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Well Next weekend the Members of the SWORD are raiding Redfangs lair. Their new favorite toy is the Sorcerer's Superior Invisibility Spell. Also a few have items that grant True Seeing, so the Illusions are going to be bypassed quickly. I know that for the most part they normally shouldn't be able to communicate due to the spells restrictions but they have an item (Earing of the Wolf - DR334) that allows them to hear each other, so nix that limit.
Now With greater Planar Binding on Redfangs list I'll have a few bound Outsiders sprinkled through his lair (preferrably with True Seeing) and several Mental Alarms at the entrances and in his hoard room. Preferrably the bound minions will slow the PC's down enough that Sjternespise has time to get a wish off for True Seeing!
So what tactics would you use against the above tactics using Redfangs spell list as written? What would you suggest changing? I want the encounter with an Ancient dragon to be memorable without blatantly metagaming against the PC's abilities.
I'll already be maximizing his hit points (as my Barbarian's Leap Attacking Critical is 12d6+392!!!)
--Vrock star!

Matthew Vincent |
Their new favorite toy is the Sorcerer's Superior Invisibility Spell
I believe Redfang has blindsight, making this useless.
a few have items that grant True Seeing, so the Illusions are going to be bypassed quickly.
The illusions aren't really useful anyways, but some of Redfang's buffs (like mirror image and displacement) might not be as effective.
my Barbarian's Leap Attacking Critical is 12d6+392
Unless the Barabarian has some way to avoid AoO's, Redfang can snatch him before he can get close (negating the charge). Then there is also the displacement and mirror images that might negate the attack.
Also, I personally think Redfang would learn the Moment of Prescience spell (maybe instead of Greater Planar Binding) to avoid being one-shot'ed.

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Actually Superior Invisibility is ONLY bypassed by True Seeing. It foils see invis, invis purge, dust of appearance, scent, normal hearing, glitterdust, faerie fire, blindsense, and blindsight.
Displacement and Mirror Image are only minor annoyances to the group at this point because they've taken steps to deal with those defenses. The Barbarian has an Illusionbane weapon, the Scout has True Seeing and rapid/manyshot.
The Barbarian also has a Ring of Freedom of Movement so Snatch is out (I usually have to rely on trip to break his charge, or stand still or large and in charge). Four of the six in the party have evasion by class or Ring so his breath weapons will be pretty useless.
I'm half tempted to wish an Anti-magic Field up if it gets really bad, but that hoses Redfangs spells and a few of his ability scores (due to entice gift).
Moment of Prescience does look a lot better than Gr. Planar Binding, but it'll only help Redfang once. The linnorm really can't afford to waste too many actions before he's fully engaged. The Alarm spells will give me time to buff as written, but once he finds that he can't see or smell his enemies he'll likely bust out a Glitterdust or Wish for True Seeing... but that gives my players a free round of attacks which can end most creatures. I still think some minions or lair hazards are neccessary.
--Vrock, Paper, Scissors

Matthew Vincent |
Actually Superior Invisibility is ONLY bypassed by True Seeing.
Ah. I was looking at the Complete Arcane version. I didn't realize the Spell Compendium version was updated to work vs. blindsight.
I usually have to rely on trip to break his charge
That should do the trick... and the barbarian won't even get an AoO on Redfang's AoO trip, since he doesn't threaten Redfang yet.
I'm half tempted to wish an Anti-magic Field
Redfang is technically bigger than an AMF radius (but I houserule around that, myself). If would be to his advantage though, and the fight would certainly last longer.
Moment of Prescience does look a lot better than Gr. Planar Binding, but it'll only help Redfang once. The linnorm really can't afford to waste too many actions before he's fully engaged.
Moment of Prescience is more of a daily spell (kinda like mindblank) rather than a pre-combat buff.
he'll likely bust out a Glitterdust
That evidently won't work any better than blindsight. Not sure why he has it.
I still think some minions or lair hazards are neccessary
Certainly. Binding a Marilith or Pit fiend seem to be some of the better uses for greater planar binding. The former has true seeing, but the latter could be more useful (especially with greater dispel magic and blasphemy).

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Again though I have to be able to sense them to make AoO's at all. Maybe a Wall of Greater Dispel Magic across the entrance to the main chamber will do the trick. At least it's passive and invisibile so unless someone's got a Detect Magic or Arcane Sight up (which they don't) they will miss that (along with the multiple Alarms). Besides Redfang can Teleport in and out of his lair if need be.
I'll probably end up redrawing the lair because the map in the adventure is kinda lame.

ellegua |

AMF will kill the Barb's Freedom of Movement, and I've found (mostly through getting the crap beaten out of me or other PCs) that it's a great tactic for big ol' dragons -- suddenly, size matters a LOT.
Imagine Redfang roaring a challenge to your Barbarian, who answers with a charge only to realize that the last 20' between him and the wyrm is anti-magic'd. And then tell us all about it on the obit thread. ;)

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AMF will kill the Barb's Freedom of Movement, and I've found (mostly through getting the crap beaten out of me or other PCs) that it's a great tactic for big ol' dragons -- suddenly, size matters a LOT.
Imagine Redfang roaring a challenge to your Barbarian, who answers with a charge only to realize that the last 20' between him and the wyrm is anti-magic'd. And then tell us all about it on the obit thread. ;)
LOL! Well if you notice two of my PC's are recent entries on the Obit thread and I have to add the Bbn to it as well as Kulublax and his Khastigur wardens laid the smack down on him in Divided's Ire!
So far in our Planar STAP I've iced the paladin, the goliath bbn, the minotaur fighter (now elven sorcerer), the demonwrecker cleric, and the gnomish Divine Trickster. Five character deaths over 27 weeks!

Matthew Vincent |
Five character deaths over 27 weeks!
My group just started Prince of Demons, and they're now using up scrolls of true resurrection like they were aspirin. I was ok with Redfang being an easy kill for them though (even though I had even purchased a Colossal McFarlane Dragon Hydra for the encounter).

Matthew Vincent |
Yeah I wish I had the money for some kick ass minis... Times are tough, ya know! I'll probably just use my Aspect of Tiamat for Redfang, unless I can convince my buddy to borrow his Gargantuan Blue...
You could maybe use something like this colossal two headed dragon for $4.98.

Turin the Mad |

Has anyone noticed that Redfang's attack roll bonus is completely off. His BAB is +20 and his STR is 50 which equates to a +20 totaling to a +40 and that's not counting his feats Improved Natural Attack (bite and claw).
Is there something I'm missing?
I believe that Red Fang's stat block incorporates a Power Attack, which is probably mentioned in there somewhere.

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William Bryan wrote:I believe that Red Fang's stat block incorporates a Power Attack, which is probably mentioned in there somewhere.Has anyone noticed that Redfang's attack roll bonus is completely off. His BAB is +20 and his STR is 50 which equates to a +20 totaling to a +40 and that's not counting his feats Improved Natural Attack (bite and claw).
Is there something I'm missing?
I thought about that. The only thing that was missing for me about that was that they didn't list Power Attack under it's Feats. It makes sense now.
Improved Natural Attack: only adds a bonus to damage....got it. Thanks.
Converting the big baddies Pathfinder style gets more complex as you get higher in level I've noticed. It's worth it though.

Turin the Mad |

Converting the big baddies Pathfinder style gets more complex as you get higher in level I've noticed. It's worth it though.
I hope you are not getting too far ahead this close to getting the PRPG core rules in your hands. It would be a shame to sweat that many bullets only to have to tear it all apart. ^_^
I do agree though, that designing baddies (or, in your case, re-tooling) in PF Beta is pretty fun.

Hired Sword |

I'll already be maximizing his hit points (as my Barbarian's Leap Attacking Critical is 12d6+392!!!)
--Vrock star!
I am curious to see the build of this Barby (wrt. this damage output), I can't seem to work out which weapon/size factor produces a 4d6 x3 or a 3d6 x4 two hander.
(Presuming x4)
PA20 + LA = 60 x4 = 240
which leave 152 points to be dealt by weapon, strength bonus, magic items and buffs.
Can anyone enlighten me as to which feats/class skills are used to build this out?

Erevis Cale |

By errata, Leap Attack now deals +100% the normal damage of the power attack.
So, if you power attack for -20:
with two-handed weapon it's +40
with Leap Attack it's +80
with Combat Brute it's +240
For added fun, pick up Shock Trooper and instead of taking penalty on attack rolls take a penalty on AC.
So, on a crit that's ranging from +480 to +960.
Before the bonuses from strength, enhancements etc.

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primemover003 wrote:
I'll already be maximizing his hit points (as my Barbarian's Leap Attacking Critical is 12d6+392!!!)
--Vrock star!I am curious to see the build of this Barby (wrt. this damage output), I can't seem to work out which weapon/size factor produces a 4d6 x3 or a 3d6 x4 two hander.
(Presuming x4)
PA20 + LA = 60 x4 = 240
which leave 152 points to be dealt by weapon, strength bonus, magic items and buffs.Can anyone enlighten me as to which feats/class skills are used to build this out?
Goliath Barbarian with the mountain rage racial substitution level wielding a large sized impact goliath greathammer. His strength was raging hovering somewhere in the high 40's (50 with Malcanthet's queens kiss).
Leap Attack, Knockback, Shock Trooper or Combat Brute... It's been about 9 months since we finished this campaign.--Vrocknrolla!

NPC Dave |
Turin the Mad wrote:William Bryan wrote:I believe that Red Fang's stat block incorporates a Power Attack, which is probably mentioned in there somewhere.Has anyone noticed that Redfang's attack roll bonus is completely off. His BAB is +20 and his STR is 50 which equates to a +20 totaling to a +40 and that's not counting his feats Improved Natural Attack (bite and claw).
Is there something I'm missing?
I thought about that. The only thing that was missing for me about that was that they didn't list Power Attack under it's Feats. It makes sense now.
Improved Natural Attack: only adds a bonus to damage....got it. Thanks.
Converting the big baddies Pathfinder style gets more complex as you get higher in level I've noticed. It's worth it though.
I happened to stumble across this while researching the final adventures. Just in case anyone else sees this, Redfang has a +32 attack instead of +40 because of his Colossal size giving him a -8 penalty to hit. He doesn't have Power Attack. Size penalties tripped me up as well in my Scuttlecove thread.