[Armor] Max Dex / Speed / Armor Check Penalty - Based On Max Weight???

Equipment and Description

I have been thinking about this one for a while. Why not just have the max dex, speed, armor check penalty based on, for the most part, based on maximum weight the character can carry. Now I am not talking about eliminating armor specific minuses all-together. Each armor will have additional minuses and maybe pluses. This would leave the stronger characters with the better ability to carry the weight finding things easier to move.

At the very least I think max speed should be restricted like this as armor is gimped enough as it is.

Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote:

I have been thinking about this one for a while. Why not just have the max dex, speed, armor check penalty based on, for the most part, based on maximum weight the character can carry. Now I am not talking about eliminating armor specific minuses all-together. Each armor will have additional minuses and maybe pluses. This would leave the stronger characters with the better ability to carry the weight finding things easier to move.

At the very least I think max speed should be restricted like this as armor is gimped enough as it is.


All Armor and encumbrance penalties should be on the same axis. The dual nature here was meant to make things "easier" but it turns out to have some pretty strange effects: such as no amount of gear giving a wizards any Arcane Spell Failure chance. It should be one system.

Agreed. Modern solider typical carry heavier loads on the battlefield than knights did. While some armor was relatively restrictive, the biggest problem was from fatigue and heat.

Skill check penalties and penalties to environmental saves (hot and cold weather) should be ties to armor. Maximum Dexterity bonus and movement penalties should be tied to overall weight. A properly made suit of plate armor did not significantly affect movement, tough I would argue for the reduced run speed (x3 instead of x4).

I would leave spell failure tied to armor with a modifier based on encumbrance.

Thraxus wrote:
Maximum Dexterity bonus and movement penalties should be tied to overall weight.

+ Arcane Spell Failure.

You shouldn't be able to wear heavy armor OR carry an anvil and still execute somatic components.

Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote:
Why not just have the max dex, speed, armor check penalty based on, for the most part, based on maximum weight the character can carry.

I'm particularly interested in what people think about removing the movement penalties from the armor types and making movement penalties based only on the encumbrance rules. I like the idea myself. Are there any problems that may arise that might make this change not worth it? Is it worth it in the first place?

The only thing I can think of in terms of backwards compatibility and GM perspective would be that equipment would have to be calculated for encumbrance during prep time to find an NPC's actual movement. Personally, I would just eye-ball it and/or assume that an NPC isn't going to voluntarily gimp itself by carrying enough gear to reduce it's speed.

Grand Lodge

As much as I like the idea, I don't see it catching on. I ignore the encumbrance rules for the simple fact that they are too much work for too little gain. Adding up a grocery list of equipment weights is not my kind of fun. If a system could be worked out that was simple and fast to use, I'd jump on it.

Glad to hear all the support here.

however I am not sure about arcane spell chance failure, perhaps an additional minus for being over weight?

Scarab Sages

TriOmegaZero wrote:
As much as I like the idea, I don't see it catching on. I ignore the encumbrance rules for the simple fact that they are too much work for too little gain. Adding up a grocery list of equipment weights is not my kind of fun. If a system could be worked out that was simple and fast to use, I'd jump on it.

I allow for all such equipment to be kept in a pack, and when fighting starts, they just drop the packs (as a free action) rather then tote them through a fight. It's simple enough.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote:

I have been thinking about this one for a while. Why not just have the max dex, speed, armor check penalty based on, for the most part, based on maximum weight the character can carry. Now I am not talking about eliminating armor specific minuses all-together. Each armor will have additional minuses and maybe pluses. This would leave the stronger characters with the better ability to carry the weight finding things easier to move.

At the very least I think max speed should be restricted like this as armor is gimped enough as it is.

We are in agreement, as I've posted here

Grand Lodge

DivineAspect wrote:
I allow for all such equipment to be kept in a pack, and when fighting starts, they just drop the packs (as a free action) rather then tote them through a fight. It's simple enough.

Which also leaves them open to theft while the fight is on. >:3

Even so, the calculation and adjustment as STR scores change is too much of a headache.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Even so, the calculation and adjustment as STR scores change is too much of a headache.

But, according to the rules, you are *supposed* to make those tabulations anyway!

Grand Lodge

Forever Man wrote:
But, according to the rules, you are *supposed* to make those tabulations anyway!

And I don't use those rules either. :P

in full agreeance with this proposal, double thumbs up!

all for simplified mechanics for encumbrace too
it's just too fiddly, compared to the rest of the system
also doesn't consider character's weight as a factor base
maybe some thing like...
light load = quarter char wt or less
medium load = half char wt or less
heavy load = char wt or less
with (Strength value - 10) * 10% as a modifier
agreed, this is still fiddly, but less so

TriOmegaZero wrote:
As much as I like the idea, I don't see it catching on. I ignore the encumbrance rules for the simple fact that they are too much work for too little gain. Adding up a grocery list of equipment weights is not my kind of fun. If a system could be worked out that was simple and fast to use, I'd jump on it.

Yep, me too. Trying to use the encumberance rules just means more time spent doing math than having fun.

Besides those rules just seemed way too nit-picky for me to care about anyway.

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