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There's only a little bit of time left before the beta playtest for the Pathfinder RPG ends, so I'd like to make one last suggestion to the folks at Paizo who are working on the final version of the rulebook.
As you work feverishly to get the final manuscript ready, take a moment every now and then to step back from the rules and pay some attention to the tone and 'feel' of the product.
Speaking personally, improved rules are not the main reason that I want to play the Pathfinder RPG. I want to play the game because I sincerely hope that it will capture the magic that attracted me to roleplaying in the first place. I really want the final version of the Pathfinder RPG to be the rulebook that I dreamed of when I was 12 years old. And this has as much to do with the quality of the 'fluff' between the covers as it does about the quality of the 'crunch'. It is all about atmosphere and attitude. I believe that flavor actually matters!
Although the Pathfinder RPG contains modern game mechanics, I encourage you to wrap them in old-school sensibilities. Make sure that you show proper respect for the traditions of fantasy roleplaying that have kept many of us playing for more than twenty years. Always choose flavor text that accentuates the 'feel' of the game. Reach back to the pulp fantasy roots that inspired D&D in the first place. And try to capture the spirit of that tradition.
We're counting on you to show us something really special in August. At the end of the day, I hope that you will astonish and inspire us with an amazing piece of work...