GreatNPowerfulAahz |

Backstory for question:
Recently the party I DM was attacked by a large sized Blue Dragon while on the side of a mountain pass. The dragon was strafing them with it's breath weapon and using a wand of fireballs to supplement extra aggrivation. The Wizard decides to grab a tanglefoot bag from his handy haversack and cast "Launch Item" to fire it at the Dragon when it was over the ravine(a 450' drop). Granted a failed reflex save to avoid the glue was unfortunate and the poor thing fell taking 20d6 fall damage. Sadly it came to a total of 61 points of damage and the Dragon had to make a massive damage save to avoid death. I rolled a 1 and my full 189hp, 11HD, buffed to an AC of 35 monster became roadkill with a Cantrip! (a MOMENT OF SILENCE please, for such a travesty)
So I have to ask... has anyone else had a problem with this spell? Ranged touch attack, no SR, and a 0-lvl spell to boot. Just add an annoying alchemical item with it and you get devastation and destruction at an 80' range. Combine this with a holy water against flat-footed ousiders within 30 feet as a Rogue/Arcane hybrid and you get sneak attack with a splash weapon. Acid flasks, Alchemists Fire, Tanglefoot Bags, Smokesticks... why would you ever let this combo happen?
any thoughts and or feelings about it?