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One of my players has expressed an interest in playing a Master of Many Forms in our Pathfinder game and has even worked out a progression of the abilities. I've made a couple of modifications, and am provisionally accepting it, but would like thoughts on where it's likely to break down. We're still only first level, so plenty of time to make changes before it comes into play.
So requirements are now:
Feats: Alertness, Endurance
Special: Wild Shape
Still no new proficiencies.
Skills (as MoMF): Acrobatics, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Fly,
Handle Animal, Knowledge (Nature), Perception, Spellcraft, Stealth,
Swim, Survival (4+Int)
HD (as MoMF): d8
1) Shifter's Speech, Wild Shape (Alter Self)
2) WS (Beast Shape II)
3) WS (Elemental Body I), Fast Wild Shape
4) WS (Plant Shape I)
5) WS (Beast Shape III), WS (Elemental Body II)
6) WS (Form of Dragon I), WS (Beast Shape IV)
7) Master of Forms, WS (Giant Form I), WS (Elemental Body III)
8) WS (Form of Dragon II), WS (Plant Shape II)
9) WS (Giant Form II), WS (Elemental Body IV), Thousand Faces
10) Evershifting form, WS (Form of Dragon III)
Shifter's Speech, Fast Wild Shape and Evershifting Form are exactly the same as the 3.5 MoMF. Thousand Faces is as the Druid ability.
Master of Forms is a new ability to replicate some of the 'lost' shapes. The Master of Many Forms can use Beast Shape to assume the form of either an animal or vermin. This does not change the list of abilities. He may also use the ability to shift into magical beasts to shift into Monstrous Humanoids, again keeping the same restrictions on abilities.
Evershifting Form. MoMF levels stack with Druid levels for purposes of Wild Shape (This would give the MoMF extra uses of Wild Shape. This is mostly so that the highly appropriate Wild Shape at Will is gained at 20th level, without acquiring it up to 5 levels earlier as a capstone power of the MoMF.
Any thoughts?

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An entirely new PrC really needs to be made to replace the master of many forms one. The system is so very different now.
I've always wanted to see a shape shifting class that combined the various shape shifting prestige classes and abilities into a good balanced base class.

Eric Stipe |
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I've always wanted to see a shape shifting class that combined the various shape shifting prestige classes and abilities into a good balanced base class.
Here you go.
I included the spells that are copied in the class.Shapeshifter
Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1st +1 +2 +0 +0 Shape Change, Improved Unarmed Strike
2nd +2 +3 +0 +0 Natures Armament
3rd +3 +3 +1 +1
4th +4 +4 +1 +1 Morphic Weapons
5th +5 +4 +1 +1
6th +6 +5 +2 +2 Fast Shape Change, Natures Armament
7th +7 +5 +2 +2
8th +8 +6 +2 +2 Reflexive Change
9th +9 +6 +3 +3
10th +10 +7 +3 +3 Natures Armament
11th +11 +7 +3 +3
12th +12 +8 +4 +4 Morphic Healing
13th +13 +8 +4 +4
14th +14 +9 +4 +4 Natures Armament
15th +15 +9 +5 +5
16th +16 +10 +5 +5 Morphic Reach
17th +17 +10 +5 +5 Infinite Variety
18th +18 +11 +6 +6 Natures Armament
19th +19 +11 +6 +6 Evershifting Mind
20th +20 +12 +6 +6 Evershifting Form
Alignment: any
Hit Die: D10
Class Skills
The shapeshifter’s class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Fly (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Knowledge (Planes) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).
Skill Ranks Per Level: 6 + Int modifier.
Class Abilities:
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A shapeshifter is proficient with all simple weapons and with light armor
Improved Unarmed Strike (Combat)
You are skilled at fighting while unarmed.
Benefit: You are considered to be armed even when unarmed— you do not provoke attacks or opportunity from armed opponents when you attack them while unarmed.
In addition, your unarmed strikes can deal lethal or nonlethal damage, at your option.
Normal: Without this feat, you are considered unarmed when attacking with an unarmed strike, and you can deal only nonlethal damage with such an attack.
Shape Change (Su): A shapeshifter is the master of her shape, changing it at will. The shapeshifter can use Shape Change to grow or shrink at will. These effects work like enlarge person, and reduce person. Shape Change can only be used on the shapeshifter. Changing form (to or back) is a standard action and doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity.
A shapeshifter has to spend at least 10 hours a day in her normal form, not using this ability. This rest time is reduced by 1 hour for every two levels of this class. So 9 hours at 3rd, 8 hours at 5th, 7 hours at 7th, 6 hours at 9th, 5 hours at 11th, 4 hours at 13th, 3 hours at 15th, 2 hours at 17th, and 1 hour at 19th. These hours can be spent sleeping, as long as they are continuous, the character can do anything with them. If the character doesn’t spend this time resting for 24 hours she loses the ability to use Shape Change the next day or until she spends this continuous time not in a form.
At 3rd level, the shapeshifter can look like other people, and humanoids, this ability works just like alter self.
At 5th level, the shapeshifter can make bigger modifications to her form, she can now take on forms of other creatures or become insubstantial. This ability works just like beast shape I or gaseous form. The form chosen must be that of a creature the shapeshifter is familiar with.
A shapeshifter keeps her ability to speak even while in a form that cannot speak, including verbal components of spells. She can also, communicate normally with other animals of the same general grouping as her new form. This does not give her the ability to speak other humanoid languages, even if she is in the form of a humanoid.
At 7th level, a shapeshifter can use Shape Change to change into a Large or Tiny animal or a Small elemental. When taking the form of an animal, a shapeshifter’s Shape Change now functions as beast shape II. When taking the form of an elemental, the shapeshifter’s Shape Change functions as elemental body I.
At 9th level, a shapeshifter can use Shape Change to change into a Huge or Diminutive animal, a Medium elemental, Small or Medium magical beast, or a Small or Medium plant creature. When taking the form of animals or magical beasts, a shapeshifter’s Shape Change now functions as beast shape III. When taking the form of an elemental, the shapeshifter’s Shape Change now functions as elemental body II. When taking the form of a plant creature, the shapeshifter’s Shape Change functions as plant shape I.
At 11th level, a shapeshifter can use Shape Change to change into a Tiny or Large Magical beast, a Large elemental, a Large plant creature, or a Medium chromatic or metallic dragon. When taking the form of an magical beast, the shapeshifter’s Shape Change now functions as beast shape IV. When taking the form of an elemental, the shapeshifter’s Shape Change now functions as elemental body III. When taking the form of a dragon, the shapeshifter’s Shape Change now functions as form of the dragon I. When taking the form of a plant, the shapeshifter’s Shape Change now functions as plant shape II.
When in Form of the Dragon I, II, and III the character can only use the breath weapon every 1d4 rounds, and the DC for the save is 10 + half her shapeshifter level plus her Constitution modifier, just like a real dragon.
At 13th level, a shapeshifter can use Shape Change to change into a Huge elemental, a Huge plant creature, a Large chromatic or metallic dragon, or a Large giant. When taking the form of an elemental, the shape shifter’s Shape Change now functions as elemental body IV. When taking the form of a plant, the shapeshifter’s Shape Change now functions as plant shape III. When taking the form of a Dragon, the shapeshifter’s Shape Change now functions as form of the dragon II. When taking the form of a giant, the shapeshifter’s Shape Change now functions as elemental body IV.
At 15th level, a shapeshifter can use Shape Change to change into a Huge chromatic or metallic dragon, a Huge giant or gain a body of iron. When taking the form of a dragon, the shapeshifter’s Shape Change now functions as form of the dragon III. When taking the form of a Giant, the shapeshifter’s Shape Change now functions as giant form II. When taking the form of iron, the shapeshifter’s Shape Change now functions as iron body.
Natures Armament (Su): At 2nd level, and every 4 levels after, a Shapeshifter may choose one of the following abilities. These abilities, unless otherwise noted, are only applicable while the Shapeshifter is in Shape Change form.
Armor of the crocodile: the Shapeshifter’s natural armor bonus is improved by +1 per four Shapeshifter levels (take shapeshifter level divide by 4, round down). This is an actual improvement, not an enhancement bonus.
Blaze of Power: While in fire elemental form, the Shapeshifter is covered in a blaze of power, which functions as a warm fire shield at a caster level equal to her Shapeshifter level.
Claws of the Grizzly: The Shapeshifter gains a +1 bonus per 4 class levels (minimum one) on damage when using natural weapons.
Earth’s Resilience: requires level 7, The Shapeshifter gains damage reduction 1 per 3 levels/-. This DR changes to match the form of the creature the shapeshifter changes into, i.e. if the creature has DR 10/Silver, the shapeshifter adds 1 per 3 class levels onto the DR, but retains the vulnerability. If the form doesn’t have any DR, it remains /-.
Nature’s Weapon: the Shapeshifter gains a +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls when using natural weapons, and attacks are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Robe of Clouds: While in air elemental form, the Shapeshifter may as a free action wreathe her body in mist and clouds for 1 minute per four class levels (shapeshifter levels divided by 4 round down) or until the effect is dismissed. This gives full concealment, though it does not affect the ability of the shapeshifter to see or act at all.
Serpent’s Coils: When in the form of a creature that normally has the improved grab ability, the Shapeshifter gains a +4 bonus on all grapple checks and does damage equal to 1d8 + Strength bonus after winning an opposed grapple check.
Water’s Flow: To use this ability, the Shapeshifter must be able to use Shape Change to take the form of an elemental. Three times per day as part of a move action, the character may transform her body into a flowing rush of water. She may move at double her base land speed while in this form but does not provoke attacks of opportunity while doing so. She may do nothing but move while in this form. At the end of her move, she immediately changes back into whatever form she was in prior to activating this ability. She may use this ability while not in Shape Change form.
Wild Growth: requires level 14, the Shapeshifter increases her regeneration by 5 (note if no regeneration is had, this gives her regeneration 5).
Speed of the Wind: In any form the Shapeshifter increases one movement type by 10 feet per 4 levels. Any flight abilities improve maneuverability by one category.
The DM and player can work to come up with more ability’s that could fall into this area. As guidelines the abilities should never give more than a +5 to a single minor ability or +1 to a major ability.
Morphic Weapons (Su): At 4th level, as a move action, a Shapeshifter can grow natural weapons such as claws or fangs, allowing a natural attack that deals the appropriate amount of damage according to the size of the form (see table below). These Morphic Weapons need not be natural weapons that the creature already possesses.
If the Shapeshifter’s form already has a natural weapon of that type, the weapon deals damage as if it were one category larger. The shapeshifter can use this ability even when not using Shape Change, but still must obey the resting rules for Shape Change.
A Shapeshifter can change Morphic Weapons as often as he likes, as long as it’s with in the time limit of the Shape Change time frame. She can only create one type of attack at a time, so either a set of claws, a tentacle, teeth, horns or a tail.
Size Slam or Tentacle Bite Claw or Sting Gore or tail
Diminutive 1 1d2 1 1
Tiny 1 1d3 1d2 1d2
Small 1d3 1d4 1d3 1d4
Medium 1d4 1d6 1d4 1d6
Large 1d6 1d8 1d6 1d8
Huge 1d8 2d6 1d8 2d6
Fast Shape Change (Ex): At 6th level, a Shapeshifter can use her Shape Change ability as a move action, rather than as a standard action.
Reflexive Change (Ex): At 10th level, a Shapeshifter has the ability to Shape Change in response to an opponent’s action once per day. If she chooses to use this ability, she then can change form as an immediate action in response to the action of another creature. She remains in this new form until she chooses to change shape. A Shapeshifter gives up her next action to make a Reflexive Change.
If the Shapeshifter has gained the Evershifting Form she can use this ability as often as she likes (although never more than once per round). Each time she uses it, she loses her next action.
Morphic Healing (Su): At 12th level, a Shapeshifter becomes able to change her form where wounds appear, creating smooth skin to cover the injury. The Shapeshifter gains Fast Healing 3. At 20th this increases to Fast Healing 5.
This ability only works while the Shapeshifter is not using Shape Change, as all her physical energy is used on healing.
Morphic Reach (Su): A Shapeshifter of 16th level or higher can suddenly stretch its limbs, neck, or other appendages outward, giving it 5 more feet of reach than the creature it’s emulating. Unlike most creatures, Shapeshifters don’t appear to have a longer reach until the actually use it.
This ability works even when the Shapeshifter is not using Shape Change.
Infinite Variety (Su): At 17th level, a Shapeshifter gains the ability to create completely imaginary forms when she uses Shape Change. To create an imaginary form, she must spend 1 full round per the number forms she is combining; if she succeeds she then can choose one form that she can change into, she then chooses a single aspect of a second creature whose form she could also assume and add it to the first creature. Her available options include the following.
∙ Replace the base form’s natural armor bonus with that of the second form.
∙ Add the second form’s movement modes.
∙ Add one of the second form’s natural attack types (with the appropriate reach), if the base form doesn’t have that attack type already.
∙ Add a listed ability of the second form.
∙ Replace one of the base form’s physical ability scores, if both the base form and the second form are the same size category.
At 19th level, the shapeshifter can add two aspects from the second form, or one aspect from a third form.
Evershifting Mind (Su): At 19th level, the Shapeshifter has changed forms so many times that her mind has changed. The Shapeshifter is unreadable as if affected by a continuous nondetection spell. This is always in effect in all forms, with a DC of 11 + Shapeshifter level.
This ability also gives the Shapeshifter spell resistance against Enchantment and Illusion spells and spell-like abilities. This resistance is equal to her Shapeshifter level + 11.
Evershifting Form (Su): At 20th level, the Shapeshifter has reached the pinnacle of shapechanging. The Shapeshifter gains the Shapeshifter subtype and becomes immune to any Transmutation effect unless she is willing to accept it.
The Shapeshifter no longer has any recovery time between forms.
The Shapeshifter becomes adept at distributing her form’s vital organs around her body to keep them safe from harm. Shapeshifters are immune to sneak attacks, and critical hits.
A Shapeshifter no longer takes ability score penalties for aging and cannot be magically aged. Any penalties she may have already incurred, however, remain in place.
Bonuses still accrue, and the Shapeshifter still dies of old age when her time is up.
Spells copied:
Enlarge Person
School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 1
Casting Time 1 round
Components V, S, M (powdered iron)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one humanoid creature
Duration 1 min./level (D)
Saving Throw Fortitude negates; Spell Resistance yes
This spell causes instant growth of a humanoid creature, doubling its height and multiplying its weight by 8. This increase changes the creature’s size category to the next larger one. The target gains a +2 size bonus to Strength, a –2 size penalty to Dexterity (to a minimum of 1), and a –1 penalty on attack rolls and AC due to its increased size.
A humanoid creature whose size increases to Large has a space of 10 feet and a natural reach of 10 feet. This spell does not change the target’s speed.
If insufficient room is available for the desired growth, the creature attains the maximum possible size and may make a Strength check (using its increased Strength) to burst any enclosures in the process. If it fails, it is constrained without harm by the materials enclosing it—the spell cannot be used to crush a creature by increasing its size.
All equipment worn or carried by a creature is similarly enlarged by the spell. Melee weapons affected by this spell deal more damage. Other magical properties are not affected by this spell. Any enlarged item that leaves an enlarged creature’s possession (including a projectile or thrown weapon) instantly returns to its normal size. This means that thrown weapons deal their normal damage, and projectiles deal damage based on the size of the weapon that fired them. Magical properties of enlarged items are not increased by this spell.
Multiple magical effects that increase size do not stack,.
Enlarge person counters and dispels reduce person.
Enlarge person can be made permanent with a permanency spell.
Reduce Person
School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 1
Casting Time 1 round
Components V, S, M (a pinch of powdered iron)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one humanoid creature
Duration 1 min./level (D)
Saving Throw Fortitude negates; Spell Resistance yes
This spell causes instant diminution of a humanoid creature, halving its height, length, and width and dividing its weight by 8. This decrease changes the creature’s size category to the next smaller one. The target gains a +2 size bonus to Dexterity, a –2 size penalty to Strength (to a minimum of 1), and a +1 bonus on attack rolls and AC due to its reduced size.
A Small humanoid creature whose size decreases to Tiny has a space of 2-1/2 feet and a natural reach of 0 feet (meaning that it must enter an opponent’s square to attack). A Large humanoid creature whose size decreases to Medium has a space of 5 feet and a natural reach of 5 feet. This spell doesn’t change the target’s speed.
All equipment worn or carried by a creature is similarly reduced by the spell.
Melee and projectile weapons deal less damage. Other magical properties are not affected by this spell. Any reduced item that leaves the reduced creature’s possession (including a projectile or thrown weapon) instantly returns to its normal size. This means that thrown weapons deal their normal damage (projectiles deal damage based on the size of the weapon that fired them).
Multiple magical effects that reduce size do not stack. Reduce person counters and dispels enlarge person. Reduce person can be made permanent with a permanency spell.
Alter Self
School transmutation (polymorph); Level bard 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a piece of the creature whose form you plan to assume)
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 min/level (D)
When you cast this spell, you can assume the form of any Small or Medium creature of the humanoid type. If the form you assume has any of the following abilities, you gain the listed ability: swim 30 feet, darkvision 60 feet, low-light vision, and scent.
Small creature: If the form you take is that of a Small humanoid, you gain a +2 enhancement bonus to your Dexterity.
Medium creature: If the form you take is that of a Medium humanoid, you gain a +2 enhancement bonus to your Strength.
Beast Shape I
School transmutation (polymorph); Level wizard/sorcerer 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a piece of the creature whose form you plan to assume)
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 min/level (D)
When you cast this spell, you can assume the form of any Small or Medium creature of the animal type. If the form you assume has any of the following abilities, you gain the listed ability: climb 30 feet, fly 30 feet (average maneuverability), swim 30 feet, darkvision 60 feet, lowlight vision, and scent.
Small animal: If the form you take is that of a Small animal, you gain a +2 enhancement bonus to your Dexterity and a +1 natural armor bonus.
Medium animal: If the form you take is that of a Medium animal, you gain a +2 enhancement bonus to your Strength and a +2 natural armor bonus.
Gaseous Form
School transmutation; Level bard 3, sorcerer/wizard 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components S, M/DF (a bit of gauze and a wisp of smoke)
Range touch
Target willing corporeal creature touched
Duration 2 min./level (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
The subject and all its gear become insubstantial, misty, and translucent. Its material armor (including natural armor) becomes worthless, though its size, Dexterity, deflection bonuses, and armor bonuses from force effects still apply. The subject gains damage reduction 10/ magic and becomes immune to poison and critical hits. It can’t attack or cast spells with verbal, somatic, material, or focus components while in gaseous form. This does not rule out the use of certain spells that the subject may have prepared using the feats Silent Spell, Still Spell, and Eschew Materials. The subject also loses supernatural abilities while in gaseous form. If it has a touch spell ready to use, that spell is discharged harmlessly when the gaseous form spell takes effect.
A gaseous creature can’t run, but it can fly at a speed of 10 feet and it automatically succeeds on all Fly skill checks. It can pass through small holes or narrow openings, even mere cracks, with all it was wearing or holding in its hands, as long as the spell persists. The creature is subject to the effects of wind, and it can’t enter water or other liquid. It also can’t manipulate objects or activate items, even those carried along with its gaseous form. Continuously active items remain active, though in some cases their effects may be moot.
Beast Shape II
School transmutation (polymorph); Level wizard/sorcerer 4
This spell functions as beast shape I, except that it also allows you to assume the form of a Tiny or Large creature of the animal type. If the form you assume has any of the following abilities, you gain the listed ability: climb 60 feet, fly 60 feet (good maneuverability), swim 60 feet, darkvision 60 feet, low-light vision, scent, improved grab, pounce, and trip.
Tiny animal: If the form you take is that of a Tiny animal, you gain a +4 enhancement bonus to your Dexterity, a –2 penalty to your Strength, and a +1 natural armor bonus.
Large animal: If the form you take is that of a Large animal, you gain a +4 enhancement bonus to your Strength, a –2 penalty to your Dexterity, and a +4 natural armor bonus.
Elemental Body I
School transmutation (polymorph); Level sorcerer/wizard 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (the element you plan to assume)
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 min/level (D)
When you cast this spell, you can assume the form of a Small air, earth, fire or water elemental. The abilities you gain depend upon the type of elemental you change into. Elemental abilities based on size, such as burn, vortex, and whirlwind, use the size of the elemental you transform into to determine their effect.
Air elemental: If the form you take is that of a Small air elemental, you gain a +2 enhancement bonus to your Dexterity and a +2 natural armor bonus. You also gain fly 60 feet (perfect), darkvision 60 feet, and the ability to create a whirlwind.
Earth elemental: If the form you take is that of a Small earth elemental, you gain a +2 enhancement bonus to your Strength and a +4 natural armor bonus. You also gain darkvision 60 feet, the push ability, and the ability to earthglide.
Fire elemental: If the form you take is that of a Small fire elemental, you gain a +2 enhancement bonus to your Dexterity and a +2 natural armor bonus. Your base land speed also increases by 10 feet. You gain darkvision 60 feet, resist fire 20, vulnerability to cold, and the burn ability.
Water elemental: If the form you take is that of a Small water elemental, you gain a +2 enhancement bonus to your Constitution and a +4 natural armor bonus. You also gain swim 60 feet, darkvision 60 feet, and the ability to create a vortex.
Beast Shape III
School transmutation (polymorph); Level wizard/sorcerer 5
This spell functions as beast shape II, except that it also allows you to assume the form of a Diminutive or Huge creature of the animal type. This spell also allows you to take on the form of a Small or Medium creature of the magical beast type. If the form you assume has any of the following abilities, you gain the listed ability: burrow 30 feet, climb 90 feet, fly 90 feet (good maneuverability), swim 90 feet, blindsense 30 feet, darkvision 60 feet, low-light vision, scent, constrict, ferocity, improved grab, jet, poison, pounce, rake, trample, trip, and web.
Diminutive animal: If the form you take is that of a Diminutive animal, you gain a +6 enhancement bonus to your Dexterity, a –4 penalty to your Strength, and a +1 natural armor bonus.
Huge animal: If the form you take is that of a Huge animal, you gain a +6 enhancement bonus to your Strength, a –4 penalty to your Dexterity, and a +6 natural armor bonus.
Small magical beast: If the form you take is that of a Small magical beast, you gain a +4 enhancement bonus to your Dexterity and a +2 natural armor bonus.
Medium magical beast: If the form you take is that of a Medium magical beast, you gain a +4 enhancement bonus to your Strength and a +4 natural armor bonus.
Elemental Body II
School transmutation (polymorph); Level sorcerer/wizard 5
This spell functions as elemental body I, except that it also allows you to assume the form of a Medium air, earth, fire, or water elemental. The abilities you gain depend upon the type of elemental you change into.
Air elemental: As elemental body I except that you gain a +4 enhancement bonus to your Dexterity and a +3 natural armor bonus.
Earth elemental: As elemental body I except that you gain a +4 enhancement bonus to your Strength and a +5 natural armor bonus.
Fire elemental: As elemental body I except that you gain a +4 enhancement bonus to your Dexterity and a +3 natural armor bonus.
Water elemental: As elemental body I except that you gain a +4 enhancement bonus to your Constitution and a +5 natural armor bonus.
Plant Shape I
School transmutation (polymorph); Level wizard/sorcerer 5
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a piece of the creature whose form you plan to assume)
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 min/level (D)
When you cast this spell you can assume the form of any Small or Medium creature of the plant type. If the form you assume has any of the following abilities, you gain the listed ability: darkvision 60 feet, low-light vision, constrict, improved grab, poison, and shriek. If the form you assume does not possess the ability to move, your speed is reduced to 5 feet and you lose all other forms of movement. If the creature has vulnerability to one element, you gain that vulnerability.
Small plant: If the form you take is that of a Small plant, you gain a +2 enhancement bonus to your Constitution and a +2 natural armor bonus.
Medium plant: If the form you take is that of a Medium plant, you gain a +2 enhancement bonus to your Strength, a +2 enhancement bonus to your Constitution, and a +2 natural armor bonus.
Beast Shape IV
School transmutation (polymorph); Level wizard/sorcerer 6
This spell functions as beast shape III except that it also allows you to assume the form of a Tiny or Large creature of the magical beast type. If the form you assume has any of the following abilities you gain the listed ability: burrow 60 feet, climb 90 feet, fly 120 feet (good maneuverability), swim 120 feet, blindsense 60 feet, darkvision 90 feet, low-light vision, scent, tremorsense 60 feet, breath weapon, constrict, ferocity, improved grab, jet, poison, pounce, rake, rend, roar, spikes, trample, trip, and web. If the creature has immunity or resistance to any elements, you gain resistance 20 to those elements. If the creature has vulnerability to an element, you gain that vulnerability.
Tiny magical beast: If the form you take is that of a Tiny magical beast, you gain a –2 penalty to your Strength, a +8 enhancement bonus to your Dexterity and a +3 natural armor bonus.
Large magical beast: If the form you take is that of a Large magical beast, you gain a +6 enhancement bonus to your Strength, a –2 penalty on your Dexterity, a +2 enhancement bonus on your Constitution, and a +6 natural armor bonus.
Elemental Body III
School transmutation (polymorph); Level sorcerer/wizard 6
This spell functions as elemental body I, except that it also allows you to assume the form of a Large air, earth, fire, or water elemental. The abilities you gain depend upon the type of elemental you change into. You are also immune to critical hits and sneak attacks while in elemental form.
Air elemental: As elemental body I except that you gain a +2 enhancement bonus to your Strength, +4 enhancement bonus to your Dexterity, and a +4 natural armor bonus.
Earth elemental: As elemental body I except that you gain a +6 enhancement bonus to your Strength, a –2 penalty on your Dexterity, a +2 enhancement bonus to your Constitution, and a +6 natural armor bonus.
Fire elemental: As elemental body I except that you gain a +4 enhancement bonus to your Dexterity, a +2 enhancement bonus to your Constitution, and a +4 natural armor bonus.
Water elemental: As elemental body I except that you gain a +2 enhancement bonus to your Strength, a –2 penalty on your Dexterity, a +6 enhancement bonus to your Constitution, and a +6 natural armor bonus.
Plant Shape II
School transmutation (polymorph); Level wizard/sorcerer 6
This spell functions as plant shape I except that it also allows you to assume the form of a Large creature of the plant type. If the creature has immunity or resistance to any elements, you gain resistance 20 to those elements. You are also immune to critical hits and sneak attacks while in plant shape change. If the creature has vulnerability to one element, you gain that vulnerability.
Large plant: If the form you take is that of a Large plant, you gain a +4 enhancement bonus to your Strength, a +2 enhancement bonus to your Constitution, and a +4 natural armor bonus.
Form of the Dragon I
School transmutation (polymorph); Level sorcerer/wizard 6
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a scale of the dragon type you plan to assume)
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 min/level (D)
Save see below; SR no
When you cast this spell you assume the form of a Medium chromatic or metallic dragon. You gain the following abilities: a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength, a +2 enhancement bonus to Constitution, a +4 natural armor bonus, fly 60 feet (poor), darkvision 60 feet, a breath weapon, and resistance to one element. You also gain one bite (1d8), two claws (1d6), and two wing attacks (1d4). Your breath weapon and resistance depend on the type of dragon that you transform into. You can only use the breath weapon once per casting of this spell. All breath weapons deal 6d8 points of damage and allow a Reflex save for half damage. In addition, some of the dragon types grant additional abilities as noted below.
Black dragon: 60-foot line of acid, resist acid 20, swim 60 feet
Blue dragon: 60-foot line of electricity, resist electricity 20, burrow 20 feet
Green dragon: 30-foot cone of acid, resist acid 20, swim 40 feet
Red dragon: 30-foot cone of fire, resist fire 30, vulnerability to cold
White dragon: 30-foot cone of cold, resist cold 20, swim 60 feet, vulnerability to fire
Brass dragon: 60-foot line of fire, resist fire 20, burrow 30 feet, vulnerability to cold
Bronze dragon: 60-foot line of electricity, resist electricity 20, swim 60 feet
Copper dragon: 60-foot line of acid, resist acid 20, spider climb (always active)
Gold dragon: 30-foot cone of fire, resist fire 20, swim 60 feet
Silver dragon: 30-foot cone of cold, resist cold 30, vulnerability to fire
Elemental Body IV
School transmutation (polymorph); Level sorcerer/wizard 7
This spell functions as elemental body I, except that it also allows you to assume the form of a Huge air, earth, fire, or water elemental. The abilities you gain depend upon the type of elemental you change into. You are also immune to critical hits and sneak attacks while in elemental form and gain DR 5/—.
Air elemental: As elemental body I except that you gain a +4 enhancement bonus to your Strength, +6 enhancement bonus to your Dexterity, and a +4 natural armor bonus. You also gain fly 120 feet (perfect).
Earth elemental: As elemental body I except that you gain a +8 enhancement bonus to your Strength, a –2 penalty on your Dexterity, a +4 enhancement bonus to your Constitution, and a +6 natural armor bonus.
Fire elemental: As elemental body I except that you gain a +6 enhancement bonus to your Dexterity, a +4 enhancement bonus to your Constitution, and a +4 natural armor bonus. Your base land speed also increases by 20 feet.
Water elemental: As elemental body I except that you gain a +4 enhancement bonus to your Strength, a –2 penalty on your Dexterity, a +8 enhancement bonus to your Constitution, and a +6 natural armor bonus. You also gain swim 120 feet.
Plant Shape III
School transmutation (polymorph); Level wizard/sorcerer 7
This spell functions as plant shape I except that it also allows you to assume the form of a Huge creature of the plant type. If the form you assume has any of the following abilities, you gain the listed ability: darkvision 60 feet, low-light vision, constrict, DR, improved grab, poison, regeneration 5, shriek, and trample. If the form you assume does not possess the ability to move, your speed is reduced to 5 feet and you lose all other forms of movement. If the creature has immunity or resistance to any elements, you gain resistance 20 to those elements. You are also immune to critical hits and sneak attacks while in plant shape change. If the creature has vulnerability to one element, you gain that vulnerability.
Huge plant: If the form you take is that of a Huge plant, you gain a +8 enhancement bonus to your Strength, a –2 penalty to your Dexterity, a +4 enhancement bonus to your Constitution, and a +6 natural armor bonus.
Form of the Dragon II
School transmutation (polymorph); Level sorcerer/wizard 7
This spell functions as form of the dragon I except that it also allows you to assume the form of a Large chromatic or metallic dragon. You gain the following abilities: a +6 enhancement bonus to Strength, a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution, a +6 natural armor bonus, fly 90 feet (poor), darkvision 60 feet, a breath weapon, DR 5/magic, and resistance to one element. You also gain one bite (2d6), two claws (1d8), two wing attacks (1d6), and one tail slap attack (1d8). You can only use the breath weapon twice per casting of this spell, and you must wait 1d4 rounds between uses. All breath weapons deal 8d8 points of damage and allow a Reflex save for half damage. Line breath weapons increase to 80-foot lines and cones increase to 40-foot cones.
Giant Form I
School transmutation (polymorph); Level sorcerer/wizard 7
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a piece of the creature whose form you plan to assume)
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 min/level (D)
When you cast this spell you can assume the form of any Large creature of the giant type. You gain the following abilities: a +6 enhancement bonus to Strength, a –2 penalty to Dexterity, a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution, a +4 natural armor bonus, low-light vision, and a +10 foot enhancement bonus to your speed. If the form you assume has any of the following abilities, you gain the listed ability: darkvision 60 feet, rend (2d6 damage), regeneration 5, rock catching, and rock throwing (range 60 feet, 2d6 damage). If the creature has immunity or resistance to any elements, you gain resistance 20 to those elements. If the creature has vulnerability to an element, you gain that vulnerability.
Form of the Dragon III
School transmutation (polymorph); Level sorcerer/wizard 8
This spell functions as form of the dragon I except that it also allows you to assume the form of a Huge chromatic or metallic dragon. You gain the following abilities: a +10 enhancement bonus to Strength, a +8 enhancement bonus to Constitution, a +8 natural armor bonus, fly 120 feet (poor), blindsense 60 feet, darkvision 120 feet, a breath weapon, DR 10/magic, frightful presence (DC equal to the DC for this spell), and immunity to one element (of the same type form of the dragon I grants resistance to). You also gain one bite (2d8), two claws (2d6), two wing attacks (1d8), and one tail slap attack (2d6). You can use the breath weapon as often as you like, but you must wait 1d4 rounds between uses. All breath weapons deal 12d8 points of damage and allow a Reflex save for half damage. Line breath weapons increase to 100-foot lines and cones increase to 50-foot cones.
Giant Form II
School Transmutation (polymorph); Level sorcerer/wizard 8
This spell functions as giant form I except that it also allows you to assume the form of any Huge creature of the giant type. You gain the following abilities: a +8 enhancement bonus to Strength, a –2 penalty to Dexterity, a +6 enhancement bonus to Constitution, a +6 natural armor bonus, low-light vision, and a +10 foot enhancement bonus to your speed. If the form you assume has any of the following abilities, you gain the listed ability: swim 60 feet, darkvision 60 feet, rend (2d8 damage), regeneration 5, rock catching, and rock throwing (range 120 feet, 2d10 damage). If the creature has immunity or resistance to one element, you gain that immunity or resistance. If the creature has vulnerability to an element, you gain that vulnerability.
Iron Body
School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 8
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M/DF (a piece of iron from an iron golem, a hero’s armor, or a war machine)
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 min./level (D)
This spell transforms your body into living iron, which grants you several powerful resistances and abilities. You gain damage reduction 15/adamantine. You are immune to blindness, critical hits, ability score damage, deafness, disease, drowning, electricity, poison, stunning, and all spells or attacks that affect your physiology or respiration, because you have no physiology or respiration while this spell is in effect.
You take only half damage from acid and fire of all kinds. However, you also become vulnerable to all special attacks that affect iron golems.
You gain a +6 enhancement bonus to your Strength score, but you take a –6 penalty to Dexterity as well (to a minimum Dexterity score of 1), and your speed is reduced to half normal. You have an arcane spell failure chance of 50% and a –8 armor check penalty, just as if you were clad in full plate armor. You cannot drink (and thus can’t use potions) or play wind instruments.
Your unarmed attacks deal damage equal to a club sized for you (1d4 for Small characters or 1d6 for Medium characters), and you are considered armed when making unarmed attacks. Your weight increases by a factor of 10, causing you to sink in water like a stone. However, you could survive the crushing pressure and lack of air at the bottom of the ocean—at least until the spell duration expires.
School abjuration; Level ranger 4, sorcerer/wizard 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (diamond dust worth 50 gp)
Range touch
Target creature or object touched
Duration 1 hour/level
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless, object); Spell Resistance yes (harmless, object)
The warded creature or object becomes difficult to detect by divination spells such as clairaudience/clairvoyance, locate object, and detect spells. Nondetection also prevents location by such magic items as crystal balls. If a divination is attempted against the warded creature or item, the caster of the divination must succeed on a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) against a DC of 11 + the caster level of the spellcaster who cast nondetection. If you cast nondetection on yourself or on an item currently in your possession, the DC is 15 + your caster level.
If cast on a creature, nondetection wards the creature’s gear as well as the creature itself.