Item Condition - Ruined

Equipment and Description

Sorry if it's not the right time/place to discuss this.

To make Sundering more usefull to player and not so "unfair" for NPC to use against players I sugest to go beyond the Broken condition (wich I like a lot) and have a Ruined condition (as an alternative to destroyed) that makes an item unusable but repairable with significant effort (ex.: Make whole spell or days of artisan work or prices in tens of gold) making it a viable option for adventurers but not an option for commonners.

Liberty's Edge

Slime wrote:

Sorry if it's not the right time/place to discuss this.

To make Sundering more usefull to player and not so "unfair" for NPC to use against players I sugest to go beyond the Broken condition (wich I like a lot) and have a Ruined condition (as an alternative to destroyed) that makes an item unusable but repairable with significant effort (ex.: Make whole spell or days of artisan work or prices in tens of gold) making it a viable option for adventurers but not an option for commonners.

i agree

make whole isgreatfor recovering items
but thiswould make craft skills more useful :)

You have my vote! Sunder is not only awful, some of us are, well, sunder magnets... it can be very annoying to say the least.

Liberty's Edge

Joanne Gottlieb wrote:
You have my vote! Sunder is not only awful, some of us are, well, sunder magnets... it can be very annoying to say the least.

cough cough

hey at least they apply sunder to to you, i don't even get that!

Jordan Fenix wrote:
hey at least they apply sunder to to you, i don't even get that!

Ehm... do I wanna know?

Personaly, it's the loss of magic item that makes sunder as is less interesting.

Masterwork items can be recuperated with Make Whole but a Cloak of Displacement is either lost or unafected by the Broken condition.

Got my vote!

Liberty's Edge

Slime wrote:

Personaly, it's the loss of magic item that makes sunder as is less interesting.

Masterwork items can be recuperated with Make Whole but a Cloak of Displacement is either lost or unafected by the Broken condition.

i personally disagree in the fact that characters need magic items, i do agree that it hurts

but i do believe that "make whole" returns the magic item to full disposition

i would need to check if its otherwise, anyway in my games it could be reforged, maybe for a Master Crafter

Montalve wrote:

i do agree that it hurts

but i do believe that "make whole" returns the magic item to full disposition

Nnnnnnnnnnnnope, magic items can only be recovered from a Broken condition, a Destroyed item loses all enchantments.

Montalve wrote:

i personally disagree in the fact that characters need magic items, i do agree that it hurts
but i do believe that "make whole" returns the magic item to full disposition

i would need to check if its otherwise, anyway in my games it could be reforged, maybe for a Master Crafter

Characters with or without magic items are a choice of game/campain style in my opinion.

If a DM includes them, it's a realy tought call to chose to sunder an ennemie's weapon or special item that can later turn out to having been a powerfull item that the character could use against "the forces of evil".

I like the idea of Master Crafter allowing reforge/restoration of Ruined magic items, a lot of room for all kinds of fluff either a PC gets it or the party seeks out a Master Crafter to reforge the sundered Axe of Wazhaa or Rebuild a Staff of Boxing.

Or to a lesser extent it gives a sale value to a Ruined item that a merchant can get fixed-up before reselling to the original feshly undead owner, ah fun!

Dogbert wrote:


Nnnnnnnnnnnnope, magic items can only be recovered from a Broken condition, a Destroyed item loses all enchantments.

That was my understanding.

Maybe if non-charged Broken magic items had a chance of failure and weapon damage went down one or tow steps on the size scale (-2 damage for non-low-level stuff isn't mutch of a difference) it could be enought to make Sundering more interesting.

But I would still prefer for a character to be able to temporarily take out an item without wiping it out

Liberty's Edge

ok ok good point
definitively i will apply the need for MAster Crafter to rework it, as it was donewith Aragon's sword Elendil for the last battle

Ruined would be also good because that way they have the option to get it back, but destroyed well... simply is prettymuch definitive, indeed

Liberty's Edge

I think the way it is now is pretty good. I'm not opposed to another tier, though.

The way I see it, if a PC's weapon was "sundered" and they continued to use it stubbornly and it becomes "destroyed" it is their own fault.

That being said, I do see the point that typically one-shot NPC opponents are under no such obligation to "save" their weapon as the DM knows that they aren't going to need it much longer - and so will continued to use it until it is destroyed - thus robbing the PCs of the potential treasure item.

So is it the consensus that the tiers are:

1 Normal
2 Broken (when suffered damage)
3 Sundered (when hit points equal 0) item is uesless; but can be repaired via a craft skill - then Make Whole spell will restore the magical property
4 Destroyed - disintigrated or completely destroyed objects. Not repairable - magic is gone.

I think this is a good beginning on a viable condition tier.


Grand Lodge

I like it, it makes sense!

Robert Brambley wrote:

1 Normal

2 Broken (when suffered damage)
3 Sundered (when hit points equal 0) item is uesless; but can be repaired via a craft skill - then Make Whole spell will restore the magical property
4 Destroyed - disintigrated or completely destroyed objects. Not repairable - magic is gone.

100% agreed. I thought about this same exact thing myself.

Robert Brambley wrote:

1 Normal
2 Broken (when suffered damage)
3 Sundered (when hit points equal 0) item is uesless; but can be repaired via a craft skill - then Make Whole spell will restore the magical property
4 Destroyed - disintigrated or completely destroyed objects. Not repairable - magic is gone.

I think this is a good beginning on a viable condition tier.


Sundered would be a good condition name.

Sovereign Court

Suits me, too. Sunder is still a viable tactical option but is less likely to destroy the stuff you want.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I add my vote in favor of an additional tier of damage allowing the DM the freedom to whack the player's stuff without fear of the player jumping you after the session :)

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