Monk Robe, any way to get WIS to AC now ?

Equipment and Description

With the change to Monk Belt , aka Monk Robe in PF any way to get WIS mod bonus to AC through another item or feat.

and yes I have consider the feat
[FEAT] 1 level of monk ;)

Any other options that don't involve dropping a char level on it ?

haven't come up with anything myself since I posted this ... anyone ?

The first idea I have, would to be write in full sentences and/or punctuate so that the reader can differentiate between questions and statements.

Threeshades wrote:
The first idea I have, would to be write in full sentences and/or punctuate so that the reader can differentiate between questions and statements.

Are you kidding ? Now I'm actually more interested in what else you could possibly think I was asking ;)

but thats ok, seem no know knows of any way to add WIS to AC without taking a level of Monk so I'll just let this one die ;)

Well, you could dip one level of ninja from Complete Adventurer, or two levels of Swordsage from Tome of Battle... That'd get you Wisdom to AC.

Making it a feat? I'd recommend against it.

A feat that allowed you to apply your Wisdom modifier to your AC instead of your Dexterity modifier would be reasonable. A feat that duplicated the monk's class ability would probably be over-powered, in that I can't imagine building a cleric or paladin that wouldn't take the feat. You could perhaps build a feat chain that would eventually get you there, but it's probably easier to do it as a wondrous item.


The instead of I could go with, but what would the prereqs be?

Phasics wrote:
Threeshades wrote:
The first idea I have, would to be write in full sentences and/or punctuate so that the reader can differentiate between questions and statements.

Are you kidding ? Now I'm actually more interested in what else you could possibly think I was asking ;)

but thats ok, seem no know knows of any way to add WIS to AC without taking a level of Monk so I'll just let this one die ;)

I wasnt kidding at all that word salad you presented up there was more irritating than intelligible. It's not only helping to get answers but also polite to formulate whole sentences.

And I absolutely couldn't make any sense out of that opening post.

Now that there are some answers I even know what this is about and I can also just point to Ninjas and Swordsages, making it a feat would be a bad idea. It's a bit too tough just like that. Alternatively you could get your intelligence modifier to AC through levels of invisible blade.

Abraham spalding wrote:
The instead of I could go with, but what would the prereqs be?

How about a certain number of ranks in Perception, to represent the character's ability to anticipate and/or recognize attacks early? The logic would be that instead of reacting instinctively to attacks (Dex), the character is capable of recognizing where the attack will come from before most people would. Not sure how many ranks would be necessary, although I wouldn't go high as I don't see a problem with picking this feat up at relatively low levels or even character creation.


How will this work with armor? Will max dex also apply as "max wis"? I think this is worth considering, cleric's don't need a boost this big.



tallforadwarf wrote:

How will this work with armor? Will max dex also apply as "max wis"? I think this is worth considering, cleric's don't need a boost this big.



That's a good point -- it's not entirely reasonable to provide a Max Wis to armour ...

You could add to the feat that the character receives his full Wisdom bonus to AC if he's in light or medium armour, and receives half his Wisdom bonus if he's in heavy armour. Since I think that all of the heavy armour also includes a helmet, this would explain why the bonus is reduced in heavy armour. For anyone who's played a sport that requires a helmet, you know how it can hinder your vision, even if it's just a matter of making it more tiring to constantly turn your head to see what's going on.

I'd also say that the Wis bonus does not apply to flatfooted AC, as obviously the character would have to be aware of the attack to apply the bonus.


Hrmm interesting

Remember the ole tumble AC bonus in NWN +1 AC for every 5 tumble ranks. Maybe something similar could work here.

Character gains a bonus to AC of 1 + 1 per 5 points of Perception up to their maximum WIS bonus. Character takes a penalty of -1 in light armor, -2 in medium armor and -4 in heavy armor.

Bumped because new campaign is about to start more idea to throw at my DM would be welcome :)

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