Saint Kargoth

Hired Sword's page

251 posts. Alias of John Murphy.


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Keltoi wrote:

So... Superstition? Or unholy spirits forcing your d20 to roll nothing higher than 5?

How many of you frequently toss a d20 for poor rolls?

If I were rolling poorly, I would switch dice, but I wouldn't blame the die for my luck, I blame my own karma/spirits/superstition/etc.

I have witnessed one of my players, stand, walk out the front door and hurl the offending d20 as far as his strength would allow into the night.

Ok y'all.

I have another couple of pages related to the first document. I wrote up some post-rescue dialogue from Harliss (and a line from Lars, owner of the Rusty Shunt), as responses to my players questions. This document is probably less useful and more specific to my players and their actions and outcome, but I offer it up anyway. I will also tack on the list of questions the players asked to help with the context.

Even if its not immediately / directly usable, it may inspire you in your game and with a little work be adapted to fit your story-line

Any interest, let me know.

P.S. @Garm; Did you use the first document in your game? How did it go?


All of you that have it, let me know what you think and if it helps your preparations, or if your players think it adds to the adventure. If it does, I will look at other areas I might be able to contribute.

That's the kind of idea that makes me wish I had some artistic skills. Most of that complex is pretty straight-forward, but that room in particular can be a little confusing, both to describe and to visualize as a player.

Kudos for this effort and thanks for the pics of the finished product.

If you want some hints on future projects, a big one to work on is "the Wreck" from SoS. Great big elements in very confusing configuration. Get that one right and its a work of art.

The Ziggurat at Golismorga, Pretty simple but there is a lot of detail that can be sketched in ahead of time, keeps the game pace up. Plus, I expanded each level about 20 or 30 feet to accommodate my rather large party.


you know, Death Knight Vanthus
area on Divided's Ire. The bridges and the drop-offs would be great to visualize.

Another one I'd build, even tho its not really complex is Wat Dagon, just because of what it means to the story.

NPC Dave wrote:

I am wrapping up There is No Honor and planning the start of Bullywug Gambit.

Great! I'm glad to see this AP survive as long as it has. (I have friends who have children younger than STAP).

NPC Dave wrote:

I dug into the rules of Affiliations in PHB2, and I did note that for multiple affiliations a PC gets a -10 score on any second affiliations they join. So of the six listed for Sasserine, this implies you can really only belong to one at the start, rather than multiple.

I don't see a problem with a character belonging to as many as make sense (tho I'll agree that more than 2 is impractical). You'll note that the all the Affiliation Score charts start with "3 or Lower". And a few of them can generate significantly more than 30 points to a dedicated player.

NPC Dave wrote:

However, it does note that for Witchwardens, you get a +2 to that Affiliation if you are a Dawn Council member. On top of that, belonging to the Dawn Council really just means being a citizen of Sasserine.

It's really a bit more than simply being a citizen, the character should be interested in participating in the governing and/or bureaucracy of Sasserine. The Witchwarden bonus would apply in any case.

NPC Dave wrote:

Did anyone play it to ignore the -10 specifically for Dawn Council? In other words PCs could start in one other affiliation plus qualify for Dawn Council?

No, we would not have ignored the penalty, had any of my players had an interest in affiliating with more than one group. Qualification for an Affiliation is based on the tenets and restrictions outlined in the membership section, not the actual score. As I pointed out above, having a score lower than 4 does not keep a character out of an Affiliation. It just means they are a junior member for longer.

NPC Dave wrote:

Secondly, I note that for Dawn Council one of its powers is Holiday, and that means citizens of Sasserine have a +1 morale bonus for attacks, saves and skill checks during the festival. So the PCs will get this benefit during their siege of the Vanderboren manor. Not unbalancing I would assume.

No, not unbalancing but, as above, simply being a citizen does not enter a character into the affiliation automatically. I would happily allow any Dawn Council member that bonus.

If you read ahead (which you really should), esp. in the Dragon mags articles Savage Tidings, you will discover a couple more Affiliations pop up as the adventure continues. You may want to prepare you players for these future additions.

Since you are so early into the STAP, I have one great big bit of advice. Read thru the ENTIRE adventure path completely before you continue (if you haven't already) both the Dungeon mags and the associated Savage Tidings from the Dragon mags. There are actually a whole bunch of articles from that last year (before it even *cough* Demonomicon of Iggwilv *cough*) that may prove interesting and helpful you a DM wishing to understand and provide more depth to this adventure.

You may want to go back and reread sections before continuing. There is a lot of stuff that carries over to later adventures and some details from earlier modules are explained in later text. For instance, what happened to make Vanthus the way he is, is explained well into the adventure path. You will gain a whole lot of insight and places where you can improve your storytelling with foreshadowing and the like.

Have Fun with this Great Adventure Path!!!



If there is any problem getting the file, let me know and we can work out an alternate method.

carborundum wrote:
Well, they made it :-)


Really glad you got there and had a good time of it. Its refreshing to read another take on that encounter.

My group had been on a bit of a hiatus, I needed a break to recharge my DM battery. My guys just finished mopping up Red Foam, so you are still behind us, but not by much.

carborundum wrote:
Just realized something else - with nondetection Noltus will seem to be a non-caster. Is there a spell that lets you appear as, say, a high level divine caster to arcane sight, while you are in fact a spell-like ability wielding demon ghoul?

I'd have Noltus explain that he uses powerful magicks to avoid detection, how else do you think he has survived so long in these demon and skinwalker infested jungles.

Zombie Boots wrote:

------== Semi-Spoilers ==------

(...). I thought the idea was so hilarious I couldn’t say no.

Yes, yes it is.

Zombie Boots wrote:

I would like some ideas for Avner scale Mayhem. Suggestions?

These are very broad strokes.

-- You could have him 'discover' the party's plan and flee to the main island, and perhaps Manthalay could insist that the mayor send out a search party to find his wayward nephew (maybe Avner ends up in some sort of dungeon or cave complex). Hijinks ensue.
-- Same as above, with the difference that he has an encounter similar to Vanthus' and he reappears later as an ally of his or some other demon/demon lord. High level hijinks ensue.
-- Avner flees, the party go to the Burowa tribe to explain his absence. The catch is, there is an odd Olman custom that provides the bearer of this bad news take the place of the groom-to-be. Hijinks ensue.

carborundum wrote:

The outside is 140 feet wide, and inside half that. Adding a bit more depth between levels I could easily make all those 5' squares 10' squares. More room, more bad guys, more actions for me :-)

What do you folks think?

But anyway - is bigger better, or should I keep it cramped?

If your group of players is larger than 4, its pretty much mandatory (especially for the lower levels) as you will likely have more -- and larger -- opponents. IIRC I added 10, 20 and 30 feet respectively to the decending levels.

My group going through the Ziggy was 6 strong (bow spec Ranger, Monk, Barby, Cleric, Illusionist and FTR/Rogue Tempest wannabe). At first they tried to assault the stronghold without breaking the Tear. On their first attempt they used illusions to look like Kopru and weren't fully buffed. Their second assault they took time to buff and use Invisibity; after that failure, they decided to consider the breaking of the Tear.

Inside, I added a few extra mooks and I made good use of the Naga spellcasters and behemoths to whittle away their defenses. Flooding the middle chamber was a good idea, it gave them something else to consider tactically. The Barb *still* has the Cloak of the Manta ray. Gawdz I hate that item. :)

Pray that some of your characters are Lawful; the 'wretch's breath weapon and the ce-ment pond he hangs out in do some nice extra damage. This group has a real distaste for BBEG escaping, so they are prone to chasing them down when they try. When the 'wretch moved into the bile to get a better attack angle, the Monk decided to give chase and DOVE INTO the Black Bile. That shocked him hard.

Play up the atmosphere of the fleshy Zig, my guys were seriously creeped out by the Zig and golismorga in general, due to that Far Realms -- Lovecraftian vibe.

Luna eladrin wrote:
What would be original suggestions for this

I don't have any specific pre-made adventure suggestions off the top of my head, but here are a couple of things I used out of Stormwrack (if you have access to that book, it might give you some inspiration). You could have a few Coral Golems guarding a sunken temple for one additional encounter and a trio of Hammerclaws with a water naga ally in another

I actually used these as guardians for the Glutton's lair, the golems outside and the 'claw/naga combo inside by his hoard.

Kain Darkwind wrote:

Hell yes, Son!

** spoiler omitted **


I wrote up a page and a half handout for my players detailing the Dream from Harliss Javell at the beginning of Serpents of Scuttlecove.

If anyone has any interest in this for their own group, I can email a link to the file in rtf format.

carborundum wrote:

Awesome! Balor carnage FTW! :-)

Can't wait to get back to DM-ing my STAP campaign - the party have just found Golismorga, taken out their first Beholder (just) and want to go to sleep first.

Beside the Living Aberration City currently populated by Demogorgon-worshipping Mind Flayers.

Right. Like that could end badly :-)

Carbo', make sure you play up the aberrant flavor of Golismorga! Just using the few creepy interactions presented in the text really disgusted my players.

It was great!

Charlie Bell wrote:

I could use some ideas for theme music for:
Charon/traveling the Styx
Obox-ob (super creepy)
Malcanthet (seductive yet sinister)
and, of course, Demogorgon himself

Theme music for stuff prior to these will be appreciated by the many STAP GMs who visit these forums.

I have always thought that Kansas' Magnum Opus had an interesting D&D vibe and different sections might be used for adding mood to encounters, like the Charon and Obox-ob encounters you specify above.

There is a short (maybe 30 sec) vocal interlude, but the rest is instrumental about 8 or 9 minutes or something like that.


1d20 ⇒ 11

Troy Pacelli wrote:
So, I read a thread a little while back about Graz'zt not playing a huge roll in the STAP and why that might be. My question is (because I haven't yet read that far ahead) just how big a role does he play. More importantly, is his apparently minor role in as Tyralandi's patron really crucial? Like, if I make Tyralandi's patron some other evil demon (one from our campaign world) will it seriously mess up the big dénouement of the STAP? Any insights for me.

Graz'zt's attentions are... occupied... elsewhere.

potential spoiler:
He is currently embroiled in some plot or other against the Demon Queen of Spiders.

His only scheduled interaction in the Savage Tide is at the last, when the Demon Prince Demogorgon is defeated and the Crown is up for grabs (literally!)

I think you can safely change up Tyralandi's patronage to whomever you like. You can bring in Graz'zt at the end, or not, as you see fit (several Demon Lords make an appearance to vie for that Crown).

Check out the Conclusion text in the final chapter of the path for more details.

TheWhiteknife wrote:

What is so bad about the PCs attacking Harliss? My PCs LOVED that part of the campaign. There were six of them both times I ran it; that probably helped!


I think the only problem would be killing her without finding out about the attack on the Vanderborens. Serpents of Scuttlecove could easily be hooked to some other NPC

Actually, her gear is a sizable haul for characters of that level and the xp for killing her is significant too esp. if, as in my case, she is not played to her fullest capabilities.

While those things aren't *bad*, they can make a party a little overpowered for the rest of the chapter and more moving forward.

kenmckinney wrote:

I've run this part of the campaign twice, and in both cases, the PCs attacked, and killed, Harliss Javell. She isn't as tough as she would otherwise be because she lacks an ally to flank with. But, she managed to kill at least one PC each time.


I've also run it twice, each time with a group of 6 PCs. The first time I don't think I made Capt. Javell's prowess clear enough, and the party defeated her (Honestly, I was quite sloppy with her abilities). Second run thru, I made a bigger production of how fast she was taking out the Savage pirates. I also reviewed the mistakes I made the first time around and clarified her combat abilities in my mind, should they attack her again. They balked at attacking her on the second run thru.

For a party of 4 balanced PC's, Harliss is probably enough to TPK. For 6 PCs, she could use a couple more levels.

Generally, if the party attack, she should try to convince them that its more important to save Lavinia than to spend time and energy on her. Dropping one of the PC's should make that evident as well.

Things that can go wrong:
  • My group of 6 had nearly cleared the Cove out when they decided to rest; Fix: Tempt them to continue, (sounds of battle, etc.) anything to keep them moving forward.
  • Harliss has a decent AC, but not a lot of hit points, especially with the extra actions 6 PCs get. Fix: Fighting defensively, tho, will make her nigh invincible.
  • Harliss can be vulnerable to party's with a lot of actions; Fix: Give her a couple of extra levels, particularly in the class that gives her Feint as a Free action.
  • Thinking that Harliss is so much higher level that she shouldn't have any worries with this low level party; Fix: Don't hold back or take it easy on them if they attack her, until it looks like they are going to try and retreat. if it looks like a TPK, have her express regret and give them an out.

Kain Darkwind wrote:

I've been doing up Pathfinder stats for this. Rather than convert over the Hordes of the Abyss nabassu, I decided to try and use the growth point rules in PF to create the creature. I aimed for CR 15. Since the base was CR 8, that means 10 growth points to bring it to CR 13, then an assumption of success on the caster level check to bring them to the Abyss with the advanced and giant templates. Check it out.

** spoiler omitted **...

First, let me say that I am unfamiliar with Improving Monsters in Pathfinder, so this is meant to educate me more than a critique. Here are a couple of questions about possible discrepancies with your Improved nabassu.

AC 32, touch 15, flat-footed 27, combat 45
(+4 Dex, +1 dodge, +17 natural)
-1 Size?

hp 239 (9d10 + 90);
Needs more HD or fewer HP?

Melee bite +28
Base Atk +9;
Abilities Str 30
+9 BAB, +10 Str, -1 Size = +18 Melee; Something is off here, related to HD as above?

carborundum wrote:

What's that you say?

STAP conversions while I'm currently DM-ing Lightless Depths? That would be uber useful! Would you mind sending me one too, please?

It's foolish.child at

Thanks in advance!

Hey Carbo, where are you at in LD? My crew is just about to finish the Zig with the 'wretch

cibet44 wrote:
They left their equipment on the Wyvern and convinced the Mairliths to escort them up. I remember they did get lost for a while in the palace but other then that it wasn't much of a problem.

Thanks for the update!

Did one of them take the Queens Kiss?

cibet44 wrote:
Hired Sword wrote:

Just reading ahead and was wondering how various party's reacted to the requirements for gaining an audience with Malcanthet.

Also curious as to any reactions to her revelation during the encounter.

Specifics? I DMd the whole path but don't remember the details of these encounters.

Upon arrival at Shedrilavri (sp?) generally only souls and slaves are granted entry no one is allowed to enter the city with clothes/armor on. In order to be granted an audience with Malcanthet, the party have to determine how to gain entry. Either go in as slaves or try to diplomance the mariliths guarding the gate at the dock, giving up their equipment to the demons (so polite of them) or stowing away beforehand on the Wyvern. there is also the "Kick in the Door" option (KitD))

What did your party do? any of the above, or something else?

Just reading ahead and was wondering how various party's reacted to the requirements for gaining an audience with Malcanthet.

Also curious as to any reactions to her revelation during the encounter.

Lord Snow wrote:


I just ran the group through the ending scenes of Here There Be Monsters (and it was a blast). having come to the point where the Tides of Dread module start, I need to reach a decision, and I hoped to consult other GMs before I do: How aware should the players be of the victory points mechanic? should I not tell them of its existance and use it as a tool to measure success behind the scene? should I explain the system vagualy and than keep the amount of VP they have in any time secret? or should I just go, "cool, you recruited the aid of the Olman, +200 VP"?


I have to side with Cale on this one. I gave my players the "vague" explanation and throughout that section of the game they complained bitterly, because they didn't know if they were "doing it right" and had no way to gauge their success or failure. I think had they not known anything was different they would have enjoyed it more, though I bet they would have earned fewer VP (the new mechanic really got their meta- up).

One thing to consider, if your party (and the DM) isn't really big on Roleplay (rather than roll play), they could find themselves doing quite poorly due to them skipping some of the lesser encounters.

Things to be aware of:
  • Its a very modular adventure and nearly every encounter is a Set Piece. you either have to handle it as individual scenes, or will have to provide a lot of extra "filler" stuff. e.g. the Phanaton village, the Troglodytes, etc.
  • The battle of Farshore is BIG. If you are using battlemats, you will spend a lot of time drawing out buildings and calculating distances. Know how you want to handle that before they get to it.
  • Planning the defense of Farshore. This may not be an issue for you but my players were quite thorough and wanted to do many things that were not listed in the module as defenses. Its tough to balance what they come up with and be able to get past it for the story, while still allowing their plans to be effective.
  • Be prepared for them to assault the Crimson Fleet ships and want to keep them! That's a lot of loot that will have their greedy li'l eyes widening.

I wanted to play up the Olman souls in the Cerulean Curtain and, as written, there are only a couple of phrases that the party can hear when they pass through the barrier. So I cobbled together a few more as clues, fluff or red herrings and handed them out randomly as my players passed through.

They seemed to go over pretty well with the group so I thought I would post them here in case someone else wanted to do a similar thing. They are probably pretty cliche and somewhat tuned to fit into my campaign, so feel free to modify them to fit your particular details.

I also included the ones from the Lightless Depths.

Cerulean Curtain phrases:
  • the princes pay the piper, we are the coin
  • two faces watch the tide.
  • our souls save all souls.
  • the maw flows forth to bite.
  • the tear holds back the sorrow of the people for all time.
  • a sea of darkness washes across the isle.
  • the tide rises from lightless depths.
  • the blind see, the deaf hear, the dead live.
  • a city falls, the empire falls.
  • save me, free me, ple-e-a-a-s-s-e.
  • the Gods protect us.
  • Tlaloc, save us.
  • death to the fish-demons, free all the enslaved.
  • a curse upon the princes of Thanaclan.
  • a soul for Mictlantecuhtli to guard the people.
  • betrayer beware betrayal.
  • the empty vessel holds no water.

DocWarlock wrote:
I got this AP and I wanna run it, and darn it I intend to but I hit a small snag. I'm reading ahead to familiarize myself with it before I take on the lofty mantle of DM and when I got to Part Six I noticed there were a lot of maps missing on the way down to Golismorga and beyond. Anyone know where I can get these maps so I'm not Ad-Hocing the adventure and looking like a tool?

There are no such maps for those locations, feel free to hoc up anything you'd like. :D

Troy Pacelli wrote:
So, I know that there is a ship called The Gallivant wrecked there. Anyone know any history? Is it from a classic module or something?

A casual Google turns up nothing but Savage Tide references that are appropriate.


I have considered tying The Gallivant in to the background info from the Exploring the Isle of Dread(Dungeon Sept. 2004) article. In my STAP, Urol was with Larissa V on her trip to the IoD, but before that, I have him on board the ship that Capt. Rory Barbarosa, from the Exploring backdrop, sails to the IoD and if you read that background information, there is an encounter with an unnamed shipwreck (likely the Gallivant) where they are attacked by Kopru.

Actually all that backdrop info is pretty good, and is usable in the STAP, so if you have access, I consider it recommended reading for a STAP DM.

Bellona wrote:
For that matter, weren't there some other similar easter eggs in the STAP? I seem to recall a room description somewhere which referred to the "Tammeraut's Fate" Dungeon adventure, plus some others which I didn't identify.

Just in case:

Kraken's Cove in The Bullywug Gambit has the trophies you are looking for.

Ninja'd during the preview!!!

I can't believe it took me this long to make this connection.

Is it 'Tear' as in liquid from a crying eye?

Or is it 'Tear' as in Rip in the fabric of the universe?

Until now, I have been thinking "teer" rather than "tare", but now I see that it could go either way.

Even better, as a liquid Tear meaning, the whole blue 'bubble' can be the Tear.

So, how did/do you interpret this?

Turin the Mad wrote:

Oh the awesomeness of seeing Cuddles in action once more! Sounds like the derro are a good way to go.

BTW, I've taken the liberty of revamping the Graul clan. My group will see them in Chapter 3 of Kingmaker. Take advanced + ogrekin human + Ravenous ... and make 'em all Magi (from the UM playtest) ... well, you might imagine the horror. Chuckles, Drooler and Biggun` got a "treatmeent", as did Muck...

If you want the gruesome stat blocks lemme know, I'll have them done in a few days.

I would never turn down a chance to peruse your stat blocks Turin, no matter HOW gruesome.

carborundum wrote:
Waaaaaaah! A hundred is even rounder! (Even though he did, like, months and everything!) :-)

My players took 48 days to get from Ft Greenie to Farshore, and the assault on Farshore came early 49 days later, so that's 97 days. So somewhere between 97 and 110 seems quite reasonable.

I like the Jade Raven's idea. My group just kept the animosity from the beginning all the way thru.

Might even make for a more interesting triangle if there is any romance RP with Lavinia or Liamae or some other characters.

Zombie Boots wrote:

Definitely take take a hack saw to some encounters, remove as many "random" encounters as possible because if there is no RP value in a fight then it really shouldn't be there for you. Things like the Savage Monkeys attacking them before the cove, and much of the Floatsum and Hydra attacks on the boat can just be left out.

Pulling extraneous "random" encounters is a good idea, but I disagree with removing the Savage Monkey encounter. They are not much of a threat but provide a valuable bit of foreshadowing for the upcoming and significantly more dangerous encounters with the Savage pirates.

Most of the AP modules have a "Scaling the Adventure" section, providing recommendations on how to reduce or increase the power level of encounters in that book. Seek out that section and start with those reductions.

Also, consider adding a DM run PC or hirelings of which your players can make use. This can provide some more RP opportunity. Find out if any of them are interested in the Leadership feat. In SWW there are a number of lower level NPCs and PC replacements with very brief outlines that you can move back into earlier episodes and NPC's to be recruited/hired by the PC's.

There are two other big issues to contend with. XP and treasure. For the XP, a really good way to handle it in this situation is to just award them xp based on completing chapter milestones, rather than keeping track of xp directly.
Treasure is the second Big Issue. Much of the loot, particularly in the early going, is made up of armor, weapons and coin taken off of opponents, which they will not be getting as much of due to reduced numbers of encounters. Some of that will balance out, but you should monitor their wealth a lot more closely. I had to go back thru all the loot up to the shrine of Zotzilaha to determine that my 6 players were where they should be wealth-wise. I would recommend maintaining a spreadsheet of loot awards as you play to save you that hassle later on.

Smarnil le couard wrote:
Matthew Vincent wrote:
Orthos wrote:
The Skinwalkers have now been thoroughly informed that someone is causing trouble down in Golismorga and is very likely to head their way next, and will make due preparations for when the group comes to the Taboo Island.

Instead of using the opportunity to 'punish' your players, maybe it's an opportunity to 'reward' them.

Maybe squads of skinwalkers can be seen repelling down into Golismorga (to find the PC's) just before the tear is destroyed: heightening the tension of the situation, giving the PC's more of a reason to destroy the tear, and providing a reason why the Skinwalkers are in 'disarray' (i.e. not better defended) later. It's not like the players will get XP (or easier encounters) later... it'll just bring them joy to see extra foes washed away.

Just a thought: what lenght of rope would be necessary to 'repel down' the shaft? Isnt'it miles deep?

I also fail to see how sending more ennemies would reward the PCs. As a hardline DM, I would be more concerned with finding the logical way in which the skinwalkers react to the players' move, even if it's detrimental to them. By now they should have learnt to look before they jump...

I say, go with ZB's suggestions. Even if the demons knew what is down there, I can't picture them sending relief troops. If the players are stupid enough to break through the new plug using the same method, they deserve all the nasty surprises you can muster.

Yep, the entry (K.) notes that the Entrance to Golismorga is 10,700 feet below sea level. The Thanaclan plateau is about 3,000 feet above the rest of the IoD and the IoD is anywhere from a couple of hundred to a couple of thousand feet above sea level depending on DM interpretation of descriptions presented in all the IoD materials. I would say a reasonable (and round) distance would be 14,000 feet.

So, Levitating at 20 ft per round will take nearly two hours.

Using a Fly spell, would take about 10 minutes to descend to G'morga, requiring a 10th level caster (and the return trip would take 4 times as long, and multiple casting at that same caster level)

That's 280 50' ropes per 'walker rappelling. A freefall would take about 78 seconds, give or take.

As to the other points, I don't consider playing intelligent monsters intelligently 'punishing' players. Rewarding players for doing foolish things, like wandering off alone into an unknown hostile area, is generally a bad idea as it may turn on them someday soon. But I see nothing wrong with sending down a contingent of skinwalkers to 'introduce' themselves to the rest of the party.

One of my players is Monk/Sor/Enlightened Fist. Here's how I handle it.

To use a Touch spell along with Unarmed attack damage they must roll to hit the opponents normal AC. Or they may just use the Touch spell normally and roll to hit the Touch AC, but it doesn't include the UA damage.

Garden Tool wrote:
azhrei_fje wrote:

Yeah, I don't think I'd provide the reflex save.

Maybe a better question would be what happens with an instantaneous spell? Fireball or lightning bolt? They happen immediately and the PCs appear frozen w.r.t. the spellcaster...

There's really no debate here.

"While the time stop is in effect, other creatures are invulnerable to your attacks and spells; you cannot target such creatures with any attack or spell. A spell that affects an area and has a duration longer than the remaining duration of the time stop have their normal effects on other creatures once the time stop ends."

So: instant spells have no effect, and area spells (like forcecage), allow a save when time stop is over.

+1 for the Garden Tool

Jason Rice wrote:

Two questions about a gorgon's breath weapon...

1) A gorgon's breath weapon is described as a gas. Does that mean a Necklace of Adaptation (which protects from harmful gasses) makes you immune to a gorgon's breath attack? If not, is there an item that does?

If a mundane blindfold can protect against a Medusa's Gaze, I don't see how a Magic item that protects against gases doesn't protect against a gaseous breath weapon, unless the weapon or magic item specify otherwise.

Jason Rice wrote:

2) Are gorgon's immune to gorgon breath attacks? If not, a 60 ft. cone attack is VERY dangerous for the herd (which can number up to 12 large creatures. That takes up a lot of map space, and that means that a breath attack is likely to catch at least 1, if not multiple other members of the herd in their cone attack. With an intelligence of 2, they would have pretty simple combat tactics, and this could easily happen.

By RAW "A creature is immune to its own breath weapon unless otherwise noted." and by extension, logic or at least RAI, Gorgon's can't turn each other to stone. The species would have died off long ago if this were the case.

Andrew Besso wrote:

Sounds cool.

Wendy O. Williams of the Plasmatics comes to mind.

Yeah, I have had a Warrior Skald kicking around in my brain for a while now.

and I thought of early Ted Nugent, swinging on a vine or leaping off his Marshall stacks, to land on stage. In a loincloth.

Jack Palance
was in
Hawk the Slayer
Roy Kinnear

Blayde MacRonan wrote:
For those that say the monk doesn't really belong in a high fantasy setting, I say look no further than the Bloodguard from The Thomas Covenant series. I'm not a big fan of those books, but I loved the Bloodguard. Sure the Pathfinder monk has obvious Asian origins, but that doesn't always have to be the case.


Back in the 1.e days I adapted The Land and ran a short-lived campaign. Great fun.

The Bloodguard were awesome. Monks on steroids!

Seriously good read, too. I highly recommend the first trilogy and I liked the second too.

Lord Foul's Bane is a helluva title too, thats what first hooked me.

Orthos wrote:
I wish I'd thought of both of those.

Just an update. I saw the Toss (Ex) ability on page 54 of the Tides of Dread Dungeon mag under the Stegosaurus entry. I'll use this for the basis of the Ankylosaurs augmentations. I think Toss is better than Awesome blow (greater distance and more damage), and I will still add Tail Sweep to get more than one square at a time on that tail attack.

STR: 1d4 + 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (2) + (5) + 8 = 15
DEX: 1d4 + 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (4) + (1) + 8 = 13
CON: 1d4 + 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (1) + (1) + 8 = 10
INT: 1d4 + 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (2) + (4) + 8 = 14
WIS: 1d4 + 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (3) + (1) + 8 = 12
CHA: 1d4 + 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (2) + (5) + 8 = 15

STR: 1d4 + 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (2) + (2) + 8 = 12
DEX: 1d4 + 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (4) + (1) + 8 = 13
CON: 1d4 + 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (1) + (2) + 8 = 11
INT: 1d4 + 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (2) + (2) + 8 = 12
WIS: 1d4 + 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (2) + (3) + 8 = 13
CHA: 1d4 + 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (4) + (6) + 8 = 18

STR: 1d4 + 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (4) + (4) + 8 = 16
DEX: 1d4 + 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (4) + (3) + 8 = 15
CON: 1d4 + 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (4) + (6) + 8 = 18
INT: 1d4 + 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (4) + (3) + 8 = 15
WIS: 1d4 + 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (3) + (6) + 8 = 17
CHA: 1d4 + 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (4) + (5) + 8 = 17

STR: 1d4 + 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (1) + (5) + 8 = 14
DEX: 1d4 + 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (2) + (3) + 8 = 13
CON: 1d4 + 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (3) + (2) + 8 = 13
INT: 1d4 + 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (1) + (5) + 8 = 14
WIS: 1d4 + 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (4) + (3) + 8 = 15
CHA: 1d4 + 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (3) + (1) + 8 = 12

STR: 5d4 - 2 ⇒ (1, 2, 2, 1, 1) - 2 = 5
DEX: 5d4 - 2 ⇒ (2, 2, 2, 3, 4) - 2 = 11
CON: 5d4 - 2 ⇒ (4, 4, 1, 4, 1) - 2 = 12
INT: 5d4 - 2 ⇒ (1, 4, 1, 2, 1) - 2 = 7
WIS: 5d4 - 2 ⇒ (3, 3, 2, 3, 4) - 2 = 13
CHA: 5d4 - 2 ⇒ (4, 2, 4, 3, 3) - 2 = 14

Bellona wrote:
Come to think of it, someone in the Savage Tide sub-forum did use "Torrents of Dread" in the real Savage Tide campaign, but - because of potential kopru over-exposure - swapped out the kopru with something else in either "Torrents" or "Lightless Depths". Unfortunately, I can't remember who did it and what monster race was used instead.

Don't remember who, but I do remember it was Illithids that they swapped for the Kopru.

"The Porphyry House Horror" is also a little awkward, due to its location (go to Scuttlecove at level 10, go back at level 15 for SoS), and it's denizens like Tyralandi, the yuan-ti and the Orlath might come off as "ho hum -- more of the same". Then you have the issues with how much power the Scuttlecove folks have gained as a whole when the party return at 15th level (Kedward Bone, for instance, gains 5 levels of Diabolist in that time).

I do like all of these related adventures, though, and I plan on incorporating some of the subplots into the mainline (rescuing Aaron Islaran is one).

JustTim wrote:

I hadn't thought of the ruler of the plane angle - good point. So is that called out anywhere, or just implied? I like it, and will be comfortable using it.

It's called out in several locations. Divided's Ire, Wat Dagon, the Interdiction Zone generated at Lemoriax, even the Lemorian Golem back in Fogmire. These all have (or are) foci for/of Demogorgon's Will.

JustTim wrote:

What's been your experience with this encounter? Here is ours ...

Tonight my players assaulted the beach portal point - it took about a four hour gaming session and concluded in cinematic style since their victory was clearly established.

** spoiler omitted **...

1) Plane Shift has a miss chance of 5-500 miles. Even Greater Teleport can fail if they don't have a reliable description. Iggy was using the thin area between the planes as a target for her gate(s), and thats not a valid target for Gr Teleport. You also have to consider the interdiction zone, it might affect teleports to the beach.

But the best reason is that the party are there to clear the beach so that the invading army of Eladrin can use the beach as a staging area (to distract Demo.)

DM Mistake 1), if the summoned Demons can't touch them, they should stand back and use Dispel Magic to drop that buff and then attack, or just use their SLAs if they can't crack the Caster Level.

Thanks for this insight, my players won't be there for awhile, but I am already prepping some ideas I have. I wrote a program to randomly map the Blast Disks so that I don't have to mark up the battlemat and potentially give away their locations.

How did your group handle the blast disks?

Something else to consider is the number of PC's you are going to have. If there are more than four, you will need to make adjustments to the encounters (above adjustments you are already making), otherwise 5 or 6 PCs have an advantage and will mop up the encounters fairly easily. You may also consider having them lag by one level, so that for a level 7, 8 and 9 chapter, have them level to 6, 7, and 8 instead.

The first step is to look at the last paragraph of each chapter's introduction, they give you a general guideline.

Here There Be Monsters Intro:

"The PCs should be 7th level when they begin "Here There Be Monsters." They should gain enough experience to advance to 8th level by the time they reach the shrine of Demogorgon in Part Four, and to 9th by the end of the adventure."

I would use this to give xp organically.

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

There is a difference of interpretation at our table, and TBH, although I have an opinion, the wording would seem to support either case:-

The Grappled Condition wrote:
...In addition, grappled creatures can take no action that requires two hands to perform.

So, I'm grappled. I'm wearing a pair of spiked gauntlets. I want to use TWF to full attack with both. Can I?

• no, because a full attack with weapons held in both left and right hands constitutes an 'action that requires two hands to perform', the 'action' in question being a full attack with TWH

• yes, because each attack only uses one hand

Silver Crusade

9 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Here's something that came up in our game tonight: I stepped up to a beastie and full-attacked it with TWF and a pair of spiked gauntlets. I have TWF, ImpTWF, Double Slice and a BAB of +7. so I get four attacks in this full attack, two with each gauntlet.

No problem so far. On its turn the beastie hits me with one claw, and makes a grapple check as a free action as part of that attack, successfully grappling me.

The Grappled Condition wrote:
In addition, grappled creatures can take no action that requires two hands to perform.

Each of my attacks takes only one hand to perform, so it seems like I can do as many of those as I like. On the other hand (sorry!) the full attack with TWF takes two hands to perform, although a normal full attack doesn't require two hands in and of itself.

The beastie died before we had to make a decision, but I honestly don't know which is the correct answer.

Can a grappled creature execute a full attack with Two-Weapon Fighting, attacking with a light weapon in each hand?

Silver Crusade

13 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 2 people marked this as a favorite.

If a creature is holding a non-weapon object that could be used to attack using the rule for improvised weapons (such as a bottle or an empty bucket or a large book), does that creature threaten adjacent squares with that object, for purposes such as making attacks of opportunity with that object?

Silver Crusade

116 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the FAQ. 3 people marked this as a favorite.

I know that the rules for reach weapons don't allow them to attack adjacent foes, but can I use the improvised weapon rules to say that the weapon my longspear most resembles is a club and therefore use it to attack adjacent foes? I know that the improvised weapon rules say they are for objects not designed to be weapons, but the blunt end of my longspear was not designed to be a weapon, right?

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.
D&D3.0, 3.5 and Pathfinder wrote:
Buckler: This small metal shield is worn strapped to your forearm. You can use a bow or crossbow without penalty while carrying it. You can also use your shield arm to wield a weapon (whether you are using an off-hand weapon or using your off hand to help wield a two-handed weapon), but you take a –1 penalty on attack rolls while doing so. This penalty stacks with those that may apply for fighting with your off hand and for fighting with two weapons. In any case, if you use a weapon in your off hand, you lose the buckler's AC bonus until your next turn. You can cast a spell with somatic components using your shield arm, but you lose the buckler's AC bonus until your next turn. You can't make a shield bash with a buckler.

The description uses the term 'off hand' frequently. Is this simply a reference to whichever arm the buckler is strapped to, with the expectation that it's strapped to the non-dominant hand, or does it mean that you lose its bonus to AC whenever you make an 'off hand attack', whether or not you use the buckler arm to make that attack, and keep its bonus to AC even if you make an attack with that arm but don't make any off hand attacks?

The description hasn't changed since 3.0, when every creature had an 'off hand' unless they had the Ambidexterity feat, a situation that was written out of the rules in 3.5 and PF kept the 3.5 rule.

In essence, is the buckler's use of the term 'off hand' fluff or crunch?

Silver Crusade

19 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the FAQ. 3 people marked this as a favorite.

Dear Pathfinder Design Team,

Is it a legal Two-Weapon Fighting combination to use a longsword in two hands (to get 1.5 x Str bonus to damage) as my main weapon, and a spiked gauntlet as my off-hand weapon?

Silver Crusade

11 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the FAQ.

Dear Pathfinder Design Team, some game conditions prevent you from taking any actions, such as dazed, stunned and held. But, when I have one of these conditions when my turn comes up in the initiative count, can I choose to do the actions that are defined as 'No Action' on the Actions In Combat tables: delay and 5-foot step?

Silver Crusade

I've checked the document, but the book isn't mentioned at all.

I want to know if the traits mentioned are legal for PFS characters, specifically the one where any luck bonus is increased by +1 (I forget the name).

Silver Crusade

I'm about to hit 3rd level with my PFS paladin. Which Mercy would be most useful?

Silver Crusade

How would I go about making an awakened leopard (or other creature) into a PC?

Would the bonus two HD from being awakened have to be 'animal' HD, or could they be two levels in a PC class?

Would it count as a higher or lower level PC than it's HD would indicate?

Anything I should know about allowed skills/feats? Would that depend on skills/feats gained prior to/after awakening? Would those two bonus HD be counted as before or after being awakened for the purpose of choosing appropriate skills/feats?

What about spell-casting and V, S and M/F components?

One of the baddies in the Paizo book of enemy parties was an awakened dire ape anti-paladin, but I'm finding it difficult to reverse engineer.

Silver Crusade

When creating a magic item that gives an enhancement bonus to an ability score the base price is listed on p.550 of the CRB as:-

'Bonus squared x 1000gp'

The only examples in the book (belt of strength etc.) are +2, +4 and +6.

In our regular campaign our wizard is about to level up to 3rd and wants to take the feat Create Wondrous Item, and he's saying he can create a belt which gives a +1 enhancement bonus to Str, which would be worth 1000gp, according to the formula.

I told him that this items must give an enhancement bonus which is an even number. When he challenged me to show him the rule which says so, I couldn't find it.

I'm sure I've seen a rule like this, but where? Did I imagine the whole thing?