Mistwalker |

I may be missing it, but what are the rules for making Masterwork Ammunition? Where can they be found?
It doesn't seem reasonable to have the cost for each arrow increased by 300gp. Nor does it seem reasonable to charge that 300gp for a quiver full (20 or 40 arrows), as they are usually one shot items, used once and then considered lost or broken.

Skylancer4 |

I may be missing it, but what are the rules for making Masterwork Ammunition? Where can they be found?
It doesn't seem reasonable to have the cost for each arrow increased by 300gp. Nor does it seem reasonable to charge that 300gp for a quiver full (20 or 40 arrows), as they are usually one shot items, used once and then considered lost or broken.
You are right on about the cost, I think it comes out to be something like 302.5 gold for a stack of 50 arrows (ammunition is created in 50's when making magical weapons which have to be masterwork). Take a look at the SRD for crafting magical ranged weapons, arrows and bolts are on the charts for the base price of the weapon before adding in the cost of the enhancement bonus. I'd imagine they'd be in the Pathfinder appendix thingy too but can't download it to look at the moment.
As for making masterwork ammunition the only time our groups have ever done it was when they were making magical arrows, otherwise the price is too much. Unless there is a specific reason for crafting them why would you? The masterwork bonus from the ammunition won't stack with that from a masterwork bow and unless you are going through weapons at some ridiculous rate you would be much better served by a masterwork ranged weapon if you are looking to get the most from your gold.
I guess it is a common sense thing, there is either a reason (A character has so much money they spend it on things like masterwork arrows for role playing purposes "the best of the best", they plan on making magical arrows, etc.) or they don't understand the mechanics behind it (thinking the masterwork bonus would stack with the weapon). As for it being reasonable, I've never viewed the masterwork ammunition as the stepping stone that masterwork weapons typically are. It's more like a utility cost. I can craft all sorts of magical ammo for certain situations to keep the cost down on the actual weapon itself. Also chances are there is going to be at least 1 other person in the group who could use it so you can see if they want to split the cost. At lower to mid levels a group who is going to go troll hunting could chip in to get a set of +1 Flame arrows, even the characters who aren't "archers" will benefit from the +1 to hit on the regular bows they might be carrying and it is a great deal cheaper than buying +1 Flame weapons all the way around.

![]() |

I may be missing it, but what are the rules for making Masterwork Ammunition? Where can they be found?
It doesn't seem reasonable to have the cost for each arrow increased by 300gp. Nor does it seem reasonable to charge that 300gp for a quiver full (20 or 40 arrows), as they are usually one shot items, used once and then considered lost or broken.
The cost of Masterwork ammunition be they arrows, bolts, shurikens or sling bullets is 7 gp per unit. This is in the equipment section of the Players Handbook toward the end of the section, under "Masterwork and Special Items" or some heading like that. Sorry I don't have the page number.

Skylancer4 |

Mistwalker wrote:The cost of Masterwork ammunition be they arrows, bolts, shurikens or sling bullets is 7 gp per unit. This is in the equipment section of the Players Handbook toward the end of the section, under "Masterwork and Special Items" or some heading like that. Sorry I don't have the page number.I may be missing it, but what are the rules for making Masterwork Ammunition? Where can they be found?
It doesn't seem reasonable to have the cost for each arrow increased by 300gp. Nor does it seem reasonable to charge that 300gp for a quiver full (20 or 40 arrows), as they are usually one shot items, used once and then considered lost or broken.
You learn something new every day! Considering the countless times our group has paged through the book I am almost ashamed to say we've never caught this there. It is even in the srd:
Masterwork WeaponsA masterwork weapon is a finely crafted version of a normal weapon. Wielding it provides a +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls.
You can’t add the masterwork quality to a weapon after it is created; it must be crafted as a masterwork weapon (see the Craft skill). The masterwork quality adds 300 gp to the cost of a normal weapon (or 6 gp to the cost of a single unit of ammunition). Adding the masterwork quality to a double weapon costs twice the normal increase (+600 gp).
Masterwork ammunition is damaged (effectively destroyed) when used. The enhancement bonus of masterwork ammunition does not stack with any enhancement bonus of the projectile weapon firing it.
This is still the same amount of gold as I posted earlier however, still no cheaper as you might have hoped.
6gp + 5 sp per arrow x 50 arrows = 302.5gp as per the magical ranged weapons table.

Tom Cattery |

On a side note, we know that magical ranged weapons such as bows or slings pass on their magical qualities to their ammunition. I also figure that firing normal ammo from a Master Work (MW) launcher grants the usual +1 to attack from a MW weapon. However, what happens mechanics-wise when firing:
1) Firing MW ammo from a normal launcher?
2) Firing MW ammo from a MW launcher?
3) Firing MW ammo from a magical launcher?
4) Firing magic ammo from a MW launcher?
5) Firing magic ammo from a magic launcher?
Just curious. Sorry for the threadjack.

Majuba |

On a side note, we know that magical ranged weapons such as bows or slings pass on their magical qualities to their ammunition. I also figure that firing normal ammo from a Master Work (MW) launcher grants the usual +1 to attack from a MW weapon.
However, what happens mechanics-wise when firing:
1) Firing MW ammo from a normal launcher?
+1 to hit.
2) Firing MW ammo from a MW launcher?
+1 to hit.
3) Firing MW ammo from a magical launcher?
+magic to hit.
4) Firing magic ammo from a MW launcher?
+magic to hit.
5) Firing magic ammo from a magic launcher?
+higher magic to hit. (+2 if +1 and +2, +4 if +4 and +2, etc. + other qualities from both as you noted above).
So a +2 shock bow shooting a +3 flaming arrow makes a +3 flaming shock attack.