[Barbarian] Silly rage point question

Classes: Barbarian, Fighter, and Ranger

The quote the rage ability "Starting at 1st level, a barbarian gains a number of rage points equal to 4 + her Constitution modifier. At each level after 1st, she gains an additional number of rage points equal to 2 + her Constitution modifier." Now does "at each level after 1st" mean any class, or only barbarian levels? Does a barbarian with a 14 Con who takes a level in fighter at second level have 6 or 10 rage points?

Golarion Goblin wrote:
The quote the rage ability "Starting at 1st level, a barbarian gains a number of rage points equal to 4 + her Constitution modifier. At each level after 1st, she gains an additional number of rage points equal to 2 + her Constitution modifier." Now does "at each level after 1st" mean any class, or only barbarian levels? Does a barbarian with a 14 Con who takes a level in fighter at second level have 6 or 10 rage points?

You would only count the barbarian levels when figuring out rage points. And if you are a fighter1/ Barbarian1 you would have 6 rage points at second level.

Hope this helps.

Very much so. Thank you.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Golarion Goblin wrote:
Very much so. Thank you.

Continuing for clarity, if a barbarian has 15 con (+2) and uses her stat point at level 4 to go to 16 con (+3) does she apply the con bonus retroactively?

gcpeart wrote:
Golarion Goblin wrote:
Very much so. Thank you.
Continuing for clarity, if a barbarian has 15 con (+2) and uses her stat point at level 4 to go to 16 con (+3) does she apply the con bonus retroactively?

I think that would go the same way as the 15 Int going to 16 for skill points. That is to say, I don't know off hand... :(

Golarion Goblin wrote:
gcpeart wrote:
Golarion Goblin wrote:
Very much so. Thank you.
Continuing for clarity, if a barbarian has 15 con (+2) and uses her stat point at level 4 to go to 16 con (+3) does she apply the con bonus retroactively?
I think that would go the same way as the 15 Int going to 16 for skill points. That is to say, I don't know off hand... :(

Well, usually Constitution modifications have always been retroactive (if your Constitution jumps from 15 to 16, you add retroactively all the hit points), so I would go for a 'YES'.

Intelligence modifications, on the contrary, have never been retroactive (if you boost your Intelligence from 15 to 16, you start to add the extra skill points only from the level you got the boost). The only 'exception' are PFRPG items that grant a bonus to Intelligence, which have a keyed skill that has a number of bonus ranks (basically, the item emulates an Intelligence value incremented as if the character had that value since his first HD FOR SKILL POINTS ONLY).

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