Pathfinder + Planescape = Win!

General Discussion (Prerelease)

The Exchange

my god, if i could see Pathfinder pick up the 2nd ed ball of Planescape and run with it....greatness

Im planning on running a planescape game using Pathfinder. If some genius out there already has thought of this and crafted a character sheet, let me know. IF not, its a noble pursuit.

I think Paizo could really do the dark yet fun setting of Planescape. Anybody else out there who would like to see this?

I was in apbp game like that it's still going on. much fun

I have no faith in a wotc planescape without it being butchered.


I like Planescape. It got me into D&D.

just a great setting. I have so much planescape stuff

Scarab Sages

I started playing with 3e, but the first supplement beyond the core books that I read was the Manual of the Planes. I remember looking through it in the bookstore and being struck by how awesome it was.

I have since realized how entirely awesomer the 2e Planescape material was.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Sneaksy Dragon wrote:

my god, if i could see Pathfinder pick up the 2nd ed ball of Planescape and run with it....greatness

Im planning on running a planescape game using Pathfinder. If some genius out there already has thought of this and crafted a character sheet, let me know. IF not, its a noble pursuit.

I think Paizo could really do the dark yet fun setting of Planescape. Anybody else out there who would like to see this?

Given that the guy Paizo has writing their planar sourcebook (the already-posted-in-this-thread Todd Stewart) is known elsewhere on the Net as the King of the Crosstrade herself, Shemeska the Marauder, I think we're safely covered on the Planescape front. Short of Paizo being able to buy out the licenses for the 2e settings (anybody got a spare $20 mil or so to loan Lisa and crew?), this is as good as we're gonna get.

Silver Crusade

Sneaksy Dragon wrote:
Anybody else out there who would like to see this?

I would love to see Planescape revived(and kept true to the original themes and feel). Hell, I'd love to just see the material back in print so more people can be exposed to it.

One can dream. (Signers recommend it)

I think there have been some folks working on Pathfinder conversions of their material over at If you're a Planescape fan, it's well worth checking out.

The Exchange

good to know the love for the planes is still out there ^^. Im actually starting up a Pathfinder/Planescape game with a twist of 2nd ed feel. These are some of the things i am thinking of doing.

*Reintroducing original Multiclass: it is like gestalt, but with averaged hitpoints of the two classes, averaged saves, averaged skillpoints and gains XP at a rate inbetween the Slow XP progression and the Medium XP progression (single class will be on the Fast progression) NOTE: you are limited to chosing multiclass options that your race allows (so no Fighter/Barbarians and such)

*removing attacks of opportunity: this is to speed up gameplay and make combat more of a theatrical experience (having attacks of opportunity will probably be a Fighter feat)

*weakening or just allowing some Races to be LA+0. so that people can play all the planescape races at first level, just like 2nd ed.

would you change anything else to make it run with the feel of original planescape?

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Agreed! I really wish Paizo would put out a hardcover campaign book say, once a year, taking one of the 2e settings and updating it to display their talent and reinvention of the classic D&D core concepts. A Planescape book would be great, as would a Spelljammer book, and a Darksun book (set on one of the other planets in the solar system). Golarion should stay Greyhawk-ish, but there's plenty of room in the planes and in space to recast the classic D&D settings.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16

Sneaksy Dragon wrote:

*weakening or just allowing some Races to be LA+0. so that people can play all the planescape races at first level, just like 2nd ed.

would you change anything else to make it run with the feel of original planescape?

With the improvements of the base races in Pathfinder running aasimar, genasi, and tieflings as LA 0 is easy. Hell I've been running them as LA 0 since 3e came out. Immunity to about 8 spells isn't a big deal for the most part considering one of them is a fighter buff (enlarge person).

Thankfully you don't have to do anything mechanical to run a Planescape game. Just read through the orignal boxed set booklet Sigil and Beyond and it has everything you need to run a Planescape game in it. Tone and Feel are paramount to a good PS game. The setting and flavor and description are what sets the Planes as different from the Prime. When running a PS game you have to remember that Belief is just as powerful a motivator as gold or glory. Adventures built for the Planes should revolve around a theme, a core belief that connects it to the setting.

And if yer feeling a little nostalgic for the Planes drop into the World Serpent Inn and have a drink on me!

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