The 444th layer

Forum Games

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Reworks his spell without the power boost. Then sits on a mountain top muttering about thieves

Sits next to Demon Lord of Tribbles dropping a tennis ball into his lap.

Uses staff to give the ball wings, throws the ball and it fly's off into the darking sky of the layer...Having 2nd thoughts he uses the staff and gives court fool wings as well

Runs after the ball yapping.

Ponders dark thoughts on a lonely hill top

The Exchange

little blue lighting bolts sparkle at my fingertips


You are an evil, foul little man....want a job?

DLT's fiendish cell phone rings

Ponders where the hell that ringing is coming from, uses staff and summons phone

There's a sound of loud club music over the phone

Hey boss! We got a raging party over here at the new Club Nobold! Bring some chicks and tribbles!

Demon Lord of Tribbles wrote:
You are an evil, foul little man....want a job?

Actually, he's Lawful Good. With Chaotic tendencies.

How disappointing.....well we can always corrupt him I guess

The Exchange

All persons are LAWFUL GOOD until proven otherwise in a court of law or by Paladin Detection, for which I wear a pendant. I have two jobs already...whats the offer?

Well I can always use more minions. The question is not what I offer. The question is what do you desire?

The Exchange

Lord of all rouges.... Water lord of the elemental planes...what more could I ask for?

The one thing that demons know is the desire for something more is always there. There is always something in your heart of hearts, in your darkest wish that you crave

All I ask is you to look deep and ask for it.

The Exchange

Whats the limit of your power? Can you go anywhere? Get anything? Do you ever get turned around in heavy traffic?

I shall reply here
*Whats the limit of your power? ...sufficient, why would I tell you?

*Can you go anywhere?...Most places...the upper planes are a pain in the ass though

*Get anything?...Within the boundary of my power yes...I can alter and modify things on my plane at will also

*Do you ever get turned around in heavy traffic?...Some times...I mean have you seen rush hour in the abyss?, much less the highway system.

we dont have signs much, whats the point when some one will move em or change em about and such...pheff demons

The Exchange

Well then you cant get me what I want....

A large snoring pile of monkeys appear in the treehouse. A fiendish dryad and succubus extricate themselves from the hairy pile and shakily walk their way back to the harem quarters.

Wow, I have got a mean hangover but that was a fun party! That Jack Hammer was kind of cute

Their voices fade as they enter their dwelling

You say what you want and well shall see

Evil Monkey awakes and groans, shoving several snoring two-headed monkeys off his burly frame. He yawns, farts, scratches himself and pads to the doorway.

Huh! Back in ol' 444! Wonder how that happened ...Wow hope I didn't teleport drunk last night

The hungover half-fiend goes to look for some grub.

Evil Monkey's cellphone rings

Hello! Hi toots! An opening bash? New club? Dahling you know I'm there! Uh huh, yeah I'll round up the fiendish chicks, no sweat. Maybe a nymph or two as well. You have a pool right? How could I doubt? Yep. Be over in a sec! Ciao babe!

The large fiendish ape starts rummaging through the treehouse's closet.

After a long weekend of partying, Evil Monkey snores gently in his bed, surrounded by several fiendish nymphs, dryads and succubi. A seven-foot-tall blonde-haired woman of stauesque proportions with shining white wings rolls out from under the ape's arm and groans softly, cradling her head in her hands.

Urgh ... Where am I?

Noticing her lack of clothing and the crowded conditions on the bed, her violet eyes widen in shock. Quietly, she gathers up a crumpled tunic off the floor, slipping it on hastily. She snags a large silvery trumpet leaning against the treehouse wall. Muttering a few phrases in Celestial, she disappears in a flash of golden light.

The large fiendish ape snores on

The fiendish ape's cellphone rings

Yello. Uh huh. Uh huh. Epic good vs. evil? Climatic battle? Minions needed? Uh huh. Ok what's the pay scale? WHAT? I should summon my legions for nothing? Evil must win? Dude, I don't DO pro malo work. Sorry, I got overhead. You know what it takes to keep a harem of fiendish nymphs, dryads and succubi in clothing? It's not like those girls can be pawned off with Acme-Mart stuff, they ALWAYS want designer labels. And have you priced out Purina Fiendish Two-Headed Flying Half-Tribble Monkey Chow lately?


Yeah yeah, I get it. Tell you what. You unwedge your undead lizard skull from out of your bony behind and appoint yourself a CFO who can arrange a decent contract and I'll THINK about assemling my minions. Hows about that? Uh huh. Well fnck you too loser.

Hangs up cell phone

Amateur ..

Resumes watching Charles In Charge marathon

Nicole Eggert ... Growl!

The Demon lord makes his way toward the layers forested floor with a new plan. oh yes a little time to ones self and time to think is always useful. Now he needs to see to all the Demon lord deprived nymphs

The Eighth Runelord calmly steps between two babau sentries at the precise moment that they are looking up at something pair of Chasme are doing to a captured drow slave named Allevrah. He walks through the palace, ducking and diving, always somehow exactly where the demons aren't looking, and neatly avoiding the alarms until he reaches the quarters of the lords of this place. Here he enters, permitting himself to be noticed for the first time.

Good day to you, immortals.

Looks away from the TV where Willy Ames is making funny faces at Scot Baio. Nacho bits cover his face in an orange goatee.

Hey there! 'Sup? Nice duds, who's your tailor?

I have a proposal for you, which would be to our mutual benefit; for me it would advance the long term plans of the Runelords - for you, it would prove beneficial in the financial sense, by avoiding hard work.
The Runelord frowns.
However my time here is limited. A lord such as yourself must have some time to give consideration to a decision, so as not to appear rushed, or careless, but I have other preparations to make if you do not choose a future in which you will hear me out.

My tailor is the third best one in Thassilon. Naturally the Runelords of Lust and Pride have taken care to acquire the best two for themselves.

The fiendish ape grins, displaying yellowed teeth stained orange with nachos

Hey bro, I'm always in the mood to hear business proposals!

Gets up from his couch and shuts TV off. Brushes nacho crumbs off his pelt. Pulls a Barcalounger over for the Runelord

Have a seat buddy and pitch me your angle!

The Eighth Runelord wrote:

My tailor is the third best one in Thassilon. Naturally the Runelords of Lust and Pride have taken care to acquire the best two for themselves.

Admires the cut of the Runelord's suit

Man if he's third the numero uno must be SMOKIN! You gotta business card from him maybe?

The Runelord seats himself carefully, before going on.
Those who think of themselves as champions of goodness and sanctimony are preparing for a battle against the dracolich Candle Lighter. They are meeting in Club Calistria at this very moment, to discuss their plans.
The dracolich Candle Lighter is going to fall. He failed to take a piece of advice from me at a critical moment, and his defeat is now inevitable. However the Dracolich has a hoard, and I see no reason why it should go to waste. Whilst the dracolich is engaged in battle, you could take the opportunity to acquire his hoard for yourself.
I can provide you with directions giving the location of the dracolich's hoard.
At present my fellow Runelords are too busy with other deeds to make the hoard their own but some of them would still be jealous if it fell into my hands - which is a problem when two of my fellow archmages are Runelords of Envy and Greed, as you may well imagine. The information is no direct use to me.

Runs a very long forked orange stained tongue over his lips absently

Hmm, dragon's hoard, sounds good so far ...what's your angle on it?

In anticipation of this event, the Runelord has already forewarned his tailor of the possible interest of one of the great lords of the Abyss. He is careful not to appear to presumptuous or having anticipated this, however, as he plucks a card from his pocket and presents it to the Fiendish Ape.

Erica the Grey, an arsenic dragon, who runs a sweatshp in the place known as Riddleport.
She has a more refined residence elsewhere in Avistan, where she entertains more exclusive clients, but she prefers to meet customers for the first few times somewhere neutral, where she won't damage anything very valuable if a client turns rough on her.

My angle on this is that I am a silent business partner at present to a number of merchants whom you patronise. You obtain the dracolich's hoard, your spending goes up, and I make more from my cut of their trade.
I also will enjoy the dracolich being humiliated, in one of the eventualities where a minion restores him in weaker form, and discovers his hoard missing.

A while back, I obtained this, from the Runelord of Lust. As a demonstration of my good intentions perhaps you should have it as a gift.
The Runelord produces a bundle of indeterminate shape, wrapped in flawless red silk, and passes it to the Fiendish Ape.

The Eighth Runelord wrote:

My angle on this is that I am a silent business partner at present to a number of merchants whom you patronise. You obtain the dracolich's hoard, your spending goes up, and I make more from my cut of their trade.

I also will enjoy the dracolich being humiliated, in one of the eventualities where a minion restores him in weaker form, and discovers his hoard missing.

The fiendish ape takes the card

Thanks buddy. I never rough up a tailor, thats bad luck or something. 'Sides I gotta look sharp for the honeys ..

Listens to the pitch

Awlright by me. I just hadda call from that snooty jerk anyway 'bout an hour back askin' me to get my troops together under his banner. And get this, he wanted it for FREE! Like it was duty an' he was my liege lord or something. Pfft.

The monkey snickers

I'll be sure and blow the dough real quick. You wouldn't believe what a trip to Fashion Week costs me these days! And my 666K plan is in the toilet. Stupid financial adviser! 'Oh Bernie Madoff's soul is in my pocket!' Lousy chump ... bit his head clear off his skinny shoulders you know ..

Stands up and presents a massive slightly-orange-stained paw.

You got a deal Mr ...?

The Eighth Runelord wrote:

A while back, I obtained this, from the Runelord of Lust. As a demonstration of my good intentions perhaps you should have it as a gift.

The Runelord produces a bundle of indeterminate shape, wrapped in flawless red silk, and passes it to the Fiendish Ape.

OOOO presents! I LOVE presents!

Unwraps it hastily

'Mr. Edasseril' will suffice for the present.
The Runelord smiles slightly.
Of course she doesn't realise yet that I will be Mr. Edasseril.

The Runelord takes the profered paw, and firmy shakes it, noting the polite pressure maintained by the Fiendish Ape, and nodding slightly in approval.

The Runelord waits for the Fiendish Ape to discover for himself, what the gift from the Runelord of Lust is.

Remember the children who might be reading this thread!

The large fiendish ape grins widely

Pleasure doin' bizness wit'cho Mr. Ed!

The glow of the item in the unwrapped silk package bathes the large ape in radience

OOOO ... I nevah saw onea these before, But I've heard of them!

Pulls out the Inhibition Erasing Harlotizing Raygun.

Gee Mr. Ed, thanks!

The Runelord produces a scroll sealed with a blob of black wax embossed with a Sihedron rune with an eye in the middle.

The location of the dracolich's lair, and the traps which he has installed to date. I cannot be certain which traps or wards he may install before departing for his final battle with the would be do-gooders.

One of your succubus spies in Club Calistria is in danger of exposure by the way. It might do well to retrieve her. the old treant and that fool of an oracle are perhaps growing a little too suspicous of her.

The large ape takes the scroll, glances over it and then waves his paw over it, causing it to vanish

Ehh , I gots lotsa flying tribble-monkey minions. They make good trap detectors!

Ponders the Runelord's advice

Meh .. I have peeps working that spot alla time! It's neutral territory like Switzerland. They get suspicious I'll just send in another mook to do the job. 'Sides ... I don't wanna get on Alaina's bad side. She knows how to party! Oh and those legs ...

The monkey stares off into space for a moment, then snaps out of it

No problemo Mr. Ed. We'll move in as soon as ol' Bonehead hits the pavement.

Delighted that we could be of use to one another.
The Runelord smiles broadly, rises to his feet, and bows deeply to the Fiendish Ape.
I shall see myself out.
He turns and leaves the room, once more making his way back through the palace without triggering an alarm or disturbing nary so much as the Abyssal cockroaches that gnaw leftovers in the kitchens, with his presence.
Once outside he departs back into the chaotic darknes.

Thank-you for running with this. It's been fun!

Ok Mr Ed! catch you on the flip side!

Resumes watching Charles in Charge marathon.

Whatta cool guy. I gotta find me a nunnery to try this lil' baby out on ..

Fondles raygun lovingly

Always a pleasure .. Evil Monkey is one of my favorite little schizo aliases! :)

The Demon Lord crawls out from under the pile of thriving naked flesh

Hummm I have the oddest feeling i missed something

Sigh...sorry, but Candle Lighter doesn't have a hoard.
Unless the demons are just scamming the Monkey.

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