I'm looking for an adventure path..


Dark Archive

As the title says, I'm looking for an 'adventure path'. I was curious to know if there exists somewhere out there, an 'adventure path' that takes the PCs from 1st to 20th level. The only thing I'm looking for as a real requirement other than 1 - 20, is quality. I don't care what company makes it, but this is for a 3.5 game, and I was just curious to know if such a product exists.

War of the Burning Sky might fit the bill.

Dark Archive

I see they offer a couple guides and the first part of the adventure for free. I'll have to check that out, thanks!

Shackled City, Age of Worms and Savage Tide are the ones that spring immediately to mind for me. You might be able to pick up the Shackled City hardcover for a decent price on-line.

Liberty's Edge

Mongoose publishing made a trilogy of books called the Drow War to take you from levels 1-30, that may be a bit high for you however!

And if you have back copies of Dungeon magazine, there's always...

Mad God's Key (1st level/Dungeon #114) - Jason Bulmahn
A hunt for a missing key leads the heroes from the streets of the city of Greyhawk to the Tomb of Blood Everflowing in the treacherous Cairn Hills. A Living Greyhawk-compatible adventure.

Home Under The Range (3rd level/Dungeon #134) - Michael Kortes
The dwarves have a problem—a tiefling-related problem. The tieflings raid under the shield of magical darkness, but if the PCs can supply the dwarves with giant scarab beetles capable of generating potent bursts of magical light, they might just survive. Unfortunately, they’ll need to escort the herd of giant beetles through the Underdark first…

The Stink (4th level/Dungeon #105) - Monte Lin
The Stink ... Folks have been vanishing from the Stink, a disease-filled rubbish quarter of Sunhill. City officials recruit the heroes to investigate the disappearances, putting the PCs on the trail of scaly subterranean denizens with ill plans for the surface world.

The Hive (5th level/Dungeon #127) - Phillip Larwood
The once-dwarven wizard Hehranna knows that her previous race, for all its pride and skill, is hampered and distracted by lesser concerns—family, friendship, emotion. Once they join the Hive, they won’t begrudge a few moments of pain in exchange for the industrious awakening she has to offer them.

Fiendish Footprints (6th level/Dungeon #122) - Tito Leati
A microscopic map etched into the surface of a tiny knag of wood puts the PCs on the trail of the Fiendish Foot, an item of vast necromantic potential. Will your heroes beat a band of hobgoblins to find the Foot? And what of the object’s vampiric protectors?

Mellorn Hospitality (7th level/Dungeon #107) - Russell Brown
Every seven years, the elven village of Mellorell hosts the Festival of Life, an opportunity to trade, shop, and celebrate with the folk of nearby lands. But a dark secret that could cost the life of fairgoers draws the heroes into a plot that leads all the way to Hades.

Vile Addiction (8th level/Dungeon #145) - Various
A horrific drug has seized the population of the strange city of Exag, yet confronting its source only reveals the true extent of a dire new threat. Part one of the Seeds of Sehan campaign arc.

Spawn of Sehan (9th level/Dungeon #146) - Various
Within an ancient necropolis a pool of alien slime grasps the minds and bodies of the people of Exag with wispy tendrils of madness. Those transformed by its power invariably seek the crypt, but what fell power draws them there? Part two of the Seeds of Sehan campaign arc.

Dread Pagoda of the Inscrutable Ones (10th level/Dungeon #147) - Various
Atop a distant mountain peak, a monstrous entity plots dark deeds. The final chapter of the Seeds of Sehan campaign arc,

Touch of the Abyss (11th level/ Dungeon #117) - Greg A. Vaughan
A decade ago, the drow goddess Lolth captured the city of Istivin in her world-spanning Demonweb. Adventurers eventually won the day, but the affair left a dark stain on the city’s soul that now sputters to terrible life. Part One of the Istivin: City of Shadows campaign arc.

Shadow of the Abyss (11th level/ Dungeon #118) - Greg A. Vaughan
On the trail of Ilkharis, frost giant cleric of Kostchtchie and pawn of the Malgoth, the PCs venture out of Istivin to a mountain border fort inhabited by giants and a nasty blue dragon. Part Two of the Istivin: City of Shadows campaign arc.

Wrath of the Abyss (12th level/ Dungeon #119) - Greg A. Vaughan
A new conspiracy against shadow-haunted Istivin has been laid bare! The drow have returned to the beleaguered city, and worse, they have captured the only living creature who possibly knows how to destroy the parasitic Abyssal entity that taints its alleys and foundations. What ties do these dark elves have to the notorious Vault of the Drow? And what exactly is the creature that haunts the city above? Find out in the exciting conclusion to the Istivin: City of Shadows campaign arc!

Lost Temple of Demogorgon (14th level/Dungeon #120) - Sean K. Reynolds
His name has inspired fear in legions of heroes, and his cult has lurked in the dismal reaches of the world for countless ages. His minions are savage and feral, his worshipers vile and wretched. He is Demogorgon, and his temples are nightmare realms haunted by primeval menaces and hateful legacies from a time when the world was savage. And now, a vengeful death knight has discovered one of these lost temples—will the PCs aid him in his dark quest for revenge, or will they fall before the awakened host of the Prince of Demons?

The Mud Sorcerer's Tomb (14th level/Dungeon #138) - Mike Shel
Brave the notorious traps and harrowing monsters of the Mud Sorcerer’s Tomb! Fully updated to 3.5 from the classic deadly dungeon crawl.

Gates of Oblivion (18th level/Dungeon #136) - Alec Austin
When an adventuring party fails to stop a shadowy ritual, it’ll take powerful heroes to step in to pick up the pieces and prevent the Gates of Oblivion from consuming the Material Plane.

Vlindarian's Vault (18th level/Dungeon #141) - Johnathan M. Richards
A missing dragon leads the PCs to a treasure vault hidden deep in the Elemental Plane of Fire, a vault operated by an insane beholder and its fanatical cultists.

Heart of Hellfire Mountain (20th level/Dungeon #140) - Dave Olson
It’s one thing when fire giants cause problems for civilization, but it’s another when the fire giants themselves have a problem that only adventurers can solve!

-DM Jeff

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Slavelords of Cydonia is 1-20. I haven't played it, but reading through it suggests the GM would need to stay pretty busy fleshing everything out.

Dark Archive

DM Jeff wrote:
Mongoose publishing made a trilogy of books called the Drow War to take you from levels 1-30, that may be a bit high for you however!

Have you had any experience with that product? I was at a hobby shop yesterday and i happened to see this very product, a couple different books actually, and was curious about it.

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

DM Jeff wrote:
...a bunch of good adventures...

Awesome suggestions. That is a kick ass line-up! I want to play that now!

I have the complete set of the Drow Wars and I really enjoyed them. In short levels 1-20 deal with thwarting a surface invasion by a much more militaristic version of the Drow.

The last book for levels 21-30 is much more metaphyiscal meaning different dimensions start crashing into each other and the whole of reality is in danger of being destroyed and if I'm not mistaken the authors tried to include at least an encounter with every epic monster found in the the Epic Handbook.

The first encounter for the final book gives you the scope of things to come. The party is called on to investigate on what could have wounded and driven from its lair the legendary Tarrasque!

hogarth wrote:
Shackled City, Age of Worms and Savage Tide are the ones that spring immediately to mind for me. You might be able to pick up the Shackled City hardcover for a decent price on-line.

And Shackled City is currently on sale here at Paizo.

Age of Worms is an excellent gritty campaign. I don't know much about Shackled City and Savage Tide felt a lot more "epic" than Age of Worms but was a bit more repetitive in its adventures. For level 1-15 there's always Pathfinder.

Sovereign Court Contributor

Apologies in advance for tooting a couple of horns, including my own, but The Road to Revolution from 0onegames is pretty tasty. I'm biased. I'm writing on it. Might not fit your bill though, because it only goes to 16th or 18th (forget which).

EDIT: Daigle is writing on it too as are Tim Hitchcock, Rone Barton, Greg Oppedisano, John Ling, Liz Courts, & Brendan Victorson. I just have less shame than Daigle -- although more to be ashamed about! ;)

yeah ours (Rite Publishing's Rituals of Choice) is going to go to 25th

I will however give another pump for Drow War, I thought it was a great piece of work by a singular author, and had a great deal of vision. It also has much more of a sandbox feel to it than most other adventure paths.

Liberty's Edge

Jason Beardsley wrote:
DM Jeff wrote:
Mongoose publishing made a trilogy of books called the Drow War to take you from levels 1-30, that may be a bit high for you however!
Have you had any experience with that product? I was at a hobby shop yesterday and i happened to see this very product, a couple different books actually, and was curious about it.

Playing experience, no, but I read all three. Very enjoyable, actually, not dry at all. The author was writing from the heart and really knew his stuff, not some pre-subscribed strategy and really enjoyed his job and research. This came across in the writing. The maps are for the most part abyssal (when compared to Paizo's anyway), but functional enough.

The whole campaign could be set in any world, but that would be a real tough fit without a lot of careful research into the world you run. otherwise the books also detail the camapign world this epic is set on.

-DM Jeff

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Quillion wrote:

yeah ours (Rite Publishing's Rituals of Choice) is going to go to 25th

I will however give another pump for Drow War, I thought it was a great piece of work by a singular author, and had a great deal of vision. It also has much more of a sandbox feel to it than most other adventure paths.

Quillion, what is your release schedule? Are you hoping to release modules on a pretty regular basis or is it happy-go-lucky?

I like the patronage thing (I've been with OD since #2) but right now I would really just like to give someone my money for regular and reliable releases. Even 0One's games are coming out way to slow for my insatiable hunger! I'm glad War of the Burning Sky is over and I've given up on LPJ Design.

Dark Archive

DitheringFool wrote:
I'm glad War of the Burning Sky is over and I've given up on LPJ Design.

Did you not enjoy WotBS? And what do you mean you've given up on them?

Wow DM Jeff! What a great string of Dungeon adventures to make an adventure path. Thanks for the list. :)

I never heard of War of the Burnign Sky or The Drow War. I now have something to look into.

Oh and Slavelords of Cydonia or The Road to Obilion to. Never heard of them.

Ok Im off to research stuff!!!

Jason Beardsley wrote:
DM Jeff wrote:
Mongoose publishing made a trilogy of books called the Drow War to take you from levels 1-30, that may be a bit high for you however!
Have you had any experience with that product? I was at a hobby shop yesterday and i happened to see this very product, a couple different books actually, and was curious about it.

Jason, do they have Book One in Hardback?

If so, please let me know he name of the place, and the town it is in. I'm trying to track it down.


Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Jason Beardsley wrote:
DitheringFool wrote:
I'm glad War of the Burning Sky is over and I've given up on LPJ Design.
Did you not enjoy WotBS? And what do you mean you've given up on them?

Not to threadjack too much, but... Yeah, I enjoyed WotBS but I was really disheartened by the release schedule. I got in pretty near day one and was tickled pink by the awesomeness of Vol 1 and especially 2. Then the rest just didn't live up to the anticipation.

I know that disappointment is the difference between expectation and delivery. In my case the delays just really killed it. This is especially true with the Sidetrek Weekly series by LPJ Design. Weekly to me means more frequently than "eh, whenever." Plus, I liked the idea of a series of loosely linked unusual encounters (Goodman Games DCC# 14 & 52 do this well). What was delivered felt more like an adventure released one encounter at a time. If you don't use sapient pterodactyls then the first run is useless to you. If you don't use a frozen mining town the second series is likewise unfulfilling. I see what Mr Porter is doing, but I feel like I was lead to expect something different.

Anyway, I recognize this is failing on my part and not the individual efforts. People should go buy WotBS and the Sidetrek Weekly episodes. They're a lot of fun. I'm just spending my money elsewhere...

Cool stuff you all!

Kyrinn wrote:
Jason Beardsley wrote:
DM Jeff wrote:
Mongoose publishing made a trilogy of books called the Drow War to take you from levels 1-30, that may be a bit high for you however!
Have you had any experience with that product? I was at a hobby shop yesterday and i happened to see this very product, a couple different books actually, and was curious about it.

Jason, do they have Book One in Hardback?

If so, please let me know he name of the place, and the town it is in. I'm trying to track it down.


I believe the Game Parlor in Virginia has the drow war hardbacks.

Book one was The Gathering Storm, was it not? I have seen it on the shelves.

Dark Archive

Kyrinn wrote:
Jason Beardsley wrote:
DM Jeff wrote:
Mongoose publishing made a trilogy of books called the Drow War to take you from levels 1-30, that may be a bit high for you however!
Have you had any experience with that product? I was at a hobby shop yesterday and i happened to see this very product, a couple different books actually, and was curious about it.

Jason, do they have Book One in Hardback?

If so, please let me know he name of the place, and the town it is in. I'm trying to track it down.


The name of the place was Comic Haven.. >link< all the info is there.. i know they had 2 of the Drow War books, however i cannot recall which ones.. sorry..

Thanks guys. I appreciate it. :)

Sovereign Court Contributor

DitheringFool wrote:
Quillion wrote:

yeah ours (Rite Publishing's Rituals of Choice) is going to go to 25th

I will however give another pump for Drow War, I thought it was a great piece of work by a singular author, and had a great deal of vision. It also has much more of a sandbox feel to it than most other adventure paths.

Quillion, what is your release schedule? Are you hoping to release modules on a pretty regular basis or is it happy-go-lucky?

I like the patronage thing (I've been with OD since #2) but right now I would really just like to give someone my money for regular and reliable releases. Even 0One's games are coming out way to slow for my insatiable hunger! I'm glad War of the Burning Sky is over and I've given up on LPJ Design.

0one should have the next 3 installments in their AP out pretty regularly, I think. Monthly starting Feburary is what it looks like to me. What'd you think of the first 2?

This is the Paizo board right? Why so little mention of Paizo stuff?

When Paizo was doing Dungeon magazine, they did three complete adventure paths: Shackled City, Age of Worms, and The Savage Tide. Buy back issues here in the store.

When Dungeon died, Paizo started doing adventure path books. Rise of the Runelords and Curse of the Crimson Throne are complete. Second Darkness is completing this month or so. Age of Fire (something like that) starts next month. You can buy the books in the Paizo store or PDFs. All good stuff but the adventure does end around level 16 or so.

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Louis Agresta wrote:
0one should have the next 3 installments in their AP out pretty regularly, I think. Monthly starting Feburary is what it looks like to me. What'd you think of the first 2?

What I appreciate about 0One is that they publish their release schedule (helping to set expectations).

What do I think about them? Honestly I haven't finshed reading them...I love a Pound of Flesh (and its companion set of maps, A Pound of Buildings)! I've been getting Great City maps since they started to release them and I'm thrilled they're running a campaign.

Flipping through Skullcrackers and The Bloody Fix gives an excellent first impression. I promise to review them once I've read them.

Dark Archive

I subscribed to the PF AP when Second Darkness started. I love its quality, even for a good read. I haven't been able to run it, or play it (aside from a PbP) yet. I would really like to find a published AP that goes all the way to 20th level. Right now, Drow War and War of the Burning Sky are looking mighty good for that. However, I'm going to blow all my money on all this wonderful stuff in the coming months anyway. Whatever I end up doing, I guarantee it'll be fun. Thanks to the wonderful Paizo Community!

Dithering fool.

One thing Rite Publishing doesn't do is have a release schedule, so that we don't disappoint fans. I don' even start talking about the next project we are working on until it is done. Once it is done and can be released on schedule then I hype it. I am a small company with a very low overhead so I can afford to do this, and it has worked well for us.

Patronage however takes longer than standard releases because you have to incorporate the input of patrons and the time it takes to reach a threshold goal, and then remember this is not my day job.

What I can tell you is the moment we finish one adventure for the patronage project, the next one will start production, though no art or maps will be commissioned until the threshold is met.

If you like patronage projects, join us, our buy in for url=http://ritepublishing.com/theritualsofchoice.html]A Witch's Choice[/url]is $10 for patrons and $20 for senior patrons.

If you like regular monthly release schedules I suggest waiting till we have a few done as a I expect it will be a minimum bi-monthly release schedule at best.

Sovereign Court Contributor

DitheringFool wrote:
Louis Agresta wrote:
0one should have the next 3 installments in their AP out pretty regularly, I think. Monthly starting Feburary is what it looks like to me. What'd you think of the first 2?

What I appreciate about 0One is that they publish their release schedule (helping to set expectations).

What do I think about them? Honestly I haven't finshed reading them...I love a Pound of Flesh (and its companion set of maps, A Pound of Buildings)! I've been getting Great City maps since they started to release them and I'm thrilled they're running a campaign.

Flipping through Skullcrackers and The Bloody Fix gives an excellent first impression. I promise to review them once I've read them.

Awesome! Looking forward to your thoughts!

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