D&D Minis Changes Explained by Scott Rouse

4th Edition

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The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

Charles Evans 25 wrote:
My mother has a doll's house, so I know (from christmas present shopping) that there are hobby shops out there which sell furniture for non-RPG purposes, but I suspect that lego (as Jal suggests) is much cheaper.

I think Charles went out of his way to avoid being accused of playing with doll houses. I'm not buying it. ;-)

Tarren Dei the smurfed wrote:
Charles Evans 25 wrote:
My mother has a doll's house, so I know (from christmas present shopping) that there are hobby shops out there which sell furniture for non-RPG purposes, but I suspect that lego (as Jal suggests) is much cheaper.
I think Charles went out of his way to sell me on the joys of dolls house collecting. I'm buying myself one for Christmas! ;-)

Really? Well that's very bold of you to announce it here*.

*Disclaimer. Such views as have been quoted in this post are in absolutely no way, shape or form, at all taken to be held by the Paizo messageboards poster Tarren Dei. Which of course in no way implies, by Tarren Dei's logic about my going out of the way to avoid things, that in fact he almost certainly does.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

Charles Evans 25 wrote:
Tarren Dei the smurfed wrote:
Charles Evans 25 wrote:
My mother has a doll's house, so I know (from christmas present shopping) that there are hobby shops out there which sell furniture for non-RPG purposes, but I suspect that lego (as Jal suggests) is much cheaper.
I think Charles went out of his way to sell me on the joys of dolls house collecting. I'm buying myself one for Christmas! ;-)

Really? Well that's very bold of you to announce it here*.

*Disclaimer. Such views as have been quoted in this post are in absolutely no way, shape or form, at all taken to be held by the Paizo messageboards poster Tarren Dei. Which of course in no way implies, by Tarren Dei's logic about my going out of the way to avoid things, that in fact he almost certainly does.


Scarab Sages

Charles: That's the first time I've seen the words "LEGO" and "cheap" in the same sentence (without the word "not").

The Exchange

Gene wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
Speaking of miniature alternatives, has anyone seen something that might be used for dungeon dressing (e.g., chests, furniture, boxes, etc.)? Dwarven Forge has a set, but it's out of stock.
If you don't mind making your own out of cardstock, I heartily recommend any of the sets by the folks over at Fat Dragon Games. The quality is great and it's a good deal cheaper than the stuff by Dwarven Forge, easier to replace (or replicate as the case may be) as well.

Along the same lines is WorldWorks Games. They have lines of modern, sci-fi, fantasy, pirate, etc. scenery that is pretty darn awesome. I made [/url=http://www.worldworksgames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=6&products_id=27]THIS[/url] to use as the Blue Nixie in my Savage Tide Game.

Here is some more links to interesting stuff on their site-
Gothic Dungeons.
Outdoorsy stuff.
Pirate Cove.
and some Horror stuff.

The Exchange

Sebastian wrote:
Speaking of miniature alternatives, has anyone seen something that might be used for dungeon dressing (e.g., chests, furniture, boxes, etc.)? Dwarven Forge has a set, but it's out of stock.

A mold from HirstArts/Castlemolds that I use a ton of stuff from. I've cast this mold in plaster (merlin's magic is the type I like) around 40 times and I can outfit a fully stocked warehouse, alehouse, etc...It has treasure chests, crates, barrels, wooden ale kegs, coin piles, sacks of grain, etc.

Good stuff.
He also has a ton of other molds to do anything from creating dungeons, castles, ruins, sci-fi- starwars-ish type of ship layouts, pyramids and egyptian themed dungeons and much more. It's a fun hobby if you have a little time to spare.

Maybe I'll start throwing together some painted sets of stuff and sell them....Hirst allows people to sell stuff they cast from his product as long he gets credit for the mold.

Fake Healer, thanks for that link. Some impressive plans on the site.

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