Shadow Dancer- Prerequisites

Open Comments

I apologize if this has already been discussed.
I was looking at the shadow dancer released on the prestige class pdf.
They seem to have altered the level requirement to get into the class.
the first level you could qualify for shadow dancer before was 7 because of the 10 ranks in move silently requirement. Your first level of shadow dancer and thus hide in plain sight was held back til 8th level. One level after the wizard could cast greater invisibility.

The new shadow dancer's requirement is 5 ranks in stealth, which means a rogue could qualify by 5th level, taking their first level at level 6. One level before the wizard can cast greater invisibility.

Taking into consideration the new skill system, shouldn't the stealth requirement be 7? At least 6, so that the shadow dancer and wizard get greater invisibility* at the same time.

*As far as I'm concerned hide in plain sight is essentially greater invisibility. Especially combined with spring attack.

Interesting comparison. One of my players does indeed use Hide in Plain sight combined with spring attack ... And I had not thought about it, but it compares greatly to Improved Invisiblity.

In many situations it has proven even better, as See Invisibility or True Seeing still can't help you see someone well hidden.

Akasharose wrote:

Interesting comparison. One of my players does indeed use Hide in Plain sight combined with spring attack ... And I had not thought about it, but it compares greatly to Improved Invisiblity.

In many situations it has proven even better, as See Invisibility or True Seeing still can't help you see someone well hidden.

Yes - but you don't get a +20 stealth bonus from Hide in Plain Sight either, so the margins of success between Perception and Stealth are that much closer together. Also, just because they can do the "rabbit on crack" boingy-stabbity-boingy thing does not abrogate the massive Stealth penalty for having made that attack. (Among other possible implications...)

Hide in Plain Sight's primary comparison to "greater invis" rests solely in not requiring concealment and/or cover to become "stealthed", IMO. And if your buddies cannot perceive you, they cannot target you with group 'buffs', curative magic or retrieve your dying body. Being super-stealthed can bite you in the tucas...

Right you are Turin. Truth is every time the shadowdancer "Hides in plain Sight", the first thing I do is make everyone else in the party make Perception/Spot checks ...

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