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As the cleric perpares his spell the fiend stirkes with a claw(AoO)
AoO 1d20+27=46; Total damage after DR 10
Fragos' DR proves little help against the attack. Fragos need to make a Spellcraft check, DC 28.

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Molydeus raises his hand, the ichor and gore of the manes quickly start to pull together. In an instant they form a massive greataxe. he grasps it than looks at the cleric and barabarian.
"This will be fun" The fiend opens his mouth a maw of sharp teeth. The most disturbing thing though is...you think it's smiling.
He releases the axe and beings to move by itself. He he waves it attack the cleric. At the same time with a wave of the other hand a wave of force hits Kelgan.
Caster Level check against Kelgan's SR (Holy Aura), 1d20+19=28; Kelgan you need to make a Will or Molydeus will fling your axe 20 feet.
Axe against Fragos; 1d20+23=42 (Not Confirmed), 1d20+18=Nat 20! (Not Confirmed); Damage 20, 23; 43 total
Saves vs Blind 38, 31
Lastly the snake lashes again at Kelgan, but tastes nothing but air.

Kelgan the Strong |

Will: 1d20+12=16
Well, two questions. 1. Since I'm probably losing the axe, can Weapon of Ruin apply to fists, or did I possibly somehow have a set of gauntlets with my breastplate that I somehow missed? 2. Does my Strength bonus apply to my fists/possible gauntlets?

Fragos Voxlauer |

Fragos shakes his head at the snarling molydeus. "Gotta do better than that." With a flick of his sword, he rains holy fire down on the towering demon.
Using my Rapid Warcasting power to drop a Flame strike on his head as a swift action. Damage 15d6=59, half of which is holy. Reflex 27 for half damage, spell penetration roll 14+21 (Fragos gets +2 on his Warcaster powers)=35. After that, I cast Align weapon on my sword before stepping closer to the bastard. Next round the fireworks start... Concentration/Spellcraft check for defensive casting 13+25=38.

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After checking the Beta and srd, the breastplate does not include gauntlets. Only helmet and greaves. You may apply your Weapon of Ruin ability to your fists, but remember that unless you have improved unarmed strike feat all the damage is nonlethal, unless you take a -4 to the attack. It also provokes an AoO, and you cannot make AoO with it.
Save vs Flame Strike 27, half damage=28; Molydeus also has Resist fire 10 dropping the damage to 18.
Kutho, Tarlan you're up

Tarlan |

Tarlan goes into Assassin's Stance, moves 50' towards Molydeus, and attacks (if he can). If I can hit him with my reach from there that is what I will do, otherwise I will defend myself (attacking him if he attacks me.)
Attack rolls (1d20+31=43, 1d20+31=44)
Ancient Mountain Hammer strike + Snap Kick damage (2d8 +1d6 fire + 1d6 electricity +1d6 cold + 13 + 8@ + 5* + 12d6 & 2d8 + 1d6 fire +1d6 elec + 1d6 cold + 22) (2d8 + 1d6 + 1d6 + 1d6+ 26 + 12d6=81 & 2d8 + 1d6 +1d6 + 1d6 + 22=39)
Please let me know if any of the following apply: holy; banes: undead; aberrations; outsiders, evil; monstrous humanoids. If holy applies add +2 to hit/+9 damage. If bane applies add +2 to hit/+8 damage. If I need to rool another bane damge please let me know. (holy & bane damage (2d6=7, 2d6=8))

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Kutho rushes forward trying to stagger Molydeus.
Swift action spending 1 ki point to give Kutho a +4 dodge bounus to AC; Gorgon Strike 1d20+23=43; Did not confirm:( ; Damage 2d10+7=22, Molydeus needs to make a Fortitude save,DC 27 will or be staggered.
While the attack has little effect against Molydeus tough hide (Damage reduced to 7). It does manage to stagger the fiend. 1d20+21=26
What this means for you all. Molydeus can only make a standard or move action on his turn. This effect ends after Kutho's next turn. His axe (dancing) and snake head are unaffected by this.
Tarlan's attacks bare fruit. His fist rocks Molydeus to his soul. It screams it pain and then gives another smile before taking a quick kick to the maw.
Tarlan your Bane (outsiders or evil could apply), aswell as holy. Bringing the damage up to 98 without benefit from DR. Your kick on the other hand is not so effective, he resists the fire and cold damage. And seems immune to electricty. With bane and holy added the damage would be 43, with DR though it becomes 28
"What luck I have. So many worthy of the hunt"
As the warrior assult the fiend the door finally gives. Creatures, easily identified as Manes by Fragos flood into the room. Giorge lays under the toppled pew rubbing his head.
Fragos (I'll be NPCing unless Fragos pops in) and Kelgan are up. Kelgan go ahead and post while I sort out Fragos' actions.

Kutho Axefist |

next round..
Kutho unleashes a flurry of blows on the stunned fiend with his lawful Kama spending a ki point to make the normal damage lawful for purposes of DR

Kelgan the Strong |

With a furious yell, Kelgan lunges at the foe.
Activating Mighty Rage, 5-foot step to melee range, move action to count attack as Cold Iron(Weapon of Ruin), then an unarmed attack, -4 for lethal damage, +20 to damage roll from Powerful Blow: 1d20+32=43, 1d4+36=40 [11, 32], [4, 36]

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Saying a quick prayer Fragos' blade is surrounded by dark flames, and he moves to attack Molydeus.
Using a swift action to active smite (+5 to attack, +10 to damage). As a move action channel Energy Drain into his speed longsword.
Attacks (w/improved vital strike), 2 hit (51 and 46, both possible threats); Confirm 1 confirmed (Nat 20); Damage 27, 30; Damage from Crit 33; Total 90 damage, and 5 negative levels.
The fiend howls in pain as Fragos stikes true. The attack ignore the fiends normally tough skin.
Molydeus will be suffering from a -6 penalty on all ability checks, attack rolls, combat maneuver checks, saving throws, and skill checks. In addition, Moldeus loses an additional 30 hp.

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Giorge tries desperatly to move from under the debris, but to no avail. As he paws to free himself the manes slowly enter the room, trampling over the tiefling.
Giorge is currently buried not only under the pew and other debris, but the mob of manes aswell. Each round they'll deal automatic damage to anyone in they're squares. Only half of this current mob has entered the main hall. Taking up a 4 by 2 space near the door. Tarlan and Kutho are closest being only 15 feet.

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Molydeus' wound begin to close over. He snickers, his snake hissing at his prey.
"This has been entertaining, but I think it's time our game drew to a close", the words echo softly in the groups mind. The female fiend has returned, but where she is is yet to be seen.
"You seem to be quite the match for my dear Molydeus", she purrs. "I'm curious, however...what would happen if we turned the magic off?"
The Fargos and Kelgan find themselves weakened all of a sudden, Molydeus ready to attack.
The Fragos, kelgan are both inside of an antimagic field (Still difficult with out seeing but this should give you some idea where she is. It's times like this when you Raizen and see invisibility would be handy). Please make sure to calculate your rolls minus any magic bonuses. Also Kelgan needs to make his second poison save.
Tarlan and Kutho to go

Kelgan the Strong |

Fort: 1d20+17=26
Also, AC=20, Strength=38, Dex=15, Con=27, and -5 to all saves(included above)

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Fort: 1d20+17=26
Also, AC=20, Strength=38, Dex=15, Con=27, and -5 to all saves(included above)
Thanks for the calculating that Kelgan!
Kelgan tries his best but can't seem to fight the supernatural poison pumping through his body.
Kelgan takes 6 points of Con ability drain. Resortation is needed to cure this.

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Clinging to the eastern wall you see the seductive fiend. She seems better prepeared carrying a mace at her side and tight fitting tunic emblazzed with the holy symbol of Boccob. A fine silk bag hangs at her side.
You also notice her keeping one of her stingers in contact with the statue of Boccob to her north

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Molydeus' axe, and snake head try striking at Tarlan. But have no effect. He clasps his hand and says a few word in abyssal before he trys to fade away.
Fragos, Tarlan, Kelgan, Kutho you all gain an AoO as Molydeus casts invisiblity. Fragos and Kelgan remember to calculate for no magic items.

Fragos Voxlauer |

Molydeus' axe, and snake head try striking at Tarlan. But have no effect. He clasps his hand and says a few word in abyssal before he trys to fade away.
Fragos, Tarlan, Kelgan, Kutho you all gain an AoO as Molydeus casts invisiblity. Fragos and Kelgan remember to calculate for no magic items.
Huh. How can it cast any spells while inside an Antimagic field?

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Lazaro wrote:Molydeus' axe, and snake head try striking at Tarlan. But have no effect. He clasps his hand and says a few word in abyssal before he trys to fade away.
Fragos, Tarlan, Kelgan, Kutho you all gain an AoO as Molydeus casts invisiblity. Fragos and Kelgan remember to calculate for no magic items.
Huh. How can it cast any spells while inside an Antimagic field?
Molydeus is not inside the field, only Kelgan, Rhiann (who's hiding) and yourself.

Fragos Voxlauer |

Molydeus is not inside the field, only Kelgan, Rhiann (who's hiding) and yourself.
OK. The Antimagic field has a 10' radius, centered on her - and we still can't see her?
My AoO, taking into account that all enchantments are down: Attack roll 14+20=AC 34, damage 19+2=21. My weapon is still cold iron, but no longer good or magical.
This also brings up a more philosophical question - summoned creatures "wink out of existence" when the enter the field, only to reappear once it woves away. The demon casting the spell is clearly not a native of this plane - so how is it affected?

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Lazaro wrote:Molydeus is not inside the field, only Kelgan, Rhiann (who's hiding) and yourself.OK. The Antimagic field has a 10' radius, centered on her - and we still can't see her?
My AoO, taking into account that all enchantments are down: Attack roll 14+20=AC 34, damage 19+2=21. My weapon is still cold iron, but no longer good or magical.
This also brings up a more philosophical question - summoned creatures "wink out of existence" when the enter the field, only to reappear once it woves away. The demon casting the spell is clearly not a native of this plane - so how is it affected?
A Perception check is need to spot Rhiann, she's not invisible just hidden. As for the 'wink' out of existance' part, your not sure about what Rhiann is. And as long as the barrier surrounding the world is up summoned creatures do not/cannot leave.
During the duration of the summon spell the creature is considered magic, which is why they are effect by the antimagic field. But the barrier keeps them here past the duration time. They are no longer considered magic, and cannot return to where they came from. Also summoned creatures with SR are subject to a caster check vs the antimagi field.

Kelgan the Strong |

Deicding his fists are not effective enough, Kelgan runs to his axe and picks it back up.
EDIT: Perception: 1d20+25=37

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Fort.: Let's say it failed.
So this round you're at 18 Con, next round you'll be at 10.

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I would normally edit the above post, but this seems too important.
So... 21*6=126; 296(old total)-126=170(new total); 248(old hp)-126=122(current hp). Yikes! Next turn it just get's worse

Tarlan |

Tarlan attacks the baddie:
Full Attack (1d20+33=49, 1d20+33=49, 1d20+28=35, 1d20+28=30, 1d20+33=44)
(6d8 +1d6 fire + 1d6 electricity +1d6 cold + 26 +2d6 bane) (Att 01 (65 damage): 6d8=23, 1d6=3, 1d6=4, 1d6=2, +26=, +2d6=7, Att 02 (66 damage): 6d8=25, 1d6=5, 1d6=4, 1d6=2, +26=, +2d6=4, Att 03 (83 damage): 6d8=38, 1d6=3, 1d6=5, 1d6=3, +26=, +2d6=7, Att 04 (60 damage): 6d8=19, 1d6=1, 1d6=4, 1d6=4, +26=, +2d6=6) (dam, forgot holy damage, add +2 to those 4)
(2d8 +1d6 fire + 1d6 electricity +1d6 cold + 24 +2d6 bane) (Att 05 (52 damage): 2d8=11, 1d6=6, 1d6=3, 1d6=4, +24=, 2d6=8)
If he is denied his dex bonus here is the sneak attack damage.
Sneak attack damage (2d6=4, 2d6=9, 2d6=6, 2d6=8, 2d6=6)
Tarlan then takes a 5' step away from him.

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Sorry my head is a bit drowsy so I may be wrong... Using your Improved Vital Stike you get two fewer attacks (at your lowest bonus) than normal. So you should only get 2 unamred strikes, plus your snap kick.
So the first two rolls (49, 49), plus your snap kick (44) hit. Also Molydeus is invisible at this point. Even though he's still in the same square has total concealment. Would you like to roll the miss chances or me? (d100, 50 or below miss, 51+ hit)

Tarlan |

Tarlan has blindsight, not worried about invisiblity.