kefka360 |

One of my players wants to be a dragon born in the new pathfinder game i was thinking of changing the races of the dragon 3.5 book one but pathfinder is still new to me.I was thinking of removing the right of rebirth and having it just a race to make things easier and the rebirth mechanic confuses the GM we have.I was thinking of using this tell me if this is good i was trying to get it so theirs now LA credit gos to UlarKaun i changed 2 things from the one he had for his 3.X post.
-Dragonborn are considered humanoid (dragonblood)
-Ability scores: +2 Str, -2 Dex, +2 Cha.
-Medium: As Medium creatures
-base speed is 30 ft.
-Dragonborn are immune to a dragon's Frightful Presence, and receive a +2 racial saving throw bonus against Magic Sleep & Paralysis.
-Darkvision to 30 ft
-+2 racial bonus on Intimidate and Perception checks.
-DR 5 (Breathe Weapon Type)
-Breath weapon: 5’ line per HD, Damage 1d8 + 1d8 for every 3 levels, can use 1/day, Reflex save (DC 10 + ½ the Dragonborn HD + his/her Con Mod), energy damage type chosen at first lvl and can’t change (acid, cold, electricity, or fire)
-Automatic Languages: Common and Draconic
-Favored class: Fighter or Sorcerer
-Level adjustment: +0

Pendagast |

so just use the dragonborn racial traits would work? like +2con -2 dex no other mods? what about the aspects in the RotD?
When pathfinder beta came to our attnetion one of our sorcerors was a dragonblood sorceror. When we converted to beta we simply used races of the dragon as a paper weight.

kefka360 |

kefka360 wrote:so just use the dragonborn racial traits would work? like +2con -2 dex no other mods? what about the aspects in the RotD?When pathfinder beta came to our attnetion one of our sorcerors was a dragonblood sorceror. When we converted to beta we simply used races of the dragon as a paper weight.
the guy wants to be something other than a sorceror thats why I'm trying to create a race for him.

Pendagast |

Pendagast wrote:the guy wants to be something other than a sorceror thats why I'm trying to create a race for him.kefka360 wrote:so just use the dragonborn racial traits would work? like +2con -2 dex no other mods? what about the aspects in the RotD?When pathfinder beta came to our attnetion one of our sorcerors was a dragonblood sorceror. When we converted to beta we simply used races of the dragon as a paper weight.
well thats what i was saying, the dragonblood sorceror was the only good thing in that book. The rest is a paper weight.
The dargonborn is just a lame silly half dragon.
If you think half dragon is too powerful of a race for your campaign, then use a teifling, but instead of making his sire-hood a demon/devil, make it a dragon. you could swtich out darkness spell like ability for say, shockig grasp for blue dragons, burning hands for red dragons etc etc.

WelbyBumpus |

No one??
I think your racial writeup is fine. I would play one, and let people play one in a campaign I was running, so it seems reasonable at first glance to me.
I would only balk at the "immune to frightful presence" if I knew the campaign was going to be dragon-centric and dragonfear was a big element of the game. Otherwise, it comes up so rarely that it's kind of a flavorful "trinket" power.

kefka360 |

kefka360 wrote:No one??I think your racial writeup is fine. I would play one, and let people play one in a campaign I was running, so it seems reasonable at first glance to me.
I would only balk at the "immune to frightful presence" if I knew the campaign was going to be dragon-centric and dragonfear was a big element of the game. Otherwise, it comes up so rarely that it's kind of a flavorful "trinket" power.
thanks for your help

![]() |

It looks ok, but I think even for the heightened power level of PF Beta, you may have creeped over the line into ECL+1 territory.
You have energy resistance, darkvision, skill bonuses AND a breath weapon that scales with character level - and scales with extra dice, not just a +1dmg per level.
now obviously others may disagree, but I think if you compared this to elf or human or dwarf, the dragonborn is better, and thus should probably be ECL +1

kefka360 |

It looks ok, but I think even for the heightened power level of PF Beta, you may have creeped over the line into ECL+1 territory.
You have energy resistance, darkvision, skill bonuses AND a breath weapon that scales with character level - and scales with extra dice, not just a +1dmg per level.
now obviously others may disagree, but I think if you compared this to elf or human or dwarf, the dragonborn is better, and thus should probably be ECL +1
i was thinking about removing -Dragonborn are immune to a dragon's Frightful Presence, and receive a +2 racial saving throw bonus against Magic Sleep & Paralysis. my goal is to not have a ECL on him

Pendagast |

underling wrote:i was thinking about removing -Dragonborn are immune to a dragon's Frightful Presence, and receive a +2 racial saving throw bonus against Magic Sleep & Paralysis. my goal is to not have a ECL on himhmmm....
It looks ok, but I think even for the heightened power level of PF Beta, you may have creeped over the line into ECL+1 territory.
You have energy resistance, darkvision, skill bonuses AND a breath weapon that scales with character level - and scales with extra dice, not just a +1dmg per level.
now obviously others may disagree, but I think if you compared this to elf or human or dwarf, the dragonborn is better, and thus should probably be ECL +1
my advice is to ditch the dragon breath, If he wants it he can get it as a Dragon Disciple. (of course that would require at least one level of sorceror)
What about this race is different or lesser than a half dragon (with an ECL) heck even lizard folk have ECL.
IF you have a breath weapon it should be like the ability of sorcerors or wizards, its 1d6 +1 per level, no aditional dice.
But Id loose the breath weapon.

DeadlyUematsu |
It's fine as a ECL +0 race. A fair number abilities are highly situational (the energy resistance) or require investment (the skill bonuses) to get the most out of them. Also, the breath weapon is essentially worthless at high levels (no opposition worth its salt is going to line up for you and 32 damage, 16 on a save with possible energy resistance reducing it further makes it a fun flavorful with some occassional use but nothing more than that).

kefka360 |

It's fine as a ECL +0 race. A fair number abilities are highly situational (the energy resistance) or require investment (the skill bonuses) to get the most out of them. Also, the breath weapon is essentially worthless at high levels (no opposition worth its salt is going to line up for you and 32 damage, 16 on a save with possible energy resistance reducing it further makes it a fun flavorful with some occassional use but nothing more than that).
• +2 Strength, +2 Charisma, –2 Intelligence.• Dragon: Dragonborn are considered dragons.
• Medium-sized
• Dragonborn base land speed is 30 feet.
• +1 natural armor bonus.
• +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (history) and Intimidate checks.
• Low-Light Vision: A dragonborn can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. He retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
• Breath Weapon (Su): The dragonborn gains a breath weapon he can use once per encounter as a standard action. Each time he uses the breath weapon it takes the form of a 15-foot cone. This breath weapon deals 1d6 + Con modifier points of damage (2d6 at 8th or higher level and 3d6 at 15th or higher level); a successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 the Dragonborn's character level + dragonborn's Con modifier) halves the damage. He may choose fire, cold, lightning, acid, or chlorine gas damage. The decision is made at character creation and cannot be changed later. The dragonborn is immune to the effect of his own breath weapon.
• Draconic Fury: The dragonborn gains a +1 bonus to his attack rolls and +2 damage when he is reduced to half or less than his total normal hit points.
• Automatic Languages: Common and Dragon. Bonus Languages: Celestial, Dwarf, Elf, Infernal, and Ignan.
• Favored Class: Paladin or barbarian
• Age and Aging: as human
• Height and Weight: Male 5' 8" + 2d8 inches, 170 lbs. x(2d6) lb.; Female: 6' 0" + 2d8 inches, 225 lbs. x(2d6) lb.
how about that than? would that have any ECL its from achan_hiarusa link i made some changes to it.

Pendagast |

DeadlyUematsu wrote:It's fine as a ECL +0 race. A fair number abilities are highly situational (the energy resistance) or require investment (the skill bonuses) to get the most out of them. Also, the breath weapon is essentially worthless at high levels (no opposition worth its salt is going to line up for you and 32 damage, 16 on a save with possible energy resistance reducing it further makes it a fun flavorful with some occassional use but nothing more than that).
• +2 Strength, +2 Charisma, –2 Intelligence.
• Dragon: Dragonborn are considered dragons.
• Medium-sized
• Dragonborn base land speed is 30 feet.
• +1 natural armor bonus.
• +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (history) and Intimidate checks.
• Low-Light Vision: A dragonborn can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. He retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
• Breath Weapon (Su): The dragonborn gains a breath weapon he can use once per encounter as a standard action. Each time he uses the breath weapon it takes the form of a 15-foot cone. This breath weapon deals 1d6 + Con modifier points of damage (2d6 at 8th or higher level and 3d6 at 15th or higher level); a successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 the Dragonborn's character level + dragonborn's Con modifier) halves the damage. He may choose fire, cold, lightning, acid, or chlorine gas damage. The decision is made at character creation and cannot be changed later. The dragonborn is immune to the effect of his own breath weapon.
• Draconic Fury: The dragonborn gains a +1 bonus to his attack rolls and +2 damage when he is reduced to half or less than his total normal hit points.
• Automatic Languages: Common and Dragon. Bonus Languages: Celestial, Dwarf, Elf, Infernal, and Ignan.
• Favored Class: Paladin or barbarian
• Age and Aging: as human
• Height and Weight: Male 5' 8" + 2d8 inches, 170 lbs. x(2d6) lb.; Female: 6' 0" + 2d8 inches, 225 lbs. x(2d6) lb.
Why wouldnt the dragon born live longer, if they have dragon heritage? Why would a dragon born be less intelligent than average? Why would they get the bonus to charisma? I would think they would be less socialable and less influencial with other character races seeing as they look like draconians.
Id think their -2 would be to charisma? Aren't dragons normally smart?OR because the dragon uses sorc magic it gets the bonus to Char?
Why favored class Paladin? I'd think since dragons have spontaneous magic, a dragon born would have sorceror as a favored class and possibly barbarian (the savage rage part of the dragon?)
I wouldnt make a race specifically with paladin as the favored class just because your player wants to be a paladin.
Are you doing it like in Races of the dragon where they all serve bahamut? Or do these creatures "naturally exist" in your world, and he was "Born" and dragon born, rather than "reborn"?

kefka360 |

• +2 Strength, +2 Charisma, –2 Dexterity
• Dragon: Dragonborn are considered dragons.
• Medium-sized
• Dragonborn base land speed is 30 feet.
• +1 natural armor bonus.
• +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (history) and Intimidate checks.
• Low-Light Vision: A dragonborn can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. He retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
• Breath Weapon (Su): The dragonborn gains a breath weapon he can use once per encounter as a standard action. Each time he uses the breath weapon it takes the form of a 15-foot cone. This breath weapon deals 1d6 + Con modifier points of damage (2d6 at 8th or higher level and 3d6 at 15th or higher level); a successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 the Dragonborn's character level + dragonborn's Con modifier) halves the damage. He may choose fire, cold, lightning, acid, or chlorine gas damage. The decision is made at character creation and cannot be changed later. The dragonborn is immune to the effect of his own breath weapon.
• Draconic Fury: The dragonborn gains a +1 bonus to his attack rolls and +2 damage when he is reduced to half or less than his total normal hit points.
• Automatic Languages: Common and Dragon. Bonus Languages: Celestial, Dwarf, Elf, Infernal, and Ignan.
• Favored Class: Sorcerer or barbarian
• Age and Aging: as human
• Height and Weight: Male 5' 8" + 2d8 inches, 170 lbs. x(2d6) lb.; Female: 6' 0" + 2d8 inches, 225 lbs. x(2d6) lb.
I was thinking about changing the breath weapon it should be more powerful than the sorcerers heritage one but so far that one is giving me the most problems they are born in to the world NOT reborn i was thinking about a -2 to dex because they are bigger then the other races age inst my most concern for now right now its getting the mechanics of the race to be better and useful in the higher levels but not unbalancing at lower levels.

Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus |

kefka360 wrote:so just use the dragonborn racial traits would work? like +2con -2 dex no other mods? what about the aspects in the RotD?When pathfinder beta came to our attnetion one of our sorcerors was a dragonblood sorceror. When we converted to beta we simply used races of the dragon as a paper weight.
Poor decision.
That book is one of my favorites and I am seeing a growing discrimination towards it. Why is this?
to the OP: Best I can say, play test it. If it is too powerful trim it back a little by using the straight 3.5 book.
Personally I have always like the wings choice for the dragon born.

Pendagast |

Well, are they larger than medium? They dont at first glance seem to be larger than half-orcs.
What about a -2 to wisdom? Killing the races dex will make them very unpopular for those who have dex as their first or secod favorite stat (90 percent of players out there)
Although I'm not sure why the would have less will power, unless maybe it had to do with their ferocity?

Pendagast |

•• Draconic Fury: The dragonborn gains a +1 bonus to his attack rolls and +2 damage when he is reduced to half or less than his total normal hit points.
what about changing this mechanic a little, so that this some how affects a sorcerors spells as well (or a paladins for that matter) could the +2 to damage effect rays as well? Thatd be pretty cool more of a draconic energy "burst" So that something like "Zap spell X" would have a tinge more 'Zap'.
This would give more juice to the meleer as well as the spell caster that was a memeber of this race (and kinda cool I think).
I still dont know about the breath weapon, but there should be something in your breath weapon mechanic that states how it stacks with the sorceror bloodline ability as well, no? (for ideas see dragon disciple, altough Im not suggesting just copy and past since this a race and not a PrC)
Also as long as Im on the topic, can a dragon born BE a Dragon Disciple?? It's not a half dragon, be technically it is already a dragon (according to your template block)