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Well, lets have a look at what the thaumaturge actually is, machanics-wise:
The closest analog is the cleric, given their spell progression, use of domains, and so forth. but, compared to the cleric, they kinda suck (then again, so does everyone ;)
poor BAB and d6 HD, no armor proficiencies (but, no penalty for wearing armor) and simple weapons. A familiar, and some random deformities. Frankly, cleric spells are less good than arcane spells.
However, their spellcasting is Cha based, making them thematicaly similair to sorcerors and warlocks, plus, they dont have slightly divided casting stats (clerics kind of need a decent Cha, thaumaturges dont need a decent Wis). My take: make them semi-skilled, with particular attention to Social skills
So, the changes could be:
4+int skill points/level. Make sure they have all the social skills, plus maybe heal, and even stealth
Domains: as cleric. same with Demon Lord's favored weapon. Not much change needed.
Their Thaumaturge-specific feats could use a little fine-tuning and pumping. also, one thing that has always confused me is the abilities of the Thaumaturges that showed up in pathfinder: Erylium and the Scribbler. where the bloody hells did their instant summons ability come from?
As for their familair, I'd be tempted to give it a serious boost. either give them Improved Familiar as a bonus feat, or make their familiar like a sort of Demonic Animal Companion with familair abilities, with the option of getting true demons the higher you go. at 5th level, you get a dretch, and go up from there. level 10 nets you a succubuss, and you basicaly gain the Planar Cohort of the DMG prestige class.

Golarion Goblin |

I'll post the complete class when I'm done, but here's a little bit of what I've got already.
By focusing the power of his pact back into himself, his demon prince's personal mark appears somewhere on the thaumaturge of his choosing. This acts as an unholy symbol to the thaumaturge's demon prince and must be presented when casting any spells gained through an obedience.
You are treated as being one level higher for all domain abilities (see Patron's Favor below) and a number of times per day equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier, you may increase the caster level of one spell you cast in a round by one, increasing damage and DCs accordingly.
Finally, the agreement that grants the thaumaturge his power also binds his soul to the fate of his chosen patron. Upon death, the thaumaturge's soul travels to the home layer of that demon prince (regardless of whether or not the thaumaturge is himself chaotic evil). Resurrection spells and the like can return the soul to its mortal host, but barring such magics, the thaumaturge then serves forever at the whim of his Abyssal lord. The soul might be consumed or destroyed, or even elevated to a position of respect and power (though always, of course, subservient to the demon prince). However, it is never released for any reason.
Patron's Favor (Su): The thaumaturge must choose a demon prince. Each demon has a number of domains associated with it, and its thaumaturges must choose tow of these domains to focus on. Each domain grants a number of domain powers dependent upon the level of the thaumaturge, as well as a number of bonus spells. A thaumaturge gains both of the listed powers and bonus spells granted by his domains at each of the listed levels.
I'm working on the exact rules for the familiar. I'd like something more akin to a hybrid familiar/animal companion than just the standard familiar. That said, I'm looking at "beefier" creatures for the starting creature, like CR 1/3 to CR 1 for the first group. The black dog, wolf, medium monstrous spider, possibly a dretch, etc. Any thoughts or suggestions?