PBP Openings

Gamer Connection

Dark Archive

I am looking to start two PBP games. One will be running the Second Darkness AP using Pathfinder Beta. The other will be a 4E campaign set in the Nentir Vale. In both of them I have opennings for 4-6 players. Let me know which game you are interested in when you reply. Thank you.

Scarab Sages

David Fryer wrote:
I am looking to start two PBP games. One will be running the Second Darkness AP using Pathfinder Beta. The other will be a 4E campaign set in the Nentir Vale. In both of them I have opennings for 4-6 players. Let me know which game you are interested in when you reply. Thank you.

I think I'd like to play in the Second Darkness, but, I've never played by post, before. Got room for a PBP virgin?

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Second Darkness pbp...ahhh...Sign me up.

So much for limiting the pbp I play in.

Dark Archive

EricTheRed wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
I am looking to start two PBP games. One will be running the Second Darkness AP using Pathfinder Beta. The other will be a 4E campaign set in the Nentir Vale. In both of them I have opennings for 4-6 players. Let me know which game you are interested in when you reply. Thank you.
I think I'd like to play in the Second Darkness, but, I've never played by post, before. Got room for a PBP virgin?

Of course. Everyone was a PBP virgin at one point.

I'll stick my hand up for the 4th ed campaign. Don't really mind which class / roll I play, so I might let the others jump in first, and then see what we are missing.

Scarab Sages

David Fryer wrote:
Of course. Everyone was a PBP virgin at one point.

Awesome! I'll think about a class and get back to you.

I would be intrested in joining the second darkness but dont know much about the setting

Nasserath wrote:
I would be intrested in joining the second darkness but dont know much about the setting

Ditto me. Sounds interesting, and like a good way to learn a bit about the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign setting. I'm thinking I'd like to play a barbarian character, if that's kosher.

Scarab Sages

*raises hand for Second Darkness*

Scarab Sages

I'd go for either.

I'd be keen to play in the Second Darkness AP. If there's still room and if you're willing to take another PBP newbie.

Oooh ! Second Darkness ! I was asking for this weeks ago. Me me me !

If 2nd Darkness is full up, I'd go for the Nentir Vale game.

Dark Archive

Okay the Second Darkness game is full. The players are:
Eric The Red
Floppy Eared Golem (Barbarian of some sort)
Steve Geddes

So far, for the Netir Vale game I have:


One more and we can get this one rolling too. I will post the details for the Second Darkness game later today.

Scarab Sages

Any Ideas for characters guys? I'm open for anything really, I'm playing a Pathfinder Bard in another game already...

So I'm up for filling any roll, though I think I'd prefer wizard.

Dark Archive

The discussion thread for the Second Darkness game is now up. All the character details are there.

I'll go 4e. Any restrictions on regions, classes, powers, races, etc.

Dark Archive

Alright, we have our 4e group to start.


The discussion thread is up, with the character generation notes for the game.

Please sir?

*puts up hand*

Would you allow preview stuff from Wizards' website such as the druid or warden?

Dark Archive

Okay, Fabes, you're in. However, due to my lack of fundage I do not have a DDI subscription, so unless someone wanted to send copies of the druid and warden my way, I would have to say no.

That's fair enough.

Contemplating either a halfling cleric or a human wizard.

Would the sorely missed Jake Nimbletoes be about to reincarnate as a 4E character?

Never say never!

Well, you can say it, but not in a negative way!

Sorry guys, looking again at the lack of free time, I am going to have to bail on this PBP. Better to do it now before you get started than in a month or twos time as everything is getting up and running.


I'd be interested in joining a Pathfinder / 3x pbp game....

Dark Archive

Flynnster, I will put you on the alternate list. Mevers, sorry to see you go.

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