1st level 3.Pbeta PBP

Gamer Connection

Hello , would anyone be interested by a first level adventure ?
The rules would be 20 points characters and the first adventure would be in either Andoran or Taldor
I 'm thinking 5-6 players for this adenture but if we mesh well , I'll continue with others adventures
3.Pbeta means Paizo beta rules and D&D 3.5 corerule books . You can always propose feats , spells or classes from other sources but they might be not accepted
The first adventure is light hearted so if you can't take your character being a little ridiculous, you'll be bored. Just don't expect to save the world at first level ...

Sounds fun! Let's see if I can muster up a new character first ...

robin wrote:

Hello , would anyone be interested by a first level adventure ?

The rules would be 20 points characters and the first adventure would be in either Andoran or Taldor
I 'm thinking 5-6 players for this adenture but if we mesh well , I'll continue with others adventures
3.Pbeta means Paizo beta rules and D&D 3.5 corerule books . You can always propose feats , spells or classes from other sources but they might be not accepted
The first adventure is light hearted so if you can't take your character being a little ridiculous, you'll be bored. Just don't expect to save the world at first level ...

Would you mind if I ran a character then?

Any particular 3.5 rules involved?
Been watching the gamers so I am interested in seeing what you have in mind!

I've an idea I can work with. Count me in.

No particular 3.5 rules comes to my mind . I prefere games where all players can play with the same books so Beta rules are all right for me . If a point is not covered by the beta , I'll first look if it was covered by the 3.5 core rulebooks and then make a DM decision .

An important point, I tend to make some rolls for the players when the result is not immediate. I can be flexible with this as some player prefer to make their own roll in which case I would like some pre rolls .

Hopeless , no problem with you playing of course . For the moment , we only have three putative players . I'll wait for a few days to see if anyone else is interested . At worst , the first adventure should be feasable with only three adventurers . The following ones would be a little too difficult I think .

Sovereign Court

Hello Robin, I wouldn't mind playing what sort of character do you need?

At the moment I'm looking at an elven male rogue, but am wondering if the campaign setting for Golarion counts as part of the 3.5 rule books you're allowing since I don't know much about the back drop for your adventure and that might change things if say for example we're recruited for a mission or just know each other at the start?

What do the others plan on running in case I need to change Amrunel to something else?

Hello Guy , you're of course welcome

Elven rogue is all right , the setting will indeed be Golarion
The first adventure is in a really civilized part of the world . I'm thinking Taldor for the moment
I can't tell if you know each other at the moment . that will depend of your background
4 players : let's go ! If anyone else comes , you are of course welcome

robin wrote:

The first adventure is light hearted so if you can't take your character being a little ridiculous, you'll be bored. Just don't expect to save the world at first level ...

So it wouldn't be out of place to use the bard class to play a jester then? ;) (that is, if the Jester class from the Dragon Compendium isn't okay)

I'm volunteering if that's the case!

Scarab Sages

You seem to have 5, but if you are looking for 6 I would be happy to join.

I'm thinking Human Paladin, possibly Korvosan. If you would prefer no paladins, I can do a Ranger instead.

More detailed: Is a CG half-elf bard(jester in name only) native to whatever land you set it in, Andoran or Taldor, okay?

And if so, do any half-elf, human, or elf characters want a sister? Or daughter in that last case. ;)

Scarab Sages

Valkyrie Paine wrote:

More detailed: Is a CG half-elf bard(jester in name only) native to whatever land you set it in, Andoran or Taldor, okay?

And if so, do any half-elf, human, or elf characters want a sister? Or daughter in that last case. ;)

Well, if the DM allows me to play, I think a Paladin father could be arranged. Could be quite fun to have a LG father with a CG daughter.

The family that slays together, stays together?

I was going to explore the idea of an archery fighter, and they could easily be half-elf or human.. Half-sibling or full sibling?

*grin* would you like another addition to the family?

Incidentally, is there a Discussion thread for this yet?

Jal Dorak wrote:
Valkyrie Paine wrote:

More detailed: Is a CG half-elf bard(jester in name only) native to whatever land you set it in, Andoran or Taldor, okay?

And if so, do any half-elf, human, or elf characters want a sister? Or daughter in that last case. ;)

Well, if the DM allows me to play, I think a Paladin father could be arranged. Could be quite fun to have a LG father with a CG daughter.

Be warned that she's probably going to be a bit of a wild child. Well-meaning, but you know how bards can get. :)

She's terrible with money, so that's one good reason for her to stick close by her dad. "I like being independant just fine! I just like having food every now and then too..."

Me'mori wrote:

The family that slays together, stays together?

I was going to explore the idea of an archery fighter, and they could easily be half-elf or human.. Half-sibling or full sibling?

*grin* would you like another addition to the family?

Sure!(if it's okay with "Dad") But you would might wind up being "the mature one" by default. :p At least in comparison to your sister.

Wow. I've never actually played in this kind of situation before.

Scarab Sages

I say we go for it, the potential for in-character discussions is amazing.

By the way, here is my initial Sir Oribar, a stuffy old Taldan paladin who is probably dragged out of the Court to keep his children out of trouble.

I'm not sure about the House name of Finraes. If you want to change it, I'm open to suggestion. Or you could dissociate yourself from the House.

I can work with that! One of the things I was thinking of if this was in Taldor was that my character would kind of feel rebellious against the status quo. Her country is in big trouble and it really needs to put its ego aside and start looking at how other countries are doing things, especially Andoran, if there's going to be any hope for it.

Another thing she takes delight in is knocking people off their own pedestal(she's not a fan of a lot of the Taldan mindset described in the Campaign Setting: the chauvanism of the men, the attitudes of the women, and both of their attitudes towards other peoples), so that's one thing that would get her in trouble in high society.

She prefers to entertain the common people anyway, and her preference in company might be another stigma she's bringing against her family.

That's what happens when you send your daughter to a foreign school. ;)

She would probably feel guilty about getting her father dragged out of the court though, and would try to remind herself not to give him such a hard time. She'll probably fail in that regard plenty of times though. Go figure that the first time I make a character that favors a "showy" wardrobe, her father comes along to chaperone. :p

Disassociating with the house? I can see reasons why she would and wouldn't do it. The main reason for both would probably be to avoid hurting her family if her reputation and behavior seem certain to hurt their standing. If her dad(and maybe her sibling?) are in an office or position that are important to them that her lifestyle could hurt, she would take the fall for them and disassociate herself to prevent that as well. She could have a bit of a falling out too, though she would still care for them.

I guess the situation with our mother(s?) could play into that too.

That's just for now though, it could change to match up better with everyone else.

I've got to go for a while, but I really want to get back to this as quickly as possible. This just seems like it could be really cool.

Sovereign Court

Hey Robin would like to be considered for this if you find yourself needing an extra.

Character concept would be a retainer to the family..possibly a chaperone for one wayward daughter.To make it more amusing probably a halfling or a gnome....and maybe just play it as a commoner or expert for the comic relief

Sovereign Court

This sounds like a fun game, from the OP to what seems to be the formation of a family of adventurers.

I'm leaning towards a Sorceror with a Celestial bloodline, but may just settle on a Cleric.

Maybe Sir Oribar wouldn't mind Morindur - his own, more easy-going, brother offering insights on his family unit from time to time.

Morindur grew up far too passionate, and distracted by the pleasures of life to make it anywhere near the rites that led his brother down the path to paladinhood. Often an embarrasment himself to his family, Morindur eventually went through a crisis and found his faith and with it untapped abilities and a calling that have more or less redeemed him in the eyes of his family.

Wow, this exploded.

So there's a paladin of a noble house, his brother that turned his life around, his two children, and a retainer to the family. And three other characters including an elven rogue.

Wellard wrote:
and maybe just play it as a commoner or expert for the comic relief

That could be used to get around the maximum number of players too, couldn't it?

Sovereign Court

Valkyrie Paine wrote:

Wow, this exploded.

So there's a paladin of a noble house, his brother that turned his life around, his two children, and a retainer to the family. And three other characters including an elven rogue.

Is it me, or is this beginning to sound like pitch for a TV series? :)

Scarab Sages

I am laughing with delight as I see the enthusiastic developments. I think this is great!

It will be really sad if a PC dies, too.

Well I'm afraid I'm going to be a bit of a wet blanket there ...
There are several points I want you to consider there

First is starting age , if Jal is a human father of a half elven daugther and son , this means he is at least at mature age .

Second thing that worry me is the fact that Jal is a nobleman. While in other lands , you can be a noble and a PC class ar the same time , Taldor and Korvosa are retrograd lands , that means that titles HAVE power. To better represent this , I thereby rule that all noble people of Taldor and Korvosa have at least one level of aristocrat or else they might be ill considered by their fellow aristocrats .

Third thing : The first adventure is a bit silly in part. Jal do you think you can accept this ?

Final remark I've got no problem with a paladin but I want to hear from the others players if they will accept one ( seems so for the time being )

Post wise , there is no discussion thread yet , I prefer to have a idea of the characters before starting one .

For the time being , the propositions are
* Bard
* Long distance fighter
* Paladin
* Cleric or sorcerer
* Long suffering retainer ( which class ? )
* Rogue

As I said before I can accomodate up to six people and if a concept really grab me even a seventh . So for the ones who did post but didn't post a character yet ; please do so I don't want to adopt a politic of first come , first taken .
For the time being , I 'll close the forum to the ones who already replied to see if we can form a viable group there
The team seems to be a little light magic wise yet .

So Wellard , Guy and JZ I 'm waiting for your concepts

Sovereign Court

robin wrote:

Second thing that worry me is the fact that Jal is a nobleman. While in other lands , you can be a noble and a PC class ar the same time , Taldor is a retrograd land, that means that titles HAVE power. To better represent this , I thereby rule that all noble people of Taldor have at least one level of aristocrat

From what I'm reading robin it seems that Taldor has an extremely bloated aristocracy (it specifically says thousands of noble houses) which in my mind would create the opposite effect. Being a Noble in Taldor would probably carry no real power, little prestige, and a whole lot of rivals. Personally I don't see a problem with them being members of a lesser noble family as long as it was clear that it was strictly character background stuff. There's no chance of inheriting the crown or anything.

-edit- Forgot to add that this is just my opinion and it's your game!


think of all the power Tristan carries in Sasserine . . . none!

I think I'm going to run a cleric BTW, still not sure which god, but I'm reading the setting over.

Also, as I'll likely be playing a good or neutral character I have no problems with paladins.

robin wrote:

Well I'm afraid I'm going to be a bit of a wet blanket there ...

There are several points I want you to consider there

First is starting age , if Jal is a human father of a half elven daugther and son , this means he is at least at mature age .

Second thing that worry me is the fact that Jal is a nobleman. While in other lands , you can be a noble and a PC class ar the same time , Taldor is a retrograd land, that means that titles HAVE power. To better represent this , I thereby rule that all noble people of Taldor have at least one level of aristocrat

Third thing : The first adventure is a bit silly in part. Jal do you think you can accept this ?

Final remark I've got no problem with a paladin but I want to hear from the others players if they will accept one ( seems so for the time being )

Post wise , there is no discussion thread yet , I prefer to have a idea of the characters before starting one .

For the time being , the propositions are
* Bard
* Long distance fighter
* Paladin
* Cleric or sorcerer
* Long suffering retainer ( which class ? )

As I said before I can acxomodate up to six people and if a concept really grab me even a seventh . So for the ones who did post but didn't post a character yet ; please do so I don't want to adopt a polotic of first come , first taken .
For the time being , I 'll close the forum to the ones who already replied to see if we can form a viable group there
The team seems to be a little light magic wise yet .

So hopeless , wellard , guy and JZ I 'm waiting for yours concepts

Just a thought but how about Amrunel being related to the paladin's wife and the one who inspired the daughter to become a bard and sticks around because she's family (and noone has explained what happened to the paladin's wife).

So even though he's way older he's stuck around because he's not really that much maturer than his niece and because he does have a sense of responsibility and he finds it alot more interesting than going his own way since his big sister was also a maternal figure to him and he's keeping his word to her to help out.

I do like the ideas being mentioned so far!

No problem with paladins here! Any issues that come up are considered role playing opportunities as far as I'm concerned!

About him being part of a house, could he have been disowned because of his relationship with our elven mother? Or maybe he stepped down willingly but reluctantly to protect his family's reputation?

I'm just wondering, since this is Jal's character after all. He already has a burden with at least one half-elf child that has just matured. That would push him into "middle aged" on the age chart, right?

Jal Dorak wrote:

It will be really sad if a PC dies, too.

God, I know. This seems like the most light-hearted PbP I've ever signed up for, but the potential for tragedy is just staggering!

Scarab Sages

1) I am entirely willing to play a middle-aged character. I'll adjust his stats accordingly.

2) As I said, I'm willing to swap Paladin for something else - even Aristocrat if you want (after all, they are the most playable of the NPC classes) and then start with Paladin levels later.


If you don't mind, could I do a 0th level character Aristocrat/Paladin? Just a thought.

3) Excluding (2) I would be willing to play him as an ex-noble, perhaps inheriting a House without titles and thus never having trained as an Aristocrat.

Problem with Paladins? Why would someone have that? The whole LG thing? *grin* at least this time when Father says "don't make me smite you" he can actually mean it!

I still am kicking around names, but I figure (bard character's name)'s older sister should work. If Father is a paladin, I'm pretty certain we would be sisters.. the whole "half-" idea kinda doesn't fly. I figure that as a fighter, one has to be mostly ambivalent to leanings of law and chaos, not to mention with the contrasts between Father and Sister, she'd just settle for a nice, comfortable NG... I'm sensing that I might be the mediator between the two when the sparks fly.

So! that's One Father(Paladin), two Daughters(Fighter, Bard), an Uncle(Sorcerer), a Brother-in-Law(Rogue), One Cleric (as yet unaffiliated with the family) and a retainer (non-classed PC?).

What happened to Mother? Passed away due to illness? Forced to return home? Victim of crime? Away for study? Heck, was she a PC class? I'll leave this one up to Jal, and just chime in suggestions if necessary since us kids weren't around until after Dad met Mom.

...goodness, I hope noone dies. I might tear up.

Scarab Sages

I think Mother probably left good old Oribar for greener pastures when she found his manner absolutely unbearable, especially giving all of his coin to the Church of Iomedae.

It would be better to have her still be alive, perhaps married into another family, if only for future roleplaying opportunity. I'm thinking she was solidly Neutral and so couldn't deal with so many different personalities in the family. :)

Now I'm imagining my character subconsciously blaming her father for running Mother off. It's not resentment that comes to the surface, it's just that she can't believe her mother would leave because of her and her sister, or that her mother seemingly cared so little for them anyway. It's a coping mechanism. ;) She still cares deeply for her father, she just thinks he must be unwittingly sabotaging his relationships. That could be one reason for her to meddle with his personal affairs, she's trying to push him towards being happy even if he already is content. I'm seeing her as more and more of a meddler, trying to help people, play matchmaker, etc. even for people that don't want her help.

I kind of see her irritating her sister that way...

Wow, if we ever meet Mother again and she isn't thrilled to see us, it'll just break her heart!

I wonder how this shakes things up with both of the uncles?

*laugh* I can see it now:

(sigh)"No, I'm not interested in the baker's son."

-Response from younger sister-

"I don't care how cute he is when he's baking, I'm not interested."

-Longer response-

(throws up hands) "No, I'm not trying to 'scare the boys away'! Most of them barely know a Kukri from a Kopesh, and keep wanting to dress me up in frilly things and dote on me! Its not my fault that weapons are more interesting!"

-beginning of a lecture-

(interjects) "--oh don't you dare lecture me on 'social graces'. I swear, one day I got cut sparring, and my bandage was leaking a bit.. Two of them actually fainted! What do I want with someone who's more girly than I am?"

-more lecturing-

(leans out of the doorway) "Daaad! Make her stop bothering me!"

Me'mori wrote:
Heehee.. I like! *preens* and they say the first daughter always takes after their mother a bit.

I just realized this, depending on how soon in our lives Mother left, you might be the closest thing to a maternal figure I have!

She might wind up relying on your common sense. :)

Figures that you'd quote the post I edit. :p "Maternal" figure? *snorts* chances are that it'll only be her common sense that she listens to. With all of the training that fighters do, she may not have time for much else.

Me'mori wrote:
Figures that you'd quote the post I edit.

Ha ha, I just read the new one.

If she ever gets that bad feel free to clout her. :) And it sounds like neither of us fit the usual expectations of young women in Taldan society. More worries for Dad!

Me'mori wrote:

Problem with Paladins? Why would someone have that? The whole LG thing? *grin* at least this time when Father says "don't make me smite you" he can actually mean it!

I still am kicking around names, but I figure (bard character's name)'s older sister should work. If Father is a paladin, I'm pretty certain we would be sisters.. the whole "half-" idea kinda doesn't fly. I figure that as a fighter, one has to be mostly ambivalent to leanings of law and chaos, not to mention with the contrasts between Father and Sister, she'd just settle for a nice, comfortable NG... I'm sensing that I might be the mediator between the two when the sparks fly.

So! that's One Father(Paladin), two Daughters(Fighter, Bard), an Uncle(Sorcerer), a Brother-in-Law(Rogue), One Cleric (as yet unaffiliated with the family) and a retainer (non-classed PC?).

What happened to Mother? Passed away due to illness? Forced to return home? Victim of crime? Away for study? Heck, was she a PC class? I'll leave this one up to Jal, and just chime in suggestions if necessary since us kids weren't around until after Dad met Mom.

...goodness, I hope noone dies. I might tear up.

Problem is if "Mother" ran off because she didn't care for the responsibilities perhaps Amrunel would be better off as being her son from an earlier relationship and he was dumped when she left for "greener pastures" except she let everyone think he was her brother since she didn't want people thinking she was that much older!

And Amrunel's problem is that he never revealed that fact, staying behind because he's NG and behaves a little chaotic mostly because of his elvish upbringing (note to self must buy that Companion book on elves!) and sticks around because he has his own issues and whilst people think he's as irresponsible as his "older sister" he's actually anything but!
Hmm maybe we do need an discussion thread for this before we end up making the longest gamer connection thread all about PC family problems!

So dad is a paladin, uncle is a sorceror with celestial leanings, brother-in-law who stuck behind after his sister ran off with a travelling noble, one of his kids is a half elf whom inherited her mother's wild streak... I actually forgot the rest!

Scarab Sages

Okay, Oribar is now an Aristocrat but ready to become a Paladin when he takes up the call.

"Stop bugging your sister, you two need to talk out your problems."

I'm thinking that despite his training, Oribar was never a man of action. Always cautious and more willing to spar with words and think things through. He might end up being dragged out the door out of love for his daughters.

Jal Dorak wrote:

1) I am entirely willing to play a middle-aged character. I'll adjust his stats accordingly.

2) As I said, I'm willing to swap Paladin for something else - even Aristocrat if you want (after all, they are the most playable of the NPC classes) and then start with Paladin levels later.


If you don't mind, could I do a 0th level character Aristocrat/Paladin? Just a thought.

3) Excluding (2) I would be willing to play him as an ex-noble, perhaps inheriting a House without titles and thus never having trained as an Aristocrat.

Counter proposition: when you were 15 years old you met an elf woman who did 'sleep' with you just for kicks .

Some months later, you met her again just long enough for her to give you two burdens. She did say which one was the older one and then left you for good
It did cause quite a row with your father , you being insistant to do the right thing , him wanting nothing with the bastards .
He finally disowned you but gave you a annual stipend . By stretching the stipend, you managed to raise your two daughters but one of them does run a bit wild.
Two years ago , you reconciliated with your father . Some days ago , he was happy to tell you that as head of the family , he had arranged for Val to marry a scion of nobility fallen on hard times which would at least legitimize her. His remarks at the time 'this will stabilize this hoyden girl ' is alas typical of the place women have in Taldor. Val did do a flit then and you have just learned she took refuge in a nearby village. Some rumors are that she did run away with a young elf ....

Technically since you were disowned at a young age , you don't have to take aristocrat as a class if you don't want to and depending on your girls exact age , you might just be only near middle age.

What do you think ?

This means that for the moment the players are
Jal Dorak : Paladin
Valkyrie : Bard
Memo'ri : Long distance fighter
Hopeless : Rogue

hopeless wrote:
Problem is if "Mother" ran off because she didn't care for the responsibilities perhaps Amrunel would be better off as being her son from an earlier relationship and he was dumped when she left for "greener pastures" except she let everyone think he was her brother since she didn't want people thinking she was that much older!

I'm reluctant to say this, but I'm not so keen on that prospect. Its a bit too.. "Springer". How about like you had before with Amrunel being her brother, but he stays near the family because he likes her youngest daughter, or its a novel thing to see a paladin whose wife left him because he was a paladin, but only after giving him two kids, or something curious about the family that makes him linger.. Heck, this family, as disparate as it seems, might just be good for a laugh or two, which is why he stays.

Or he could be a son from an earlier marriage in which she did the same thing, and word only just now reached where he was about a pair of daughters, so he came to look in on his 'half-sisters'.

*considers robin's proposition* Not bad at all. It nails down the core of the family, gives a plausible reason for his daughters while giving him an option to start as a paladin.. might've been the cause. The "forced marriage" thing might grate enough for him to decide to vacate entirely-- but that's putting words (actions) in the character's mouth. If the younger daughter isn't willing to go through an arranged marriage, the older will support her on that-- guess fops were never her kind of guy.

Its just fitting in the uncle, and the cleric... and the retainer?

Guy , I aggree with you that Taldoran nobles are quite numerous
For me, this is one more reason why they would be stuck on their privileges and would insist on a clear difference beetween them and the rest of the populace

While the idea of the retainer is a good one, the idea of the two uncles seem too forced to me for the moment . Convince me ...

Scarab Sages

Admittedly, I'm growing on the idea of being a middle-aged aristocrat who never amounted to much. I like the backstory proposal about the elf woman, being disowned (hence not gaining more levels as an aristocrat) and not finding time to pursue his dream as a Paladin. I would like to retain his age category.

So, can we assume he is working for Iomedae but that he has not yet attained Knighthood as a Paladin? In other words, call him a paladin with the understanding he will soon enter the class?

I have updated his statblock. Looking over his Aristocrat incarnation, I find it pretty playable.

Question for robin: How much starting wealth do we have?

Sovereign Court

Sounds settled, but for the record, no problem with the eventual Paladin here, as Morindur has matured into a NG position from his chaotic youth.

Sounds like we've got a commitment on Cleric, so I'll settle on Sorceror.

As to the background, Morindur would have been amused at first by his older brother being disowned, but upon finding him living in the village which he was raising his children Morindur would be as helpful as possible. Morindur collect monies by performing minor miracles and lending his newly discovered (and often exaggerated) powers to the service of anyone in need, trusting in reciprocity to keep his coin purse at least partially filled.

Sovereign Court

As you seem to have six players committed now ..I'll step aside for the moment

Emissary, same remarks as for Jal. If you are a normal Taldoran noble , you'd need to be an aristocrat or else find a reason your education has been lacking .

I'll open the discussion thread later today but first information
Money : take the average or roll
HP : Standard rules

Sovereign Court

robin wrote:

Emissary, same remarks as for Jal. If you are a normal Taldoran noble , you'd need to be an aristocrat or else find a reason your education has been lacking .

I'll open the discussion thread later today but first information
Money : take the average or roll
HP : Standard rules

Ah...yeah, makes sense. Okay, how about I also build Morindur as Aristocrat, going into sorceror later.

To show the inclination towards sorceror could I request one non-core feat? 'Spell Hand' from the Complete Arcane which would allow him to Cast Mage Hand, Open/Close, and Tenser’s Floating Disk 1/day as a Spell-Like Ability as a 1st level Sorcerer.

With two people playing NPC classes already, Wellard bringing in an expert wouldn't be too much would it? I'm just trying to think of a way he could play.

robin wrote:

I'll open the discussion thread later today but first information
Money : take the average or roll
HP : Standard rules

I'll have my initial stats up today then. I'll have some background bits too, but I'll keep it loose so it can adapt around everyone else's concepts.

Hopeless was planning on being a rogue, right? I just didn't want to hurt the party with my overspecialization. My concept wound up taking three Perform skills...it just sort of happened. 0_o

"Vivaeri" sounds Taldan and Elven enough, right?

Halsanna Firdraes is halfway finished. Will finish tomorrow after work. I still have to finish out equipment (a starting location would help in that), history, description, and weight.

Sovereign Court

Brief on Morindur to set the ground for his becoming a sorceror, and flesh out his past:

Morindur was a flaky youth, a dreaming child who spend idle hours contemplating the heavens when he should have been at his studies. When pressed by his instructors, he claimed to be speaking with the gods. This lofty idleness gave way, as he matured, to the the pursuit of courtly love. He was at first popular, and then notorious. This was bad enough for his family, but reached it's depths when he pursued his fickle heart into the bed of Nananda Plurien, whose noble house was a bitter rival of Morindur's own. Wonder how Oribar would have viewed this mistake...

Disowned by his father, and soon abandoned by Nananda who would not oppose her family, Morindur turned to gambling to make his way. His phenomenal luck with the cards led him to be accused of cheating - touched by the gods, he would say - and one night he was poisoned, stabbed and left for dead on the streets of Oppara.

He did not die, but had an intense but cryptic vision, and upon awakening found himself able to manipulate magic with gestures and words that seemed to flow intuitively from within him. This is only if the Spell Hand feat is accepatable, if not we'll stick with the vision and his growing understanding of it...

He decided that the gods he spoke to as a child had kept him from passing away for some purpose. Uncertain which of the gods was instrumental in saving his life, he devoted his life to finding the purpose for his life and the power he wields.

Amunrel was born 126 years ago to a pair of especially flighty elven parents whom left him in the care of his older sister who wasn’t that much more responsible than they were.
Growing up he became more responsible so much so that he was compared to his great grandfather who was considered a “bore” and “inflexible” which to them seemed to include most elves, however his parents split apart when he was still an infant and he was left in his sister’s care developing a larcenous interest due to the lack of attention he received.
He however befriended a travelling merchant who chose to apprentice the youth teaching him the merchant trade as it became obvious that his beautiful and vapid older sibling was less than interested in keeping tabs on her younger brother.
Amunrel developed his career as a merchant keeping up the elven ways purely because it helped put people at ease and whilst he kept his rogue skills in good use he found his career as a merchant more fulfilling than the perils of burglary.
He eventually encountered another of his sister’s former lovers who directed him to a Taldane village only to encounter a young half elf whom he discovered was his sister’s daughter something he later revealed to her when he chose to chaperon her on her “escape” from an arranged marriage.
Her father confronted them and after calming him down managed to get the full story about his sister’s latest exploit.
Having been alone since the death of his mentor some twenty years previously Amunrel decided it was time to settle down for a while and looking after his wayward niece might help him get over his own misgivings over his family.

Given both the backgrounds you gave me you can begin as a sorcerer or a paladin now if you want . You don't have to take the aristocrat class ( you can if you want of course)
The aristocrat is the only viable NPC class for adventuring for me . I think of it as a fighter with skills rather than feat
The expert is good but a rogue do the same things better.

For background , we 'll be near the capital of Taldor for the first adventure . I assume most of you come from Taldor given your descriptions with the possible exception of Amunrel

Jal Dorak : Paladin
Valkyrie : Bard
Memo'ri : Long distance combatant
Hopeless : Rogue
Emissary : Sorcerer
Guy : Cleric of ?

Emissary , your feat is quite honest . I even find it a little underpowered :)

The discussion thread is up !

Sovereign Court

robin wrote:

Guy : Cleric of ?

Right now I'm thinking Abadar. I can't say I like a crossbow for a favored weapon though. I'm not even going to use one as a weapon . . . unless of course I can use it as a makeshift club . . .

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