Cleon Hodges |

Firstly sorry if this has previously been posted and I did not find it. If it has please link me to it and I will go there.
Here is my question. How does a druid companion build up and compare at higher levels to alternate druid companions. The way I am looking at it it seems like the wolf will hit large size but after that will get very little in the way of damage increases or anything like that. When I am looking at a large wolf with +10 hd +10 armor and +5 str and dex at lvl 16 it seems like it could take hits but the effective damage output for a t rex would be much more. Am I missing something on pet progression here. I like the concept of keeping the initial pet to higher levels and having the friend you had since a child fighting epic battle with you on the plane of fire but it doesnt seem plausable.
If possible can you show the math on how you get the changes for the druid companion.