The Jester

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At base, a computer has a bulk equal to its tier squared. Computers with light bulk or negligible bulk can be worn easily on the wrist or clipped to communications devices and used without having to hold them in a hand. Any computer with a bulk of 1 or more must be held or set on a sturdy surface to be used. (Example: Tier 2 Computer would equal 4 Bulk {2x2=4}).
Under Upgades/Miniturization: Treat your computer as 1 tier lower when calculating its bulk, to a minimum of tier –1. A tier-0 computer has light bulk, and a computer of tier –1 has negligible bulk. You can buy this upgrade multiple times. Each time it costs 10% of the base price
of the computer. So would the example tier 2 become a tier 1 (1x1=1) for bulk? Or would you reduce the bulk of 4 to a 3?

So a non-existant item level (i.e. 0) can't be raised by 5 item levels to a positive value of 5 by your logic then? Because that makes sense!

Not sure if there is a specific ruling on this, but could a Drow become a Mystic with the Star Shaman connection? I mean how would you function with turning to light, even shedding just normal light (which acts as bright light) with the whole "Light Blindness" property of the race? Any thoughts or recollections that might help explain if this is possible?

Backstory for question:
Recently the party I DM was attacked by a large sized Blue Dragon while on the side of a mountain pass. The dragon was strafing them with it's breath weapon and using a wand of fireballs to supplement extra aggrivation. The Wizard decides to grab a tanglefoot bag from his handy haversack and cast "Launch Item" to fire it at the Dragon when it was over the ravine(a 450' drop). Granted a failed reflex save to avoid the glue was unfortunate and the poor thing fell taking 20d6 fall damage. Sadly it came to a total of 61 points of damage and the Dragon had to make a massive damage save to avoid death. I rolled a 1 and my full 189hp, 11HD, buffed to an AC of 35 monster became roadkill with a Cantrip! (a MOMENT OF SILENCE please, for such a travesty)

So I have to ask... has anyone else had a problem with this spell? Ranged touch attack, no SR, and a 0-lvl spell to boot. Just add an annoying alchemical item with it and you get devastation and destruction at an 80' range. Combine this with a holy water against flat-footed ousiders within 30 feet as a Rogue/Arcane hybrid and you get sneak attack with a splash weapon. Acid flasks, Alchemists Fire, Tanglefoot Bags, Smokesticks... why would you ever let this combo happen?

any thoughts and or feelings about it?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Our group was defending a good sized town from an invasion of Hobgoblins. The Paladin is standing on top of the 4' high barracade with his sword and shield ready, waiting for the Hobs to charge him. Behind the stockade is the rest of our all human party (a cleric, a mage, and our ranger) ready to loose ranged attacks. This happened at night, when the Hobs darkvision made it more opportune for the attack.
Round 1) The Hobs move in to within 60' of the barracade and fire their longbows at the Paladin. His armor was good enough to turn the first wave of arrows easily enough. The rest of the party can't see the Hobs so start to illuminate an area with spells.
Round 2) They move to within 30' and all but one shoots at the Paladin again. Still no success.The rest of the party fires at the Hobs and they all miss due to poor rolls.
Round 3) The Hobs shoot at the Paladin again except the one guy who's up to something. Two of them hit and do minor damage. The Paladin is now furious at the cowards for not confronting him in melee. He drops his sword in front of him as a free action, unslings his shield as a standard action, and draws forth his Bow and arrow as a move action. The lone Hob rushes forward with his readied action after the sword drops and picks up the Paladins fallen sword (a +2 Holy Bastard Sword of Frost). The Paladin freaks out! "what?!" he exclaims. "He can't do that! I'ld shoot him with my attack of opportunity!" (the rest of the party fell over laughing) That's when I explained that with a ranged weapon drawn you don't threaten the squares directly around you. The Hob shouts "I got his sword! I got the Paladins sword," and holds it up for his allies to see.
Round 4) The Hobs sorcerer sneaks in from the dark and casts Dimension Door defensively and disappears with the trophy-wielder. The other Hobs run away into the night. The rest of the party is still laughing as the Paladin takes his Dietys name in vain several times.

I've been a fan of "Fell Drain" (from Libris Mortis) for a while now. Nothing screws you over like level draining magic missle, over and over again!

{what's in the pouch...}

... abou' tree-fitty... that's when I notice the pouch came off this corpse that was sixty feet tall... dammit Loch Ness Monster!?!

Classic all time favorites:

The Dwarven Axe "Tree-Biter" (a +1 wood bane hand axe)... it's soul creation was to chop firewood into smaller pieces.

Gift of the Elder Elves to Humans "Wall-Hanger" (a +1 longsword that gives it's owner a +3 to Charisma and all CHR checks as long as you are in the room where the sword has been mounted on the wall; preferably above a fireplace).

and an extremely honorable mention to the "Re-fried Beans of Expeditious Retreat"... (Eat these beans and get the runs)

where is the glitter?




and Bruce Campbell was in
"Bubba Ho-Tep"
with the oustanding actor...
Ossie Davis

Gubba wifflix mus tronpawl bryssix zanoosh...

Not realizing that the cannons were loaded with silly putty eggs, he pressed on with the attack and mis-fired.

wrestled with an imaginary bear... and lost!

grammer errors... "right jebus?"

clouds of bong smoke enveloped

dirty limmerick while

hard to see the darkside is... behind you!

One of my players was trying to pay homage to a certain Elven diety and misheard his name, so the riotous laughter that ensued was brought on by the addition of an Elf bard named "Lavander Morning-Wood!"

I nearly wet myself as I fell out of my chair laughing. He didn't get it for like 5 minutes, we all almost passed out from laughing.

Though I never actually got the chance to run it, I did play through it once and read it afterwards. I agree with Greg, in that the key to the players enjoyment has to be the creepy factor. Keep that nervous anticipation coming at all times. Desperation and dread go so well together... "mmmmmm....terror!"

I do recall some things our party did...

1) we spent some time fortifying our safety zone with debris(beds, tables, doors)then hunkered down in the murder holes room.

2) the party rogue (yours truly)spent a few hours setting up numerous traps with what was available:

-old dry books+ flasks of oil+ lit candles = flaming doorway trap
-all of parties daggers+ hammer+ wooden door+ rope= slamming spike door trap
-barrel of nails+ heat metal+ 1 good shove= flaming caltrops on stairs
-3 coils of rope+ sacks of sand= corpse pina`ta

3) the Wizard and Fighter took position wiith a wand of MM and a longbow at the windows

4) prayed to every god we could think of and waited nervously...

as I recall we all lived, some barely alive, but alive none-the-less.

Just then, he realized "there is no spoon"... and had to stir his coffee with a salad fork instead.

into the pants

Harry Potter's bigest rival

hail the King of Disco

The above post was a work of fiction and I do apologize sincerely if I offended anyone with my antics and refernces... but my warped sense of humor thought it funny at the time. Thank you.

well, it is a 2nd & 3rd edition reference, but here I go...

My next door neighbor at my lake house is a dwarf. I offer to take him out on my boat all the time but he refuses, not having any ranks in swim. So one day I get him good and drunk on ale (no easy feat being a dwarf) and convince him to come out for a sail. When we reach the middle of the lake I pushed him overboard and he sank like a stone.

The End


-sacrificial lamb for the BBQ
-Tom Bosley's head on a silver platter
-shaved weasel(not sure what for)
-two-fisted monkey attack...
-and a partridge in a pear treeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!

seems... the monkey whispered

for Hershcel Horringman's druidic barmitzvah extravaganza

He fell to the floor from the wave of dizziness that swept over him from standing up too quickly while drunk.

who's a midget

the dance, the dance "Macarena"...

I appreciate all the help, thanks again. My party is already coming up with backgrounds and I'm hoping this will be memorable for them. On my last homebrew I had three of the players beg and plead for a new campaign so I'm just trying to live up to their expectations.

For several turns my rogue tried to steal a 5000 gp platinum crown off the head of a gnome king that was a "Permanent Illusion"... I kept failing my will save to interact with the illusion. (and I thought all those move silently and hide checks were a good idea)

Try as I might to accomidate players with a great descriptor of where they are and what they see, I find that my story-telling uniqueness isn't in the details but in the linking of great plots that brings the characters lives together that really hit home. I like to give them a bit of freedom to choose where they go and what adventures they will go on, but I am worried that without the obvious "Villain A has been defeated so on to Location B" storyline they will feel that the adventure has no cohesion. What would you do in this situation? Any help on the topic would be appreciated.

Character: Nicarus Grey (Rogue 5/ Monk 2)
Campaign: Shackled City
Chapter: Drakthar's Way

The Vampire Bugbear had charmed our pt's Brb/Fgtr with her low will sv. and told her to protect him. My bright idea: I tumbled through her threat range (reach weapon weilder) and initiated a grapple. Though risky, the gods smiled on me that day. I subdual-ed her to unconsciousness, tied her up and shackled her then went for Drakthar. I used my decanter of endless water to make a stream of moving water that trapped him in a corner where our party was able to defaet the beast and drive a wooden stake through his heart. From that day forward my pack contained a small mirror, wooden stakes, a mallet, holy water, strand of garlic, and a sharp kukri for head removals. And grapple has been permanently earmarked in my PHB.

Over a decade ago in my homebrew campaign it was "The Iron Dragon", named after a rollercoaster at Cedar Pointe. It got started when my Rogue made it back to town at lvl 3 with all the partys' treasure (they got eaten by the dragon as I ran away)and retired; he started his own Inn from the profits. These days my franchise staple name is "Grinnin' Barrets". The sign is a big wooden smile that's whitewashed weekly. Barret was a former dentist who brews oat-mash, a grog that is strained through the teeth for maximum flavor.

My Rogue/Monk had no weapons that get through the DR of the clay golem and my party was taking a beating. So I did the only thing I could... I grappled the golem! For 4 rounds I managed to grapple and pin this monster while my party hacked and slashed. I have sinced retired the d20 that saved us all

Congratulations, that sounds like the mental control your average wife has through manipulation and guilt until you want your brain to explode right from your skull... i.e. "Truly Hideous"

ruining the dessert

For all of 2 adventures my bard sang every move the party made to the beat of "She'll be coming around the mountain, when she comes..."!

And I do mean everything: "We'll be sneaking around this Orc camp, in the dark..." "Let's go running from this dragon, back to town..." "Who here drank my last potion, of cure light..." Apparently my rendition of "The thief set of the spike trap, now he's dead, now he's dead" was the last straw.

You just don't get to have that kind of fun every day! >:)

Got to be a Monk/Reaping Mauler who gives the best hugs...
they can be subdual love, damaging love, and even Fatal love.
Of course they'll hug you, but without alot of ranks in Escape Artist or a high Strength and the feat Improved Grapple, it could be indefinately! Now that's a committing kind of hug! :)

One of the worst names in a campaign i was in was a Dragonlance, Tinker-Gnome:

Sonofab#*chIhitmythumbwiththehammeragainandbyallthatisgoodandholyitreallyre allyfreakinhurtssobadIthinkIbettergoseethepartyclerictogetitfixedbeforeitsw ellsupsobadthatwehavetogoallthewaydowntoicewallglacierjusttogetitbackdownto normalsize...
there was more, but I'm already tired of typing it!
Needless to say, we just called him Sonof.

I hate the rules-lawyer who likes to "keep it fair" by pointing out everyone elses flaws in tactics/creation/decisions but doesn't apply the same courtesy to himself.... "Just Shut the F%#@ Up!" I mean, your mom never told you the "if you can't say something nice..." rule?

I hate overbearing party members who b*#ch at you for role-playing your character...

I hate DM's who pinpoint the flaw in your character creation and throw it at you every-freaking-adventure! WTF! knock it off already, you wise-@$$!...

I hate true Lycanthropes in the past 3 campaigns all before the party was level 3, usually before level 2...

I hate having the lowest HP in the party and being a front-line cause of random weird character creation ideas...

I do kinda enjoy my low will save though {I've already tried to kill members of my party a couple of times >:)}...

I hate that when you come up with an original idea to save the day, everyone looks at you like you've lost your mind and ignores your plan <often leading to party death> in favor of the lets just charge 'em routine...

I hate Caffeine-free soda... why not have oxygen-free air... 'Cause God didn't want it that way!...

And most of all, I HATE feeling useless in a party when I'm one of the base 4 classes, because everybody tries to out-shine you in your chosen field of expertise! that really sucks, when you can miss a session or two and come back to hear "You weren't here last week?"

I do however, like this thread..... alot! >:)

6 Random Things I Hate in no specific order:
1) Squirrels
2) Zombies
3) Bosses (the work variety)
4) Uber-Religous Zealots bent on conversion to their ways
5) Cheating Gamers (if a d20 has 20 sides, how do you always
roll a 18,19, or 20? statistically impossible man)
6)Uber-Religious Zombie Squirrel Bosses that Cheat while
Gaming and drink Caffeiene-free soda! They're the Worst!!!

Rogue, Definately Rogue! It was my first, and God help me, will probably be my last as well. I started back in 1984 as a cohort in my Cousin's campaign because my Mom told my siblings "Let your brother Play with you kids!" They thought <give him thief... he's stupid... he'll be dead in 5 minutes>, but two hours later, I was lvl 3 and the Fighter, Cleric, Wizard, and 2nd Fighter were all dead! (and i had their gold)

Some classes just come naturally I guess! But I also like the versatility a Druid offers. You can heal, fight, cast offensive, cast defensive, cast utility, have a companion to help you out, wildshape to handle almost any situation... Slap a big red "S" on your chest and defend nature! They even hate undead... It's a win-win class!

Example: my umpteenth lvl Druid casts animal growth on his Black Bear companion, turning him Dire Bear size, then slaps him w/ rusting grasp and points at the enemy Cleric and says attack! Wildshapes into a giant Eagle and flys up to get an aerial view of the battle. Thanks to natural spell, if the bear needs back-up, I'm just a "Call lightning" away!

Hmmm... perfect Party? I don't hink it exists. I have to agree that even with the bases covered(Fighter, Cleric, Rogue, and Wizard... with a 5th anything) the potential has to be with the players for party dynamics. But my current group is a LOT 'o fun:

1) Barbarian/Fighter (prestige: Whirling Dervish)
2) Swashbuckler/Wizard (prestige: Arcane Knight)
3) Ninja/Cleric (prestige: Chameleon)
4) Rogue/Monk (prestiges: Invisible Blade/Tattooed Monk)
5) Sorcerer (prestige: Master of the Unseen Hand)
6) Healer/Monk (prestige: Reaping Mauler)

all of them rely on speed and wear light or no armor, we have no Full Cleric, no Charge in Tank(ours uses Karisari-Gama)and prefers the fight come to her, no Stealth(Rogue Tumbles in and feints for sneak attack damage), and no Utility Spell Slinger(both Sorcerer and Wizard are Artillery)... but we have a Chameleon(can be any of the core classes for the day)so essentially, we got it all! >:)

Yes I have encountered this in game before. As a player; Nic(My Rogue/Monk/Invisible Blade) has a fondnes for locks and traps. Sometimes they come in quite handy, example: our party's main tank, the Barbarian was dominated by a vampire to defend it, with a round or two(maybe 3) to retrieve his trusty Mstwk Sap and 2 pairs of manacles, the Barb was down and out, trussed up and no chance for waking with the Rogue sitting on her back with a readied action to invoke sleepy-time. {Manacles were found on a kidnapped elf, and were cast aside as non-treasure... Nic grabbed them anyway, much to the party's dismay. Who got the "Great plan Nic!"... I did!}

Example #2: after fighting a skeletal T-rex the party was really wiped out and needed to camp to get spells back. the problem was, we were still in the enemies stronghold! Nic scrounged around in his Hewards Handy Haversack and found: a sack of glass beads(DC 15 Balance check), a thunderstone, some twine, some pitons and hammer, and an alchemist's fire. One Craft: Trapmaking check, and a Hide check to conceal it and we went to sleep. Middle of the night we were awakened to a loud boom, followed by swearing in common. All of the party wears light or no armor except for the cleric, so we had ample time to stand, retreive weapons, and get into formation before the attackers came to us. {Now the party always wants to know if I'll keep track of inventory!}

Plus it doesn't hurt that i just happen to collect all weapons, armor, and items from almost every encounter to sell back at town for party fund. In a group of 5 with 2 Haversacks, a Bag of Holding type II, and a Quiver of Ehlonna; we usually have the room to do it.

Greedy Rogue+Appraise+Ample storage = Fat Purses for ALL!! >:)

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