Happy Thanksgiving, one and all! Here's to lots of turkey, ham, and stuffing; apple pie, pumpkin pie, vanilla ice cream, and cranberry sauce! (-my dinner roster-)
Thanks, Andrew! I hope you and your loved ones have a Happy Thanksgiving.
Daigle wrote: Thanksgiving Arggh!! Foiled by "This Video Is Not Available In Your Country!"
Freakin' money-grubbin' corprations--No Thanksgiving for the CEOs of MPAA, RIAA, and all the Rest!!
--And I just noticed that I've already moved into the New Year, intellectually, at least.
So, I hope everyone has a good and happy Thanksgiving this year, too ;-)
Thanksgiving is the greatest holiday of all. It's all about overeating, watching football, and taking triptiphan induced naps. Not to mention watching people make fools of themselves on live television by marching in a parade dressed wholey inappropriately for the weather.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Edit: It's great Andrew...we can recycle this thread next year.
Happy turkey day 2008 (and 2009, to those time travelers among us)!
I hope that the Thanksgiving Scorpion gives all of you nice cookbooks!
Happy thanksgiving to my neighbors to the south! I shall use this as a flimsy excuse to eat chips and watch football. or DS9. not sure yet. Either way I'm stealing the TV from my roomie.
Happy Turkey Day to all you Americans on the boards.
Andrew Turner wrote: Happy Thanksgiving, one and all! Here's to lots of turkey, ham, and stuffing; apple pie, pumpkin pie, vanilla ice cream, and cranberry sauce! (-my dinner roster-)
** spoiler omitted **
Basic Training--we could eat anything.
Mmmmmm.....icecream and Coca-Cola.
Screw turkey!!!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Hope you have a great rest of the weekend, too!
Too...much...mashed potatoes...
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Thanks for being a part of my life and putting up with me!
Happy Thanksgiving to our American friends.
And a happy non-religious holiday right back at you. Now get out there and eat like an American
Trey wrote: Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Hope you have a great rest of the weekend, too! Holy crap! I hadn't noticed that you were back again!
Thanksgiving for that indeed!
A great day indeed, unless you're a turkey.
The only day of the year (apart from Christmas) I can use the words 'Fancy a Gobbler?' without fear of a restraining order!
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
My Turkey day was good, and I hope everyone elses was aswell.
Side note - Best Thanksgiving parade...ever
I assume we all stuffed birds and then ourselves. But I am curious how many people played? While the family watched the Cowboys beat the stuffing out of the Seahawks (and then whatever games followed), I ran a slightly abridged Hollow's Last Hope for my three nephews.
I haven't played for a year now (no group here), but I did VTC (video iChat) with my family back in Alaska, and we even "ate" together and watched A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. It was a little weird when my one of my daughters said, "Daddy, I'm gonna pass you the drumstick." I pantomimed taking it from her and reached offscreen for one of the legs of my smaller, slightly-burned turkey.
I guess that's kind of a LARP Thanksgiving, just with really realistic props...
Arrrg, I almost hurt myself eating.. and I took it very slow.. but it was all so very good... ah well.. time to start running again...
Lazaro wrote: My Turkey day was good, and I hope everyone elses was aswell.
Side note - Best Thanksgiving parade...ever
I have got to find a way to steal that Edwardo costume for next halloween.
I don't have any family in NM and my friends that I usually celebrate with when to OK to spend time with their family, so I volunteered some time at a local homeless shelter. Maybe I got the wrong message from volunteering, I didn't feel fulfilled, or compassionate just more thankful than ever not to be one of them.
Ubermench wrote: Maybe I got the wrong message from volunteering, I didn't feel fulfilled, or compassionate just more thankful than ever not to be one of them. But I bet there were people who were thankful to be helped!
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