untitled, II

Off-Topic Discussions

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FOR an important


right here

and you'll

all like it

Species 641 has been assimilated

Scarab Sages

Ah reckon so.

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games



Larry Lichman wrote:
Howdy, Ma'am! Ah kin see whar Sebastian gits hiz luks.

Oh, you say the sweetest things! Maybe you can be my sixth husband!


Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games


Sebastian's Mother wrote:
Larry Lichman wrote:
Howdy, Ma'am! Ah kin see whar Sebastian gits hiz luks.
Oh, you say the sweetest things! Maybe you can be my sixth husband!


..run, Lary!

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

Ah'm outta hyar! Head fer zee hills!

*grabs case of PBR and jumps in '56 Chevy Pickup*

Larry Lichman wrote:

Ah'm outta hyar! Head fer zee hills!

*grabs case of PBR and jumps in '56 Chevy Pickup*

Come back, my sweet little muffin-cakes! I miss you already!

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

*continues driving*

*turns up Merle Haggard on radio*

Scarab Sages

Ain't nuthin lahk good ol' Merle, ceptin mebbe Willie, n'Waylon, n'thuh boys.

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

*pulls over for a pit stop*

Merle's wun a muh fav'rits.

*Pops out of the Case of PBRs*

We ar wee? *hic* Da ride was helluva bumpee...*hic*

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

Froggeh, Ah think wer lost. But at lest Ah'm fer away frum thet wummin whut wants tuh git hitched.

*grabs another PBR*


*Cheers and drinks PBR*


gitty up

Liberty's Edge


Upon seeing the avatars I just had a pic of the kobold on a saddle righting the werewolf pop in my head.

Liberty's Edge

boy yew no yew ain't rite.

seekerofshadowlight wrote:
Upon seeing the avatars I just had a pic of the kobold on a saddle righting the werewolf pop in my head.

Yee-ha! Howdy!

May have to talk with hugo about drawing that

Liberty's Edge

y'all got life all jacked up.


Liberty's Edge

Donchew stort.

Scarab Sages

Stort whut?

Munch, Munch, Munch! More vegetables please!

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games


My_Bark_Is_Fierce! wrote:
Munch, Munch, Munch! More vegetables please!

Sorry, the Lemmings ate 'em all. ayup.

Shadow Lodge

The Lemmings are my little flying army.. So Says Froggy President!

*changes voice pitch for movie reference*
Fly my pretties, FLY, FLY!!

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

Dadgum hippehs.

Scarab Sages


Sovereign Court

Dragonborn3 wrote:

The Lemmings are my little flying army.. So Says Froggy President!

Say wha...? Yer stole the lemmings from thuh kobold?

Liberty's Edge


Heathansson wrote:


Scarab Sages

Ah reckon so.

<Farmer's snot off the porch.>


Liberty's Edge


Shadow Lodge

Callous Jack wrote:
Dragonborn3 wrote:

The Lemmings are my little flying army.. So Says Froggy President!

Say wha...? Yer stole the lemmings from thuh kobold?

I prefer the term liberated...

Liberty's Edge


Scarab Sages

I just had this great dream about killin all the robots. Someone give me some booze.

Scarab Sages

Goddang hippeh.

Dragonborn3 wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
Dragonborn3 wrote:

The Lemmings are my little flying army.. So Says Froggy President!

Say wha...? Yer stole the lemmings from thuh kobold?
I prefer the term liberated...

What you people talking about?

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