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Gah, my post was ate!
Has the group decided how/where to move to? The path to west takes an hour to reach bottom. From there there will be a waterfall. Following the river will lead you to the nearest 'safe' spot. The abonded stronghold of Thornward (120 miles away). On the other hand the second closest place would be Veluna City to the east (250 miles away).

Jahangir |

Gah, my post was ate!
Has the group decided how/where to move to? The path to west takes an hour to reach bottom. From there there will be a waterfall. Following the river will lead you to the nearest 'safe' spot. The abonded stronghold of Thornward (120 miles away). On the other hand the second closest place would be Veluna City to the east (250 miles away).
I have to admit I'm lost here. Were we supposed to make contact with the Circle of Eight after our trip to Castle Perilous? If so where, how? I'm just not sure what we're doing and which location would help us more.

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Lazaro wrote:Gah, my post was ate!
Has the group decided how/where to move to? The path to west takes an hour to reach bottom. From there there will be a waterfall. Following the river will lead you to the nearest 'safe' spot. The abonded stronghold of Thornward (120 miles away). On the other hand the second closest place would be Veluna City to the east (250 miles away).
I have to admit I'm lost here. Were we supposed to make contact with the Circle of Eight after our trip to Castle Perilous? If so where, how? I'm just not sure what we're doing and which location would help us more.
Sorry, my apologies. Your group has been turning the gems over to the Circle for safe keeping. Of course this usually means going back and forth from Greyhawk. As for the places mentioned they are the closest and probably the safest places to rest and regain spells.

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As time passes Giorge begins to stir. Mumbling at first, until he finally speaks.
"Fragos...", his voice painfully dry.
"What's going on? Where's Mask?, his eyes dart from person to person. He lifts a hand and than stares at it. Tears stream down his face as he realizes that while the taint is gone he is still not...himself

Fragos Voxlauer |

"Mask is dead. As for you, I have cleansed you of your taint and cast whatever it was that possessed you back into he dark abyss from whence it came." Fragos picks up Giorge's new shield, turning it over a he examines it. "Killing you would have been senseless. You serve a purpose bigger than youself, and it was time for you to return to the path of light."
He throws the shield down in disgust. "Tag along. We're going to Veluna. I'll cure everybody's remaining ills there, and we'll destroy your demonic trappings as well."
We can easily get to Veluna City in a few hours using Wind walk. We'll talk more to Giorge and find out what he's been up to once we're there. Let's fly!

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Giorge registers with a strong evil aura.
"Veluna, really nothing close the mountains is safe." He takes a deep breath and continues.
"Shothragot is destroying everthing, everyone in his path. The smoke you see is from the burning towns, fields, and forest. Anyone not willing to take on his dark blessings is marked and killed...That is what happened to Veluna. And it will soon be the fate of many more. Urnst, Ulek, Ekbir. As I speak the people of Greyhawk are undersiege, and without the Circle...I fear very little can stop what’s coming. It would be a miracle if we could...” Giorge wipes his face of tears and turns facing the group

Fragos Voxlauer |

"Huh. Is that so?" Fragos closes his eyes and touches his holy symbol. When he opens his eyes again, they seem somewhat different...
Casting True seeing. As this is the clerical version of the spell, I can actually "see" Giorge's alignment - if this is Giorge at all.

Fragos Voxlauer |

"I burned Shotragot out of your body less than a minute ago, Giorge. It cannot possibly have razed Veluna since then, and you cannot possibly have known about it. I'm starting to think that all that crying and whining was just an act and that you were a willing vehicle for your possessor."
Sense motive 14+36=50.

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"Doubt me if you wish. But do you think I was the only servant of Shothragot? Orcs, goblins, elementals, the Cult of the Elder Elmental Eye. They all serve the elder evil that grows in Lortmil!" Giorge stares at Fragos
"I would think seeing the corruption of the jaebrin and Mask would enlighten you. What you deal with here is evil not of this world. This is an evil that seeks only to corrupt, undo and destroy everything we have."
His words seem to be true

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Fragos please make a Will save DC 18, albeit with a -4 penalty
"I'm sorry Jahangir, but effects like that do not work against me anymore. My service to Shothragot left me immune to mind tricks." Giorge taps his skull.
"As for your question...No, I do not serve Shothragot. If I wasn't so found of you I would be offended" He gives a small smirk.

Fragos Voxlauer |

"Ah... I..." Fragos can't quite contain himself any more, and bursts into a deep belly laugh. "You might be a demon-tainted, sociopathic bastard, Giorge, but I still like you. Killing you will make me very sad. I suspect that will be a bit down the road, though. Right now, it seems to me like we need to cooperate in order to save our world."

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Giorge's face quickly becomes serious. "The gems are the key. It feeds on there energies, each one making it stronger. But destroying them that will weaken it. '...And in the last days, the sleep of a thousand years shall end when the herald appears, blotting out the sun in all its awesome glory. Its shuddering bulk shall sound the trumpets of destiny, those clarion calls to bring forth He Who Waits, the Dark God, the Wrongly Held...' "
A puzzled look crosses his face "There was more, but I can't seem to remember"
"As for what to do, I am lost. As I said it would be better to run. But I know that's not 'me' talking. If you wish we can be in Veluna by evening. Don't expect much though, and be warry of those seeking the gem. It calls to the darkest hearts, and clouds the mind of those that carry it."
"And if Veluna is the destination I can take us there. I can see that Fragos tires from todays events. And that most of you suffer Shothragot's taint in your veins."

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My posts keep getting eaten!
If you wish to go to Veluna or Thornward you still can. If you wish to on the information that Giorge has given, he's calling for a full out retreat. In this case the safest places would be to head west into Ekbir. North towards Blackmoor. Or south towards the Hold of the Sea Princes
And I'm not sure if this got overlooked, but here's a piece of information that Giorge gave you all
...the people of Greyhawk are undersiege, and without the Circle...
Greyhawk is where you've been taking the gems. And the Circle not only safe keeps them, but has been the groups source of information and funding.

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Day becomes night, and by the time the clock chimes it's second bell the Wanderers have arrived.
Greyhawk, the Free City, Gem of the Flanaess is aflame!
As the Wanderers come closer it is easy to see that the Old City has already fallen to Shothragot's horde. Orcs, goblins, trolls, beasts of all manner surround and enter the walls.
Citizens can be seen trapped and screaming outside the walls of the New City. Even more can be seen heading toward the High Quarter.