two weeks, and I wonder where the time went, and I feel better and miss my games. That's the short version, and it's probably pretty difficult to understand if you don't know someone who deals with this sort of thing.
I want to say that I really appreciate everyone who decided to jump in and pick up the reigns of the games. So, Scribbling Rambler, Xaaon, Shisumo, thank you so much for not leaving all my wonderful players hanging. This is really a great community.
For today, it's really tempting to say that I'm ready to pick up the games again, and start posting. Because, I feel up to doing But, I just don't know if I can make that commitment, knowing myself as I do. Because, it will happen again. It always does. How will I feel tomorrow, or next week, or next month?
But I miss my games, I like DMing in this format, and I think I'm even passably good at it. So what to do? I think, for now, if you all don't mind, I'll just watch things unfold with the new DMs. Maybe I can even weigh in from time to time with a comment, or maybe there could even be a way for me to contribute with maps or some sort of co-DM position? I don't know.
I would enjoy discussing this with everyone, I know that much. What do you all think?
joegeek as Uran Jan, Gnome Druid
JZ as Sevegny Veilstar, Human Cleric
Davi the Eccentric as Rurik Ungart, Dwarf Rogue
Branding Opportunity as Kellith, Human Fighter
Graynore as Marcus Thayd, Human Paladin
Badslacker as Lyria Flamedancer, Human Wizard
Everybody else, please be aware that you are all eligible as alternates, so keep an eye on this thread, just in case anybody changes their mind. Sorry if you didn't make it, but it's nothing personal. I made my decisions based on party balance and just my own personal preferences regarding the characters as presented. Thanks to everyone for taking an interest.
Now, for those who are in, please head over to the Discussion Thread to start working on character sheets.
1. joegeek - Half-Orc Cleric
2. JZ - Human Cleric
3. Davi the Eccentric - Dwarf Rogue
4. flynnster - Human Sorcerer or Wizard
5. French Wolf - Dwarf Necromancer
6. Chris Mortika - Illumian Wizard OR Underfolk Spellthief
Two of the Play-by-post campaigns I was playing in have gone belly-up, and I've just taken over the reins of a third, so I'm certainly eager to find another campaign to play in, if there's still room.
I'm not particular about the type of character, but I've been slowly processing through some of the Complete X base classes I've found interesting. (The two characters hung into limbo were an Archivist and a Spellthief). So, whatever the party needs. (Maybe a Factotem?)
On the other hand, I've realized recently that I've never played a Wizard since 3rd Edition came out, and that might fit in with the "classic" vibe of a huge dungeon complex.
Hi Chris,
I'll need to ask you to choose a character race and class, and write up a description to be considered. Please check out the first post. Thanks!
Hey all, I thought I'd share Monte's Top Ten Tenets of dungeon design. It might give you a little more insight into his intentions for this project.
1. Things get more dangerous as you go deeper.
2. Treasure and other rewards are based on challenges overcome, not PC level.
3. There's a happy medium that embraces both realism and fun.
4. The dungeon is dynamic and huge--there's no clearing out the dungeon.
5. The player characters are not the first adventurers to explore this place, and they won't be the last.
6. Although there are many entrances, and many ways to get from level to level, this dungeon is being presented so that the PCs are unlikely to get ahead of the design. (Note that at the pace of a PbP, this is extremely unlikely to be an issue.)
7. The rules exist to facilitate the dungeon, not the other way around.
8. Magic gets stronger the deeper you go.
9. Food is fairly abundant in the dungeon.
10. Every level or sublevel has its own unique character.
I'd prefer Pathfinder beta rules but will run with whatever you decide. Also happy to run with your rules mods, though there are going to betimes when taking 10 means even your best fighters are going to miss. Guess you've got that covered though.
Thanks for this feedback, Wrath. I want to point out that, if we use a 'Take 10' house rule for attack rolls, it would be an option. That is to say, you could choose to either roll the dice or take 10 with any given attack. So, if it seems that you have a clear advantage between your attack bonus and the enemy's AC, you could take 10 and guarantee a hit every time (at the expense of the possibility of a critical, of course). And, of course, the enemies will also have that option as well. ;) The point is to try to create combat scenarios that are fast and gritty...especially when fighting mooks.
Have you thought about running this on Maptools or a similar virtual tabletop?
I like Maptools, and it's probably what I will use to create battle maps, if any are to made for a particular encounter.
However, my schedule doesn't really allow me to set aside a block of hours at a time for gaming. It's better for me to jump in here and there and post on the message board. So, PbP works best for me, rather than trying to assemble a group for a virtual face-to-face game.
So, in honor of Paizo becoming the newest sponsor of Monte Cook's awesome new project,, I'm going to go ahead and pull the trigger on something I've been mulling over for a little while. Let's try to run this thing as a PbP. This will be a little different than some games, though, so please read the following carefully before replying. I don't want to see anybody posting here saying "I'd like to play if you still have room..." because that will only tell me you didn't read the rest of this. Okay then...
First things first. This is essentially a giant dungeon crawl. Granted, it's Monte's dungeon crawl, which means its chock full of secrets, factions, history, and all sorts of coolness. But still...if you don't like spending a lot of time in the dungeon, this won't be your game.
Second thing...I'd like the focus of the game to be on exploration, not combat. Oh, there will be combat aplenty. But, that's where I foresee the problems. This game will bog down in this format, I fear, if it turns into one long fight after another. So, my intent is to turn it instead into one short fight after another. I'm still mulling ideas over in my head on exactly how to do this, but I'd like players who are willing to allow me to change things up on the fly with various house rules and experimentation. Some of the things I'm considering...combat without battle maps, allowing taking 10 on attack rolls in lieu of rolling, abolishing the 5' step, and maybe monkeying around with initiative. Other things will surely come up as well, and I'd welcome players who want to help me with this experiment. So, in some regards, this game will be kind of a big PbP combat playtest.
Simulationists need not apply. This is an old-school dungeon, and I mean that in the best possible way. If you worry a lot about where the monsters go to the bathroom, you're going to hate this. If you've been around the hobby awhile, and you have fond memories of places like the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth and White Plume Mountain (or you wish you did), you're the target audience.
I'm really going to want people in on this who can post regularly. This will work best if we can keep it moving.
By this point, people will want to know the ruleset. I could go with 3.5 or PF Beta, feel free to express your preference, if you have one.
Okay, assuming I haven't scared everyone away...this game is not first come first served. I'll say it again, this game is not first come first served. Recruitment stays open for 48 hours. If I get 4-6 people wanting to play, we're good to go. Less than that, and I guess it won't happen. But if there are more than 6 who are interested, I will pick six. What's the criteria? Glad you asked.
If you want to play, your price of admission is one character concept. Not a novella, just a paragraph or two. Give me race and class, a physical description, a personality, a very basic background. (Note that the game takes place in a generic campaign world, not can make up the details as you like.) I'll select up to six players based on this piece of writing, after the 48 hours have passed.
I hope we can get this thing off the ground! In return for your efforts, I'll do my best to give you a great game.
Dryder: Alrighty, I read over the Gnolls article in PF#19, and I didn't see anything there that's going to spoil this campaign. Have at it, and enjoy!
Valkyrie: You know, I'd say it's very likely that the Roveshki family's business dealings in Katapesh would quite likely include some slave trading. In that city, it's just one more commodity to be bought and sold. Now, as to whether or not she ever bought or sold one of the PCs...that's another thing. It seems at this point, that might be a little uncomfortable to shoehorn in...if that's even where you were headed with this. Maybe I'm reading too much into your question. One other thing to keep in mind is that as a representative of the Pactmasters, Almah also has the authority to free a slave if she so wishes.
Hmm, it's been pretty quiet for the last couple of days. Well, let's press on.
Sorin holds up his lantern to illuminate the stairs down into the hold. With Marra and Dorran right behind him, followed by Clandru and Pavo, the halfling leads the way below. Dark and dank, the ship’s hold smells of mildew. Several barrels, crates, and other containers lie stacked here and there, and a shallow layer of river water has collected in puddles.
A soft scratching sound comes from behind a few of the crates.