Nymphaea Orlbereth |

In a little-travelled corner of the Intertehreal Sea an immense forest sits in silent splendor. Oak, Ash, Beech and Pine mix with their rarer cousins Mallorn and Ironwood. Many are dozens of meters thick, their massive boles reaching to the lapis sky.
In the center of this continent-spanning forest, a ring of large trees circle what looks to be an immense root. The root travels up into the heavens, its endpoint obscured by clouds. The trees surrounding this massive root are quiet like all the others in the forest, but an observer would note that somehow they feel more ..alive ..than the ranks of forest surrounding their grove.
One massive tree crusted in moss and mistletoe suddenly shakes, scaring a flock of cardinals from its branches. He croaks out a few sentences in Entish that take most of the afternoon to finish.
Hurm hurm! Our busy associate the Tree Emperor has been busy my brothers! These flesh creatures and their petty squabbles ...
The ring of trees shivers and shimmys as the ancient Ents commune and ponder the latest news from the lands beyond the Great Forest.

The Giggler |

A slender man dressed in ragged fool's motley sweeps into the Records Room. His face is made up in the form of a clown, making him look almost jovial, if you didn't notice his flat, dead doll eyes. He sweeps up to the Bookkeeper and gives her a sweeping bow.
I hear you search for secrets dire
Dark things that most consign to fire
The skinny fool withdraws several round white shapes from a pouch and begins to juggle them.
Perhaps this fool can help your quest
By doing the things I do best!
The skinny man adds several daggers to the juggling routine. Upon closer examination, the round objects are small skulls.

The Seductress |

A sultry figure rises from a divan covered in the fur of some white beast.
Why must we always talk of death and blood and destruction. The surest way to bring the world into darkness is to take the hopes and dreams and desires of it's people and twist them to a darker aim.
Walks over and strokes the bookkeeper under the chin with her finger
Isn't that right my dear.

The Mask |

Suddenly, an undead wolf appears. It runs to the Bookkeeper and drops a note at her feet. Then, it disappears. The note reads:
It was not long ago that your mistress deposited her lust into Lynora. We are uncertain why, but Candle Lighter wishes for this lust to become stronger, and defined. As a delayed punishment for his humiliation.
We will help you in any way possible, though we act in the strictest confidence. We expect the same, for none of this note is to reach the other undead at The Palace of Skulls.
We simply require any assistance you all can give in removing Sunny Godhead's suppression. In return, we shall assist you in any way possible in reviving your mistress.
Do we have a deal?
--Ovu Monubi

The Bookkeeper |

A slender man dressed in ragged fool's motley sweeps into the Records Room. His face is made up in the form of a clown, making him look almost jovial, if you didn't notice his flat, dead doll eyes. He sweeps up to the Bookkeeper and gives her a sweeping bow.
I hear you search for secrets dire
Dark things that most consign to fireThe skinny fool withdraws several round white shapes from a pouch and begins to juggle them.
Perhaps this fool can help your quest
By doing the things I do best!The skinny man adds several daggers to the juggling routine. Upon closer examination, the round objects are small skulls.
"You look fit for the task" the undead hag says with a wicked smile. "Go forth and search for pieces of our mistress. Bring them back here to me. We must have all the pieces."

The Bookkeeper |

A sultry figure rises from a divan covered in the fur of some white beast.
Why must we always talk of death and blood and destruction. The surest way to bring the world into darkness is to take the hopes and dreams and desires of it's people and twist them to a darker aim.
Walks over and strokes the bookkeeper under the chin with her finger
Isn't that right my dear.
"You have always understood our aims well, my dear. Go. Go and confuse the heroes so they do not divine our true plans too soon."

The Giggler |

"You look fit for the task" the undead hag says with a wicked smile. "Go forth and search for pieces of our mistress. Bring them back here to me. We must have all the pieces."
The motleyed fool opens a pouch and the daggers and skulls drop in.
I shall gather the mistress as you have asked,
You'll find the Giggler's up to the task!
The strange man prances out of the Records Room, giggling in a high-pitched manner

The Bookkeeper |

The hag rifles through the boxes in her desk before she finally finds what she is looking for. She pulls out the sheaf of papers and casts a quick summoning spell. A shadowy figure forms in a dark corner of the room.
Ah, there you are. I'm calling in your marker. You know what is required. Do not disappoint the goddess again.

Kobold Catgirl |

The Mask wrote:Suddenly, an undead wolf appears. It runs to the Bookkeeper and drops a note at her feet. Then, it disappears. The note reads:** spoiler omitted **I don't know why, but I'm having technical difficulties with that spoiler.
Ah, here:
It was not long ago that your mistress deposited her lust into Lynora. We are uncertain why, but Candle Lighter wishes for this lust to become stronger, and defined. As a delayed punishment for his humiliation.
We will help you in any way possible, though we act in the strictest confidence. We expect the same, for none of this note is to reach the other undead at The Palace of Skulls.
We simply require any assistance you all can give in removing Sunny Godhead's suppression. In return, we shall assist you in any way possible in reviving your mistress.
Do we have a deal?"
That took a while to recover, so it better work this time. |:(

The Bookkeeper |

The bookkeeper writes a note and places it on a plate. It vanishes in a puff of smoke and appears in front of the author of the note she received the next time that that person is alone and unobserved.
The note reads:
The dracolich is mistaken. What was given to the girl is both less and more than he believes. Do not tell him this. The removal of her holy protections are essential to our plans. It is imperative for the return of our lady that no harm come to the girl in the meantime, but we would appreciate anything you can do that will seperate her from her protectors so that we will be able to move when the time is right.

The Mask |

The bookkeeper writes a note and places it on a plate. It vanishes in a puff of smoke and appears in front of the author of the note she received the next time that that person is alone and unobserved.
** spoiler omitted **
The strange wolf reappears again.
"If not, then you shall be forced to work against us. It is not pleasant, I assure you."

The Bookkeeper |

The Bookkeeper wrote:The bookkeeper writes a note and places it on a plate. It vanishes in a puff of smoke and appears in front of the author of the note she received the next time that that person is alone and unobserved.
** spoiler omitted **
The strange wolf reappears again.
** spoiler omitted **
Once again the bookkeeper pens a note and places it on the plate where it disappears in a puff of smoke.
Foolish dracolich. There is no lust. My lady does not care about such things except as a useful tool to draw people in to destroying themselves. It was a red herring intended to trick the one who delivered the real curse to the girl. But I am happy to help break her spirit and have already begun my own plans along those lines. She loves deeply. That is where you can break her. It would be a shame if you decided to work against us since we want the same things in the end.
I know I'm making a change here, but it is consistent with GDK's character, and unlike the initial idea is much less likely to cross the PG-13 line that we really need to stick to on the boards.

The Mask |

The Mask wrote:The Bookkeeper wrote:The bookkeeper writes a note and places it on a plate. It vanishes in a puff of smoke and appears in front of the author of the note she received the next time that that person is alone and unobserved.
** spoiler omitted **
The strange wolf reappears again.
** spoiler omitted **Once again the bookkeeper pens a note and places it on the plate where it disappears in a puff of smoke.
** spoiler omitted **
The wolf reappears and leaves a final message.
About PG-13? Good luck with that. ;)

The Bookkeeper |

I have set my sights on driving a wedge between Lynora and her paramour. I am also attempting to seduce the one called The Dalesman to our cause. Do you have any guidance on how I should proceed?
Get him to like you. Then get him to trust you. Plant some seeds of doubt. Bring the girl's goodness into question. Do what you do best, my dear.

The Giggler |

The skinny man in fool's motley sweeps into the Records Room. He places two small pieces of the Goddess in front of the Bookkeeper.
I found two chunks of mistress dear
At this quick pace she'll soon be here!
The mans voice has changed, sounding very phlegmmy. His footsteps trail behind him outlined in water, but his clothes are dry.

The Mask |

I have set my sights on driving a wedge between Lynora and her paramour. I am also attempting to seduce the one called The Dalesman to our cause. Do you have any guidance on how I should proceed?
A strange raven appears.
"Indeed, that is my plan. But he is clearly devoted to Lynora. What we need to do is for you to win his friendship and trust, as the Keeper said. But we need more. I have a plan."
Alagathra the Sea-Lich |

The skinny man in fool's motley sweeps into the Records Room. He places two small pieces of the Goddess in front of the Bookkeeper.
I found two chunks of mistress dear
At this quick pace she'll soon be here!The mans voice has changed, sounding very phlegmmy. His footsteps trail behind him outlined in water, but his clothes are dry.
Following the trial of madness by using the divinations of Dagon, Alagathra easily catches up with The Giggler. She enters the record room with two large undead sea urchins in tow. They point their sharp spines menancingly at anyone who would so foolishly threaten the Sea-Lich.
You have something my master wants.
With that, The Giggler finds his neck intwined with a howling chain. With her unhuman strength, she drag the fool towards her.
You will speak with my master, yes............

The Bookkeeper |

The bookkeeper calmly stands up from where she had been seated behind the enormous desk.
"Put my servant down please. I have agreed to alliance with your master. This is a severe breach of treaty, and an unfortunate misunderstanding. I assure you we are working towards the same goals. The destruction of all...life."
I'm signing off for the night and won't be back until late tomorrow afternoon. The bookkeeper doesn't want to tip her hand too soon, so won't take any actions that could be construed as an attack on an 'ally'.

Alagathra the Sea-Lich |

The raven stares for a moment. Then he sends a single spell to break the chain, which may or may not be successful, and disappears.
The spell fizzles as it strikes the chain. She turns and looks at the Bookkeeper. My Master understands the treaty and will brooke no further delay. He want the Orb, Now.
Good night everyone. I'm off to work and will not be awake until tomorrow afternoon at the latest.

The Giggler |

The skinny man giggles and howls as the chain wraps his neck
Hee Hee Hee Hee!
You can't catch me!
You'd be better off,
Trying to catch the sea!
With that, the harlequin's entire body turns into water and splashes to the ground. The liquid oozes into the cracks of the Record Room floor. Soon there is no trace of the Giggler save for the echo of his insane laughter.

Alagathra the Sea-Lich |

With that, the harlequin's entire body turns into water and splashes to the ground. The liquid oozes into the cracks of the Record Room floor. Soon there is no trace of the Giggler save for the echo of his insane laughter.
I have caught the sea she says. You think you've escaped. I can follow you anywhere.
She turns and looks at the book keeper.
If you returns, I will know and my Lord will not be pleased.

Kobold Catgirl |

The Giggler wrote:With that, the harlequin's entire body turns into water and splashes to the ground. The liquid oozes into the cracks of the Record Room floor. Soon there is no trace of the Giggler save for the echo of his insane laughter.I have caught the sea she says. You think you've escaped. I can follow you anywhere.
She turns and looks at the book keeper.
If you returns, I will know and my Lord will not be pleased.
With that, she throws the Mask a sneer and departs.
That mask wasn't there. They were communicating via messages. There has been nothing to suggest that the mask was at all involved.

Alagathra the Sea-Lich |

Alagathra the Sea-Lich wrote:That mask wasn't there. They were communicating via messages. There has been nothing to suggest that the mask was at all involved.The Giggler wrote:With that, the harlequin's entire body turns into water and splashes to the ground. The liquid oozes into the cracks of the Record Room floor. Soon there is no trace of the Giggler save for the echo of his insane laughter.I have caught the sea she says. You think you've escaped. I can follow you anywhere.
She turns and looks at the book keeper.
If you returns, I will know and my Lord will not be pleased.
With that, she throws the Mask a sneer and departs.
Okay, I've fixed that last post.

The Bookkeeper |

The bookkeeper crumbles to ashes. In a dark corner of the records room a machine whirs to life.
"Commencing cloning sequence 17," a pleasant female voice croons out. Within moments the chamber opens and the bookeeper walks out.
"These assassination attempts are exceedingly tiresome," she says, sitting down at the desk and reviewing the notes of her predecessor.

The Bookkeeper |

The bookkeeper looks up from her work as a shadowy figure enters the room.
"What is taking so long?" she asks sharply.
The figure laughs, her voice pleasant and feminine."Patience ugly one. You of all people should value the necessity for that. I have already begun to set things in motion. Just make sure that you have my payment ready when this is done."
With that the shadowy figure retreats and the bookkeeper goes back to her work.

![]() |

If I might offer a word of advice, you are going about this in the wrong way. Walks over and perches herself on the edge of the Bookkeeper's desk. Instead of trying to restore the darkness to Lynora, perhaps you should focus on turning someone much more powerful like her sister or her mother. Her mother would be a powerful ally, if you could convince her that you are working for the greater good.

The Bookkeeper |

If I might offer a word of advice, you are going about this in the wrong way. Walks over and perches herself on the edge of the Bookkeeper's desk. Instead of trying to restore the darkness to Lynora, perhaps you should focus on turning someone much more powerful like her sister or her mother. Her mother would be a powerful ally, if you could convince her that you are working for the greater good.
The bookkeeper chuckles, a dry raspy sound.
I assure you, my friend, I am well ahead of you there. One of them is indeed already enmeshed in my plans. Which one, well, I'll just let you guess...
The Mask |

The Masked Titan wrote:If I might offer a word of advice, you are going about this in the wrong way. Walks over and perches herself on the edge of the Bookkeeper's desk. Instead of trying to restore the darkness to Lynora, perhaps you should focus on turning someone much more powerful like her sister or her mother. Her mother would be a powerful ally, if you could convince her that you are working for the greater good.The bookkeeper chuckles, a dry raspy sound.
I assure you, my friend, I am well ahead of you there. One of them is indeed already enmeshed in my plans. Which one, well, I'll just let you guess...
"Hmm. The sister could be quite useful. So could the mother. What we must do is use either one to drive a wedge between Lynora and her lover, Jack Hammer. Her defenses will be halved without him, I think. Her grief will make her weak."
The raven speaks, appearing out of nowhere.
The Mask |

An impressive golden figure steps out of the shadows.
I did as you asked. Now free me, you infernal b*tch, she growls, pacing impatiently.
The raven smiles.
"Excellent. I hope you'll excuse them for not wishing to free you. You see, you are a menace to your daughters, and we would hate to see them get...hurt."In other news, I have captured Jay Frogskin. It seems that he has his master's knack for research. I'm using a bit of magic to sow discord, though it is hard to tell whether it's working. With both the master and the familiar, things should progress most quickly."

Ashaundra |

Ash pops into the room and sits herself down on the desk with a wide grin on her face.
Oh, that was fun. You should really have seen the look on Lyn's face when she found out. It was a lot like yours when I killed you that time, mother, she adds with a special cruel smile for Izkemina. And now you have to help me kill your precious Lyn. She sighs happily. Revenge really is a dish best served cold.
Edit: Woops, she says as she realizes that she is bleeding. Well, that stings a bit.

The Mask |

Ash pops into the room and sits herself down on the desk with a wide grin on her face.
Oh, that was fun. You should really have seen the look on Lyn's face when she found out. It was a lot like yours when I killed you that time, mother, she adds with a special cruel smile for Izkemina. And now you have to help me kill your precious Lyn. She sighs happily. Revenge really is a dish best served cold.Edit: Woops, she says as she realizes that she is bleeding. Well, that stings a bit.
"Heh." The raven says.
"Indeed. My plan is also going well. I need only push Wasp that extra inch. And he will snap. He has lost his mentor, his friend, and the closest things he had to parents. One more thing, and he will attack. One more thing, and he will do our work for us."
Ashaundra |

Ashaundra wrote:Ash pops into the room and sits herself down on the desk with a wide grin on her face.
Oh, that was fun. You should really have seen the look on Lyn's face when she found out. It was a lot like yours when I killed you that time, mother, she adds with a special cruel smile for Izkemina. And now you have to help me kill your precious Lyn. She sighs happily. Revenge really is a dish best served cold.Edit: Woops, she says as she realizes that she is bleeding. Well, that stings a bit.
"Heh." The raven says.
"Indeed. My plan is also going well. I need only push Wasp that extra inch. And he will snap. He has lost his mentor, his friend, and the closest things he had to parents. One more thing, and he will attack. One more thing, and he will do our work for us."
Ash claps her hands in delight. Oh, I do so love it when they fight amongst themselves. It's one of the most rewarding parts of being evil.