Iron Player Tournament featuring the Pathfinder System and Campaign Setting

General Discussion (Prerelease)

2009 Iron Player Tournament Needs DMs/Designers
We're starting the creative process for the next Iron Player Tournament for next year's gencon. Last year, the tournament was a huge success, so much so that we had to turn away a few people because we ran out of two DMs (two guys quit on us at the last minute).This year, we decided to switch to teh Pathfinder campaign setting and ruleset. The tournament adventure will be based off of Golarion and follow one of the major mysteries about the world.

We're hoping to start early and change our creative process a bit. We are looking for strong DMs to help us make another successful Iron Player Tournament. This year we're not only inviting DMs into the process earlier, but we're listening to some of the DMs advice from last year and incorporating a method for them to run an adventure they have more familiarity with "their own" within our the tournament's story structure.

Last year was an ambitious yet successful project and we're looking to grow this year. This year we are taking even more chances to make the best player tournament at gencon. In order to more cater to each participating DMs strengths, we are changing the adventures structure. Last year, the organizers designed the entire adventure, and we realized the multiple paths structure was too much for a DM whom was not familiar with the process from the beginning. We also realized that we had paths that were not necessary. Though the players had a great time, the DMs had a lot of material they never used. This time, we're doing something different.

We're still doing the popular three DM system but changing it to both
a. still provide a non-linear structures that put the pcs in charge of their adventures
b. still make it easy for a DM to run and enjoy within their style.

THis time, DMs will have the option of designing their table's first part of the adventure based on guidelines, and instead of DMs receiving all of the subsequent paths, certain paths will only be handled by certain DMs, making a lot less material for the DM to be prepared for.

For those DMs who do not wish to create their own adventure or sign on to late to get in on the creative process, we will have a generic that could be run at any table.

If you plan on going to gencon next year and would like to get on board, shoot us an email at needdms@ ironplayer dot com

The Iron Player Tournament is a single day Role playing tournament. This year, we will be switching to the pathfinder role playing system (a slight upscale of 3.5). The tournament is designed to be a lot different than other tournaments. We have our tournament in a single day and create a process where no one judge determines your fate. Players will get to experience three DMs over the time period. Players make their own character at the event. We understand that it is still agame, and the event is designed so every player plays through the whole adventure. We designed this tournament to be the anti format of every other tournament at Gencon. Something fun yet competitive.

Players design their own character, a brief background and each table comes together to decide on the origin of their team. Because these are Iron caliber DMs. Players are judged by the DM on how they perform during certain tasks as well as how they contribute to the team overall. Each team will delve into three DMs' views of the world over their adventure.
The adventure is designed so that the PCs decisions impacts their experience in a non-linear fashion. Whereas there is an "end goal" how you reach that goal will impact what that goal is and what happens during it. Last year, we designed an adventure that could be tackled in a variant of ways and still stay within a structure where the player's rpg skills could be judged.
Iron Dungeon Master Dreads
Dark Paths

The Exchange

Going to say it anyways but you know I'm on board so this is I would say is more for the players.

This years Iron Player will make last years look like a visit to candy land.

Be ready! Cause its coming back stronger than ever!

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