[Pathfinder Chronicler] Quick clarification

Prestige Classes

On the pathfinder Chronicler it states:

Deep Pockets: As a result, she may carry up to 10
pounds of unspecified equipment worth up to 100 gp per
class level.

I'm guessing this reads as 100gp per level NOT 10lbs & 100gp per level as 100 lbs is rather heavy by level 10.

But I guess it could either way.


Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Pauel wrote:

On the pathfinder Chronicler it states:

Deep Pockets: As a result, she may carry up to 10
pounds of unspecified equipment worth up to 100 gp per
class level.

I'm guessing this reads as 100gp per level NOT 10lbs & 100gp per level as 100 lbs is rather heavy by level 10.

But I guess it could either way.


I would go with your first interpretation as the per level seems quite clearly relating to the 100gp only to me.

Paul Watson wrote:

I would go with your first interpretation as the per level seems quite clearly relating to the 100gp only to me.

That was my take, but after i started thinking about it...you'd be hard pressed to use 1000 gold in just 10 lbs of equipment at level 10.

So maybe this needs to be tweaked a bit to be say 10 lbs every 5 levels for a total of 30 lbs at level 10.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

I think there's another thread here in Prestige Classes that lays out what I intended, but it was supposed to be:

A. up to 10 lbs TOTAL
B. value up to 100 gp/level

Also, I had designed it to be magical or mundane equipment - the real use would be to be able to set aside cash value in your "deep pockets account" if you will that could later be turned into masterwork tools that you just happened to need, or some holy water or alchemist's fire, or a silk rope or a tinderbox, or a potion of water breathing when you suddenly found yourself thrown overboard from a ship or dropped into a water-filled pit, or a scroll of whatever spell happened to be necessary.

I think changing it to non-magical items only is kind of a silly restriction, considering that by the time you start taking prestige classes at 6th level most of your "minor" items are going to be magical, not mundane.

But it was intended to be capped at 10 lbs in weight because it was suppose to be stuff you literally had jammed in your pockets. I think the inspiration for the idea was like the kender pockets concept from Dragonlance - you have so much stuff in there even YOU forgot what it was, but you remember and are able to pull out just the right thing at the right time.

Also, some folks have misunderstood so I'll reiterate: This is not stuff that just APPEARS in your pockets (like with the kender) at no cost to you, nor can you use this ability to take out more value than you put in. This is gp value that you SPEND and weight that you CARRY. What the ability does is let you specify what you bought after the fact rather than at the time of purchase.

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