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I am doing something very similar with only two characters (currently at Zotzilaha). My solution was to bump the characters up to 1.5 times the suggested character level (with the limitation that the extra 0.5 levels do not stack with the main class: I have a Beguiler/Rogue and a Artificer/Fighter). The higher skill points, hit points, saving throws and base attack bonus help limit the penalty for bad luck and fewer targets. More importantly, they have to play smart and have back-up plans in case something goes wrong. Slow investigation helps you prepare. The only serious near death experience was the flotsam ooze in the middle of the night. Running away is also highly recommended as we had to do in Orlangru's place.

A demon lord killed on his/her/its native plane is officially dead. If killed on a different plane, then he/she/it is reborn on his/her/its native plane and is forbidden to leave for a long number of years. Right?

Wat Dagon is described as a pocket dimension, not really Demogorgon's home turf. Being killed there (where the adventure assumes you fight and kill him) is not permanent. Right?

Anyone else come across this problem?

Any advice on halving Redfang's level/stats for a simulacrum?
Thank you in advance.