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(my thread was swallowed but I saved it just in time)
First of all, I do believe that the 2 minor changes I will propose in this thread do not unbalance the game at all.
We decided to use the PF rules about skills & favourite classes (in our STAP campaign) because they don't change too much the game we began with 3.5, and we are going to have a new game in a few month where we'll use the entire PF rules (I guess PFRPG will be out by then, but we began to create the PCs using the beta rules).
I really like what we have used and what we have read so far, but I have 2 minor changes to propose :
* Favourite PrC :
The bonus (+1 hp or +1 skill point) to a character class should exist with PrC.
However, to keep the spirit of that specific rule, I would propose the following changes :
- from 5th level, a player must choose a single favourite PrC for his PC, even if he has not taken a level in it ;
- the 1st level of a favourite PrC may not be taken before reaching 6th level (5th level class X / 1st level PrC Y) ;
- the player can not take a level in another PrC, or a brand new class, until he reaches at least 3 levels of his favourite PrC (for 5-levels PrC), 4 levels (for 7-levels PrC) or 5 levels (for 10-levels PrC) ;
- the player can not take levels in one of his previous character class before he reaches at least 2 levels of his favourite PrC (for 5-levels PrC), 3 levels (for 7-levels PrC) or 4 levels (for 10-levels PrC) ;
Optionnal (it needs lots of precisions, so this must be a DM's choice) :
- to be chosen as a favourite PrC, the PrC must be coherent with the first five levels the players has taken as character class levels.
(i.e. with divine spells, for example, for divune spellcasters...).
* Favourite class bonus :
First of all, I noticed that some classes will (almost) always take the 1 hp (a wizard with high int has lots of bonus skill points, so why bother with another bonus skill point ?), some classes will (almost) always take the 1 skill point (fighters tend to have high hp and lots of feats, so that they will easily take the fortitude feat), while other will constantly hesitate (sorcerer : they would like to have more skills but lack of an intelligence as high as wizards, so that they could although have little less hp.
Then, IMHO, I although think that 1 hp is slightly more powerful than one skill point. I would propose 1 hp OR 2 skill points with the following changes :
- when taking a level in his favourite class OR favourite prestige class, a player gain either 1 hp OR 2 skill points ;
- a bonus (1 hp or 2 skill points) may NEVER be chosen more than twice in a row (or thrice...).
Well, these are the 2 minor changes I spent hours to think about.

Bran 637 |

Hi Tim,
I think what Jason had in mind when he designed this rule (+1 hp ou +1 skill point for ) was to increase the interest for single-classed character (see PF Beta introduction chapter). Your rules seem a bit complicated and ruin the original purpose. Prestige classes are now a choice to make with caution power-wise and I like it this way. I never been fond of PrC even if I like very much the way these have been rewritten (Assassin & Eldritch Knight!)
Same thing whith your favorite class bonus suggestion. Some classes will almost always take the skill point or the hp? I don't see why it bothers you. It depends on what the player has on his mind when he creates his character. It's not because he creates a dwarf fighter with high CON that he will automatically choose the skill point. What if he prefers to max hp? I used to know PCs around my table who loved this. Remember? ;o))
I'll let the rule as it is but feel free to houserule as you wish.