Ranged weapons - Range increments and size categories

Equipment and Description

One of the earliest oddities I found in D&D was that a dagger thrown by a pixie has the same range increment and maximum range as a dagger thrown by a titan.

Should range increments and/or maximum ranges for projectile and thrown weapons be modified by wielder's size?

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

Those pixies are expert dagger throwers!

Maybe another invisible pixie is "propelling" the dagger along?

but indeed, it seems a bit odd that a Titan already looses accuracy after a distance about the length of its forearms...

as a quick rule, the range increment could be assumed for creature of 5ft reach, and adjusted proportionally for larger and smaller creatures.

2.5 ft. reach = 1/2 weapon's range increment
10 ft. reach = x2 weapon's range increment
15 ft. reach = x3 weapon's range increment
0 ft. reach = ... this is where my logic fails...


Laurefindel wrote:
Maybe another invisible pixie is "propelling" the dagger along?

It isn't a pixie propelling it along, and the pixie never even throws the dagger. He/She hands it off in an elaborately disguised motion to an invisible (albeit endangered) Quickling who then runs the dagger at 90 foot a second with a charge!

Those clever fairy folk!

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