Db3's All Hallow's Eve Game


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Shadow Lodge

Each of you have walked into one of Sandpoint's Inns and have enjoyed the night's festevities. It is almost Halloween and everyone is happy, playing pranks and honoring the dead. After all, why should't they be happy? The Runelords are dead and gone, never to walk the land again. You wake the next day to the sound of crying. It seems to be coming from downstairs. What do you do?

Male Human (Mwangi - Bekyar) Sorcerer 2 (Air Elemental Bloodline)

Sehkola grins as he soars through the clouds, lightning streaking around him and rain pelting his face. He laughs as a clap of thunder sounds around him and another bolt of energy streaks to the ground far below. Strangely, that's when he hears it ... is that crying? But how could that possibly be? Sehkola frowns as it dawns on him. Sighing, the rain and winds vanish ... and he opens his eyes.

Sitting upright in his bed, he can still hear the sound, apparently coming from downstairs. The common room, perhaps? Then, the obvious question: should he go investigate? After wrestling with that for a minute, he decides he should; he wouldn't feel right if someone needed help and he ignored it. Besides, if it's nothing, he can still get some breakfast.

Sehkola pulls himself out of bed and dresses. Leaving most of his gear in his room, he grabs his kukri and puts it on with its sheath. He heads downstairs, being careful not to hit his head on the low door jamb. As he gets closer to the sound of the crying, he calls out in accented Common, "Hello? Does someone need help?"

Elijah wakes with a start at one of the inn tables. Apparently he had fallen asleep the night before during the last parts of the festivities. Shaking his head a little to clear out the last of the haze, Elijah picks up his maul (ooc: earthbreaker) from beside the table and starts looking for where the sound of crying is coming from.

Female Human Cleric lv1

Slipping out of dreams of light, Lashara is suprised to hear crying from downstairs. Curious as well as hungry, she goes downstairs to investigate, grabbing her gear along the way. "I wonder what's wrong, did somthing happen?"

Shadow Lodge

You arrive downstairs and realize the rest of the group you partied with last night are clustered around the inn's owner who seems to be crying over the man on the floor, closer inspection reveals it is her husband and that he is dead.

Male Human (Mwangi - Bekyar) Sorcerer 2 (Air Elemental Bloodline)

Sehkola is unsure exactly what to do; he asks in his kindest sounding voice "What has happened here? How can I help you?"

He will also look around to see if there are signs of violence, and if so, ask if the watch/constable should be summoned.

Female Human Cleric lv1

Would a Heal check reveal how long he has been dead and what killed him?

"People, people can we have some room for the lady please?" Elijah addressed the crowd while moving towards it from the table he had been at.

"Ma'am," Elijah said Lashara, he vaguely remembered her being a cleric talking to her the night before, "could you check the gentleman please?"

"Sir will you find the sheriff please? I'm sure Master Hemlock will want to talk to everyone." Elijah asks of the man seemed to want to help but didn't look like he knew what to do.

"Will someone start the fire and get some food going? This is a terrible shock to be sure, but I'm certain some food and warmth will help everyone."

Turning to the new widow Elijah's voice softs slightly, "Miss, Please come sit over here, Can I get you something to drink? We will take care of him, don't worry, everything is going to be fine." His voice tapering off to the crowd has he tries to calm her. "At least I hope it will, how did this happen?" He thinks to himself, "Well I must maintain a strong face, otherwise others will panic."

Shadow Lodge

A heal check reveals that the man has been cut a several blades. You can tell the blades were small- and serrated....

"I... I'm not sure what happened, I just came down to fix breakfast and found him here. There wasn't a sign he struggled and I heard no sound during the night. But I did find this on his body."

Shadow Lodge

As you read the note a sense of dread fills you...
"This is only the beggining."

Shadow Lodge

As you show the note to last night's party group (which happens to include you all) you notice Hemlock and a local clergy member have arrived and are inspecting the body. That is till the young cleric shrieks for everyone to get back...
Roll for initiative.
HERE WE GO!. <-link

Male Human (Mwangi - Bekyar) Sorcerer 2 (Air Elemental Bloodline)

Initiative (1d20+6=23)

Init: (d20(12) + 0 = 12)

male Gnome Monk 1

hey just posting so I can find it when I join, My character will hear the sound of the fight having arrived in town and was coming to the inn, I'll join then.

Female Half-orc Rogue 1

Kora was dreaming fitfully on the cheap cot she had rented to avoid having to stumble home drunk. Her troubled fantasy of Sandpoint being flooded was shattered by the shriek downstairs, waking her with a start and sending her rolling off the cot onto the floor.

Shaking her head and cursing, she checked her belongings to make sure nothing was missing and stumbled out the door and downstairs to see what was going on and whether she should be leaving out a window instead. She was still in a haze.

Not sure how long it'll take for her to get there.

Shadow Lodge

Kora Oaks wrote:

Not sure how long it'll take for her to get there.

About one round and a move action.

Female Human Cleric lv1

Initiative: d20+2=13

Shadow Lodge

Okay it seems everyone has posted so we can continue.
Make sight-based perception checks please.

Male Human (Mwangi - Bekyar) Sorcerer 2 (Air Elemental Bloodline)

Perception check (1d20-1=13)

Sovereign Court

Male Gnome Bard/3

I'm not there yet so I'm holding off on perception till I get there unless you specify otherwise

Shadow Lodge

lastknightleft wrote:

I'm not there yet so I'm holding off on perception till I get there unless you specify otherwise

You'll be there by next round so you can make the check then.

Female Human Cleric lv1

Spot: d20+3=14

::Roll d20(19) + 3 = 22 ::

Elijah Looks around trying to spot whatever made the priest retreat while striding forward to take a position between whatever was in the area and the inocent bystanders.

Shadow Lodge

Well since neither Sehkola or Lashara managed to see what caused the cleric to scream, they'll ready actions (I hope this is okay with you two but you were just below the check's DC). You Elijah manage to see the man's clothing move... and give a little laugh as a small serpent slither's out from under his shirt and moves toward the inn's owner (her name is Aurelia BTW). What do you do?

Male Human (Mwangi - Bekyar) Sorcerer 2 (Air Elemental Bloodline)

Sure; Sehkola is unfortunately not the observant type ...

Elijah shakes his head as he smashes the serpent with his maul. He wasn't entirely certain it was poisonious, but no point taking chances on it.

:: Attack Roll d20(19)+5 = 24 ::

ooc: and if it hits
:: Damage 2d6(2,5) + 8 = 15 ::

Shadow Lodge

Yeah you killed it. The cleric gives a huge sigh of relief, but Aurelia runs over and gives a little cry of despair. "It's Belinda, my husband's familiar. He summoned her during his first day at the Acadamy. She must have sensed he was dying and came to be him during his last moments." She looks at Elijah :I do not blame you for her death, you did what anyone else would have." By this time every one in the party has arrived. You all see sudden realization then fear spread on her face. "Oh no... if she was down here who was..." Before completing her sentence she runs upstairs. You hear a door burst open... followed by a shriek of utter despair.

Sovereign Court

Male Gnome Bard/3
Dragonborn3 wrote:
By this time every one in the party has arrived.

if I'm included in the "party" I'll state my action. is there a formula you plug in that generates rolls? do I just roll here at my desk and tell you?

:: I've just been rolling at the desk, here check this link for ooc stuff ::

Elijah shakes his head, "This is going to be a long day."

Shadow Lodge

What is everyone doing?

Male Human (Mwangi - Bekyar) Sorcerer 2 (Air Elemental Bloodline)

Somewhat confused at all that seems to be transpiring at the same time, but concerned that the new widow may be losing her mind with all that has gone on, Sehkola races up the stairs to see what has caused her shriek of despair. As he runs, he draws his kukri from his belt.

EDIT: Caught me as I was thinking through my actions!! :-)

EDIT 2: Initiative again, in case it's needed Initiative (1d20+6=26)

Sovereign Court

Male Gnome Bard/3

Having walked into an inn to watch a man smush a snake with a large hammer, Gavrin just shakes his head at the sillyness of bigfolk then as he watches the woman run off upstairs followed by a scream he takes off running upstairs, hoping that an intolerant drunk is involved in some way.

::Init (d20+2)=8::

Female Half-orc Rogue 1

Kora burst into the common room just in time to see people running about, some screaming, some brandishing weapons, and one dead on the floor.

Wide-eyed and utterly confused, she drew her short sword, and yelled, "What the hell is going on?" at no one in particular.

Initiative : (6)

Shadow Lodge

Those of you who follow her find that she is on her knees openly crying. When asked why she turns and says "My son is gone!"
she then starts to cry uncontrollably. "Please... will you look for him?"

Female Human Cleric lv1

"I will do my best to find your son for you. What does he look like?"

Male Human (Mwangi - Bekyar) Sorcerer 2 (Air Elemental Bloodline)

"Who would have taken him? Do you have enemies that would want your husband dead and be willing to kidnap your son?"

male Gnome Monk 1

sidles back into a corner without saying anything and just listens as the bigfolk ask all the questions, doing his best to go unnoticed

Shadow Lodge

She looks down to the floor before she speaks.
"I can think of a few but the marks on his body could only be from goblin blades. Years ago armed only with a staff he alone went to their island to try and make peace with them. Things didn't go well, as you can imagine. They attacked without warning and a battle quickly ensued, of which my husband the winner. The battle left the goblins weakened and it seems they have finally gotten the courage to strike back. Ihave no doubt they have taken my son and plan to do something terrible to him! Please save him! He is the only family I have left, the only one in whom I can still see my husband smiling face. I will help in any way I can even if it means going with you so I can crush the goblins with all my fury and wiping them out once and for all!!!"
It is obvious that she means every word.

Male Human (Mwangi - Bekyar) Sorcerer 2 (Air Elemental Bloodline)

Knowing what it's like to lose his entire family, Sehkola is moved by the woman's plight. "I will assist you in any way I can," he says to her. He then turns to the others who followed up the stairs. "I am not from this area. Do any of you know how I might track these devils down? Where their lair might be?"

Shadow Lodge

"Here take this map, it will lead you to their island. The journey will take a day walking but only a few hours with the horses I'll provide you"
She looks pointedly at the gnome in the corner.
"Are you going to help? Or are you just waiting for breakfast?"

Male Human (Mwangi - Bekyar) Sorcerer 2 (Air Elemental Bloodline)

"Who will come with me?" asks Sehkola.

Female Half-orc Rogue 1

Kora had been looking back and forth wide-eyed at everything being passed back and forth. Cayden's sake, goblins? She stepped forward towards Sehkola, but it was clear she wasn't showing any commitment just yet, though the mention of the stolen child did get to her. She couldn't just walk away after hearing that...

"I don't get it. What the hell are goblins doin' all the way in town jumpin' folks in their homes without more yellin' outside? And what about th' guard?"

Male Human (Mwangi - Bekyar) Sorcerer 2 (Air Elemental Bloodline)
Kora Oaks wrote:

Kora had been looking back and forth wide-eyed at everything being passed back and forth. Cayden's sake, goblins? She stepped forward towards Sehkola, but it was clear she wasn't showing any commitment just yet, though the mention of the stolen child did get to her. She couldn't just walk away after hearing that...

"I don't get it. What the hell are goblins doin' all the way in town jumpin' folks in their homes without more yellin' outside? And what about th' guard?"

"Hmmm ... where I am from, my village was often attacked by creatures who were good at stealth and attacking from surprise. I often forget that is not quite the case here in the far north, especially with these 'goblins'. You make a good point; we should investigate the room, and perhaps look outside for tracks and such before blindly marching off."

Sehkola will do a quick search of the boy's room, looking for anything odd or out-of-place. "Please, help me look. I have often been told I am not the most observant."

perception check (1d20-1=5) with a roll like that, I'm not sure I could find the window, let alone a clue ...

Female Human Cleric lv1

"I'll see if I can find anything...."
Perception d20+3=13

Shadow Lodge

Lashara wrote:
"I will do my best to find your son for you. What does he look like?"

Turning to you she says "I fear I didn't answer your question. He has light brown hair with one green eye and one brown eye. That alone should be enough to identify him. He is the only baby in the area with such eyes.

He was just starting to walk too...
The only other thing that might help you is the birth mark on the underside of his left wrist. It looks like a hawk soaring through the skies. I thank you for you help"

Scarab Sages

Male Human Sorcerer 1(Silver dragon bloodline)

"I thank you for this information. Hmm you said you heard nothing during the night?" Perhaps magic was involved?

"I shall cast a spell to search for magical residue."
Casts detect magic

Any auras?

Shadow Lodge

Im going to assume you ment to post that as Lashara.

male Gnome Monk 1

marveling at how quickly attention slipped right back off of himself Gavrin begins looking around the room, continuing to listen to the bigfolk talk but also looking for any clues but being very casual about it to avoid notice.

::Perception d20+2 = 3::

Aparently too casual lol, I don't even think I see the window

Male Human (Mwangi - Bekyar) Sorcerer 2 (Air Elemental Bloodline)

Not seeing anything from a quick glance around, Sehkola will instead slow down and do a more thorough search. "Slow down; not everything need be done quickly as the hurricane," he tells himself silently.

Sehkola will try another Perception check, this time taking 20. Also, once done with the search, he will return quickly to his room to collect the remainder of his gear.

Female Half-orc Rogue 1

Kora followed the others, eyeing them and the room warily as she helped search.

Perception: 12

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